Let's talk about the Avatar of Hamidon
I would say the confuse.
Having your protections hammered into the ground is nothing new. Not to mention Unresistable attacks being nothing new either when they want to stick it to the Players to drive home just how dangerous and special an enemy is.
Meanwhile, a full area full of confusion status is just insane. It leaves anyone without built in protection punished (I'm currently leveling an elec/elec tanker to eventually make up for all the help my Controller Got in trials, and they won't be any good for the UG because Elec armor has no confuse protection built in).
It means if you had a buff or heal queued up, and you get confused in the meantime then congratulations, you have just healed and/or buffed the Avatar instead.
Though the worst part is it takes away choice, or at least many people seem to believe you have no choice and if you don't act accordingly then they will spend the last end of the UG screaming about Clarions. The Incarnate system is supposed to be a wonderful extra, to make you feel good about having some new power, power you have worked to build and picked what you like best.
Nobody has ever complained when they get buffed with a T4 Rebirth, or a T4 Ageless during the rest of an UG trial that I've ever seen. But the second the Avatar fight starts up, these same people who were enjoying your buffs turn around and start ranting over the fact everyone in the leauge didn't make and bring nothing but T4 Clarions.
Of course, the worst thing about the UG trial to me was a bug. When my last UG trial attempt made it to the avatar fight, Desdemona became unargetable even though she was still alive and the Trial Window's health listing showed her as still standing. Not to mention would not follow those marked as her leader. So nobody could ever find the lady to survive the seed bombs. (No, she did not die when nobody was looking, right before the trial ended from everyone quitting I ran across her again).
Sure, that last bit is clearly a bug. But it was the worst thing to me. Even though it's not any form of insanity that occurs by design.
There is only one reason I would ever run a UG trial now. To build up Incarnate experience for a fresh lv 50. However, with the current mentality around the UG right now, I doubt you'd avoid getting kicked from most of them, or invited in the first place as a fresh 50 unless they were desperate for members.
Clearly, we need more lasers.
Gently put, these trials may require us to slot and use powers other than what we generally use. I made and slotted Clarion for this trial, and I am glad I did. I made and slotted Rebirth for the Keyes trial, and I am glad I did. Did I cry bitter tears when I had to unslot Ageless? No, I did not, because I recognize that challenges may require me to change my approach. Future trials may require other alterations of my Incarnate powers; I welcome this as a refreshing change of pace.
Clarion isn't even a good solution to the confuse since it only gives enough Confuse protection for the final room for 15-30 seconds. You need at least seven stacks of Clarion to be Confuse protected for the full duration of the buff.
And it doesn't help at all with Infection. My Tanker, simply put, cannot go into melee with the Avatar because of it, since if he does, he will die.
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

enforced morale
steamy mist
and others will help against confuse, plus i make "escapes" using the merit vendor.
the league leader normally jiggles teams so the anti-mez is balanced out around the teams
hard but doable when not bugged,lol
Defiant: "@Felix"
ATO Felix - Gamma Anne - Fire me Boy!
Kit the Kat - Black Felix - Gremlet
Shadow Sorceress - Dr Doom and Gloom - Rob Rubble
Mitzy White - Wanda Smith - Henry Remo
Clarion isn't even a good solution to the confuse since it only gives enough Confuse protection for the final room for 15-30 seconds. You need at least seven stacks of Clarion to be Confuse protected for the full duration of the buff.
And it doesn't help at all with Infection. My Tanker, simply put, cannot go into melee with the Avatar because of it, since if he does, he will die. |
The trial had 20 or so people total I think; only 1 or 2 had clarion; I think one other only had t1 clarion.
We failed at the AoH because of the confuse/AoE attacks.
But while we were doing the trial; I noticed I was dying in one hit (or two 'one-hit' attacks)..just like a brawl attack from the AoH. I wondered why I was dying in one hit but I never had the chance to look at any debuffs on me.
I also noticed my end. bar was having issues....a part of the debuff I suppose.
I really don't like the escapee phase on BAF with my tanker (because of the confuse and DA not having built-in confuse protection) and I definitely can't do the UG trial without BFs/etc...
I will say, the trials that I've done with my main (EI); he has t4 clarion (was always my first choice) and where there are 4-5 clarions in the league; AoH is easy...takes about a minute for him to die (maybe 2 minutes)...
Clarion ftw

And I don't see what the big deal is; Keyes "requires" more healing; ie Rebirth; my main has plenty of Rares/threads so I made a t4 rebirth when trying to get the Keyes' badges...now Clarion is more useful.
