Can we get titan weapons for stalkers please




All I want to do is be able to sneak up on someone and beat them to death with a railway sign is this too much to ask? I demand we get power proliferation and if my demands are not met I will mumble about it being unfair on an internet forum!



Once the demands for Carp Melee have been satisfied I am most definitely sure the Devs will move onto this.



I can't remember where it was posted but the devs just recently announced stalkers will be geting TWs and also mentioned that they were a little surprised at the outrage over stalkers not getting access to it... which is funny because all of TW screenshots posted hinted that stalkers -were- getting it.

With all of that killer AE goodness (T9 arc of destruction!), follow through and the new Assassin's Focus changes coming up I se it being a monster of a set for stalkers.

Edit: found the link ->

"They're looking into porting Titan Weapons to stalkers down the line, as it would need new animations. They were surprised by the disappointment regarding it not being on stalkers."



Originally Posted by Person34 View Post
"They're looking into porting Titan Weapons to stalkers down the line, as it would need new animations. They were surprised by the disappointment regarding it not being on stalkers."
Translation: They thought that everyone had given up on the AT when Scrappers became available redside and were hoping to sneak it through with nobody noticing.

I probably won't bother with the set, but on the off chance that I do decide to get it later I went ahead and got the 0-point weapon pack. Arguments about how it's not thematic are pretty irrelevant given that you have both a primary and secondary that use electricity. Glow-in-the-dark Stalkers probably aren't a thematic fit, either, and Lightning Rod isn't exactly subtle.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



I just want my TW/Ninj. Won't be purchasing the set until I can roll it.

The Only Token Black Guy

Originally Posted by Murdok View Post
Your mom's real name is Castle.



When TW/NIN becomes an option, I will be making a new Stalker, and rerolling my current TW/EA!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Person34 View Post

"They're looking into porting Titan Weapons to stalkers down the line, as it would need new animations. They were surprised by the disappointment regarding it not being on stalkers."
They were SURPRISED??? LOL I am sorry that there are people like me who mostly only play Stalker for melee gameplay.

So does it mean if we don't make a noise about it, they can just forget about Stalkers... as usual?

Stalker is such a step-child.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
They were SURPRISED??? LOL I am sorry that there are people like me who mostly only play Stalker for melee gameplay.

So does it mean if we don't make a noise about it, they can just forget about Stalkers... as usual?

Stalker is such a step-child.
I think they were suprised by it more due to people's opinion that Titan Weapons doesn't fit the "theme/concept" of Stalkers.

But I guess they never thought someone's stalker became invisible through the use of alien tech, that allows them to stay hidden even with a raidroad sign, or a large axe or a HUGE FRIKKIN SWORD!

Really, I have no idea what they were thinking!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Easy enough explanation for Stalkers using supergiant weapons...same technology/magic that lets Gravity Trollers/Doms pull forklifts from "someplace" and throw them at people.


Please hurry with the TW port for stalkers...kthx.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I think they were suprised by it more due to people's opinion that Titan Weapons doesn't fit the "theme/concept" of Stalkers.

But I guess they never thought someone's stalker became invisible through the use of alien tech, that allows them to stay hidden even with a raidroad sign, or a large axe or a HUGE FRIKKIN SWORD!

Really, I have no idea what they were thinking!
I am just surprised that they are surprised. They made a whole new set and excludes one of the four melee ATs on purpose and they are surprised that Stalker fans are pissed? And the only explanation they had at that time is due to "theme restriction"?

If most of their income is coming from Paragon store, they should not care what theme matters. Let the players buy and decide what theme fits. :P I certainly will buy the set just because I like trying something new and the mechanism sounds quite fitting (heavy hit and then faster hits and the set is aoe-heavy!!!).

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I dunno, guys... I've played around w/ TW for Tankers, and I feel a port to Stalkers, w/ all its KDs and AoE, will a little game-breaking.

I mean this in the sense that once it is ported, you will see nothing but TW/Nin (like some have already said in this very thread), kinda like what Elec/Shield did to Scrappers (to a lesser extent after the nerf/fix).

I dunno, we'll see... basically, as is, TW fixes everything wrong w/ Stalkers, as long as you stick to that powerset: we'll see what they do w/ the port



Originally Posted by Zeh_Masteh View Post
I dunno, guys... I've played around w/ TW for Tankers, and I feel a port to Stalkers, w/ all its KDs and AoE, will a little game-breaking.

I mean this in the sense that once it is ported, you will see nothing but TW/Nin (like some have already said in this very thread), kinda like what Elec/Shield did to Scrappers (to a lesser extent after the nerf/fix).

I dunno, we'll see... basically, as is, TW fixes everything wrong w/ Stalkers, as long as you stick to that powerset: we'll see what they do w/ the port
Let folks have /nin, I'll be making a TW/Ice and yes it will be massively gamebreaking. Hell, Ice by itself is a gamebreaker for stalkers (+end/+def clickie, +400 hp clickie coming soon, -rech/-dmg aura and it's killer T9) so I look forward to seeing what TW brings to the table.



Originally Posted by Zeh_Masteh View Post
I dunno, guys... I've played around w/ TW for Tankers, and I feel a port to Stalkers, w/ all its KDs and AoE, will a little game-breaking.

