Banned names "Generic 123 456 789"




Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Some people complain about the "aweful and litigious nature of American Society."
If you're indirectly going to stealth-quote me, could you at least spell "awful" correctly?

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



Originally Posted by St_Angelius View Post
I did mean that in reguards to MaestroMavius using the name Bruce Chi. Bruce Lee being a stage nickname rather than a character under copyright and/or trademark.
Ah. I misunderstood. Sorry. That's up to the GM's to decide. I could see it going either way.

Personally I usually don't even notice character names unless they do something to make me aware of their presence. (I.E. irritate me) My motto is don't break the rules if your going to act like a jerk.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Ah. I misunderstood. Sorry. That's up to the GM's to decide. I could see it going either way.

Personally I usually don't even notice character names unless they do something to make me aware of their presence. (I.E. irritate me) My motto is don't break the rules if your going to act like a jerk.
Yeah, I know what you mean, i reported a new vip just the other day with the name .Hurcules with a look incredibly similar to the Marvel character. And only became aware of them after they were bugging my GF, who was leveling a new toon in AP while she waited for me to finish a mish on my stalker so we could team. To forget about me and team with him because he was "A much better player. As if! Only 1 vet badge, but was using tells so had to be VIP.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Then it's time for them to get off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it.
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
FYI, voter registration records aren't the source for jury duty. Do you by any chance have a drivers license?
Depends on the state and municipality. In IL, it's based on voter registration.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
FYI, voter registration records aren't the source for jury duty. Do you by any chance have a drivers license?
While the state constitution allows for for the DL to be a source, the primary place they pull from is voter registration.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
All the decent names are either way too long, trademarked, copywrote, or were created one time long ago by a player on a dead account that Cox will not delete.
Sorry dude, that's untrue... at least in my case. I never have issues finding names I like anymore. And I play on the third and fourth most populous servers (at least they were... not sure where they rank since Freedom launched).



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Sorry dude, that's untrue... at least in my case. I never have issues finding names I like anymore. And I play on the third and fourth most populous servers (at least they were... not sure where they rank since Freedom launched).
K, try getting "Blue Centurion" on Freedom or Virtue, because I've been trying very regularly for four years.

there are also a ton of other names that come right to my head when I am making up a character that are almost always taken. Even stuff like Pyronomicon, and a thousand other clever (at least I thought they were clever) tries that are somewhat short, memorable, made up by me, and not a ripoff of any comic.

But sure, if you want "Cool Name 412" you can probably get it. or "XxSpiderxX" Name a half dozen of your characters with cool names, on busy servers.



Originally Posted by St_Angelius View Post
And as I said, he had one vet badge, Rookie. No Trustworthy badge so not a premmie!
To actually get the badge, you must slot the rewards tokens. To get the "tier bonus" for "filling" a tier you must merely possess enough tokens to fill it (and all below, of course). Communications, both parts, are "Tier Bonuses".

So it could of been a premium player, even one who never got the first vet badge under the old system, as you also get a bonus token for the first box code.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
K, try getting "Blue Centurion" on Freedom or Virtue, because I've been trying very regularly for four years.
One name, and a frightfully unimaginative one at that, doesn't prove your point.

But sure, if you want "Cool Name 412" you can probably get it. or "XxSpiderxX" Name a half dozen of your characters with cool names, on busy servers.
I see tons of cool names in the tutorial and running at the low levels all the time without the "Xx" or numbers. On Virtue, one of the two most populated servers. Just gotta be more creative than "Blue Centurion"....

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
One name, and a frightfully unimaginative one at that, doesn't prove your point.
Yes, Tyger42 is much better. Good point.

Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
I see tons of cool names in the tutorial and running at the low levels all the time without the "Xx" or numbers. On Virtue, one of the two most populated servers. Just gotta be more creative than "Blue Centurion"....
Very true. How about Blue Centurion42?



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Yes, Tyger42 is much better. Good point.