Will I ever kick anyone from the league (if I'm the leader) if we don't have clarions? Nope. Will some people? Sure I guess...just like some people would get kicked for not being x or y on a regular team/tf.
In some ways, Ageless would be useful in the UG trial as well. The tunnel with the auto-hit debuff as well as the final battle with AoH...maybe a t4 Ageless will help the tanker(s)/taunters to live?
I don't see an issue really.
And maybe...just maybe....the devs are trying to get away from "I taunt/tank, you guys kill it"...maybe trying to make it more dynamic?

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Nobody was talking about kicking people without Clarions. And you're missing the point; while there's lots of powers that give some confuse protection, none of them are enough on their own, or even together in amounts you're likely to find with a random group. The only way to have any reliable protection from Confuse is Break Frees. You can't cover a whole league with Steamy Mist, Clarion doesn't last long enough, and leadership only affects teammates.
But that's not what I'd consider the worst part. The worst part is Infection. If its debuffs and the Avatar's attacks are enough to one- or two-shot a Tanker (and not just a regular Tanker, a defensively built tanker with the soft cap from IOs and all the fixins) then what hope does a Scrapper or Brute or Widow have to contribute?
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

Nobody was talking about kicking people without Clarions. And you're missing the point; while there's lots of powers that give some confuse protection, none of them are enough on their own, or even together in amounts you're likely to find with a random group. The only way to have any reliable protection from Confuse is Break Frees. You can't cover a whole league with Steamy Mist, Clarion doesn't last long enough, and leadership only affects teammates.
Usually everyone is huddled up so Steamy Mist/etc can cover the whole league...and maybe have people split into even teams so that anyone that has tactics/etc are in each team and not have 1 team have all the leadership buffs to themselves...
But that's not what I'd consider the worst part. The worst part is Infection. If its debuffs and the Avatar's attacks are enough to one- or two-shot a Tanker (and not just a regular Tanker, a defensively built tanker with the soft cap from IOs and all the fixins) then what hope does a Scrapper or Brute or Widow have to contribute? |
I've done the UG trial three times (on live at least), twice on EI and once on my DA/DM Tanker.
Both times on with EI; everyone was in melee range of the AoH and we had no issues. Well the first run that I was a part of had no issues whatsoever...seriously felt like the AoH was just an EB or something...
The second time somehow the AoH spawned right in the tunnel or something (after the cutscene he was on top of us attacking)...so we were all definitely in melee range and we did have a few deaths from PBAoEs/etc; not a total league wipe but after people either went to the hosp. or got rez'ed, we were fine.
Both times EI never got confused...whether I was lucky or what, I don't know. I think some people reported that they got confused for a brief second or two but...nothing permanent.
Do you know (I don't) if someone cast a t4 Ageless on you, does that help negate the debuff(s) from the AoH when in melee range (maybe doesn't negate them totally but does it help negate some of the debuff values)?
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
gonna have to try this on my main tank, only have taken squishies. We had more trouble wuth the infected regening war walker than AoH.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I'll tell you what's unfair: I went through the whole arc and didn't ANY HAM.*
*I haven't done the TF
@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor
Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.
Don't forget the PBAoE Life Drain in Devour that stacks with the stacking -res debuff. Unless you've got a team that's heavily favoring buffing/debuffing, the melee on the team might do more harm than good.
Edit: His Confuse is easily beaten with about 4 people with Clarion. Just take turns using it. On the runs I've seen successful we number people with Clarion (1, 2, 3, etc.) and call them out in Request when it's their turn to fire it off. Everyone fights behind the Avatar except for the taunter(s), who either have Clarion themselves or a fair amount of Emerges. It works well.
The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue
It can be hard at times, but it'd beatable.
Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.
Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus
And I don't see what the big deal is; Keyes "requires" more healing; ie Rebirth; my main has plenty of Rares/threads so I made a t4 rebirth when trying to get the Keyes' badges...now Clarion is more useful.
Too often, now, I see people adding "must have Clarion" to their Underground LFM messages. The problem I have with this is carrying more Clarions isn't really a good solution, not only because of the fact that they'd need to be stacked multiple times to be effective (as previously mentioned by Vanden) but also because these current incarnate trials are supposed to be designed for any level 50 who has simply passed the initial incarnate Ouro arc to participate in.
To be honest, I expect later raids to end up having official level and incarnate shift requirements as new pools are unlocked (ie. Uber Next Raid [Must be at least +2 to join]), just because there's no way they're going to be able to keep giving us new extremely super powers without upping the difficulty. However, since they didn't open up any new incarnate pools, and since Underground can unlock everything, the only thing I can take away from it is that it's supposed to be on par with the other three, yet the mechanics aren't. By making this particular mechanic such that Clarion is the perceived solution, it's penalizing newer 50s and lower level incarnates.
