Halloween Pack BUGS thread




Vampire Frilled Ascot does not show up in the fight place when selected on Female models. Instead it appears BEHIND her head, just a little above eye level and slopes down. It doesn't have a backside, so it doesn't render if you look at it from behind.

The easiest way to see this is to make a bald model, select the ascot, and then turn the model about 15 degrees.

How'd this get past (even internal) testing?

Vampire Frilled Ascot also does not appear under 'Chest Detail' for Jackets and Sleevless jackets... like all the other scarves, ties, things, etc... You'd think it would. I'm quite okay with all that stuff showing up in both detail 2 and chest detail. I think most players would be as well.

Vampire broach for capes float well, well above the chest of the cape wearer. About 3-5 inches.

It also does not have a back side so you can see it disappear as you turn the model to about 70 degrees

The Vampire broach exists as a gold item, but accepts colors anyway. The primary color seems to tint it very subtly. The secondary color does not affect it at all.

It makes a lot of sense for Vampire Broach to be copied into the Chest Details categories, so it can be used as a pocket pin or a lady's broach without having to wear a cape.



The Think Tank leans back about 10-15 degrees from the female model's shoulders, making them look like they're leaning way back away from something. The tank should be straight up and down, IMO.



The new high collared cape (which is kind of fantastic) has a relatively large gap on the sides between where the shoulder part of the cape ends and where the actual cape itself begins. It's relatively noticeable to be honest.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



what model are you seeing the problems for the high collar cape? I only have that problem on the female model but the male model looked fine. I didn't end up using the cape outside the tailor though, I went with Spiderweb Wings



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
what model are you seeing the problems for the high collar cape? I only have that problem on the female model but the male model looked fine. I didn't end up using the cape outside the tailor though, I went with Spiderweb Wings
Yea sorry, it's just on the female model. Don't know why I forgot to mention that. I even checked the other character models when I was looking at the pieces in the character creator.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



The Fish Monster gloves and boots are pre-colored. To be grey. I hate that. How can we match it to other items? This is the same problem we had with the Steampunk backpack.

So, here's the thing: If I choose black/black for the gloves and boots, they're grey. If I chose white/white, they're a lighter grey. Can't match that to a black or white costume. Colors only slightly tint them.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
The Fish Monster gloves and boots are pre-colored. To be grey. I hate that. How can we match it to other items? This is the same problem we had with the Steampunk backpack.

So, here's the thing: If I choose black/black for the gloves and boots, they're grey. If I chose white/white, they're a lighter grey. Can't match that to a black or white costume. Colors only slightly tint them.
I agree. While I can see the idea they're going for (toning colors), it doesn't bode well for pairing the colors with other costume parts.

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I'm a bit miffed about this, last time we got a pack (CoT) we're told lots of items didn't make it due to Quality control / Clipping issues. This week we get a pack which looks great and has lots of cool pieces but seems clippy and buggy as hell.

Can't we have some sort of happy medium (I suppose we did with the Barbarian Set, which I love to bits).

Mind you I'll still be buying this one, but given the stance on dealing with "bad looking" pieces which Posi delivered in the last Pack thread I'll expect it to be patched pronto.



Bah, made a thread for this in the Freedom Bug forum just now.

Anyway, the new Female Vampire Face is not scalable. Only the top "head" option is scaling. The rest aren't.

Also, the Female Vampire face does not have the same "eye tinting" feature that the male has. I hope that's a bug and not WAI.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Just a note: On the Beta server, the Ascot fits the model as it should. It's listed under Jackets/Trenchcoats/Robes/Shirts > Chest Detail.



I found a bug with the Vampire cape collar for women. Have a look:

See that white spot near the neck? That's a "hole" in the model. See, the upper part of the collar has a two-sided texture, but the lower part does not. The problem is that inside of the lower part is within line of sight of the front of the character, and because it has no texture on the inside, it renders as a hole. It looks really bad. Please fix this.

On the plus side, the female Vampire Cape does not clip with the female hair bun. That's awesome!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
The Fish Monster gloves and boots are pre-colored. To be grey. I hate that. How can we match it to other items? This is the same problem we had with the Steampunk backpack.

So, here's the thing: If I choose black/black for the gloves and boots, they're grey. If I chose white/white, they're a lighter grey. Can't match that to a black or white costume. Colors only slightly tint them.
Just want to add my voice to this. I really dislike pre-colored items like this.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Have you checked these issues on the test server? That's a couple patches ahead, and when I was looking around there the ascot at least seemed to be fixed.



Originally Posted by MTS View Post
Have you checked these issues on the test server? That's a couple patches ahead, and when I was looking around there the ascot at least seemed to be fixed.
Well, good news - the cape and the ascot are fixed on Text. I'm just disappointed that the Ascot moved to a Chest Detail, since now my Victorian Dutchess can't have it while still retaining her corset. Oh, well.

I still don't see eye auras with the Fishbow Helmet, though. That, and I still don't see a way to colour the actual brain.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Fish Monster Gloves are not available for jackets with short or pushed up sleeves.
Many sorts of gloves aren't. I think the coding is looking at the fact you took a jacket and saying "Nope, nothing big or pointy that might clip for you."

It bugs me too.



Hello Everyone!

The Known Issues list has been updated with issues for the Halloween Pack. You can find the updated list here.

Thank you!

Kevin Callanan
Community Specialist
Paragon Studios



They're still releasing this stuff while the BEAST PACK HEADS are still ACTIVELY bugged for female models (they attach too low and thus look tiny and neckless) and none of the beast heads scale at all.

Frietag, how about putting THAT in the known issues slated for a fix? Seriously, we paid real cash for that pack.




Feedback/bugs (and we need an official thread for this)

Bat Aura - needs a combat variation (bug?)

Vampire Brooch - is awesome but it needs to be colorable. (bug?) Please let me color this full on black or purple or whatever I want.

Vampire Frilled Ascot - is very broken. On Male and Female models the piece shows up behind the head. (bug)

Female Vampire Face - we can't get glowing eyes on this one like we can with the Male Vampire Face? Seems like a bug to me unless girls can only get one via the Medusa Face.

Think Tank - not sure if bug but it'd be nice to have auras work on the head so we can have glowing eyes inside the tank

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Originally Posted by Goblin_Queen View Post

Feedback/bugs (and we need an official thread for this)
* Bug: Female Vampire / Medusa heads the chin, nose, and most other face sliders aren't working as mentioned above. I think brow and overall size are the only functioning ones right now.
* Feedback: Fish head would be cooler with a pair of non antenna (with and without fin) options.
* Feedback: Fish gloves and boots have annoying grey color wash that mutes color choices.

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Originally Posted by Goblin_Queen View Post
Think Tank - not sure if bug but it'd be nice to have auras work on the head so we can have glowing eyes inside the tank
This was the first thing I tried when I saw the Think Tank, I really wanted to simulate eyes in the empty tank or the eyeless brain with an aura. It is nice that they get the head auras at least... but I really hope the eye auras get added or fixed.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Just want to add my voice to this. I really dislike pre-colored items like this.
Agreed. I hope the Vampire Brooch doesn't get that when/if they allow it to be colored.

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



Originally Posted by Halloween_Jack View Post
This was the first thing I tried when I saw the Think Tank, I really wanted to simulate eyes in the empty tank or the eyeless brain with an aura. It is nice that they get the head auras at least... but I really hope the eye auras get added or fixed.
Set the eye aura you want on a normal head, then switch to Think Tank. As long as you don't reclick the Aura tab, you're good to go.