What Origin is Lady Grey?




Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
I also suspect that she and Lady Jane were originally written up in the story bible as the same character and that either simple oversight or the unlikelihood of the leader of Vanguard fighting in a mission that can spawn at relatively low level led to them being split into two separate characters.
I would think it would have more to do with the fact that having one character be the leader of two separate groups, the Vanguard and Dawn Patrol, would just be weird and confusing than anything else.

Originally Posted by Mokalus View Post
Is there any official or in-game backstory to Lady Grey? I've read most of the RWZ arcs, and the little information gleaned from Ramiel's arc, but there really doesn't seem to be anything there. She's made out to be "Kind of a Big Deal" but official information is sparse, so in the end she's just kind of mysterious for the sake of being mysterious. And if there's one thing I hate it's people being needlessly mysterious.
All of the useful, non-hint information about her is gleaned from the comics, some dev posts (or Manticore lore posts, I miss those so much), and as said earlier a calendar claiming her date of birth. Really the only big thing of note is that she's essentially immortal by way of stealing life force. Nothing else, such as on the morality of that act, is ever explored of it. Maybe that's why she's so secretive though.

Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
As far as I'm concerned being 'Incanate' in origin is just a specific type of magic origin. Come on, they get their powers from an ancient, intelligent, dimension spanning uber-source that Prometheus doesn't like very much. If that isn't a magic origin then I don't know another way to define it. And saying incarnate transcends all the other origins makes it even more magical sounding.
This stance is a pet peeve of mine, because lots of folks on the forums here talk about how Incarnates = magic or that Incarnate status overrides your original origin or somesuch. Maybe they do simply have legitimate dislike of the concept, but it often sounds like they've misinterpreted the real heart of the Well (or at least to me they have, or maybe I just have a nice-sounding misinterpretation myself) and all of its interconnected elements (Pandora's Box in Web of Arachnos, the "power grid" that connects all powers in power proliferation, etc.).

Also, despite its potential universality, the Well may not be 100% compatible with every single possible character concept. But then, the game as a whole isn't either.

If the Well really needs a one-word origin summary, the closest thing might be "Cosmic". But even that implies the wrong thing to me. The Well might best be described as a slice of Fate, one solely concerning the interplay of power and morality.

It's the inspiration that allowed the perfect android to be built. The genetic miracle that results in a mutant being able to shoot fire out of his hands. The happy accident that made that burst of a radiation turn her into X-Ray Lass rather than killing her. It's the willpower and drive that allows the martial artist to punch holes in solid rock. It's the faith and control that allows the sorcerer to summon spirits.

Instead of being some bog-standard divine intervention, it's simply an underlying force that is fuel for all five origins. Besides, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. And vice versa.

Now, you may feel like this cheapens a character's origins, and I can't entirely blame you. But it's not a hard thing to ignore, since it mainly only comes up in Incarnate content and the occasional gentle nudge here and there. To me though, it's like getting mad at quantum physics. The Well is just a function of the universe, albeit apparently sentient and recently(?) gone crazy.

And even I dislike parts of the story surrounding it. Like the aforementioned sentient and crazy part. It dawns on me that maybe this what they're going for - what was once an inherent universal law is now picking and choosing who gets the goodies in some insane meritocracy. It would be also neat to see competing Wells of power, that all operate under different rules.

In another case, Lore pets felt like a case of them writing themselves into a corner, needing to justify how one could summon and control things that should normally be uncontrollable by players, like Seers, and thus was born the "spirits from the Well" angle. Perhaps it was a case of them desiring flash (cool pets!) over substance (more primal, abstract pets like some of the few we have now, which would also unfortunately overlap with Controller pets).

But the short of it is, I think the Well is not simply magic nor does it muck up the existing five origins, instead it enhances them to new levels. Possibly even to dangerous new levels.

*cough* Not to go off on a tangent or anything. Maybe I should start a fresh thread about this...

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Originally Posted by Seschat View Post
My assumption has always been that she and Dark watcher are pure baseline unified Incarnate Origin, just like Statesman and Recluse. Just slow-path.
This, totally.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
It's the willpower and drive that allows the martial artist to punch holes in solid rock.
It also lets the martial artist shoot lightning from his hands and summon the spirits of defeated enemies. A purely 'natural' human is never going to do that. Your idea that the Well is simply some sort of underlying law of the universe is flat out contradicted by in-game text that invariably describes the well and incarnation in terms that can only be described as magical.




