Street Justice Nerfed?




I am looking over Street Justice numbers after today's patch and I noticed a few things changed. The AOE is now down to a 6 foot radius it was around 8.

The other thing I noticed is how Fiery Embrace works with it. For other powersets, Fiery Embrace is 45% damage increase, for some of the powers in Street Justice its only boosting them 25%.

Example: Footstomp with Fiery Embrace deals 45% more damage just looking at base numbers, with the Street Justice set Spinning Strike only deals 25% more damage.




Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Is this a joke?

Agahnim- Elec/Ice Blaster

"Elec/Ice. Nice. Holy <@*&$@#!> =) You're like the CoH equivalent of those bdsm people who hang from the ceiling on hooks!"

Agahnim Dragmire- Warshade

"(You spin space webs. =D)"



Originally Posted by Agahnim View Post
Is this a joke?
No its not, the set was made weaker, therefore its nerfed. Its AOE was made smaller and now on some of the attacks Fiery Embrace only is a 25% increase down from 45%.

Also Fiery Embrace only effects the level 0 charge of the power. (But thats always been true to my knowledge)



It hasn't been released yet, so I don't think any changes would qualify as a nerf. I'd call it a tweak, adjustment, or a fix since it hasn't gone live. Thanks for the update, I wouldn't have known about the changes otherwise.

Agahnim- Elec/Ice Blaster

"Elec/Ice. Nice. Holy <@*&$@#!> =) You're like the CoH equivalent of those bdsm people who hang from the ceiling on hooks!"

Agahnim Dragmire- Warshade

"(You spin space webs. =D)"



Spinning Strike is a 2 part DoT, the damage from fiery embrace is added twice, on the first dot and half a second later. Real numbers doesn't show if fiery embrace's damage buff applies to the combo system. I don't think there's any type of nerf here.

The 6ft might just be a typo, all melee attack are 7ft (thanks castle) I can't imagine the Devs would make an attack with less range then that.

The information layout for street justice's real numbers looks more informative then what I remember in Beta. Looks like this powerset is ready to go on sale next Tuesday.



Originally Posted by Agahnim View Post
It hasn't been released yet, so I don't think any changes would qualify as a nerf. I'd call it a tweak, adjustment, or a fix since it hasn't gone live. Thanks for the update, I wouldn't have known about the changes otherwise.
I would not have known either until I was pulling up the DPS on the set and comparing the effects of Fiery Embrace again on it to other sets.

To put this change into perspective, Foot Stomp and Tremor have a 15 foot radius, all the other melee sets PBAOE's have an 8 foot radius with the exceptions of Fire Sword Circle (10 Foot) and Thunderstrike (Technically a targeted AOE at 7 Feet).

STJ now has a 6 foot AOE... to also put into perspective nearly all melee attacks have a 7 foot radius with the exception of KO Blow being 13 Feet.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Spinning Strike is a 2 part DoT, the damage from fiery embrace is added twice, on the first dot and half a second later. Real numbers doesn't show if fiery embrace's damage buff applies to the combo system. I don't think there's any type of nerf here.

The 6ft might just be a typo, all melee attack are 7ft (thanks castle) I can't imagine the Devs would make an attack with less range then that.

The information layout for street justice's real numbers looks more informative then what I remember in Beta. Looks like this powerset is ready to go on sale next Tuesday.
No this isn't correct, Initial Blow is a 2 part DOT as well. However, in the real numbers it shows Fiery Embrace as a 45% damage increase on this power. The Fiery Embrace is not applied twice in Spinning Strike.

Also if its a typo it was changed because 2 days ago it was 8 foot.



Don't break my heart folks...



Uploaded with

Uploaded with

To show what I am talking about regarding two powers from STJ with two part dots.

This also shows how small the AOE is on Spinning Strike.

If you notice both Initial Strike and Spinning Strike are two part DOTs, Fiery Embrace is only applied once in each case. In the case of Spinning Strike, it is a 25% damage increase. If it was applied twice, it'd be going to 50%.



So this matters to people who aren't going to pair it with fire armor.....



Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
So this matters to people who aren't going to pair it with fire armor.....
Well that part does, although the AOE nerf effects anyone that was taking the set. It now has the smallest melee AOE in the game.

Although I would argue why should one set suffer if paired with another? Fiery Embrace should have a universal effect and if it was made too powerful should be made equal across sets.



On tuesday maybe we'll find out if the intern that typed up these real numbers made a few typos or if there is some master conspiracy to nerf Street Justice.



