Can we get titan weapons for stalkers please




Good points, I'd speculate that they wouldn't take out FT or WS because they're part of the set's gimmick (only usable within momentum).

Rend Armor I still think they'd keep because it's the most damaging ST attack, in fact the only extreme ST move in TW.

So it may get a bit more complicated like changing the power order a bit (FT as the tier 3 so you'd have 3 attacks till AS like other sets), they'd have to change the order anyway to put AS at level 6, like we get Parry/DA/Thunderstrike/Siphon Life/Cobra Strike only at 18 instead of 8, Scrappers usually get some AoE at 18 that we don't.

I'd be okay with losing Titan Sweep and keeping the Footstomp clone (WS)

Anyway just wild speculation, I don't even believe Stalkers will get TW - the devs were 'surprised' with the negative reaction from stalker players not getting it after all.



The trolls are out to get us stalkers!



I hope i22 will be awesome for Staslkers, but we're used to getting trolled!

- Pre-inherent stamina: hey guys you're gonna have the tightest builds possible to fit in Hide, AS and Placate
- Hai here goes ice armor just for you but you still keep the low hp cap that makes Hoarfrost sucky lol
- Game creator: Stalkers are 10/10 damage like blasters honest trololol

That's what happened to Stalkers:



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
I hope i22 will be awesome for Staslkers, but we're used to getting trolled!
I think another bigger problem is that whatever they change for Stalker pve, they have to worry about pvp as well since Stalker is so popular in pvp.

Patron snipe having 7.3s casting time is 100% pvp reason. I can't imagine why a snipe needs 7.3 casting time in pve. It's ridiculously stupid IMO.

So you can say Stalker getting trolled is because of pathetic pvp. Speaking about PvP, I have no problem playing PvP in other games (like Rift ) but I just can't get into this game's pvp. I don't know why. I don't like the system. I hate the "hit and run" strategy. If you can't kill the person in 10s, then you'll be chasing him for hours. And because most fights end so fast (unless you are fighting a high lvl Tanker), there's really no strategies involved. You either burst damage him to death asap or the fight ends up in a chasing game. ugh..I can't get into this game's pvp. I am sorry. I know they've tried to make it better but for a causal pvper like me, I hate it.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I think another bigger problem is that whatever they change for Stalker pve, they have to worry about pvp as well since Stalker is so popular in pvp.

Patron snipe having 7.3s casting time is 100% pvp reason. I can't imagine why a snipe needs 7.3 casting time in pve. It's ridiculously stupid IMO.

So you can say Stalker getting trolled is because of pathetic pvp. Speaking about PvP, I have no problem playing PvP in other games (like Rift ) but I just can't get into this game's pvp. I don't know why. I don't like the system. I hate the "hit and run" strategy. If you can't kill the person in 10s, then you'll be chasing him for hours. And because most fights end so fast (unless you are fighting a high lvl Tanker), there's really no strategies involved. You either burst damage him to death asap or the fight ends up in a chasing game. ugh..I can't get into this game's pvp. I am sorry. I know they've tried to make it better but for a causal pvper like me, I hate it.
You know I found casual PVPing till i12 quite fun. If you check the PVP Forums where the 'serious guys' are, Stalkers are a joke, and afaik till i12 they were useful in high end pvp for setting up spikes on targets who were held or slowed or whatever by some other team mate.

Even in my casual pvping I had way more fun with my ice/psi dom than ganking people who didn't know how to move with my Stalker. I found it fun, the variety of builds, like the TA/A Defender who gave my dom hell but couldn't kill me and when I attacked him, he ran behind his BS/SR friend who I couldn't hit unless I popped a ton of yellows (because ice/psi has no attacks like mind, non-positional). So it was more fun and varied, dare I say even more casual in the zones, there were blasters of all kinds, different tankers and brutes... Now there are all kinds of weird stuff in there like scrapper CS (from KM) doing more damage than any AS while Stalker, Tanker and Brute CS do similar damage to the pve versions, kinda expected due to the cast time. Not only PvP got less varied, it has unexplained bugs like scrapper CS and Tanker Fossilize doing bootloads of damage (I don't know if it has been fixed but also, on psi blasters, and only blasters, the placate proc in will dom was firing 100% of the time - I know it lasted over a year)



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
- Game creator: Stalkers are 10/10 damage like blasters honest trololol
When I saw the new opening on Beta and it said Stalkers deal 10/10 on damage I said out loud by accident Bull****!