To begin with, a repeating of my rear-covering:

Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
or maybe I just have a nice-sounding misinterpretation myself
Now to break things down:

Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
It also lets the martial artist shoot lightning from his hands and summon the spirits of defeated enemies.
And as I also said, how they handled Lore pets was problematic, and continues to be to some degree. It never should've been spirits, but that was the only logical way to have the Praetorian pets they started with. Mind you, this is conjecture, but it's the more palatable option over them just not knowing how to integrate story and mechanics in a way that doesn't upend player concepts.

Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
A purely 'natural' human is never going to do that.
Taken one way, this is essentially saying "My character concept is that they can't be an Incarnate, therefore they can't be an Incarnate!". I've seen a few posts here and there that did basically boil down to that.

However, I'd have to wonder how this purely natural human ever got to level 50 in the first place, since a purely natural human would've been shot to death by the first Hellions they saw after stepping out into Atlas Park. Let's keep in mind that by the time you've hit 50, your "purely natural" character has also kung-fu'd giant robots, dodged magical spells, and crossed the dimensional barrier like it was a jump-rope, among many other very unnatural things.

This also gets tangled up in the oft-debated meaning of Origins, assuming that's what you're talking about when you say Natural. Without getting into it too much, a Natural character has merely gotten their start (or the start of their powers) through some natural process, such as weight training or just an inherent quality of their species (Peacebringers are Natural). As said above, this doesn't stop them from reaching unnatural heights of skill or power.

On top of all of that, I don't discredit the lore based on the faults of the mechanics. The lack of physical Judgement powers is a real flaw. But, in terms of story, there's no difference between an Incarnate with just the Alpha slot and one teeming with wild and wacky powers. In other words, Incarnates are not defined by their ability to call down huge bolts of lightning or summon ghosts of robots, they are simply defined as individuals who have taken their power beyond the normal threshold using the favor of the Well.

And there's really nothing stopping you from picking and choosing what Incarnate powers suit your concept. If I had a pure martial artist who has no reason to call in elemental forces, I would simply skip Judgement entirely. This does get a bit ugly with Incarnate Shifts, but you can always just create the power for the Shift and just otherwise ignore it, and again, I'm not willing to conflate lore with flawed mechanics.

Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Your idea that the Well is simply some sort of underlying law of the universe is flat out contradicted by in-game text that invariably describes the well and incarnation in terms that can only be described as magical.
I'm working off of all of the mentions of the Well I can recall, such as the Web of Arachnos novel. But if we want to stick with in-game material, here are the choice bits from Mender Ramiel's arc:

Originally Posted by Mender Ramiel
It does not matter what your origin is, nor if you are hero, villain, vigilante, or rogue, it seems the most powerful people are being granted the ability to unlock their inner incarnate and gain new powers and abilities, strengthening them for some upcoming battle.
Originally Posted by Mender Ramiel
In this future, I have seen the efforts of Mender Silos here in this time period have some real effect. The Coming Storm is weakened, and it seems that this is because of the powered beings of this time unlocking their inner Incarnate, the same power that fuels Statesman and Lord Recluse.
Interestingly, these statements echo the original given origin of Statesman, which was that he had unlocked some sort of inner power through Eastern secrets. Yes, he still could fly then too. This was eventually retconned, but prior to that we had a pure natural character who could do unnatural things. Additionally, Web of Arachnos implies that the Well pushed Statesman and Recluse to the peak of human potential (vastly increased senses, intelligence, and absolute perfect fitness) as its first step, before States could fly or Recluse grew his spider arms. But back to in-game stuffs..

Originally Posted by The Well of the Furies
He craves power, but seeks to gain it in every other method save for ones connected to myself.
Implying multiple methods of gaining Incarnate power. Probably referencing the slow versus fast paths, but could be read to be deeper than that.

Originally Posted by Trapdoor's Artifact
The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a mirror. It is big enough that you can just see your face within it.

The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a magic symbol, solid in your palm.

The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a replica DNA strand, solid in your palm.

The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a solid piece of paper riddled with numerous equations and formulas.

The form of the artifact shifts as it rests in your hand for a few minutes before forming into a schematic for some sort of device, though you're not sure what exactly this device is.
This is clunkily written, but it points towards the idea that the Incarnate path can change to suit any origin. You're not necessarily gaining "Super Duper Magic Well Tonic", but gaining new insight into things you never knew or understood before.

Originally Posted by The Well of the Furies
The sword that he found on that fateful day so long ago imbued him with tremendous powers, powers linked directly to me. Even without the sword in his possession, he is still linked to me, much like the the Lady who granted him the sword is.
While this is referring to a magical sword, and what was a Fast Path Incarnation, I just want to point out that this is showing that the Well's power can be infused into objects in addition to other forms.