TL;DR: AoH's confuse should be able to be acceptably mitigated by stacking AT-based and/or pool based confuse protection rather than needing both of those and Clarion or a tray full of Break Frees. In Keyes, if you fail because of healing, add some more healing ATs. If you fail at AoH's confuse... you can't really add more anti-confuse ATs and expect a better result.
Partial Character List:
LENINA 198-DELTA - 50+3 DP/Kin Corruptor (Main) / Captiosus - 50+3 Energy/Energy Blaster
Highlands.Hellraiser - 50+1 DS/Fire Tanker / SpazRat - 50 Claw/SR Stalker
Col. Gregor Aktaybr - 45 Robots/Time MM
Well, I do understand some of the philosophy behind it.
My current incarnate is a Broot. SS/WP.
Mez effects are rarely a problem for him, unless the Mez is particularly powerful.
As for confuse... I was Confused for the first time in months today in First Ward. I was on a Corruptor.
Adding a rarely used mechanic to a Trial is interesting.
I think the issue here isn't the fact that this effect exists. It's the fact that it is so difficult to avoid.
Typically, when such a powerful effect is added to content, it is either A) Single Target (Ghost Widow's Soul Storm, EB Maelstrom's Time to Die), B) Avoidable (Marauder's NOVA FIST, Battle Maiden's Fire Patches, Anti-Matter's Obliteration Beam), or C) Has some form of nonstandard mitigation (Hamidon's Essence of The Earth Insps, The Various Reichman Temporary Powers, Etc)
But AoH's confusion effect doesn't have those. It affects multiple targets, it doesn't seem avoidable, and there is no built in mitigation.
Yes, -Confuse powers help, and yes, having them is encouraged.
However, they are a lot less common that healing powers. If there was some thing Desdemona did that blocked Confusion, and a badge for doing the trial without it, then people would be cool.
But right now, they just seem frustrated.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Hami's confuse a (really huge) cone?
In which case, turn the ******* around.
"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."
Wow a level shifted AV that is meant to embody the most powerful thing in the CoX universe, and you are upset it is too powerful? I see why that is just an outrage. Obviously it should just be a bag of hp with 'normal' attacks that can be killed in under 30 seconds.
I have done 3 UG trials. The first, I ended up escorting Dessy, and so stayed outside the main room. The Avatar was dead before I even got through tying out my questions about the fight.
The second trial, I was on my MM, and the Avatar was dead BEFORE his freezing rain recharged after the first use. And I dont think I saw anyone get confused on tanks being one shot.
Are the mag 20 or whatever confuses annoying? Yes. Are they gimmicky..yes, but no more so than keyes pulse damage, Marauders nova fist,etc etc.
The third keyes I did, took about 25 mins to kill AoH, and I am postive that was because we had very little support. remember those early bafs with too little support, how the bosses wiped people..same thing.
Also, if you think about it, all these trials and AVs need a gimmick or special attacks..to stop them being trivial. A lvl 54 av with 200k hp, but nothing special, will die in a blink vs 24 incarnates.
However, they are a lot less common that healing powers. If there was some thing Desdemona did that blocked Confusion, and a badge for doing the trial without it, then people would be cool. But right now, they just seem frustrated. |
As a general statement though.
Being gimmicky isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's really the only thing that differentiates a fight from being tank and spank. The issue is often the nature of the gimmick.
My experience with UG has been pretty hit or miss wrt to Hami. Either cascade failure due to confusion [sidenote, hitting Rebirth/Barrier while confused = bad

Let's Dance!
Requiring more healing is one thing because there are a wide range of ATs that can bring healing to the league. That's vastly different than requiring more confuse protection, because that's not nearly as prevalent as healing, and the ATs that do have it only provide minor amounts, not nearly enough to mitigate AoH's confuse.