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
You know I found casual PVPing till i12 quite fun. If you check the PVP Forums where the 'serious guys' are, Stalkers are a joke, and afaik till i12 they were useful in high end pvp for setting up spikes on targets who were held or slowed or whatever by some other team mate.

Even in my casual pvping I had way more fun with my ice/psi dom than ganking people who didn't know how to move with my Stalker. I found it fun, the variety of builds, like the TA/A Defender who gave my dom hell but couldn't kill me and when I attacked him, he ran behind his BS/SR friend who I couldn't hit unless I popped a ton of yellows (because ice/psi has no attacks like mind, non-positional). So it was more fun and varied, dare I say even more casual in the zones, there were blasters of all kinds, different tankers and brutes... Now there are all kinds of weird stuff in there like scrapper CS (from KM) doing more damage than any AS while Stalker, Tanker and Brute CS do similar damage to the pve versions, kinda expected due to the cast time. Not only PvP got less varied, it has unexplained bugs like scrapper CS and Tanker Fossilize doing bootloads of damage (I don't know if it has been fixed but also, on psi blasters, and only blasters, the placate proc in will dom was firing 100% of the time - I know it lasted over a year)
Do you still pvp with your Dom? Control powers last like 3-4s now. How do you survive the spike damage?

I know I took my Fortunata once to RV after all the pvp changes. Oh, I did not like her at all. My damage was pathetically low and Tankers could literally kill me just by throwing rocks. T_T Hurl has good damage in pvp due to longer animation time. And I couldn't stack enough holds on Tanker at all.

You made a good point on high level Stalker pvp. I've done a few SG raids and matches and I never find Stalker that scary if you know Stalker is there. I find a buffed Blaster the most scary thing but now with the new pvp change, a high level Tanker is so hard to kill and he can throw rocks or sharks at you until you are dead.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Errant View Post
'Cause it sucks enough that Street Justice lost it's -Res power in the port to Stalker-dom. ^_^
They got rid of the second weakest attack int he set. That itself itsn't bad. StJ didnt lose it's AOE (which would of gotten more complaints).

What sucks is they didnt give Rib Cracker's animation as an alternate animation for Shin Breaker. Rib Cracker just looks better!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
Looking the set over I see a possibilities

Rend Armor(as I mentioned above)
Titan Sweep(as Kioshi mentioned)

then we get speculative(and with the AS change in mind)

if Build Momentum becomes normal Build Up, AS can become a builder.

Follow Through would be the only candidate I could see without giving up any AoE.

Otherwise Whirling Smash seems like an option.

Seems like Follow Through or Rend Armor are the best bets though.

I don't see how Titan Sweep could be replaced considering it's the level 2 power and the other powers seem inappropriate for that level.
I'd make Rend Armor the new Assassin Strike, as the animations are already there for it.

Basically it'd be a Build Momentum attack like it is now, only it'd have AS level damage.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



You can't sneak up on someone with a giant weapon man, it does not make sense for Stalker. Stalker most be light on there feet, like a Ninja, they most carry light weight weapons or use there fist and come on you can't have everything, stop being so Spoil.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



On topic... non-Momentum Rend Armor is exactly what the TW AS would look like imo (great animation) but I doubt they'd ever remove the big ST hitter in a theoretical Stalker port (I know I already said it). In fact I think it's the last move they'd remove.

Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Do you still pvp with your Dom? Control powers last like 3-4s now. How do you survive the spike damage?

I know I took my Fortunata once to RV after all the pvp changes. Oh, I did not like her at all. My damage was pathetically low and Tankers could literally kill me just by throwing rocks. T_T Hurl has good damage in pvp due to longer animation time. And I couldn't stack enough holds on Tanker at all.

