Important news from beta concerning bases!
I'd gush for hours but I'm Halloween badging until I fall into a sugar coma.
HFS, WTF, and Yay all at once.
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
It's a Halloween miracle!
Base love? *Dies from shock*
Join @BaseBuildersInc. for help and ideas into the world of Amazing Super Bases.
This is wonderful news! I hope it includes lights and wall items.
Very excellent. Now if we could just get more items to use this newfangled control on. Like, say, all the items from [Propel] or /e alakazamreact for instance...
/happy dance
wait ... all that base editing is gonna eat into the little time i have to play ...
I encourage anyone who has access to beta to go play with the new shiney.
It takes a little gettin' used to, but I think most folks will be very pleased with what they will be able to accomplish.
A couple notes:
- It only works with floor and ceiling items, not wall items. You will still need to use the cubicle/stacking trick to bring wall items off the wall. However, angling them will be slightly easier, since the cubicle itself can be rotated incrementally.
- It was mentioned on test that the rotation increments are an odd number (something like 2.8 degrees?), so a perfect 45 degree angle may not be achievable... (but then again, is it achievable now?).
- Matching several individual items to a unique angle may be challenging.
- I anticipate that I will still be using the big floor piece to lay out desks for a floor... but getting the piece in place will now be that much easier without having to use safes or lamps to intersect with.

Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
I... I need clean pants.
That is all.
�Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.� - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
This is good news, now maybe we can get some new items.
Liberty Server
Active Character: Canadian Firestorm
Fire/Rad Controller Level 50

OMG they are finally doing something for the bases ...
Very cool! I'm about 80% done on my very first base and can't wait to show it to my team mates. Big base, been working on it over two months. I hope this hits the live servers before I'm done! There are a few things I had wanted to do that I couldn't--but maybe now I'll be able to in time for the unveiling. Woot!
Pictures of the Heirs of Talos super group base:
Video tour (720p HD with music):

Happiness is a blast.
Holy expletive expletive I'm excited about this.
Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u][u]