Originally Posted by The Well of the Furies
As you can see, Character, the connections to my source are numerous and vast, given only to those who prove themselves worthy.
Again, there's more than one way to become an Incarnate.

Originally Posted by The Well of the Furies
[What now? What about this artifact in my hand?]
It is one that is unique to yourself and the source of your own power. You saw it shift, take form to your center, yes?
The artifact alters in response to your character.

Originally Posted by The Well of the Furies
Go to the ancient time of Cimerora, to one of the caverns off the shores. Deep within there, you will find one of my sources, one of my wells.
Multiple sources, multiple wells, multiple paths.

Originally Posted by Mender Ramiel
This Well was but one of many links to the source of the Well of Furies itself... Those who connect to the Well by any means are gifted as Incarnates, godlike beings. Links to the Well appear throughout the universe, choosing the most powerful. It has many names and many forms. The links are worthless to most unless the Well feels you are worthy. But it is neither good nor evil. It responds to power and will alone. Your entire history with Incarnates is limited to one fraction of the Well, one minor aspect. I have seen so much more...
And so on.

I don't really see anything there that pins it all on magic in the traditional sense. Really what I think it comes down to is if you personally lump mysticism, myth, the unknown, and a talking omnipotence wholly under the label of "Magic". But with all of the wiggle room that I think they intentionally left in, the Well could just as easily be an ancient alien consciousness, or a megalithic AI running on the computer that is the multiverse, or any other oddity. In fact, all of the intentional obtuseness implies that maybe the Well is supposed to be frustratingly outside the scope of our characters' knowledge, that it is something simply too vast and powerful to be fully understood in anything other than small chunks.

I guess what I'm saying is, in so many words, is that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, and vice versa.

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Really what I think it comes down to is if you personally lump mysticism, myth, the unknown, and a talking omnipotence wholly under the label of "Magic".
I would indeed lump myth and mysticism (such as the Dianetics style "Unlocking your Inner Incarnate" stuff) under the term magic. I would say that the unknown is just that, the unknown. But if it's unknowable, that's magic. As for the talking omnipotence, I call that magic unless it's specifically something else. And if it turns out to be an uber-AI, that just means that incarnate powers are a subset of science origin, coming as they do from a Clarke level science.




Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
I guess what I'm saying is, in so many words, is that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, and vice versa.
Magic and technology can be seen as two sides of the same coin, from a certain point of view. Magic is the art of manipulating the universe through hidden means (hence the use of the word 'occult'). Technology is, quite literally, the study of an art, skill, or craft. Don't think that all magic is a few strange glowing symbols and some strange incantations, and that all technology is shiny metal, plastic and blinking lights; those are mere trappings.

Science came from magic, as humans learned more about the world around them and what was once a secret to us became revealed. We improved our methods of observing the universe; each new discovery yielded even more questions about why this is so and how that worked. We developed rules to ensure that we weren't fooling ourselves and to increase our certainty that we knew exactly why such a thing happened in such a way.

From a certain point of view, the difference between science and magic is really just a matter of semantics. But the proof, as some people say, is always in the results. That's probably why so many technological advances stem from scientific research.

If I go any further, I'll just wax even more anthropological, so I guess I'll stop here.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
I would indeed lump myth and mysticism (such as the Dianetics style "Unlocking your Inner Incarnate" stuff) under the term magic. I would say that the unknown is just that, the unknown. But if it's unknowable, that's magic.
Out of curiosity, what exactly do you mean by 'unknowable' (if that question can be asked)? Do you mean the vast and incomprehensible, like Rularuu or some other lovecraftian horror?

Has been killed by the DoT on Throwing Knives and proud of it.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post

This stance is a pet peeve of mine, because lots of folks on the forums here talk about how Incarnates = magic or that Incarnate status overrides your original origin or somesuch. Maybe they do simply have legitimate dislike of the concept, but it often sounds like they've misinterpreted the real heart of the Well (or at least to me they have, or maybe I just have a nice-sounding misinterpretation myself) and all of its interconnected elements (Pandora's Box in Web of Arachnos, the "power grid" that connects all powers in power proliferation, etc.).

Also, despite its potential universality, the Well may not be 100% compatible with every single possible character concept. But then, the game as a whole isn't either.

