I love Street Justice!




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I think the Street Justice sounds only become annoying when you have multiple of them all whiffing at enemies. Just one SJ character who tends to hit more often than not rarely gets annoying, at least to me.
It's not that they are annoying as in 'they bother other people' like peacebringers do to some - the sounds in StJ lack 'oomph' and that bothered me when playing the set solo on test (haven't bought it, too many new alts so I guess I'll wait till I have more than... 80 points lol) - Smite from Dark Melee has a really nice punchy sound effect for example.



Originally Posted by Gatecrasher View Post
Hey there,

Glad to hear some positive reviews of the set. I look forward to spending some time with it as soon as I accumulate enough free points to pick it up.

A question to the folks who've played it: are there any "skippable" powers in the set? Most melee sets you can bank on one of the powers being the sort of thing that you can drop from your power choices and not feel like you're missing anything. But in Mids I wasn't seeing anything obvious in that role. Is there anything?

Later on,
None of the attack powers are inherently skippable. If you're going to go with a high-recharge build (like you might for StJ/Regen), then you can probably drop one builder (the first one) and one finisher (the cone), just because everything will be recharging fast enough that you'll be able to build/use combo points quickly.

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



Originally Posted by Verene View Post
I haven't played it yet (don't have the points yet) but I find the animations hilarious - looks vaguely like the martial arts version of old-timey footage of Babe Ruth running the bases.
I'm surprised this isn't a big red flag that we're labelled VIPs and yet we still have to pay more money to get these points, or wait 2 months.

I am honestly surprised, if I really cared about street justice I'd be appalled about being a VIP and still having to pay extra for it.



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
It is a little known fact that anybody who hates Street Justice also hates Pie. Me, I love pie so I know I will love Street Justice...once I get the money for it.

I love the idea of the combo system. it sounds like a much more open version of the Dual Blades combos that I also enjoy alot.

Yep, I love StJ! And yes, StJ's combo system is what Dual Blades should have been/used.

I really hope that the Staff/Bo powerset (whenever it comes out) will be even more awesome than StJ (not sure how but that's what I'm hoping for!)...since I am one of the ones that have been asking for a Bo/Staff set for a long time now.

*Homer Simpson voice*

But, "knee to the groin" (Rib Cracker) has "knee to the groin"

*/Homer Simpson voice*

Using Rib Cracker on the Lost Lts. is great because if you use it as a finishing move you get to hit them in the 'jimmies' and get that "ooomph, unggh" sound when they die...err..get defeated...


The sounds effects in StJ are bad?! Whaaaah?!?! They're awesome!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I wish they'd add in an extra sound for Rib Cracker: A small, vaguely-male "Yipe!" You know, the girly sound guys make then they take a severe blow to the junk.
That doesn't go nearly far enough. Whenever rib cracker connects, the rib crackee should groan, "Ooh! Right in the family jewels!" in a thick Bostonian accent.



Originally Posted by Virfortis View Post
I'm surprised this isn't a big red flag that we're labelled VIPs and yet we still have to pay more money to get these points, or wait 2 months.

I am honestly surprised, if I really cared about street justice I'd be appalled about being a VIP and still having to pay extra for it.
I have a differing opinion. I enjoy the set so much I don't mind paying for it. More than that, I am happy that I paid for it as soon as it was available. It's just that awesome. (For me.)

If I thought it were a mediocre set, or a poorly executed implementation of a powerset that I was really looking forward to, then I would be bothered by having to pay for it. Street Justice? IMO I couldn't give them my money fast enough.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
That doesn't go nearly far enough. Whenever rib cracker connects, the rib crackee should groan, "Ooh! Right in the family jewels!" in a thick Bostonian accent.
Or better yet, mimic the Puchuu's from Excel Saga.


/thick, manly Italian accent

"OOOHH, YOU BREAK-A SOME BONES!" *falls over wheezing*

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Virfortis View Post
I'm surprised this isn't a big red flag that we're labelled VIPs and yet we still have to pay more money to get these points, or wait 2 months.

I am honestly surprised, if I really cared about street justice I'd be appalled about being a VIP and still having to pay extra for it.
I know as I VIP I'm annoyed at these comments, because as a VIP I've posted multiple times on why this line of thought is all wrong...

Namely...STOP using your points to buy things you would of had to pay extra money for before i21! If you had saved your points for powersets, then you'd have had them, but you (by you I mean those who have been doing such things, no idea if you have or not)were using points for such things as multiple costume slots, extra enhancement trays, extra salvage storage...ect...ect.