Uhg! I see now. Methinks it needs a tweak upward to at least keep it level with kinetic melee. But I'm planning on making a stalker. Just hope it's enough for a placate aoe bomb.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
On tuesday maybe we'll find out if the intern that typed up these real numbers made a few typos or if there is some master conspiracy to nerf Street Justice.
Well I did not play it on test, did anyone actually ever test any of the above? I mean sit down and crunch the numbers not just feel it out. Arcanaville?



First rule of Beta club and all that. You'll just have to wait until tuesday.



Man, you guys sure are making it sound like it's certain that Street Justice is coming out on Tuesday. Better not be getting my hopes up for nothing. :P

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



Yeeah, StJ has had a 6 feet AoE for, what, 2 months now? Probably since the conception of the powerset, but I wasn't in early beta phases to tell.

Glad to see your ability to overreact and post stupid threads has not been nerfed either since a few years back...



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Well I did not play it on test, did anyone actually ever test any of the above? I mean sit down and crunch the numbers not just feel it out. Arcanaville?
I tested it extensively. I'm not going to comment on any potential changes until I can sit down and play with them. I will say that it wouldn't surprise me if the set were taken down a notch or two (I refuse to use the word "nerf" because that's a very binary term with very negative connotations attached to it), as it did walk the line between being balanced and being overpowered. On it's own, the set is damn good. Combined with certain other sets, there is absolutely the possibility of being too damn good.

Oh, and the AoE radius on Spinning Strike is low because it's a melee targeted AoE power. You perform a spinning roundhouse kick and go immediately into a spinning backfist; range isn't going to be much different than your standard melee attack.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
I tested it extensively. I'm not going to comment on any potential changes until I can sit down and play with them. I will say that it wouldn't surprise me if the set were taken down a notch or two (I refuse to use the word "nerf" because that's a very binary term with very negative connotations attached to it), as it did walk the line between being balanced and being overpowered. On it's own, the set is damn good. Combined with certain other sets, there is absolutely the possibility of being too damn good.

Oh, and the AoE radius on Spinning Strike is low because it's a melee targeted AoE power. You perform a spinning roundhouse kick and go immediately into a spinning backfist; range isn't going to be much different than your standard melee attack.
I also tested it extensively, and have to agree with GBE has said. It really did walk the line.

Types of Swords
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I don't see anything from those pics of Saint Justice that I didn't see on test. That specific AoE has always been 6 feet in radius and much was said about it in Beta. I don't know why people feel the need to make what is an AoE already 12 feet across centred on an enemy who could be 7 feet away from you and in the middle of a mob of other enemies even bigger, especially considering how hard that power already hits, but I didn't get to play around with the set at level 50 so I don't know how well it's balanced. We'll see.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



If this thing doesn't come out on Tuesday I'm gonna come find you! Rrrr!

Just sayin'



The AoE has had a 6ft radius since the first time it was seen by players.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
The AoE has had a 6ft radius since the first time it was seen by players.
And, again, it's a physical attack made with your character's foot and fist; it makes no sense for it to have the radius of, say, Foot Stomp

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
The AoE has had a 6ft radius since the first time it was seen by players.
I'm not nearly as numbers-centric as many on these boards, but I also recall as EvilGeko does.

Also, Ultimus, I'd reserve the word "nerf"- which has strong negative connotations- for something that has its performance reduced AFTER it is released. It carries the weight of feelings of betrayal as players invest in something and adapt to it only to have it changed and reduced in value after the investment is made.

Something that's in a beta is by definition still in a state of flux and not in its final form. Changes will be made there, and the players have yet to invest in it.



Yeah, I don't think that has changed. And, like Sam said, it is a targeted AoE. Which means, that could be a 12 foot radius 7 feet away from you.

Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
I'm not nearly as numbers-centric as many on these boards, but I also recall as EvilGeko does.

Also, Ultimus, I'd reserve the word "nerf"- which has strong negative connotations- for something that has its performance reduced AFTER it is released. It carries the weight of feelings of betrayal as players invest in something and adapt to it only to have it changed and reduced in value after the investment is made.

Something that's in a beta is by definition still in a state of flux and not in its final form. Changes will be made there, and the players have yet to invest in it.
While I, personally, don't see any difference with this terminology before or after something goes live... I just say keep the "nerf" usage to when something is actually reduced too much, to the point of taking it from powerful (or even over-powered) to worthless.
This is something that rarely happens (if ever in this game) and people who use "nerf" freely should have their posting privileges nerfed!

I know, I know... it's become the standard word for a reduction in power and people talk like most any reduction makes their coveted power now useless... But... if we keep letting the crazies define everything and set all the standards... Well, we'd just all be living in their world and dealing with nonsense all the time... Oh wait.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"