What we give up for an improved game?

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Hi all.

This question occurred to me leading up to the first Player Summit, where I felt a number of things were addressed and well at that, but alas something I was hoping for (although it's not a personal concern of mine) was not.

That something was bases, and I had heard from reputable rednames that something was going to be done to overhaul the system. And this cheered me initially as I had seen Millenium City's version of housing and rather enjoyed the feeling of immersion I got from them.

So I was disappointed to see no news, but then listened to the explanation of how bases were coded and how it's essentially a house of cards where the slightest change can make things not work for an extensive period (the latest bugs being proof of that). I asked some SG mates around this point if they were to get a totally revamped base system, would they give up what they had built already to achieve it.

The answer was generally 'no'.

Again, not being personally invested (I have no base of my own and don't feel very skilled or talented in that area), I wondered what I'd be willing to part with in the game to have it done better, given the acknowledgements of the game's code and ways of building. These are my personal conclusions.

Costumes: I love making costumes of all sorts and types, and whilst I enjoy a good range of ability in making costumes, I would gladly give up my current ability to use a new skeleton with new anchor points and more layers.

Powers: Given the option to do what I most want in a superhero game (interaction with the environment), I would sacrifice my powersets as designed to accomodate the new. I love the way new powersets are designed and look, and they have a dynamic feeling a lot of the old ones do not. I'm by no means advocating a 'action mmo' style with a gamepad here; what I would advocate is a feeling of interaction.

The environment: Hand in hand with powers. Superhero fights damage their environment. You smash through walls, you break stuff. Even on instanced mission maps, I would take this option and give up pure aesthetics. Paragon Studios proved they can make gorgeous environments without taxing a game system. Maybe they could make more 'real' ones, too. Long have been the days where I've sighed at Mayhem missions and wanted them to exist outside a vacuum.

And bases I more or less covered. Would things like this be too much for people to part with? Or is the comfort zone of the game 'as is' preferable? I open the question to you.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



One of the biggest failings of bases in this game is that they only look cool if you have the talent to get them to look good. I suspect most players do not and I know I don't.

Another is that bases don't serve much of a practical purpose. All game world services need to be available in bases, in addition to bases offering services only available through them.

I look forward to being able to purchase a personal base that looks cool by default, but can be customized if I want and comes in various theme flavors. A base that offers a full set of services making it a place worth buying and spending time in.

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Even with the ability to freely rotate items now (as opposed to the previous increments of 90 degrees only), bases could still use a lot of work. One of the things I'd love to see is the requirements for the medical room items to come down sharply. (Yes, I know that they were once required vastly more healing by SG members then they do now, but it's still ridiculous.)

I'd like to see more pre-fabbed items for bases as well, so we don't have to spend inordinate amounts of time (and hundreds of items) creating second floors, staircases, and thin walls (well, thinner then just filling in an entire base square). Mind you, the second floor thing could be handled by making the linoleum tile visible from underneath.

I'm somewhat against the idea of adding the ability to damage the environment. Considering the large numbers of players in some zones, you'd end up with Atlas Park or Mercy Island burned to the ground. Repeatedly. I mean, if it was specifically limited to instances, sure, that would be fine. We already have a limited version of that in villain bank missions.



Let us put NPCs in our base. Let us design them ourselves.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Let us put NPCs in our base. Let us design them ourselves.
Man, I'd love having a few scientists 'monitoring' my base's (completely ornamental) steampunk reactor.



For RP I think it would be cool if you could link a base to an entrance out in the world, like a building in Steel Canyon. Or for SGs who RP as communities, you could link your base to the entrance of some apartment buildings in Atlas Park or Faultline. Maybe your underground themed base could be linked to a manhole or cave entrance. I've had this idea since my first week playing, hope I'm not the only one.

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Powers: Given the option to do what I most want in a superhero game (interaction with the environment), I would sacrifice my powersets as designed to accomodate the new. I love the way new powersets are designed and look, and they have a dynamic feeling a lot of the old ones do not. I'm by no means advocating a 'action mmo' style with a gamepad here; what I would advocate is a feeling of interaction.
Many times i've felt that if the older powersets like Archery/Storm//Energy blast would be so much more better [visually also] if they were designed now instead of all those years ago.

I personally would love it if they did a Energy Blast v2 as an alternative powerset without removing the original one.

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Thanks for the responses, folks....those suggestions are cool, but I was wondering what you'd sacrifice that we have now to get something better. It seems as far as powers are concerned, people would happily give up the older ones for a 2.0 of the same set?

With that in mind, would you let the old base system go completely for better features?


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
With that in mind, would you let the old base system go completely for better features?
My only concern would be what happens to all the stuff I have in my storage bins. Even if they implemented an SG-wide /enhancement_bin, /salvage_bin and /inspiration_bin like the current /vault, I doubt they would let them have the capacities I'll need to transfer over my entire hoards. For example, all my well developed personal Bases have at least 8 enhancement storage bins, all of which are 70-95% full. So, I'll need to have 800+ items capacity.