Notice how the SSA's are free to VIPs? Notice how they give you enough points to purchase new power sets? 400 in July, August, September, and October, and conviently that's the right amount to purchase BR and StJ?

All the same content as before is free. This complaint only becomes valid, when they release 2 power sets so close together, people won't have the points to purchase them at their subcription renewal date (basically every two months if they keep them at 800 points).

What makes this more sad, is this has been stated many many MANY times, and you still see posts like yours.

...now back to StJ!

Love the set!

Still, don't care for Sweeping Cross's animation. Something about it just doesn't "mesh" for me. So dropping it was an easy choice, even though I would have liked to keep it (but builds are tight anyways, so maybe it's a good thing).

Also, CU's animation I still think is a bit off. Can't explain it, the way of the jump just seems off, but then maybe I'm so used to Ken and Ryu's super uppercuts, I'm just not as impressed by this one. Still took the power though

Initial Strike and Heavy Blow having to alternating animations for them is PERFECT! It makes the set feel like it changes things up just by having those two different animations switching things up on one attack.

Shin Breaker by itself, I'd like be "meh" about on the animation, but seeing as how we can knock down enemies, makes it so much more fun to use.

I only wish that we could grapple in CoH, so I can see my 5ft tall super heroine, jump up, grab a baddie by the head and unleash a Rib Cracker.

Also a Cammie/Sonya Blade leg throw would be awesome!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I love Street Justice! I played it in Beta and was lucky enough to see what it can do with a nice, expensive build.

There's nothing like seeing Crushing Uppercut knock an AV down on their ****.

Also, I believe that Spring Attack was made with Street Justice in mind!

I had it with my StJ/Shield scrapper. Theres nothing more cool looking at a large mob, Spring Attack into the middle of the pack, Shield Charge, then lay a beating on the Leuts and Bosses. Way too much fun!

Thanks Devs for Street Justice!

@Radmind - Justice Server
ClintarCOH - Twitter




I actually think the hit effects on Street Justice are just about perfect. They're not the booming explosions of Super Strength because the set isn't super strength. It's less about brutish strength and more about violence. Yeah, you need strength to do that, but not the "toss cars like Lego bricks" kind of strength.

Super Strength breaks concrete. Street Justice breaks bones.

Actually, "breaks bones" is exactly what a lot of the hit effects sound like, at least out of my speakers. The weaker punches have more of a whiplash sound effect, sure, but the bigger ones like Rib Cracker or Spinning Strike, those sound PAINFUL. Not necessarily super strong, but simply very painful, in a way that makes me wince more than it makes my jaw drop.


Speaking of Rib Cracker - that's not a knee to the groin. If you look at the hit effect, it's aimed at the enemy's chest. That and the name of the power are hints as to what it actually is - a knee to the rib cage, or at most to the gut. Actually, it's precisely the kind of knee Raditz used to knock out Son Goku towards the beginning of the Dragon Ball Z series. Sure, if you use a very small character, then it looks like a knee to the groin, but then if you knock enemies down and do a Shin Breaker at them, your kick goes straight for their balls as they lie prone. Moreover, with a small enough martial artist, Crane Kick seems aimed at taller enemies crotches.

Maybe I'm biassed, in that I'm honestly not interested in "dirty fight" as that's just silly against most enemies we fight - robots, zombies, animated rocks, ghosts, really angry clouds and so forth. To a large extent, Shin Breaker falls in the same category and... Honestly, that really bugs me. It's why I thought I wouldn't like the power, but it kicks high enough to clip even most flying things.

Speaking of Shin Breaker, I laughed my *** off earlier today when I realised what Shin Breaker ACTUALLY looks like. See, to break an enemy's shin, you want to aim for the leg said enemy has forward. Shin Breaker does not - it aims below the enemy's centre of gravity, or rather below the centre of the character model. What ends up looking is me stomping on my enemy's toes. I almost expect them to grab one foot and start hopping around like in a cartoon

However, as others have mentioned before, Shin Breaker really shines as a "Kick 'im when he's down!" sort of power. That's also true for Rib Cracker. Few things are as satisfying as planting your knee in the mouth of an enemy just getting up off the ground and kneeing his lights out.

