A Question for Military Experts




Does anyone know if the helicopters, tanks and mobile anti-aircraft guns used by Longbow and the Vanguard are copies of real ones, based on real ones, or just made up?

This is an art-related question

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Like Willowpaw, I'm not able to compare to actual in-game art right now, but if memory serves on the artwork, I think that they are pretty generic versions of real life equipment.

The quad-barrel anti-aircraft guns resemble the Soviet ZPU's. The Vanguard tanks rolling around the RWZ with the rounded turrets look like futuristic Chinese Type 62 tanks from the Cold War era. I can't remember if the helicopters have 2 main rotors, but if they do then the CH-46 is about the only real-life example as Willowpaw pointed out. The shadows I occasionally see on the ground now that Galaxy City has been smashed look like they might have been cast by a passing AH-64 Apache, but I haven't seen any passing by I when I look up...

Hope this helps! Let me know if I can be of further assistance.

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Just when you think you've made something id10t proof, they make a better id10t. - Jade_Dragon



Some look like Apaches, stylized. And while we're at it, the fighter jets in some of the warehouses (?!?) - this might just be Praetoria, but I do remember seeing them - look like the F-35.

I'd say it's "realistic base, artistic license applied."



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Does anyone know if the helicopters, tanks and mobile anti-aircraft guns used by Longbow and the Vanguard are copies of real ones, based on real ones, or just made up?

This is an art-related question
The mobile AA guns are basically on a generic "tracked" base. There's not a lot of room to actually "drive" one.

The tanks themselves are a bit smallish and generic. The fronts are so abbreviated (and or the driver hatches pushed so far forward) you'd have to be a midget to actually drive them and there'd be no armor up front. A friend of mine is 6'10" and he had to SQUEEZE into an M1. On an M1 the driver hatch is actually up underneath the turret and along the center line of the tank.

So, while they may be "inspired by" real life tanks, helicopters and mobile AA, they're all built on "artistic license".

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Originally Posted by Model 75 View Post
Some look like Apaches, stylized. And while we're at it, the fighter jets in some of the warehouses (?!?) - this might just be Praetoria, but I do remember seeing them - look like the F-35.

I'd say it's "realistic base, artistic license applied."
Haven't done a Lambda weapons phase recently, but I thought those were the dear departed F-22 Raptor?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I think Star_Engine got the jist best: "pretty generic versions of real life equipment".

Even the cruiser in Independence Port is a mockup of the Aegis destroyer, simplified. It's much easier to use a RL model to make a believable game version.

The real problems come when you don't have a working RL version to go from... like when you look at the great jetpacks available (esp the steampunk one), but then ask, "Where is the fuel kept?" and your head explodes a little.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



There's an anti-aircraft missile vehicle one sees in the RWZ and other places that looks like an M133 APC chassis with 2 pairs of 4 missile boxes mounted on top. There's a lot of real-life equipment that looks close to that, but I haven't been able to find a match while Googling around this morning.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



yes......I know...

insert tongue wag emote



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post

The real problems come when you don't have a working RL version to go from... like when you look at the great jetpacks available (esp the steampunk one), but then ask, "Where is the fuel kept?" and your head explodes a little.

Nah, you just tell yourself it uses that, you know, really futuristic super small fuel cell thing they have in all the alien technology these days. You know the one.

As for Helicopter shadows; I did see a Helicopter flying around in Atlas Park while I was... um... pretending to attack the Blimp for the amusement of my six year old brother. I tried to fly up to the Helicopter, but its' above the 'invisible' height ceiling of the zone. The helicopter itself was really small, which may account for why it's difficult to see from the ground when you notice a shadow.



Well, if we think the tanks seen tooling around require midget drivers, we shouldn't be too surprised. Have you seen the cars recently?

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Haven't done a Lambda weapons phase recently, but I thought those were the dear departed F-22 Raptor?
"Dear departed?" I wouldn't go that far, though production ended due to costs and the F-35 JSF (also due to costs....) It just entered service in 2005, total of about 187 if I remember right. The ones in game are too small, and as I remember, single engined - plus the intakes are quite wrong to be an F-22. (Being nit-picky, they're probably "too small" to be an F-35, but they're shaped more correctly for that.)

F-35 (not yet in full service, in pre/early production and testing last I recall, and costs are rising.)



Originally Posted by Model 75 View Post
"Dear departed?" I wouldn't go that far, though production ended due to costs and the F-35 JSF (also due to costs....) It just entered service in 2005, total of about 187 if I remember right. The ones in game are too small, and as I remember, single engined - plus the intakes are quite wrong to be an F-22. (Being nit-picky, they're probably "too small" to be an F-35, but they're shaped more correctly for that.)

F-35 (not yet in full service, in pre/early production and testing last I recall, and costs are rising.)
As remote operated drones get better, I can see all manned fighters going the way of the dodo.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
As remote operated drones get better, I can see all manned fighters going the way of the dodo.
I refer you to Britain's 1957 "White Paper."

Though I do expect the future to be a mix - drones for point defense/intelligence/recon as well as being used in conjunction with manned fighters (and other aircraft.)



The tanks used by Vanguard appears to based on the old Cold War era Soviet T-54/T-55 tanks, but with the engine deck layout, the track skirts, and the presence of return rollers being more like that of the non-export T-64 tank. Here's the T-55A:


@Nanas (on Defiant)



Oh, as others have already pointed out previously in this thread, the attack helicopers sometimes seen flying above Atlas Park and in some missions does indeed look very much like the AH-64 Apache helicopter, but with the tail rotor system being similar to that of the Gazelle helicoper, and the air intake/exhaust covers looking more like that of the AH-1 SuperCobra:




@Nanas (on Defiant)



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
The real problems come when you don't have a working RL version to go from... like when you look at the great jetpacks available (esp the steampunk one), but then ask, "Where is the fuel kept?" and your head explodes a little.

I refer you to the MST3K Mantra

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



Wasn't going to comment on the figher jets first seen inside the Warehouse in the Lambda Trial since they're, well, Praetorian, but then I remembered that they're now seen in the new Tutorial too, so should probably be considered as part of the Longbow/Vanguard/Primal Earth inventory.

As Model 75 wrote earlier in this thread the fighter jets do look a lot like the F-35 Lightning II, but with forward-swept wings seemingly inspired by the Sukhoi Su-47 technology demonstrator:

I nearly compared the wings to those of the Grumman X-29, but the wings on the Su-47 bear an even stronger resemblance to the in-game fighter jets.

@Nanas (on Defiant)



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Does anyone know if the helicopters, tanks and mobile anti-aircraft guns used by Longbow and the Vanguard are copies of real ones, based on real ones, or just made up?
As a general guide, the older ones are a mish-mash of what some artist thought might look good. The more recent additions (Admiral Sutter's ship, the helicopters flying over Atlas Park) look much more realistic and accurate.

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Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
Along a similar line of thinking

This is the only tank that matters

I apologize for not being able to actually contribute to the OP though.
No, This is the only tank that matters.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"