Can Preems not pay base upkeep?




Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Bad idea. Bases live forever.

They should stay subscriber-only.
They live forever as a database file. They become resource intensive on the Live Servers only when they're instanced. When the denizens of a base are offline, the base instance is discarded and goes back to just being a data file.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Positron mentioned recently that they'd been looking at the idea of personal player housing, but that it was very resource intensive.
No doubt there will be yet another form of currency to pay the rent on that once it's in the game!

It seems a bit silly to me that Premium players can unlock IOs but can't pay rent on bases.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Bad idea. Bases live forever.

They should stay subscriber-only.
Just like IO living forever?



IO's don't take up reams of space in databases, and don't require SGs that use up "name space" either.

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Bad idea. Bases live forever.

They should stay subscriber-only.
Ya that's sure to get them the attention the need cause sub only has done so well for bases for the last 5-6 years(how ever long they have been released) oh wait......

Listen if we ever want bases to get looked at one of the last few hopes is making it an item on the paragon market and hoping it stirs up a lot of interest in the preem crowd cause nothing aint never gonna change about bases any other way.

This is also pvps last good hope I believe and it would be a shame to see base love lose that opportunity.



Well, Frag.

Does anyone know if Preems can still edit bases?



Officially no, in practice the limited editing I tried worked. Haven't tried with the latest patch.



The only place Preems are locked out is at the SG registrar. That contact will not give a Preem the option to Start a SG, Pay Rent or Create a Base. Preems can do everything else, edit bases, set permissions on storage, they can even have the star.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
The only place Preems are locked out is at the SG registrar. That contact will not give a Preem the option to Start a SG, Pay Rent or Create a Base. Preems can do everything else, edit bases, set permissions on storage, they can even have the star.
How far can I build base before it requires upkeep? Is there an option I can set as VIP to make upkeep automatically deduct before going Premium?



I can confirm a workaround works for this. I had a premium SG leader invite me, a VIP, to their SG. I was able to pay the rent to get the base turned back on.

Step 1. Find willing VIP to stand between you and the registrar
Step 2. Set your permissions so that any member of you group can pay upkeep.
Step 3. Invite said willing VIP to your SG.
Step 4. Willing VIP/New temporary SG mate takes the check from you and hands it to the registrar.

There is NO WAY this is working as intended.



Originally Posted by Cake View Post
How far can I build base before it requires upkeep? Is there an option I can set as VIP to make upkeep automatically deduct before going Premium?
You don't start getting charged upkeep in bases until you start placing storage items. You can build all the medical items and teleporters you like. The second you place ANY storage item, you start running into a fee that's 200 Prestige x The Number of Storage Items, to a maximum of 3600 prestige.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
You don't start getting charged upkeep in bases until you start placing storage items. You can build all the medical items and teleporters you like. The second you place ANY storage item, you start running into a fee that's 200 Prestige x The Number of Storage Items, to a maximum of 3600 prestige.
So storage container are only items that require upkeep?



Storage Items (per bin) 100 prestige
Auto-Doc / Tree of Wonders 100 prestige
Combat Logs / Contemplation Charts 100 prestige
Robo-Surgery / Spirit Signal 100 prestige
Advanced Worktable / Advanced Forge 100 prestige
Expert Worktable / Expert Forge 100 prestige
Robotic Fabricator / Flames of Hephaestus 100 prestige
Radiation Emulator / Enchanting Crucible 100 prestige
Linear Accelerator / Arcane Crucible 200 prestige
Supercollider / Mystic Crucible 300 prestige



thanks for list



I think it would be interesting if the devs did a small test, temporarily offering rent payment for say 100 PP. You buy that, your SG rent is paid immediately regardless of how high it is. No need to go to the registrar. I wonder how many Premium and how many VIP players will take advantage of it.



Originally Posted by Death_Badger View Post
The game obviously needs more people paying more or it wouldn't have gone hybrid/f2p. Yet the little restrictions like this are deal breakers for some. There's zero reason I can see for premium players being unable to pay base upkeep.
No the game is not going hybrid F2P because the game needs more players. It is going hybrid F2P because that path has shown that it brings in great buckets of money.

So if you just play for free and don't spend anything on them they aren't all that interested. But if you play for free and throw bucket loads of money at them then they will perk up. Because they have made no secret about it being the bucket loads of money driving the decision and not needing more players.

Remember the whole process has taken over 2 years to implement so this was no rush job for more players.

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Originally Posted by Cake View Post
thanks for list
Not a problem. Happy to help. Oh and just an FYI, items like the work tables can be purchased, used then sold and you shouldn't be charged for rent. I've been doing that on my bases that don't have a lot of prestige saved up and they haven't been charged extra rent. Only the things like storage bins which are more or less permanent features.

At least that's how it has been working for me.



Originally Posted by Death_Badger View Post
I'm glad that I find this out, was planning on buying enough paragon points to get to the end of tier 7, but after seeing this I will pass on that and simply let my sub slide and likely not return.

I can live with no Incarnate content. I can live with have to spend £60 to get my Invention system unlocked permanently. But being permanently locked out of my base if I go premium is the straw that breaks the camels back.
Ok then i have a suggestion.....take the items out that cost rent...then you wont have to ever pay rent....ergo you can use the base forever without ever being locked out.

i think the only things that cost are the things that let you hold items.....
since you said you where already donating stuff...and only going to come back now and again shouldnt be too big of an should be able to dump quite a bit on the suction house.....
the ingame email doesnt last forever so i am not suggesting that to cary items.....and i think it also has a limit.

but i said just get rid fo the items that hold things.....that should be the onyl items that charge rent.....i dotn think anything else does...maybe the oroboros stone does too or the desk that lets you craft or maybe the vault access items as well...but not sure about those.



