Oh the lulz with the DCnU




Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Well the sensible thing to do would be to assume his history is different wouldn't it?

While reading I can do that an increase my enjoyment, but the minute I start to review a piece and think about it in terms that the creators say I should the sensible thing is to grade and comment based on the intent of the creators and not just the most enjoyable way to read.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
canon isn't just what is written in the comics, but also what is officially stated as such.
I disagree with this vehemently. This is my "vehement tone" I'm using. Canon is what is printed on the page and that's it. There's a very simple reason.

If you want to accept something that is said "officially" as canon, that's fine. You are welcome to accept that as canon. However, not everyone bothers to follow every tweet, FB post, con panel, or blog. What is the official venue for release of an official statement of canon, outside of the comics themselves? I don't know. Is there someplace in the comic that tells me? Why should I care, if it's stated outside the comics but never actually appears in the comics? How does it impact the story in any way if it isn't actually in the story?

So, I will happily ignore such an "official statement" until it appears in the comics. Then it's canon.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
I disagree with this vehemently. This is my "vehement tone" I'm using. Canon is what is printed on the page and that's it. There's a very simple reason.

If you want to accept something that is said "officially" as canon, that's fine. You are welcome to accept that as canon. However, not everyone bothers to follow every tweet, FB post, con panel, or blog. What is the official venue for release of an official statement of canon, outside of the comics themselves? I don't know. Is there someplace in the comic that tells me? Why should I care, if it's stated outside the comics but never actually appears in the comics? How does it impact the story in any way if it isn't actually in the story?

So, I will happily ignore such an "official statement" until it appears in the comics. Then it's canon.
The same way that in the comics it was never specifically stated that this was a reboot/relaunched or anything else. That comes from Statements, not the comics themselves



Actually Flashpoint set up that this new Universe is a reboot.

Not in a very exciting way, but it did.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
The same way that in the comics it was never specifically stated that this was a reboot/relaunched or anything else. That comes from Statements, not the comics themselves
The #1 on the cover tells me all I need to know about that.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Actually Flashpoint set up that this new Universe is a reboot.

Not in a very exciting way, but it did.
No. Flashpoint set up a universe that was changed, but largely the same meaning that most everything should be as it was with minor changes.



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
The #1 on the cover tells me all I need to know about that.
Yeah...The renumbering of books that have been running for longer than my parents have been alive is a big tip off that "we're starting over"

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



If you're being deliberately obtuse then I'll agree, these comics will never make sense to you. This isn't really the comics fault though.

So far I've read a few comics in the relaunch I've never even considered touching before and been following them fine. Animal Man for example clearly has a lot of history behind it, but that didn't impede me getting into the latest one at all.



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
How can we get Bruce Timm to take over?
I will only support the idea of Bruce Timm as DC EIC if there is an accompanying editorial mandate in which all DC artists must draw women the way Bruce Timm draws women.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Interesting poll

Any thoughts on which will be first to go? Probably Red Hood judging by the responses it got
Which is a shame because I honestly think there's potential there.

Unfortunately, the overblown "controversy" surrounding the first issue (which could have been largely avoided by better writing on Lobdell's part, or maybe establishing Starfire's post-reboot personality for a couple of issues before the "you have the necessary equipment, so you'll do" element was introduced) just might have sealed the book's fate.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



I sure as heck hope Red Hood goes first. It's so bad it's...horrible.



DC should just stop and go back to making JLU and Batman Beyond. Insert cashflow.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
If you are going to start from zero, then start from zero. Start with Bruce just becoming Bats, Hal Jordan just getting the Ring, Clark just starting out, Diana just coming off of Paradise Island, etc. Don't try to confuse people by saying it's a "fresh" start, but keeping cherry-picked parts of history that don't make sense without other parts of history.
This. How Dan "Beast Machines" DiDio still has a job is a mystery to me.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



The first to die off?

Red Hood and Catwoman are fairly obvious picks, they're kind of an embarrassing point for DC now and I doubt they'll improve as time goes on. They're also both just bad comics in themselves.

Hawkman will die off because it's Hawkman and it is always, always terrible.

Hawk and Dove probably won't last long, the story is okay but... well who really cares about Hawk and Dove? Especially when Liefield is drawing for it.

Red Lanterns doesn't have much legs to it, it's a one note comic really and without the kitty I doubt it'd be even vaguely entertaining.

Grifter and Voodoo are going to have to really pull off something special to keep going. They're not characters people care about and they haven't exactly done a good job of changing that yet.

I'd put a bet on Grifter being the first to go if one is going.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post

The reason the whole "it didn't happen less it was said" worked before is because pre-1980 most comics weren't serials and took place in several different cannons thus if you said X happened or didn't happen it only meant that that particular book happened and had no implications for most other books

Evidently you weren't referring to either Marvel or DC, both had good continuity in the 70's and Marvel invented the idea in the 60's.



The first to die off with be Legion of Super Heroes. Then, in three months, it'll relaunch with a new number one. The downside? Within that same issue it will be killed off and rebooted/relaunched halfway through.

Only to be killed off again at the end of the issue.



Originally Posted by Synergy One View Post
Evidently you weren't referring to either Marvel or DC, both had good continuity in the 70's and Marvel invented the idea in the 60's.
We were arguing about canon before 1980. The original Marvel "What If?" series started in the mid 70s and it was already playing on our understanding that the entire Marvel Universe was interconnected.

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Sounds like Dan DiDio's already feeling the pressure of the reception to his big plan.

Don't worry Dan, there won't be any Crisis in your universe.. they're saving that until you're gone to fix everything again.

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