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I'd be happy if they did absolutely anything to bases except for further destroy them.

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Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
My only concern would be what happens to all the stuff I have in my storage bins. Even if they implemented an SG-wide /enhancement_bin, /salvage_bin and /inspiration_bin like the current /vault, I doubt they would let them have the capacities I'll need to transfer over my entire hoards. For example, all my well developed personal Bases have at least 8 enhancement storage bins, all of which are 70-95% full. So, I'll need to have 800+ items capacity.
This would be my concern as well.

I built the bases before, I could build them again. But the salvage (including some old Base Salvage no longer available) and enhancements and inspirations (yes, I have very old Insps saved up just because) would be very difficult (if not impossible) to recreate at this point in the game.

Give me a foolproof way to pull all of that stuff out of my bases, and they could burn to the ground to arise from the ashes.

And I would probably have a good time rebuilding them at that! I rarely tweak my bases now, so all the "fun" of base-building is no longer there. Having to rebuild might make bases fun again....

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Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Thanks for the responses, folks....those suggestions are cool, but I was wondering what you'd sacrifice that we have now to get something better. It seems as far as powers are concerned, people would happily give up the older ones for a 2.0 of the same set?

With that in mind, would you let the old base system go completely for better features?

As fond as I am of my Elysion base, I would give it up for a better design system. But then, I don't have vast amounts of time invested in complex stacking with it... It's a relatively simple design that I know I could re-create. That probably colors my response.

I'm nt sure I'd be willing to give up any of my characters themselves just to get revamped versions of their powersets, and as for completely dumping their old costumes to re-build the character creator... I'm not sure about that, either. I'd hate to lose some of the "legacy" costumes a few of my crew wear. (The wings+wedding tails-coat combination in particular... Which I know any new system wouldn't give us back. )

@Brightfires - @Talisander
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Oh wow, if there were NPC's in bases that would open up the opportunity for all sorts of cool stuff. For example I'd enjoy seeing younger, less experienced hero/villain characters that just hung around in the base and made coffee for everyone, complained about "the system," and saluted me as I went past or something, to add to the flavor of the base and whatnot. And if they occasionally walked around and did emotes and stuff that'd be great.

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Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Thanks for the responses, folks....those suggestions are cool, but I was wondering what you'd sacrifice that we have now to get something better. It seems as far as powers are concerned, people would happily give up the older ones for a 2.0 of the same set?

With that in mind, would you let the old base system go completely for better features?

Absolutely not. I have put far, far too much time into my bases to be willing to give them up. For me this would be too much. It would be enough to send me to another game.

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Compared to some of the other upgrades I don't think anything needs to be given up to improve the curent base system.

Bases don’t need to be destroyed for a better system to be added. Simply develop a system for making a feature that we will call Headquarters (HQ). HQs could have features such as Individual footlockers, NPCs that can speak dialoge, a single zonetransport unit that lets you select all zones, Group storage areas, Full health Med Bays, Danger rooms(SG A.E.) and so forth. Once developed add portals to the HQ from zones in the game. (Maybe use doorways that currently don’t have mission access or use the SG base pillars.) Now add this new system to the SG group options so an SG can have both a BASE and a HQ.

By doing this there is no need to destroy the beautiful bases already built, It allows for those who don’t like change to gradually use the new system or to never use it, as well as allows loot to be ported from the bases to the new HQ by the players and be sorted the way they want. And it is a system that does not need to have any code from the current "Base system" to be accessed or touched so the "house of cards" remains intact.

If the HQs system is well done then most SG’s will gradually stop using bases and instead use HQs yet the old bases will still be around for Artistic and Historical reasons.



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
Absolutely not. I have put far, far too much time into my bases to be willing to give them up. For me this would be too much. It would be enough to send me to another game.
Question not just for you, but for others that feel this way - I myself have a couple of bases that I wouldn't want to see destroyed, but I think I'd be okay with the following alternative. Do you think this would be acceptable?:

- Brand new shiny base editor that can do all the great things we've wanted for years replaces the old system.
- Once the new system is live, no new bases can be created with the legacy system.
- Keep the legacy bases, with the ability to modify them using the legacy tools - and the understanding that no new features will be added to the legacy base editor (bug fixes will still be done).
- Allow base editors who have built bases under the legacy system to delete those bases and replace them with bases designed with the new system. Once the legacy base is deleted, though, there is no going back to it. (as mentioned above we would need a way to easily and reliably transport stored items from legacy base to new base)

What's interesting to me is that now that I have typed all that up and read it back, I realize that given that system, I am almost certain that I would voluntarily tear down my old base and rebuild it.