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
I was sorta thinking something for bases might be in the works after they did that player base spotlight article. Them doing ANYTHING to bases and base editing is such a good sign that it may be getting some well deserved lovin! Huge news!
This is awesome news!
I haven't been able to do much in my bases for the past few issues because my old machine just can't load my base without severe lag. I just got a new computer, so this will definitely draw me back into base design.
They do have things in mind for SG bases, but they can't talk about it. It's not Issue 21.
I'm be watching and holding you to that devs....don't make me get a pointy stick and have to use it ¬_¬ |
This is called being persistent. I know, because I'm the one who has been doing it. Zwillinger gave that answer in response to MY question in the UStream Chat. Because even the *shaping* of a refusal to "talk about bases" contains information which can inspire hope (or despair ... take your pick).
The most "promising" aspect of this consistent refusal to "talk about bases" in the context of persistent queries is that it is also entirely in keeping with company policy of "not talking about future developments" before they are ready to release information. For example: Question (prior to Proliferation 3.0 announcement): "Can you talk about powerset proliferation?" Answer: "No." Question: "Why aren't Dominators included in Powerset Proliferation 3.0 in Issue 21?" Answer: "Because we're doing something else for Dominators that will be Awesome!" Follow up Question: "Can you tell us more about that?" Answer: "No." Question: "Can you tell us more about what you're going to be doing with the remaining Incarnate Slots which have yet to be unlocked?" Answer: "No." The point that I want EVERYONE in this forum to take to heart is that Paragon Studios has a *habit* of working on things and not talking about them "before they're ready" to talk about them. They didn't "talk about" powerset proliferation ... but they were working on it (and oh boy were they working on it!) just the same, as we now know. They aren't "talking about" powerset proliferation, or possibly even NEW powersets(!) for Dominators (and Controllers?) post-Issue 21. Is there anyone here who wants to believe that means that they're doing *NOTHING* for Dominators post-Issue 21? They won't "talk about" what the remaining unlockable Incarnate Slots are going to do, which Trials they'll be tied to, what currency they'll use to craft the enhancements ... any of that stuff. But does anyone *BELIEVE* that because the Devs "won't talk about it" that they're "not doing anything" in this area? Let's just say that believing that would be ... foolish. ![]() And now we have repeated statements that the Devs "can't talk about bases" in a manner that is *entirely consistent* with development work either scheduled, in progress, or possibly even both. We also know that the the Programming Team is "booked solid" as far as team time is concerned for the next 6 months (or so, at least!), and that ... one ... of the production bottlenecks in Development of new features for the game right now is Programming. Tunnel Rat has said so in UStream chats. Other Devs (Synapse? Second Measure?) have said so in UStream chats. Anyone want to speculate how much Programming Development *any* kind of Base Editor work would require ... let alone a wholesale revamp? Personally, I'm thinking "not trivial" would be the best answer to that question (especially if talking wholesale revamp). Yes, this IS a game of Blind Man's Bluff at this point to try and figure out what is going on with SG Bases in the development cycle. But at the same time, Paragon Studios does have a Modus Operandi when it comes to "talking about" things to develop. We've seen THAT before ... and it's better than even money that we're seeing it in operation NOW with respect to future SG Bases Development. The one thing we CAN be sure of is that there isn't going to be any kind of finished and finalized push of enhanced Base Functionality in Issue 21. THAT MUCH has been made clear. But Second Measure, in his role as Producer, and by his own admission on saturday's UStream broadcast from SDCC, "lives in the future" of CoH:F because he's already engaging in meetings about what is going into Issues 22 and 23 (and possibly even 24, although he didn't state this explicitly). Question: "Can you talk about Issue 22?" Answer: "No." Question: "Can you talk about future development(s) for SG Bases?" Answer: "No." Anyone want to believe that the Devs are NOT working on Issue 22, even in a preliminary capacity? I'm willing to bet the answer to that is "NO" simply because it's self-evident that they must be, already. Anyone want to believe that the Devs are NOT doing any work on SG Bases ... ever again? Note very carefully that if SG Bases were an "abandoned feature" as so many of us had feared, it would be VERY EASY for someone ... anyone ... to come along and flat out state, for the record, that there are NO PLANS, of any kind, anywhere in the forseeable future, to do anything at all with SG Bases. The Devs *HAVE* come out and said, in answer to questions about some topics, that there is "No Work Being Done" or planned to be done in that area. When something is *NOT* up for revision/remodeling/redevelopment, the Devs have been forthcoming in saying so, that there is no effort being expended in that direction. They don't say, "we aren't talking about it" (or words to that effect), they just come right out and say that there's nothing being done or there are no resources allocated for that effort. THAT they DO say. Significantly, in this case, the Devs are NOT saying there's *nothing* happening on the SG Bases front. What they DO SAY is that they "can't talk about" what IS (or is not, if you're pessimistic about this ... still) happening on the SG Bases front. And that "can't talk about it" response is entirely in keeping with something happening. It's not going to be something for Issue 21 ... that much is clear. But it might be Issue 22 ... or maybe even Issue 23 (which at this point I would peg at being a year away, for Issue 23). At the very least though ... SOMETHING ... appears to be happening ... so long as you're a decent player at the game of Blind Man's Bluff ... and if you've been paying attention to the *shape* of the language Paragon Studios uses to talk (or not) about what is being worked on, but news of which hasn't leaked yet. This analysis is by no means conclusive PROOF of a development effort for SG Bases at Paragon Studios ... but if you're inclined to optimism (and not everyone who reads this forum is, at this point), it IS a reason to (re)kindle a flame that has long been guttering and dying. HOPE. ![]() If you know how to read the signs, and not be overwhelmed by your past disappointments and cynicsm ... it is possible to hope. Whether you do, or not, is up to you. Me? I'm betting on hope. ![]() |

Would anyone object to an obligatory "I told you so" at this point?
![]() |
This, if it makes it live without messing up anything else in game, will no doubt be a boon to the decorators of the world. If the package includes a banner fix and a sg screen "flashing" fix (like they say is being worked on) it will indeed be an overall great thing.
Since we're now fully rekindled with hope... here's to hoping this is just the beginning and the devs do more for SGs and people without base editing privileges and their enjoyment for their hard earned prestige.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.
Pictures of the Heirs of Talos super group base:
Video tour (720p HD with music):

Happiness is a blast.
Today's beta patch notes yield, literally, a revolutionary update.
Base Editor: Free Vertical Placement and Rotation
Added the ability for players to move base objects horizontally and rotate them about the vertical axis freely.
While placing an object, if the player holds SHIFT, they can move the object vertically.
Once placed vertically, if they wish to move the object again and maintain the vertical placement, they can hold the CTRL key.
If they do not use the CTRL key, the object will snap to the first encountered ground the cursor is placed over.
If the player holds ALT, they can rotate the object about the vertical axis.
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