If the Well really needs a one-word origin summary, the closest thing might be "Cosmic". But even that implies the wrong thing to me. The Well might best be described as a slice of Fate, one solely concerning the interplay of power and morality.

It's the inspiration that allowed the perfect android to be built. The genetic miracle that results in a mutant being able to shoot fire out of his hands. The happy accident that made that burst of a radiation turn her into X-Ray Lass rather than killing her. It's the willpower and drive that allows the martial artist to punch holes in solid rock. It's the faith and control that allows the sorcerer to summon spirits.

Instead of being some bog-standard divine intervention, it's simply an underlying force that is fuel for all five origins. Besides, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. And vice versa.

Now, you may feel like this cheapens a character's origins, and I can't entirely blame you. But it's not a hard thing to ignore, since it mainly only comes up in Incarnate content and the occasional gentle nudge here and there. To me though, it's like getting mad at quantum physics. The Well is just a function of the universe, albeit apparently sentient and recently(?) gone crazy.

And even I dislike parts of the story surrounding it. Like the aforementioned sentient and crazy part. It dawns on me that maybe this what they're going for - what was once an inherent universal law is now picking and choosing who gets the goodies in some insane meritocracy. It would be also neat to see competing Wells of power, that all operate under different rules.

In another case, Lore pets felt like a case of them writing themselves into a corner, needing to justify how one could summon and control things that should normally be uncontrollable by players, like Seers, and thus was born the "spirits from the Well" angle. Perhaps it was a case of them desiring flash (cool pets!) over substance (more primal, abstract pets like some of the few we have now, which would also unfortunately overlap with Controller pets).

But the short of it is, I think the Well is not simply magic nor does it muck up the existing five origins, instead it enhances them to new levels. Possibly even to dangerous new levels.

*cough* Not to go off on a tangent or anything. Maybe I should start a fresh thread about this...

The well as originally hinted? No problem it is simply the X factor in the CoH universe that lets a guy become a crime punching super boxer rather than some bum at the local gym, or invent a super powerful battle armour rather than a toaster, or get super powers from cellular mutation and not cancer.

But when such primal force of the setting becomes sentient and starts giving favours and notices to people? Magic.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
I would indeed lump myth and mysticism (such as the Dianetics style "Unlocking your Inner Incarnate" stuff) under the term magic. I would say that the unknown is just that, the unknown. But if it's unknowable, that's magic. As for the talking omnipotence, I call that magic unless it's specifically something else. And if it turns out to be an uber-AI, that just means that incarnate powers are a subset of science origin, coming as they do from a Clarke level science.
Given that we are talking about super-powers of superheroes here, it's extremely easy to over simplify and state that everything is magic. Since they are supernatural by definition.

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To try to "un-derail" this thread, I always assumed Lady Grey was the "Lady in the Lake" because her connection to Excalibur.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Her origin is Darjeeling.

She's also a trademark

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
To try to "un-derail" this thread, I always assumed Lady Grey was the "Lady in the Lake" because her connection to Excalibur.
Hence the watery tart comments.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



On the general note of the Well, as ehh as I am about the way it's presented, I don't think it's as hokey as Lord Recluse's Web.

I also feel like the origins themselves are a little unclear because:
- If a mutant is the first of a new race, is that Natural or Mutation now?
- If Superman is natural because it's a natural result of being who he is, what's the ultimate distinguishing factor in preventing Redcaps from being natural origin?
- Science and Tech and Science and Mutation blend together HEAVILY.



Originally Posted by Lady Sunflash View Post
On the general note of the Well, as ehh as I am about the way it's presented, I don't think it's as hokey as Lord Recluse's Web.

I also feel like the origins themselves are a little unclear because:
- If a mutant is the first of a new race, is that Natural or Mutation now?
- If Superman is natural because it's a natural result of being who he is, what's the ultimate distinguishing factor in preventing Redcaps from being natural origin?
- Science and Tech and Science and Mutation blend together HEAVILY.
My main on Virtue is a cyborg who is a genetic clone of a once powerful faerie.

That is, a faerie was captured, and then a clone was made of her body. That body was given a whole lot of cybernetic implants (and limbs). The cybernetic clone of the faerie was then programmed and trained to be used as an agent for certain types of missions.

That cybernetic clone of a faerie eventually got loose and went rogue. She commands an army of robots and is herself an exceptional gadgeteer. Her inherent magic still lies mostly dormant, for now. But it does show up every now and then in some very subtle ways. She doesn't rely on it though, and doesn't trust it. She only trusts the things that she herself has built.

So, what's her real origin?