I mean this in the sense that once it is ported, you will see nothing but TW/Nin (like some have already said in this very thread), kinda like what Elec/Shield did to Scrappers (to a lesser extent after the nerf/fix).

I dunno, we'll see... basically, as is, TW fixes everything wrong w/ Stalkers, as long as you stick to that powerset: we'll see what they do w/ the port
And now you dont see those ELM/SH Scrappers as much.

Or like how I know I don't see Fire/Kins as much.

I liked the idea of TW/NIN before the announced changes to Stalker in i22, which you're right makes it seem like it would be even more awesome!

I say, so what!? It's been mentioned before, and it'll continue to be this way, there's combos within ATs that are the best and ones that are considered bottom of the barrel. So it's okay that this combo MAY (we really have no idea yet) be a top combo.

Not to sure myself. Ninja is awesome in that I like it's mechanics (Positional Defense and Regenny feel with the self heal) as it fits my concept (untill the devs make my suggested Temporal Armor *hint devs hint*), but WP imo seems tougher.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Titan Weapons for a stalker is kind of like an assassin backstabbing someone with a ballista

(Go to 3:31 here to see footage!)

Basically, it would be totally epic!

PS: The Gamers is where I got the footage from.



Butthurt feelings aside, Stalker TW could be really fun. My biggest hang up with Stalkers in general is that they lack a lot of AOE's. Now, I'm sure the Devs will still try to remove as much AOE as possible, but I don't see them getting all of it.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Butthurt feelings aside, Stalker TW could be really fun. My biggest hang up with Stalkers in general is that they lack a lot of AOE's. Now, I'm sure the Devs will still try to remove as much AOE as possible, but I don't see them getting all of it.
It would be a top set anyway, I'd guess they'd remove the middle cone if it is/were ported.

That'd leave the set with a footstomp clone which I wouldn't think would be removed because it's one of the moves that are usable only within momentum. That wouldn't be balanced with other Stalker primaries but well they've never been anyway, like KM with the 100% AoE crit, ELM with all the good moves, MA with too many ST attacks and the like.



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
It would be a top set anyway, I'd guess they'd remove the middle cone if it is/were ported.

That'd leave the set with a footstomp clone which I wouldn't think would be removed because it's one of the moves that are usable only within momentum. That wouldn't be balanced with other Stalker primaries but well they've never been anyway, like KM with the 100% AoE crit, ELM with all the good moves, MA with too many ST attacks and the like.
Lolz, Balance for Stalkers.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by Zeh_Masteh View Post
I dunno, guys... I've played around w/ TW for Tankers, and I feel a port to Stalkers, w/ all its KDs and AoE, will a little game-breaking.
Game-breaking and Stalker do not belong in the sentence dude. You obviously haven't played this game much.

There are way more overpowering set combinations than Stalker with a giant axe.

I haven't tried TW (don't intend to unless it's available for Stalker) but whatever aoe it has, it is still melee aoe.

And don't forget they need to take at least one power out of Titan so the Stalker version will be a "watered down" version again. You are worrying too much!

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



They gave us Broadsword so...yeah why are they shocked about us wanting TW again :P.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post

And don't forget they need to take at least one power out of Titan so the Stalker version will be a "watered down" version again. You are worrying too much!

I don't see why Shatter Armor couldn't become AS.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
I don't see why Shatter Armor couldn't become AS.
'Cause it sucks enough that Street Justice lost it's -Res power in the port to Stalker-dom. ^_^

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by Errant View Post
'Cause it sucks enough that Street Justice lost it's -Res power in the port to Stalker-dom. ^_^
Didn't realize Shatter Armor had -res on it. The reason i suggested Shatter Armor though is because that's a non momentum,non AoE attack. So swapping Shatter Armor for As would result in no loss of AoE.

If it's got -res though I'll have to think this over again.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Game-breaking and Stalker do not belong in the sentence dude. You obviously haven't played this game much.

There are way more overpowering set combinations than Stalker with a giant axe.

I haven't tried TW (don't intend to unless it's available for Stalker) but whatever aoe it has, it is still melee aoe.

And don't forget they need to take at least one power out of Titan so the Stalker version will be a "watered down" version again. You are worrying too much!
I find it so funny when people say some power would be gamebreaking for Stalkers and yet they never ever mention 'Oh I saw this OPed Stalker who decimated everything on my team'. While you probably saw an OP something of almost every other AT.

Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
I don't see why Shatter Armor couldn't become AS.
Although it has an AS-like animation, I doubt they'd remove the ST hard hitter of the set for AS, it'd be like removing Eviscerate, or Midnight Grasp, or ET/TF (well EM has two heavy hitters), I bet it'd be the middle cone (since the first is a +def power and the other is the tier 9).

There are already people saying the middle cone, while very good, is skippable on a top build (or the +def one if you have a def set but they wouldn't take out the tier 1 anyways).



Looking the set over I see a possibilities

Rend Armor(as I mentioned above)
Titan Sweep(as Kioshi mentioned)

then we get speculative(and with the AS change in mind)

if Build Momentum becomes normal Build Up, AS can become a builder.

Follow Through would be the only candidate I could see without giving up any AoE.

Otherwise Whirling Smash seems like an option.

Seems like Follow Through or Rend Armor are the best bets though.

I don't see how Titan Sweep could be replaced considering it's the level 2 power and the other powers seem inappropriate for that level.