There's so much to enjoy about this set

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'm missing the fun atm since i don't have the points to buy StJ but i played it in beta and have a build and name saved for him the minute i can buy it!

The set is almost pure win. Can't wait to play it again.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Punch, punch...! Punch, punch, punch!!!
I wouldn't mind a Cathy's House style variation on Street Justice.



Originally Posted by Radmind View Post
Also, I believe that Spring Attack was made with Street Justice in mind!

I had it with my StJ/Shield scrapper. Theres nothing more cool looking at a large mob, Spring Attack into the middle of the pack, Shield Charge, then lay a beating on the Leuts and Bosses. Way too much fun!

Thanks Devs for Street Justice!

Yeah my StJ/Regen brute is the first toon in a LOOOOOONG time to ever choose a travel power OTHER than Super Speed. Usually I always just stealth missions so SS helps with that...

This toon, I took Super Jump...in mind that I'll be getting Spring Attack whenever I can (35 maybe?).

I figure SA, Build Up (forgot StJ's build up name) then Spinning Strike and then whatever...

It'll be fun trying to figure everything out!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yeah, kind of puts the Popeye Windup Punch to shame, doesn't it? Not that that's saying much, but DAMN
The windup punch used to be my favourite punch attack in the game...

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I figure SA, Build Up (forgot StJ's build up name) then Spinning Strike and then whatever...
Spring Attack then Spinning strike is indeed a lovely combo.
Tho since Spinning strike is targetted aoe, i tend to step back and wait a sec to let them bunch up



on my sj/regen brute the only power that i dont use much is the tier 1 attack, i get good combo build out of tier 2 attack, rib cracker, and shin breaker

having said that ive loved this set so far, got my toon from 1-34 in 3 days without PLing because of how much awesome it is lol



I'm still looking at just level 31, but I've been slacking off. It's been quite a while since I've been able to play a character 1-30+ without swapping, so that's definitely good!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



The only thing I don't like about Street Justice...

Where's my dropkick!?

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



My only beef with it is that it seems unusually endurance-hoggy.
Even my /wp char is wheezing...

That said, if they added some camera-shake like stone melee has it would be even more awesome.



Originally Posted by Yosomono View Post
My only beef with it is that it seems unusually endurance-hoggy.
Even my /wp char is wheezing...
I'm running a SJ/SR Scrapper and while it was problematic for a while, endurance reduction in my attacks and toggles really fixed that entirely. It's slightly harder to build, but I haven't had any real problems with it.

Originally Posted by Yosomono View Post
That said, if they added some camera-shake like stone melee has it would be even more awesome.
It does. Both Sweeping Cross and Spinning Strike have rather heavy screen shake, and I expect Crushing Uppercut will have that, as well.

Fixed my quote tags

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm running a SJ/SR Scrapper and while it was problematic for a while, endurance reduction in my attacks and toggles really fixed that entirely. It's slightly harder to build, but I haven't had any real problems with it.

That said, if they added some camera-shake like stone melee has it would be even more awesome.
It does. Both Sweeping Cross and Spinning Strike have rather heavy screen shake, and I expect Crushing Uppercut will have that, as well.
Running St.J/Shield/Mu, no endurance problems at all.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
Street Justice? IMO I couldn't give them my money fast enough.
Same here. And I'm only level 14 so far, but loving it.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I love Street Justice as well but I can't say it's for the animations since I currently only have three of the attacks.

I love SJ for the concept! I have always had a problem with the Martial Arts/Super Strength gap. I have a character (my tournament allowed me to make another one!) named Absolute Acceleration who is ALL about the speed. I used to make his incarnation as a Martial Arts/Super Speed Scrapper but, honestly, he wasn't a martial artist... he was just a guy who could move really fast.

On the other hand, Super Strength has always struck me as a "I'm really strong and that's good enough... I'll just sort of flail around until I hit something and break it..." sort of melee set. There aren't any skill shots... at all. Even Knock Out Blow is just a really cheesy wind up to a so-easy-to-see-it's-coming-I'll-just-lean-six-inches-to-the-right uppercut. Don't get me wrong, I HAVE characters who are that unskilled in combat, but not Absolute Acceleration.


Now, not only can I have my middle-of-the-skill-road Street Justice as melee... I can have Super Reflexes as my PRIMARY!! My newest incarnation of Absolute Acceleration is a Super Reflexes/Street Justice Tank and I couldn't be happier with him.

I may not even delete this one... maybe...

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw