62 -
So, friend logged in - Premium, so no Incarnate abilities. What's he get? "Captain Nolan has requested help from someone with the power of incarnates."
Yeah. Premium. Doesn't have it.
Result? Annoyed player. Not the way to make money or encourage them to spend it. How about checking if the person's actually VIP or not before sending the popup?
(Which could also go for things like the PVP zones liasons.) -
I don't know if I just didn't notice before or if this is new:
Playing Gordon Bower's arc, I got to the "free ghosts from cabal" arc. I'm already on a character that blows through END rapidly, so I figured I'd use my Combat Invisibility temp power (invis +the ability to fight.)
Try to pass a group of minions - they attack.
Well, it's a Fire controller, maybe I forgot to turn off Hot Feet. Try again, make sure it's off, and not only does the group I pass attack, but another spawn runs in (that I shouldn't be in aggro range of.)
This is really weird behavior. I don't remember them having +Per, just being standard mobs. Am I remembering wrong, is this new, or is CI broken? (I know I've stealthed through areas before with this.) -
More interesting than the 'patron' powers, to me, too. -
A free trial got me into this game, before Freedom.
A "limited free trial" of Incarnate stuff might get people interested in paying after trying it.
Seems simple enough. -
Or a timer that "encourages" certain groups to spawn where you need them? Like if a spawn point can give Fir Bolg, Council or Nemesis and you need a Council hunt, it'll "weight" the spawns there for council as you get into range?
I don't know if that'd work or not. -
Just a "for fun" thing, and it's more an RP item -
When you're at 1-2 seconds before logout, have a choice of an "exit" animation - hop into a vehicle and drive away (just fades out, like when you dismiss MM pets,) have a jet/rocket form (replacing you) and "whoosh," have a magic cloud come by, fire a line up "somewhere" and get yanked away, etc. to just fade out at the end.
Yeah, it's something you'll never see, really, but it's just something to "add to" your character. -
What makes COH good:
Fast, easy to get into gameplay
Unique looks for everyone
Most of the community is actually nice (enough to make the occasional elitist d-bag really stand out.)
Lots of variety in characters. -
Yes, please. That's a boring arc with too much repitition.
I wouldn't mind, but I'd also like a "slow" way to earn them. Defeating warriors gets a different skin for some of the weapons or something. Or break it up.
All for new looks though. -
Wow, someone is full of themselves, aren't they. "The few freebs deserving of the power?" Get over yourself.
I'm so glad most of the community isn't like you. -
Yes, please. It's more useful to me than the "lock powers in trays."
I don't see why some people are so up in arms about this. Wow. You'd think someone suggested selling their female relatives for group carnal entertainment or something.
I'd love this. Yes, I'm premium, but have quite a few characters already. I can join any other task force as long as I'm the right level, but I already tripped over this one. I switched a villain over to hero, so I was already past the level this is usually offered at, and the contact probably got lost in the pile of others I got for switching in the 20s.
So, I'm in the 30s, someone offers an Imperious TF and I say yes, since I don't have hours on end for some of the classic TFs and the ITF is quick and fun. Now, I jump back and forth between characters, and most have this unlocked (and I hate the every-spawn-with-anathemas at low level in that unlock arc.) Get there and... "Oh, you can't enter."
Result? Boot from the team, because they DO want to do the ITF, and not half an hour or whatever later. (I think someone had a time limit.) That character still hasn't run it, even though they could use the unlocked costume pieces, and the fact I felt *forced* to run the arc removed anything that might have been fun about it (and, really, there isn't anything particularly fun or special about the arc. I have run it before. It's boring. Even the attempts at "funny" dialog get old fast.)
Count me in as signing for wanting this lock removed. -
Quote:No, not "this." It makes zero sense compared to what I'm describing.This! Nothing needs to be specifically "locked" to an origin.
And who cares if it "locks people out of content?"
- People not wanting to do Incarnate trials locks them out of content.
- People who don't want to do task forces get locked out of content.
- People who don't PVP get locked out of (very little) content.
- People who don't play villains are locked out of content.
- People who don't play heroes are locked out of content.
- People who don't start in Praetoria are locked out of content.
Saying "Don't lock any content, ever?" Sorry, charlie, that ship has sailed a LONG time ago. That's about as silly of an objection as saying "People don't want to play anything but orcs, elves and warriors, so why make a superhero game?"
The whole point of it is to give some slightly less generic content based on something other than alignment *as well* as a reason to roll another character.
Quote:Given origins can mean anything, how do you safely define what is appropriate content?
Let's take technology for instance.
Character 1 has been a tinkerer all their life. They come up with a power suit. When getting ready for a demo, they hear about an emergency. They're closest, so they suit up and take care of it - and then decide, instead of being an inventor and selling the suit, they'll become a hero.
Character 2 crash landed on Earth. They're a living robot who wants to defend their new home, since they're not going anywhere for a while.
Character 3 stole someone else's work, and is trying to reverse engineer and improve on it - in the meantime, using it to commit crimes and get rich, since they have to pay for research somehow.
Three different concepts, all technology origin.
So what happens? The character's tech has come to the attention of a mystery group. They want the tech for their own projects, and they'll do what they need to to learn about it and make it their own.
Now, why would a group that wants to steal *tech* be at all interested in Madame Wand, who uses magic (something far outside their interests) to do their thing? They're not into biological research, so mutants and naturals- who cares?
This can tailor at least some of the experience closer to a player's character *without* stepping on the toes of their backstory.
That same player can then go through and make a magic character and be drawn along a different storyline with all the magic groups from 1-50, getting pulled into a full fledged "magic war" or something, giving a fresh experience instead of doing the same things they just finished. -
A few thoughts to start with:
- Origin doesn't really do anything.
