Can we get titan weapons for stalkers please




Originally Posted by Bloodyfreak View Post
Nope, I don't think it is a conspiracy to screw over ATs. It's just a game, the devs shouldn't have biases toward ATs, Power sets, or Hero/Villian. However, I honestly didn't know why IM wasn't ported to Stalkers. I don't frequent the boards nearly as much as I used to. But the reasons for IA for brutes is obsolete now.
Ice/Ice is a good theme and it is annoying that by the time Ice Melee comes out, people may need to create Ice Armor again.

I don't think they want to screw Stalker over, but I do think they have priority issues. They are trying to rush things out and I don't like that. Yes, we all know Stalker will get it in the future but they should try to do it right the first time.

I've always thought they don't need a new animation for Ice Melee. Just use the one from Electricity.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post

I've always thought they don't need a new animation for Ice Melee. Just use the one from Electricity.

Even if they did do that it would still require new FX's to be made, wehich would have still required art time that wasn't available.