Too often, now, I see people adding "must have Clarion" to their Underground LFM messages. The problem I have with this is carrying more Clarions isn't really a good solution, not only because of the fact that they'd need to be stacked multiple times to be effective (as previously mentioned by Vanden) but also because these current incarnate trials are supposed to be designed for any level 50 who has simply passed the initial incarnate Ouro arc to participate in. To be honest, I expect later raids to end up having official level and incarnate shift requirements as new pools are unlocked (ie. Uber Next Raid [Must be at least +2 to join]), just because there's no way they're going to be able to keep giving us new extremely super powers without upping the difficulty. However, since they didn't open up any new incarnate pools, and since Underground can unlock everything, the only thing I can take away from it is that it's supposed to be on par with the other three, yet the mechanics aren't. By making this particular mechanic such that Clarion is the perceived solution, it's penalizing newer 50s and lower level incarnates. TL;DR: AoH's confuse should be able to be acceptably mitigated by stacking AT-based and/or pool based confuse protection rather than needing both of those and Clarion or a tray full of Break Frees. In Keyes, if you fail because of healing, add some more healing ATs. If you fail at AoH's confuse... you can't really add more anti-confuse ATs and expect a better result. |
I agree completely that UG should be the last 'open to all' Incarnate trials...the later ones should have a "need to be Incarnate +2/+3 to do this". Like you said it is harder to get confuse protection.
The only thing you can do is stack up on BFs/Emerges/etc...
I will say one the UG trial I was on with my DA/DM tanker, I don't think we had a lot of support (buffs/debuffs) in the league. I know we had a Time Manip. person and 1 Emp. but...beyond that...no idea if we had any other debuffs/buffs.
It was mainly Blasters/melee types....which can be fine for most of the other trials but UG...yeah; I'd say might need some debuffs/buffs

I know that was one of the questions the devs were asking, "is this too difficult for regular lvl 50s with no incarnate powers?" before it was released to the live servers.
Most people thought it was fine but, to be honest, I don't remember if that was before or after the AoH actually got his powers (in beta he had 0 powers or...they just weren't working properly).
As others have said, if you're attacking the AoH from behind, you shouldn't get hit with his AoEs/cones...keeping the taunter alive may be tricky though.
It'd be interesting to see if a full balanced league of "Just been incarnatized" 50s could do the trial or not.
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Clarion and break frees for the win.
The Extinction WW isn't the problem... The lichen-infested one is. Even pulled to where the lichen regen is weakest, unless you have a team who REALLY knows who has what role (you destroy mushrooms, you taunt, you heal, you damage the WW, you keep the DE off our collective butts by either buffing us to all heck OR killing the adds ASAP), you can time out there.
***And, as an afterthought edit, this IS what incarnate stuff is all about... Getting into the thick of it with uber-ZOMG-teh-$uxx0r bad AVs with a million hit points and unresistable THOOM attacks that would liquefy your teeth in situ oro were you 'merely' a hero.
I have no problem with it. We gamed the BAF and now that is the incarnate trial with the most "Master of"s. They made the Lambda relatively straight forward UNLESS you want THAT Master of... then it gets nasty. The Keyes requires big time strategery and a further clarification of "know your role." The Underground, I'd be willing to wager, was a thrilling combonation of math problem, Dev gripe, and NCSoft hazing incident: "Let's see... what is the least taken incarnate ability? Hmm... How can we make them pay for their insolence? Winner DOESN'T have to do a bodyshot of Patron off Posi!"***
Okay, back to your thread.
Requiring more healing is one thing because there are a wide range of ATs that can bring healing to the league. That's vastly different than requiring more confuse protection, because that's not nearly as prevalent as healing, and the ATs that do have it only provide minor amounts, not nearly enough to mitigate AoH's confuse.
Now, that resistance benefit is subject to a kind of compound failure, in the sense that if the Tactics user themselves becomes confused, they stop providing that resistance and protection to their allies. That makes for a complex interaction, where the Tactics users recover more quickly than their allies, then start providing resistance to their allies again once they recover. But it can be a pretty big deal nonetheless, because it can mean any given pulse of the confuse (which lasts 5 seconds) doesn't actually affect the team for the whole duration.
Of course, not everyone has Tactics. However, I find it's actually very common among people who have respecced their characters to account for I19's Inherent Fitness.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Clarion isn't even a good solution to the confuse since it only gives enough Confuse protection for the final room for 15-30 seconds. You need at least seven stacks of Clarion to be Confuse protected for the full duration of the buff.
And it doesn't help at all with Infection. My Tanker, simply put, cannot go into melee with the Avatar because of it, since if he does, he will die. |
- The AOH dropped like a weak Boss. This was on a full league PUG of people that had never ran it before. We got the Tour Guide badge, despite not knowing what we were doing.
- I spent some time confused, but the AOH didn't last long. This was an attempt to pick up some of the badges, with several that had not ran it before. We got Regenerate this and Tour Guide. (Others obviously, I had it already.)
- Wasn't confused as much, the AOH fight was about the same. And everybody got MoUG, including people that started the trial with none of the badges. This was the same league as the second run, with some changes in the make up.
