Real Life Superhero Arrested




Case in point, if anyone has heard / read about the 2 year old girl in China. She was ran over by not one car, but two and not in rapid succession. There is disturbing video of it apparently (of which I refuse to watch). There are over 18 people who witness this occurance and do nothing. Not to mention someone could have gotten her out of the road between being struck, or at least tried to stop traffic.

She recently passed away. This is a perfect example of what makes people like Pheonix Jones more necessary. We should all of us strive to be aware of those in need in both small and big ways so that by our actions, we make the world just a little better.



I don't have kids but that was horrifying to watch. I'm not ashamed to say I had to throw up. I can't in say anything else because the Mods would have to take action, but this is one time I'm literally shaking with rage.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I don't have kids but that was horrifying to watch. I'm not ashamed to say I had to throw up. I can't in say anything else because the Mods would have to take action, but this is one time I'm literally shaking with rage.
The sad thing is that this is not the worst that people are capable of. Honour killings are one such indication. It is a big thing in the news for Canada since one happened in Ontario recently. Honour killings are where a male member of the family kills a female member of the family because they brought shame to the family. Honour is more important than the welfare of your family? What kind of sick and twisted world is that?

There was also the case of people taking cellphone pictures of a mugging a couple of months ago.

The problem is that I can understand apathetic nature of humanity and actually prefer it over the voyeuristic nature of humanity. Taking a cellphone video of a crime in progress to give it to the cops for evidence is acceptable since not every person is brave enough to confront the criminals, but taking a cellphone video of the crime to share it with your friends makes you scum. Apathy appears to be a survival instinct. Not getting involved means you don't have to worry about someone getting payback. Although, there is no excuse to not run out to save a kid in the middle of a street. Haven't been in such a situation where I need to overcome my apathetic nature to do the right thing, but I hope I will do the right thing.

I find such discriminating against such situations to be complicated because unless you are in that situation, then you might act in the exact same way. Seems hypocritical to condemn such behaviour, then act in the exact same way when that situation occurs. I know that I will never intentionally harm another person without just cause, but I don't know how I will react when I see a crime is happening. Hopefully, I will try to do the logical thing and help as much as I can like calling the cops or do whatever the situation calls for and is within my power.

As far as these real life superheroes, it is good that they are trying to help other people, but their desire to help seems secondary when they wear a costume and have a camera crew. It is just like someone saves your life and asks for $50. It just cheapens a noble act.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



honour killings...some people just refuse to let such archaic things go.



Yesterday, there was a report of a shooting at a school in NY from a gunman atop a roof. Only a 34 year old woman died in the shooting as she shielded children she didn't even know with her own body. I guess some people would call her stupid for doing so and what she did just added to the people that needed help...oh wait...



[Delete] Posted in wrong place for some reason. Doh!

Ok then, instead of waisting a post, let me tell you my story. Me and a friend was coming out of a major event to the parking lot along with so many others that attended the event. The parking lot was so busy with people leaving we decided to just put our stuff away in the car and go get something to eat.

As we were leaving the car, we hear a bang. My friend ducked behind a car, and I thought it was just a car backfiring so I went to look. In front of me about a hundred yards, I see someone shooting at another behind a truck. I didn’t duck like my friend, mostly cause it was only briefly the guy that was being shot at jumps out from behind the truck he was hiding at and towards his attacker and then shoots his attacker point blank in the chest before running off.

The guy that was shot is disoriented and looks around, then sees me. He then starts walking towards me with his gun. I back off behind a car, until he accidently runs into my friend. I didn’t want to leave my friend with a guy with a gun so I step out and stand beside him. We both could see the guy was bleeding heavily, and my friend tells him to come with him to get help. My friend also tells me to call 911, so I did. I was on the phone with the operator, explaining what happened and that someone was shot and needed an ambulance (in spite of my friend’s insistance I leave that part out). Then the guy falls.

I walk over to him and stand besides the guy while screaming at the operator to connect me with someone that could tell me how to help this guy, while crowds around me started gathering and taking pictures. After 10 minutes (several minutes after the guy stopped breathing), she decided to finally connect me with someone with medical knowledge. However just then, the police come and tell me to get off the phone, and wouldn’t listen to me that I was just about to talk to emergency services.

The police then decided that they had to control the growing crowd first before they let the paramedics in. Another 10-15 minutes later we were herded into a section (with much complaining heard from the others), and then the police turned their attention to the now corpse at their feet. They tried to help, but it was too late.

The police corded off the entire garage and everyone still in it was asked if anyone saw anything, I stepped up and told them everything, and they took me to the police station (actually they took everyone to the station). As I was being taken to the station, I got to talking with the police officer driving me, and he showed me his computer when he learned I was a tech head. We both noticed that I was the only one that called 911. Also, me and my friend were questioned last, so we got to hear all the complaining and screaming from the others being questioned.

We told our story, and went home the next morning. Later, I read newspapers about the incident, and the police calling out for assistance from people who may have seen anything. There were hundreds of people in that parking lot at the time, so I assumed others must have seen what happened too. However, when I was called to give more testimony, I was told by the police that me and my friend were the only witnesses to the events in that parking lot.

I don’t think myself doing anything special, on the contrary I hate that I couldn’t have done more, but I came out of that experience realizing that what little I did was far more than any normal person would do, and that thought made me feel ill.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
As far as these real life superheroes, it is good that they are trying to help other people, but their desire to help seems secondary when they wear a costume and have a camera crew. It is just like someone saves your life and asks for $50. It just cheapens a noble act.
Yeah wearing a costume to hide your identity is silly because criminals have never been known to seek revenge on the families of people that stand up to them. They've never driven by a house or a public street and do a drive by shooting.