Originally Posted by PsychicKitty View Post
i think the only things that cost are the things that let you hold items.....
Below are all the items that cost rent. Storage is just one set of the items.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Storage Items (per bin) 100 prestige
Auto-Doc / Tree of Wonders 100 prestige
Combat Logs / Contemplation Charts 100 prestige
Robo-Surgery / Spirit Signal 100 prestige
Advanced Worktable / Advanced Forge 100 prestige
Expert Worktable / Expert Forge 100 prestige
Robotic Fabricator / Flames of Hephaestus 100 prestige
Radiation Emulator / Enchanting Crucible 100 prestige
Linear Accelerator / Arcane Crucible 200 prestige
Supercollider / Mystic Crucible 300 prestige



Supercollider / Mystic Crucible 300 prestige
Waste of prestige and crafting unless you really a want 5% Psionic Resistance.

Linear Accelerator / Arcane Crucible 200 prestige
Increase Recovery is nice but I don't use it since we got Inherent Stamina. If I was starting a new base I'd just use the basic base enhancement station.

Radiation Emulator / Enchanting Crucible 100 prestige
This model has all the nice exemplar friendly buffs. Increased Attack Speed, Grant Grant Invisibility and Knockback Protection. A clockwork winder, boresight and temporal sands can rent you the recharge bonus of almost 3 LotGs.



Originally Posted by PsychicKitty View Post
Ok then i have a suggestion.....take the items out that cost rent...then you wont have to ever pay rent....ergo you can use the base forever without ever being locked out.

i think the only things that cost are the things that let you hold items.....
since you said you where already donating stuff...and only going to come back now and again shouldnt be too big of an should be able to dump quite a bit on the suction house.....
the ingame email doesnt last forever so i am not suggesting that to cary items.....and i think it also has a limit.

but i said just get rid fo the items that hold things.....that should be the onyl items that charge rent.....i dotn think anything else does...maybe the oroboros stone does too or the desk that lets you craft or maybe the vault access items as well...but not sure about those.
I have over 700 IOs stored in base storage, and around 200 rare salvage, in one of my bases, no idea how many in the others on different servers.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
No the game is not going hybrid F2P because the game needs more players. It is going hybrid F2P because that path has shown that it brings in great buckets of money.

So if you just play for free and don't spend anything on them they aren't all that interested. But if you play for free and throw bucket loads of money at them then they will perk up. Because they have made no secret about it being the bucket loads of money driving the decision and not needing more players.

Remember the whole process has taken over 2 years to implement so this was no rush job for more players.
F2P hybrid models were an unknown quantity over 2 years ago (first big western hybrid f2p conversion was launched July 2009)and that was for a game that was dead on it's feet. So they must have been awfully quick off the mark to have started the conversion 2 years ago (and seriously if they have spent 2 years on the store UI that they currently have, someone needs sacking, it's obvious they have tried to copy Turbines but done a terrible job)

Being honest, CoH had one or two well populated servers and a stack of ghost towns. They needed more players as nothing puts people off an MMO like a lack of players. The only way player numbers would increase (as releasing expansions hasn't worked) is the hybrid conversion. And just because a model worked for one game doesn't mean a different model will work for another. However it is likely to increase profits simply through current subscribers paying more through the store.



Do you not know anyone that intends to remain here as ViP?
If you do, wouldn't it be pretty easy to have them put an alt in your SG and just sign on when/if you return?

Even if you don't know anyone that sticks around as ViP, when you return all you have to do is ask the 1st ViP near you to join and pay right quick, maybe for a million or so influence and Voila!

The risk there is they could take your 700+IO's and log out but then again, it really isn't a risk. What happens then? You leave and don't come back. Well, isn't that what your doing all by yourself?

It's only a problem because you want it to be. You need a reason not to spend the cash on tokens, any reason really, so you can justify leaving.
I'm not saying that to trivialize the emotion, fun is varied for us all, I'm just urging you not to 'leave angry' after all the good times you've had.

I'd be willing to hop on over and pay the rent whenever you pop in with just a tell, no fee needed! I freely give away millions and don't play high level so the risk is minimized.

Otherwise, may the force be with you.

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Excellent suggestion, Maestro. I plan on going Premium next month and was worried about the base upkeep. Players are nice enough to invite my alts into solo SGs so hopefully they won't mind the occasional base upkeep.

Though I have to say I think locking bases behind VIP is a mistake. By their design, they are meant for the store. I would gladly pay for a pre-built base or buy a storage/energy/control/plot upgrade item.

If they do ever sell pre-built bases, I hope they hold a contest for base builders. I would absolutely LOVE to buy some of the bases I've seen designed by players.

Maybe with some money coming directly from sales, we can finally see the 'base love' that we have gone without for so long.



Originally Posted by Death_Badger View Post
It's not melodrama. It's a fact that without any access to my own base that I've earned huge amounts of prestige for then there is zero point me being premium. And as i'll be in a galaxy far far away I can't justify having a sub that I will very rarely use.

And for your information I've already started donating my stuff to various causes. So try being snarky to someone else.
It might have been mentioned already but the only way to avoid being premium is to subscribe.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.