Very true. How about Blue Centurion42?
You know, your response would be meaningful rather than trolling had I made any sort of claim that my name was creative, original, etc. The fact of the matter is that "<color> Centurion" is not a particularly creative name. That doesn't make it bad necessarily, just means that the odds of it not being taken are extremely slim. To the point where I'd be extremely shocked to try it and find that it -IS- available on even a very low pop server.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
You know, your response would be meaningful rather than trolling had I made any sort of claim that my name was creative, original, etc. The fact of the matter is that "<color> Centurion" is not a particularly creative name. That doesn't make it bad necessarily, just means that the odds of it not being taken are extremely slim. To the point where I'd be extremely shocked to try it and find that it -IS- available on even a very low pop server.
So, since you are unoriginal and uncreative it's fine for you to mock others?

Got it. I'll keep that in mind when reading your posts.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
So, since you are unoriginal and uncreative it's fine for you to mock others?

Got it. I'll keep that in mind when reading your posts.
I wasn't mocking anything, so do go kindly stuff yourself. I was simply stating a fact to explain why his example of "all the cool names being taken" was an extremely poor one.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
One name, and a frightfully unimaginative one at that, doesn't prove your point.

I see tons of cool names in the tutorial and running at the low levels all the time without the "Xx" or numbers. On Virtue, one of the two most populated servers. Just gotta be more creative than "Blue Centurion"....
Why am I now envisioning PHBs from Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, and Image encouraging their fans to make characters here to hang out in the tutorial, writing down any cool name that shows up, compiling a list of these names, and suddenly releasing a whole slew of one shot comics featuring characters bearing said names, resulting in mass genericings in the game? Muahahahahahahaha...

Actually sounds like a plot for a fun little AE story arc involving Crey trying to shut down the Freedom Phalanx game so their upcoming Paragon Protectors MMO can become the dominant game.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
K, try getting "Blue Centurion" on Freedom or Virtue, because I've been trying very regularly for four years.

there are also a ton of other names that come right to my head when I am making up a character that are almost always taken. Even stuff like Pyronomicon, and a thousand other clever (at least I thought they were clever) tries that are somewhat short, memorable, made up by me, and not a ripoff of any comic.

But sure, if you want "Cool Name 412" you can probably get it. or "XxSpiderxX" Name a half dozen of your characters with cool names, on busy servers.
While not on the most populous server (Victory), I rarely have trouble getting a name I like, and I go thru Alts like beans thru a baby (if you throw them hard enough... don't ask).

Honestly, I prefer that the obvious names were taken 5+ years ago. Those early days had 15,000 versions of Green Hulk, Grey Hulk, Gray Hulk, Mean Hulk, Angry Hulk, Super Hulk, Mini Hulk, She-male Hulk, Bulk, Hunk, Hulque, etc, etc, etc. There were times there were more "Hulks" in Atlas Park then Hellions. Ignoring blatant rip-offs, even by having "clever" names being taken just makes you have to be "more". I originally wanted my gravity dom to be named something like Gravitor or Gravinator or something like that. Yes, they were terrible and luckily taken. So I did some digging and found the term for the inability to sense gravity. It was really cool sounding, although the heck if I can find it now (deleted that character).

Long story short, not every name has been taken. English is entirely too diverse to try to claim that, and you aren't even limited to English, as many, many, many cool names can be found in Latin, Greek, Spanish, Gaelic and other non-English words and corruptions thereof. Toss in other descriptors, and you really have no end to cool names that you can truely claim for your own.

CoH has been unique in the sea of cloned MMOs.There are years of possibilities still
in such a well designed, well supported and well loved game.Shutting it down now doesn't
make sense on any level except, perhaps, on some spreadsheet�s bottom line. I do not
consider this an act of a company that has the interests of its customers at heart.This
calls into question why I would want to be part of any further ventures involving NCSoft.