You made a good point on high level Stalker pvp. I've done a few SG raids and matches and I never find Stalker that scary if you know Stalker is there. I find a buffed Blaster the most scary thing but now with the new pvp change, a high level Tanker is so hard to kill and he can throw rocks or sharks at you until you are dead.
Oh no, after i13 the dom that I had spent so much (she's all purpled out) lost her permadom status, and one of her main tools (slows) became useless (ever got hit by Shiver till i12? Your powers turned into little pixels like the vahziloks do in the sewers to our lowbies lol). So no permadom due to DR, holds lasting little, I gave up because I was still learning and getting into some 8v8s but after i13... meh.

Stalkers weren't dangerous for me even on Siren's but I can see the reason so many people complain about them, because before you learn you have to move, you get ganked a lot. Boo hoo now they trow sharks which do close to AS damage lol. And Tanker Fossilize does more damage than KO Blow



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Stalkers weren't dangerous for me even on Siren's but I can see the reason so many people complain about them, because before you learn you have to move, you get ganked a lot. Boo hoo now they trow sharks which do close to AS damage lol. And Tanker Fossilize does more damage than KO Blow
So they certainly made melee a whole lot more dangerous in pvp while nerfing control-based ATs to the ground. How does Controller do damage in pvp with control duration so short? Oh well..who cares. I don't even like controllers.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
So they certainly made melee a whole lot more dangerous in pvp while nerfing control-based ATs to the ground. How does Controller do damage in pvp with control duration so short? Oh well..who cares. I don't even like controllers.
According to this thread they're useful in team PvP for disruption, especially lolGravity but I knew Gravity was good in PvP teams even before i13 despite being crap in PvE.

I remember that in teams, when I was with my Mind/Emp (casual arena since I was learning) I spent half the time caged, people loved caging Emps



Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
800 pound swords are stealthy.
Far stealthier than a crackling electrical light show, anyway.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
I find it so funny when people say some power would be gamebreaking for Stalkers and yet they never ever mention 'Oh I saw this OPed Stalker who decimated everything on my team'. While you probably saw an OP something of almost every other AT.

Although it has an AS-like animation, I doubt they'd remove the ST hard hitter of the set for AS, it'd be like removing Eviscerate, or Midnight Grasp, or ET/TF (well EM has two heavy hitters), I bet it'd be the middle cone (since the first is a +def power and the other is the tier 9).

There are already people saying the middle cone, while very good, is skippable on a top build (or the +def one if you have a def set but they wouldn't take out the tier 1 anyways).
Due to the upcoming stalker changes they might end up doing this, it really kind of depends though. Can someone who has access to the set list the attacks for the scrapper version. I will say this it will be second set they did not gut if they manage to keep all the aoe.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I think another bigger problem is that whatever they change for Stalker pve, they have to worry about pvp as well since Stalker is so popular in pvp.

Patron snipe having 7.3s casting time is 100% pvp reason. I can't imagine why a snipe needs 7.3 casting time in pve. It's ridiculously stupid IMO.

So you can say Stalker getting trolled is because of pathetic pvp. Speaking about PvP, I have no problem playing PvP in other games (like Rift ) but I just can't get into this game's pvp. I don't know why. I don't like the system. I hate the "hit and run" strategy. If you can't kill the person in 10s, then you'll be chasing him for hours. And because most fights end so fast (unless you are fighting a high lvl Tanker), there's really no strategies involved. You either burst damage him to death asap or the fight ends up in a chasing game. ugh..I can't get into this game's pvp. I am sorry. I know they've tried to make it better but for a causal pvper like me, I hate it.
Lol pvp. Please think again. PvP is dead in this game. For the longest stalkers were held back because of it but since the gutting of pvp all thats changed. I do not think there will be anything to worry about in pvp. Again lol pvp.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Due to the upcoming stalker changes they might end up doing this, it really kind of depends though. Can someone who has access to the set list the attacks for the scrapper version. I will say this it will be second set they did not gut if they manage to keep all the aoe.
It's on City of Data here.

Powers are:
Defensive Sweep
Crushing Blow
Titan Sweep
Follow Through
Build Momentum
Rend Armor
Whirling Smash
Arc of Destruction

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Due to the upcoming stalker changes they might end up doing this, it really kind of depends though. Can someone who has access to the set list the attacks for the scrapper version. I will say this it will be second set they did not gut if they manage to keep all the aoe.
It's due to the changes that I don't see why they don't just turn Rend Armor into the Assassin Strike, since it can still be used as a (suppossedly) awesome ST attack in I22.

Also, they need to make TW's Placate animation like Taunt, except with a hand wave (keep the weapon slung over the shoulder!)

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Also, they need to make TW's Placate animation like Taunt, except with a hand wave (keep the weapon slung over the shoulder!)
Too bad they probably wouldn't consider getting away from the handwave altogether. The attacks of Titan Weapons stir up dust already, it'd be cool to have a fling-dust-in-their-face animation.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Not giving Stalkers TW for theumatic reasons lol because this game is so serious and logical... Rrrrright. Anyway, it's not the first time. Why didn't Ice Melee get ported to Stalkers with IA? Why don't brutes have IA? Because of Fury generation?

However, they have Dark Armor which has a stun aura, EA with a stealth, and primary powers that either keep mobs stunned (Stone) or kd (FS) and yet they generate Fury just fine. I never understand the devs logic. Could they just come out and tell us the REAL reason instead of hiding behind ******** lies? Just say it's difficult to port for whatever the real reason is.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Too bad they probably wouldn't consider getting away from the handwave altogether. The attacks of Titan Weapons stir up dust already, it'd be cool to have a fling-dust-in-their-face animation.
But, the sword over the shoulder WHILE you hand wave...would be great

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Bloodyfreak View Post
Not giving Stalkers TW for theumatic reasons lol because this game is so serious and logical... Rrrrright. Anyway, it's not the first time. Why didn't Ice Melee get ported to Stalkers with IA? Why don't brutes have IA? Because of Fury generation?

However, they have Dark Armor which has a stun aura, EA with a stealth, and primary powers that either keep mobs stunned (Stone) or kd (FS) and yet they generate Fury just fine. I never understand the devs logic. Could they just come out and tell us the REAL reason instead of hiding behind ******** lies? Just say it's difficult to port for whatever the real reason is.
Because they didn't have time to make the new animations that would be required for Ice Melee to be ported to Stalkers. They even said as much.

Brutes don't have IA because Brutes were different way back when they were introduced.

[Edit: See your forum reg date, so you should know all that ]

Really now, you may have not been around for CoV's intro (I have no idea), but you were likely here for IA's port to Stalkers.

And anyone who frequents the forums should of seen some post on the whole issue with IA and Brutes at some point.

Edit: And seeing your forum reg date now, you should of known all that already known information, instead of acting like it's some big scheme to screw over ATs

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Nope, I don't think it is a conspiracy to screw over ATs. It's just a game, the devs shouldn't have biases toward ATs, Power sets, or Hero/Villian. However, I honestly didn't know why IM wasn't ported to Stalkers. I don't frequent the boards nearly as much as I used to. But the reasons for IA for brutes is obsolete now.

I do think the devs hide the real reasons. I don't know why, but that's what I think. What other reason would they have to not include Stalkers in the TW club? Because they didn't think we would want them? Or because, like Siolfir said, lolStalkers, no one plays them, no need to port TW over.



The reason why Stalkers didn't get ice melee with Ice armor is just because they didn't have enough time to animate a new assassin strike for the set before the issue went live. Stalkers will get IM, it's just a matter of when. I would think it will be a free proliferation in i22 with staff melee being the pay set. It has been stated that staff melee will be for all 4 melee ats so I think they learned that there will be outrage if a purchase power set is not for all ats that could use it.



Originally Posted by Death_Adder View Post
The reason why Stalkers didn't get ice melee with Ice armor is just because they didn't have enough time to animate a new assassin strike for the set before the issue went live. Stalkers will get IM, it's just a matter of when. I would think it will be a free proliferation in i22 with staff melee being the pay set. It has been stated that staff melee will be for all 4 melee ats so I think they learned that there will be outrage if a purchase power set is not for all ats that could use it.
This would make me cry manly Tear of joy. I love Ice Melee and Ice Armor.