- Complete failure. The AOH was in the tunnel, I spent the entire time either confused or running back from the hospital. I am pretty sure I was the most experienced person on the league at the trial. And we were lucky to make it past the Lichen War Machine since folks wouldn't listen.
The only time I heard Clarion mentioned was the last run, which is also the only time people talked about loading up on BFs in the hospital. They didn't help much, usually long enough for one hit, then confused and back to the hospital. And it was a frustrating run, because I know it is not that hard to beat the trial, if people pay attention. But sometimes, **** happens. Things go wrong. One of the first BAFs I ran, we failed at the prisoner escape, and not because we were inexperienced.
I would think you would need a balance of ATs, but the powersets would not be that important. The synergies between the ATs and powersets in the game can make pretty much any combination work if you have enough together. The most important part would be the skilled/attentive players, and I think the attentive part is what is really needed. Someone less skilled can make a good contribution if he is willing to pay attention to the leaders and do what he is told. And he will become more skilled in the bargain.
Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy

Every instance of Tactics is between around 3.6 to 6.5 points of confuse protection, depending on the AT of the user. Even just a few on a team can provide a base that will help a team need fewer of other, larger confuse protections, like Clarion. But perhaps most importantly, each Tactics is also between around 43% to 76% Confuse resistance, meaning a few people with it on your team dramatically reduces the duration of Confuse effects.
Now, that resistance benefit is subject to a kind of compound failure, in the sense that if the Tactics user themselves becomes confused, they stop providing that resistance and protection to their allies. That makes for a complex interaction, where the Tactics users recover more quickly than their allies, then start providing resistance to their allies again once they recover. But it can be a pretty big deal nonetheless, because it can mean any given pulse of the confuse (which lasts 5 seconds) doesn't actually affect the team for the whole duration. Of course, not everyone has Tactics. However, I find it's actually very common among people who have respecced their characters to account for I19's Inherent Fitness. |
Up until Keyes and Underground, you could have pretty much thrown together any group and been successful at MOST of the content so long as you had the basic tank/dps/heal trifecta of some sort. And your "tank" didn't even really need to be a proper tank, it could have been having multiple MMs, or crazy Scrappers or Stalkers.
Maybe I'm just an idealist, but that was always what made this game different than others. No one was sitting on a site like Elitist Jerks with min-maxxing spreadsheets trying to squeeze out the last possible point of healing or damage from the latest Flavor of the Month build. You weren't excluded from a task force or trial because your powerset within your AT was weak compared to others in the same AT or because you decided to take something crazy as a pool rather than a specific powerset. Supergroups didn't keep third party records of player performance and then bench players or specific ATs based on it.
That's not to say there isn't an element of min-maxxing to the game; There very much is, and I've played it like everyone else. But it wasn't prevalent for success as it is in other games, most notably WoW.
With Keyes and now Underground, we have players stacking perceived best group comps, FotM powerset, incarnate and pool builds and excluding other players who don't match particular criteria. That's the same kind of junk that, after years and three expansions of WoW, made me tire of that game and brought me back here. I'd really hate to see it start to become the norm here. "Incarnate trials LFM, must be at least +2, have leadership and/or clarion!".
For a game whose selling point for the last seven years has been the vast choices of powers and appearance options to craft our own hero/villain our own way, making content that causes the playerbase to eschew choice in favor of cookie cutter or required setups to win at specific content is disappointing.
But, as I said, maybe I'm an idealist.
Partial Character List:
LENINA 198-DELTA - 50+3 DP/Kin Corruptor (Main) / Captiosus - 50+3 Energy/Energy Blaster
Highlands.Hellraiser - 50+1 DS/Fire Tanker / SpazRat - 50 Claw/SR Stalker
Col. Gregor Aktaybr - 45 Robots/Time MM
With Keyes and now Underground, we have players stacking perceived best group comps, FotM powerset, incarnate and pool builds and excluding other players who don't match particular criteria. That's the same kind of junk that, after years and three expansions of WoW, made me tire of that game and brought me back here. I'd really hate to see it start to become the norm here. "Incarnate trials LFM, must be at least +2, have leadership and/or clarion!"
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
Which do you think is more unfair: the massive Confuse that practically mandates you fill your trays with Break Frees from the hospital to have any reliable shot of contributing to the fight, or the Infection debuff that will floor your defense and resistance and allow him to one-shot your Tanker *** if you spend more than one attack in melee range?
Or maybe your favorite part of the Underground Trial comes earlier, with the Extinction War Walkers' Lethal Force that does unresistable autohit damage in a AoE around anyone targeted by the War Walker. Oh and it stacks for more damage the more targeted people are nearby.
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.