Originally Posted by Lightbender View Post
Long story short, not every name has been taken. English is entirely too diverse to try to claim that, and you aren't even limited to English, as many, many, many cool names can be found in Latin, Greek, Spanish, Gaelic and other non-English words and corruptions thereof. Toss in other descriptors, and you really have no end to cool names that you can truely claim for your own.
Absolutely. Blue centurion taken? Try:

Blu secoli ( Italian )
Puteulanus centurion ( Latin )
blau Jahrhunderte ( German )
azul centurion ( Spanish )
blåfarge århundre ( Norwegian )

Etc, etc. Of course, you'll have to change the "special characters" to standard english characters. So that last one would be blafarge arhundre. Anyway, fire up a translator online and run the name through to see what comes out. Even combine languages. Blue Jahrhunderte, for example.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



The "cool" languages tend to get taken first. Especially German, Russian and Latin. Don't even bother with Japanese. Try French, Sanskrit or Turkish (although I was gobsmacked once to not get a name in Lithuanian). Try book titles: People don't read anymore. Try album titles: If it's over a decade old and not metal it's probably free. Research names of famous battles. Bookmark Invent puns.

I'm on Virtue and I seldom have to try more than twice to get the names I want, correctly spelled with no stupid punctuation tricks.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Absolutely. Blue centurion taken? Try:

Blu secoli ( Italian )
Puteulanus centurion ( Latin )
blau Jahrhunderte ( German )
azul centurion ( Spanish )
blåfarge århundre ( Norwegian )

Etc, etc. Of course, you'll have to change the "special characters" to standard english characters. So that last one would be blafarge arhundre. Anyway, fire up a translator online and run the name through to see what comes out. Even combine languages. Blue Jahrhunderte, for example.

Blue Centurion (for me) isn't about a cop, or anything to do with Romans. For me the inspiration was the original cylons from Battlestar Galactica. Mine was a Centurion that developed much higher intelligence (altho many of his fights make me question that) and was shifted thru time/space into the City of Heroes. Possibly with the latter causing the former.

Also, try getting invited to taskforces with a name like blaflarge arhundre

On a positive note I did get the name on the VIP server, and am working on a project there with him.



Well, just offering up examples of what could come out of a translator search. They're not all going to be gems. ( Not sure where you got anything about cops from... ) As for complicated names getting invited to TFs, happens all the time. Especially since you can invite via the click menu when you click on someone's name in chat. Anyway, the point is, that sort of name is kinda a no-brainer that it's likely to be taken. Kind of like "Black Wolf" or "Red Blaze". Though, sometimes you can make simple and not at all "silly" looking alterations to get a "common" name. Red Thorn is taken, but Red Thorne was free on Virtue only a few weeks ago.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Well, just offering up examples of what could come out of a translator search. They're not all going to be gems. ( Not sure where you got anything about cops from... )
I didn't get that one either funnily enough. then I was over at a friend's house telling him about my CoV character. He is a Sgt. with the LAPD. He was like "You realize Blue Centurion is a cop reference?" I was literally stunned. Doh. There are even cop books with that in the title.

Plus I have never really grabbed onto much foreign stuff unless it really made sense for the character. Martial Artist? Sure, chines/japanese, etc. But to just randomly pick a language because anything I can think of was taken? Nope. And while sometimes I can be picky, i ran around for over half a year on a SS/Will Brute called "Scourge23", and he was loaded with my purples at the time. (Don't ask, i know it was a horrid build idea, it was fun). He needed to be Scourge because he was a variation on a character I was running in tabletop Champions game i was doing with my wife.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
As for complicated names getting invited to TFs, happens all the time. Especially since you can invite via the click menu when you click on someone's name in chat.
I think the point was more that names like blaflarge arhundre would be viewed akin to a name such as hafleghth ifilighr. basicly, a gibberish name for a throw away toon as used by goldfarmers/sellers.


Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Then it's time for them to get off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it.
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...



Originally Posted by St_Angelius View Post
a throw away toon as used by goldframers

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Also, try getting invited to taskforces with a name like blaflarge arhundre
I wish it worked that way. My Tank Isdjeveln Jordskjelv has to remain on /hide and red flagged nearly all the time just to stop all the blind invites he gets. He still gets tells from people that see him passing by and want a tank.