I'd argue technology, easily, for that one. Vanessa DeVore is a better example of unclear origin. Mutant traits that manifest magical abilities, boosted by an enchanted mask.

It'd be neat if there were some trials that required you to split up based on origin, or altered the fight. Similar to how omega team was formed.



Originally Posted by Lady Sunflash View Post
I'd argue technology, easily, for that one. Vanessa DeVore is a better example of unclear origin. Mutant traits that manifest magical abilities, boosted by an enchanted mask.
Yeah, I did make her tech origin in the game.

OK how about this one: I got another character who is a normal human. Her power armor is made with enchanted impervium. The suit gives her computer assisted targeting (among other things), but it's also imbued with magical energy.

It'd be neat if there were some trials that required you to split up based on origin, or altered the fight. Similar to how omega team was formed.
I'd vote for that!



Lore-wise origins aren't nearly as cut and dried as the 'pick one of five' character creation goes. Take Manticore for example: he's just a normal human with a high degree of archery skill, but some of those arrows use serious technology. Or Positron who is arguably both science and technology in origin. His own body has been altered to produce anti-matter but he uses plenty of technological hardware to control the abilities. And for players all Soldiers of Arachnos are considered natural in origin, but they wouldn't be very effective without their equipment.




Originally Posted by Psythe View Post
Out of curiosity, what exactly do you mean by 'unknowable' (if that question can be asked)? Do you mean the vast and incomprehensible, like Rularuu or some other lovecraftian horror?
Unknowable means something that simply can never be explained or understood no matter how advanced our theoretical science becomes. Some of Lovecraft's creations would probably qualify, but other are more the product or users of Clarke level technology. Those are things which we are currently unable to understand, but might that might become comprehensible as our understanding of reality improves.




Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
She can kill you with a tray, if she so wanted.
I think she can go make me a sammich and bring it to me on said tray.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



I like that she knows a ton about Incarnates and the Well, but little is known about her. The name Grey and her work with aliens is teasing, but probably coincidental. It's ok, she's satisfying as one of those characters who work best in an air of mystery and are never expanded on; they end up creating threads like these in fallout

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Originally Posted by ImpactHound View Post
I like that she knows a ton about Incarnates and the Well, but little is known about her. The name Grey and her work with aliens is teasing, but probably coincidental. It's ok, she's satisfying as one of those characters who work best in an air of mystery and are never expanded on; they end up creating threads like these in fallout
Maybe she is Grey. Or an avatar of Grey.

Let's Dance!



Sorry for bring a necro post to life.

Anyway on the topic... Lady Grey's Origin is Incarnate. Incarnates is a special origin.

Lady Grey/vanguard and the midnighter squad is the key to bring back the Hero 1 to help us fight off the Battalion that will be happening after we face and defeat Tyrant in a incarnate trial. That is where Prometheus comes into place. Once you completed the Underground Trial, you will get the info about the Coming Storm. When Glacia and Infernia came back to Earth, they both said the Omega team is still fighting the good fight.

Incarnate Powers... Alpha - Omega. Rikti Wars... Alpha led by Statesman, and Omega led by Hero 1.

I have much more information. Since statesman will be around for the incarnate lore, we need Hero 1 for the Omega. Also with the Coming Storm, statesman is dead... Hero 1, Midnighters, and Vanguard are the only ones that can help us... Oh and Prometheus as a referee.

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Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Maybe she is Grey. Or an avatar of Grey.
Nah. I know Grey, and he'd never make a Dark/Dark Defender. However, he did make a BS/Dark Scrapper back in the day because he was sure they'd never nerf it.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post
Sorry for bring a necro post to life.

Anyway on the topic... Lady Grey's Origin is Incarnate. Incarnates is a special origin.

Lady Grey/vanguard and the midnighter squad is the key to bring back the Hero 1 to help us fight off the Battalion that will be happening after we face and defeat Tyrant in a incarnate trial. That is where Prometheus comes into place. Once you completed the Underground Trial, you will get the info about the Coming Storm. When Glacia and Infernia came back to Earth, they both said the Omega team is still fighting the good fight.

Incarnate Powers... Alpha - Omega. Rikti Wars... Alpha led by Statesman, and Omega led by Hero 1.

I have much more information. Since statesman will be around for the incarnate lore, we need Hero 1 for the Omega. Also with the Coming Storm, statesman is dead... Hero 1, Midnighters, and Vanguard are the only ones that can help us... Oh and Prometheus as a referee.

+10 for effort, +4 for accuracy, -3 for precision.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.