And video taping your actions is another silly idea because we all know that once arrested the criminal always confesses to his crimes and never, ever lies or tries to blame someone else, like pretending they were the innocent victim.

Nope criminals are all just a bunch of misunderstood cuddle-wuddle bears, and anyone using common sense tactics to stand up to them and bring them to justice is only a money grubbing fame-*****.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
As far as these real life superheroes, it is good that they are trying to help other people, but their desire to help seems secondary when they wear a costume and have a camera crew. It is just like someone saves your life and asks for $50. It just cheapens a noble act.
oi...we've gone over this several times, the camera crew contacted him, not the other way around.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Yeah wearing a costume to hide your identity is silly because criminals have never been known to seek revenge on the families of people that stand up to them. They've never driven by a house or a public street and do a drive by shooting.

And video taping your actions is another silly idea because we all know that once arrested the criminal always confesses to his crimes and never, ever lies or tries to blame someone else, like pretending they were the innocent victim.

Nope criminals are all just a bunch of misunderstood cuddle-wuddle bears, and anyone using common sense tactics to stand up to them and bring them to justice is only a money grubbing fame-*****.
Never said it was a bad idea, but there are easier ways to hide your identity than crafting a costume. IMO, wearing a costume is worse than going around in nondescript clothes and helping people. If I go around and defeat criminals, then all the description criminals can determine is basic characteristics. Most characteristics can be hidden with a hoodie and sunglasses. Costumes create identities and identities cause problems. There is also the problem of when a hero gets unmasked. If anyone wants to get payback on Phoenix Jones, then now they can. A nondescript hero does not have to worry about it since they could be anyone. Kind of hard to get payback on someone when there could be hundreds of people with hoodies and sunglasses fighting crime with none of them knowing who the other crimefighters are. We could create a group like Anonymous except we fight crime instead of hacking. IMO this is the "real life superheroes" of the near future instead of the current style of "real life superheroes".

Having a camera crew is irresponsible because it is dangerous to take them into certain situations. A personal camera would work just as well.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Never said it was a bad idea, but there are easier ways to hide your identity than crafting a costume. IMO, wearing a costume is worse than going around in nondescript clothes and helping people. If I go around and defeat criminals, then all the description criminals can determine is basic characteristics. Most characteristics can be hidden with a hoodie and sunglasses. Costumes create identities and identities cause problems. There is also the problem of when a hero gets unmasked. If anyone wants to get payback on Phoenix Jones, then now they can. A nondescript hero does not have to worry about it since they could be anyone. Kind of hard to get payback on someone when there could be hundreds of people with hoodies and sunglasses fighting crime with none of them knowing who the other crimefighters are. We could create a group like Anonymous except we fight crime instead of hacking. IMO this is the "real life superheroes" of the near future instead of the current style of "real life superheroes".
Wearing nondescript clothing has more chance of innocent people being wrongfully identified by the criminal element as the person responsible for standing up to them and any revenge could easily fall on their heads as a result.

Dressing in a unique concealing outfit means you won't be confused with the do-gooder just because you had the misfortune to be born the same size and build and hasppened to be wearing the same color hoodie and sunglasses the next day when you went out shopping, jogging, whatever.

Having a camera crew is irresponsible because it is dangerous to take them into certain situations. A personal camera would work just as well.
Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
oi...we've gone over this several times, the camera crew contacted him, not the other way around.
2. In order to get a proper camera angle on the events in question so everything is caught on tape requires more people to be involved than just the good Samaritan.

3. Journalists like the camera crew know full well the risks they are taking when they accept dangerous assignments. That's part of the job and they know that they are responsible for their own safety.



There more I read about Phoenix Jones, the more I'm impressed with him. Works by day with Autistic children, has a beautiful wife and son, is an Amatuer MMA fighter with a 16-0 record, then fights crime at night with the support and help of his family.

No one can really say he needs to get a life, he's got one.



Incidentally the actual video interviews have very little to do with the printed interview. It's like two different sections of the same interview along with some subjective interpretation thrown in.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



I know this thread is now on its' sixth page, so based on the trend of this part of the COH board the discussion is probably now only slightly relevant to the actual topic... But I just wanted to say that Phoenix Jones is a total example of a standup guy. Whether he wears a mask, wants attention, or not.. He ultimately is known for doing things to help others. He takes the heat for it and keeps doing what he thinks is right afterwards. I say as opposed to most 'famous' people, this guy actually earned it.



Only read the written interview since I'm on my phone, but wow.... I'd almost call it inspiring. Costume or no, I do hope his actions are the force that gets this ball rolling on people cleaning up our society instead of just posting pictures on Facebook or videos on YouTube.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
Only read the written interview since I'm on my phone, but wow.... I'd almost call it inspiring. Costume or no, I do hope his actions are the force that gets this ball rolling on people cleaning up our society instead of just posting pictures on Facebook or videos on YouTube.
When you actually listen to the interview he comes across as very well spoken and intelligent.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
When you actually listen to the interview he comes across as very well spoken and intelligent.
Yes he does. I'm actually interested now in seeing how this whole thing plays out over the next few months or so, not just for him, but for the RLSH community as a whole.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
Yes he does. I'm actually interested now in seeing how this whole thing plays out over the next few months or so, not just for him, but for the RLSH community as a whole.
So it begins. I kinda understand the State's descision on this, but I still think its crap.