Long Range Teleport Door in Peregrine?




There is a building right next to the Ferry in Peregrine Island. There is a door and while trick or treating I clicked it and I got a box that says "Long Range Teleport" and it lists all of the hero zones.

Is this a bug? Anyone seen this? I can post a screenshot if need be.



I saw this today as well. Pretty neat if you ask me. Hope they keep it.



I noticed this too as I was Trick or Treating. I can't remember if this was mentioned in a patch or not. It's certainly handy.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It was the first door I tried for ToTing
of course it was .........



Originally Posted by DocBenway View Post
of course it was .........
It's the clsoest door to your spawn point when you use the Ouroboros portal to go to PI.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



That was the first door I tried as well for the same reason.



It's been there before the Halloween Event. Presumably it's been there since I21 went live. I find it very convenient for getting from PI to another zone fast.



Like everyone else I just found this earlier today ToTing. The amazing part is that it's in exactly the right place, too.

It sure beats going all the way to Portal Corp. and the SG portal to get from there to another zone quickly.



I found it last night while ToTing.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I assumed they added it since PI doesn't have a train. It lets you out in the other zones' trains, too!

Keep it!!



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I assumed they added it since PI doesn't have a train. It lets you out in the other zones' trains, too!

Keep it!!
I think the fact that the LRT power exits you at the train station is awful. I'd rather have a random point in the destination zone.

"I can teleport to any train station in the city!"

"PI has no station"

"Oh, right...OK, I can teleport to any train station in the city and to one specific spot neqr this building in PI"



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



I still wish LRT was actually practical to take as a power. Anybody ever hear why the only two hazard zones it'll teleport a person to is "The Hollows" and "First Ward"?



Same here..discovered it while ToTing. I think it's awesome!

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by LordAethar View Post
I still wish LRT was actually practical to take as a power. Anybody ever hear why the only two hazard zones it'll teleport a person to is "The Hollows" and "First Ward"?
Because First Ward isn't a Hazard Zone, and the Hollows really isn't one anymore.



So does it actually work? Hilarious that everyone found it the same way.



There are a few more of these in other zones as well. I won't spoil it for ya as they are kinda like Easter eggs.

I hope they keep this in, Love the hidden things in the game like these Long Range Teleporters and the hidden Dev hideouts. They should add more stuff like this actually. Like an art museum for TA =P

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



There is one in Hollows as well. It looks like a portapoty.



Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
There is one in Hollows as well. It looks like a portapoty.

right after I said I wouldn't spoil it for em.....UGH!



Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
There is one in Hollows as well. It looks like a teleport-a-potty.

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I hope they keep it too. Tho I guess if it doesnt work on test ... Or maybe it just moved on test, like the Pocket D entrances used to.

Is there a thread of eadter eggs somewhere? Someone mentioned dev hideoutd in this thread, and I have no clue what that means.


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"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
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Originally Posted by Thor's Assassin View Post
right after I said I wouldn't spoil it for em.....UGH!
That's the same way I feel about "I found something cool...and you can't have it" posts.