- NCSoft and Paragon want to encourage people to spend money.
- The game is kind of alt friendly.
- Character slots for non VIPs cost money.
We have five origins. Why don't we have 1-50 sets of story arcs, like other games have "class quests" or "class storylines?"
I know we don't have backgrounds forced on our characters, other than Khelds and Veats, and even those are kind of loose for the individual character. Giving an origin-based set of story lines wouldn't interfere with that (and yes, that means epic ATs would get two, one for the class, one for the origin.)
This isn't really about why your character is what he or her is. It's someone else's interest in your character for their own ends.
- It guarantees at least five playthroughs with unique content, if you make one person of each origin. Ten if we do heroic and villainous. No, I don't know how or if to fit Praetoria in this, but it gets in everywhere anyway.
- it encourages people to go from free to premium by spending money for character slots. (yes, people who insist on being just free can delete and reroll, I know, but not everyone is going to want to go through 50 levels of play to just delete it.)
- It could be a chance to spotlight and explore some groups that don't get a lot of time.
Cons or problems:
- Praetoria. Since it's just 1-25ish with first ward, it would be hard to fit in.
- Side switching might cause problems.
- Lot of writing.
Quote:Remember, nobody can like something you don't. If they do, you must try to belittle them - and in your case, fail miserably. Gee, wonder why people say not to bother with the forums and their "wonderful" community.I see your arguments, but in my head they all sound like an old man shouting about how he had to walk uphill both ways to school, barefoot, through snow, in the middle of summer, the streets were made of broken glass, the fields were full of venomous snakes and the forests were full of hungry wolves.
The rest of the game is working steadily toward the ease of the playerbase. This heavy-handed drawback remains a relic of old thinking.
So... Hold on to your buggy whip in horror as we turn developer attention toward your last bastion of frustrating gameplay!
Fortunately for you you already have an option if you don't like them. Skip the nuke and wait to get your judgement power. -
I happen to like, and take, nukes on all my blasters. And my defenders and corruptors. Thunderous Blast is great. And if you're getting shot at with Blizzard, you're doing it wrong. The enemies are slowed and trying to get out of the way - and dying.
And no, it's not "just half or 2/3 of a group." I'm wiping out full spawns, typically, on my blaster. The only fix I'd make is making it ignore AT modifiers, so that it's guaranteed to be just as dangerous on a Defender. As far as END issues? Half the blaster secondaries have some sort of END recovery built into them. Not that hard to use. I'll typically have blues anyway (regardless of character) - use them.
Plus, if you "hate the glass cannon," why the heck are you playing a blaster? It's like someone complaining about playing a mastermind because they hate dealing with pets. *Play something else.*
If anything, I think the Judgement no-cost-but-recharge-and-give-them-to-everyone nukes are the ones broken. That's ridiculous. -
Now, show me where I said "this has to be in now/soon." For someone insisting we have to "keep things in perspective," you seem to miss me saying PVP itself needs fixing first, which is not a small job and would take time on its own.
All I'm pointing out is one of the styles they have, and that COH could take some cues from it for a different experience. Period. No timeframe suggested. (The only thing even close to it is mentioning we have the LFG queue in game now, which could be used if this were ever considered.)
So, instead of stomping all over anyone's "hopes to get anything implemented" (which aren't mentioned to begin with,) how about replying to the suggestion itself? -
Yes, PVP needs fixing, I know that. That needs doing first.
That said, for someone not "heavily" interested in PVP, a certain new game (from long ago and far, far away) has gotten me PVPing (yes, on a PVE server.)
They've got "warzone scenarios" that I think COH should take a look at. Some of these have probably been suggested before, but I think that other game is doing something very right with these. Their plusses:
1. Focused.
There's definite reasons to be fighting - defend/attack something to make your way through a ship, or "huttball" (sort of a reverse capture-the-flag,) or taking over turrets to attack your enemy's base and keep them from coming in.
2. Timed
There's no "This could take hours of back and forth" - you've got a time limit to finish the "game" or to complete the objective.
3. Auto-teamed (and fairly even)
You just queue up and, when it's ready, it tells you and asks you to accept or cancel. Which we have now in the LFG queue, so this should be (in theory) usable. But the warzone will cancel if there are too few people on a side.
4. Balanced.
Yeah. This is the problem, I'm told, with what happened to PVP here. Maybe just undoing that would help, I don't know, but even with the mix of classes there nobody seems to feel useless or underpowered, even if they're just running a level 10.
This would probably be the hardest thing here, still.
5. Rewarding.
We get rewards in PVP here, sure - and they need looking at, from what it sounds like. There, I'm guaranteed something just for participating (money, really, with some chances on stims (think enhancements/inspirations) or crafting components.
I think COH could take the best of what they show there and integrate it with a distinct COH flare here. Having goals (and a specific "This will only take 15 minutes, and you will get something out of it") would probably get more people interested in PVPing here that aren't doing so now thanks to empty zones, the gulf between heavily IO'd and new characters, etc. -
Depends on the character. Sometimes I go "Well, I haven't played that." Other times I go "Hey, that would be a neat character, wonder what would fit."
Quote:The point is to GET them addicted to it. Locking them out as far as they have - which, yeah, I get what spammers did, etc. but there has to be some way around this to make it freebie-friendly - doesn't help convince people to pony up the money.I agree.
If they can't even afford $5, then there is nothing this game can sell to them. They are really NOT THAT addicted.
An LFG channel and a server channel, perhaps, will give a nice trio for free users (and reduce some of the load in Help, where people can again use it for... help.) -