I know that not everyone will feel this way, but I'm interested to hear if anyone would be opposed to a solution like this, keeping in mind that without a new base editor we are unlikely to see any significant improvements at all.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
Question not just for you, but for others that feel this way - I myself have a couple of bases that I wouldn't want to see destroyed, but I think I'd be okay with the following alternative. Do you think this would be acceptable?:

- Brand new shiny base editor that can do all the great things we've wanted for years replaces the old system.
- Once the new system is live, no new bases can be created with the legacy system.
- Keep the legacy bases, with the ability to modify them using the legacy tools - and the understanding that no new features will be added to the legacy base editor (bug fixes will still be done).
- Allow base editors who have built bases under the legacy system to delete those bases and replace them with bases designed with the new system. Once the legacy base is deleted, though, there is no going back to it. (as mentioned above we would need a way to easily and reliably transport stored items from legacy base to new base)

What's interesting to me is that now that I have typed all that up and read it back, I realize that given that system, I am almost certain that I would voluntarily tear down my old base and rebuild it.

I know that not everyone will feel this way, but I'm interested to hear if anyone would be opposed to a solution like this, keeping in mind that without a new base editor we are unlikely to see any significant improvements at all.
It (slightly) sounds like the issues with costumes - people have old parts/old bugged parts still on their character. They can still use it, usually, but can't ever edit that costume.

I'm not sure they'd keep "Editor 1.0" and "Editor 2.0" around for those who don't want to rebuild. Especially if they add some new features/items for use in bases (heh... yeah, sure.)

The storage transportation is probably the biggest hurdle - but don't forget other items are created and (to me, at least) can be irritating to have to re-create (and dig up the appropriate salvage, etc.)

Originally Posted by superoz
. It seems as far as powers are concerned, people would happily give up the older ones for a 2.0 of the same set?

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Originally Posted by Stormbird View Post
It (slightly) sounds like the issues with costumes - people have old parts/old bugged parts still on their character. They can still use it, usually, but can't ever edit that costume.

I'm not sure they'd keep "Editor 1.0" and "Editor 2.0" around for those who don't want to rebuild. Especially if they add some new features/items for use in bases (heh... yeah, sure.)
I don't know if they would or wouldn't - but it seems like they would almost have to keep the legacy bases alive in some capacity - even if they made them uneditable - in order to avoid hurting player relations too much. This assumes that they don't come to the conclusion that it's just not worth it and they don't do a new system at all. Which is not safe to assume, but it's pointless to even bother discussing, otherwise.

The storage transportation is probably the biggest hurdle - but don't forget other items are created and (to me, at least) can be irritating to have to re-create (and dig up the appropriate salvage, etc.)
I thought about that, but it's possible that under the new system you wouldn't need to rebuild those from salvage - because let's face it, the idea of building base items out of salvage is a crap idea, anyway.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



I have absolutely no problems losing data, as long as I have the options with which to recreate that data after changes have been implemented. In other words, if I have to lose my entire base in order for the system to be streamlined, made more functional, and improved overall, so be it. But I would expect to have the same amount of gross prestige available (perhaps even a bonus since rebuilding would take time), as well as all of the existing item options and perhaps more.

Similarly, as you (Oz) said about the costume creator: I would be annoyed by having all my costumes reset on me. But if it meant improving the system for moving forward (layers, asymmetry, more anchors, fingers, etc.), and all of the current costume parts were going to be available at (or within a couple weeks) of launch, I could stomach it.

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Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
I have absolutely no problems losing data, as long as I have the options with which to recreate that data after changes have been implemented. In other words, if I have to lose my entire base in order for the system to be streamlined, made more functional, and improved overall, so be it. But I would expect to have the same amount of gross prestige available (perhaps even a bonus since rebuilding would take time), as well as all of the existing item options and perhaps more.

Similarly, as you (Oz) said about the costume creator: I would be annoyed by having all my costumes reset on me. But if it meant improving the system for moving forward (layers, asymmetry, more anchors, fingers, etc.), and all of the current costume parts were going to be available at (or within a couple weeks) of launch, I could stomach it.

That’s why I suggest a dual base system. The Original Base system remains for those who want to keep their base. HQs can be built with the same functionality of the Original Bases as well as new features, but possibly with different design and looks so as to allow for simpler coding and more details and options.

This way they don't need to try to incorporate every hacked worked around detail used in old bases into the new system ("Hey there water doesn't give the same effect as the slow field I was using, I want that effect added!")

This would allow them to not worry about transferring inspirations, salvage, etc to the new base. The players can do it if they choose to get a new HQ.

By adding HQs along side Bases instead of redoing the Base system you eliminate complaints that X has been removed from the game. The most that can be complained about is that HQ's don't have X which is easily responded to with "X could not be added to HQs because they use a different code/methods then Bases. You can still do X in the Bases."

A side benefit is that if the HQ system has any big undiscovered bugs, the players still have there bases to use and you avoid POing every player. If you try to change Bases to Bases 2.0 you risk an issue such as "What do you mean players don't have access to bases for 3 weeks because all weapons have AV level attacks at 50+4, and the transporters have a 20% chance of putting a player into the UG trial." or "What do you mean all SGs storage bins have had the access set to 0 and even visitors can access them."