Has anyone ever made a histogram of content by level range?




I am curious to know how much content there is, on a per level basis, in the game these days. A friend of mine who started, like me, with CoH but then left many years ago to go play WoW, has been spoiled, shall we say, by a game that has made end-game content its number one priority in terms of content expansion over time. But he feels that CoX lacks this end-game committment from NCSoft. Is he right?

I think it is safe to say that he would prefer that 90% of any additional work done to the game by the devs go strictly towards L50 content, and the other 10% to 1-49 level range (hell, he feels that CoX is weak sauce for its inability to deploy a new level cap every year or two). But then, he has sorta been infected by the WoW ideology that the first MAX-1 levels are little more than an extended tutorial, and that the "real game" doesn't begin until hitting the level cap, and that the way to keep a carrot in everyone's face is to raise the level cap with each major expansion.

I'm trying to get him to return to CoX, but he will probably only play Freemium and so will never have access to the Incarnate system. As such, the most interesting branch of end-game play available today, from my perspective, will remain out of his reach, and he will probably only continue to think of CoX as too end-game poor. How do I convince him otherwise?

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Yes, he is definitely right. The vast majority of content is sub-50. But at the same time, he is wrong. The vast majority of sub-50 content can be done with a 50.

Granted, it means not running it *at 50*, which is a deal-breaker for most diehard endgamers.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Ultimately so long as your friend persists in that paradigm of thought, he is unlikely to fully embrace or enjoy this game because it has and continues to have a fundamentally different approach - and one that makes it distinct and that many players count as a strong positive.

So as to how to convince him that CoX has a strong end-game, well, there may already be an insurmountable perception problem on his part and if that is the case then of course there won't be much you can do to overcome it. In addition to the end-game that CoX has always had (making alts, badgehunting, PvP, min/maxing with Inventions, player-made AE arcs and playing missed content using the flashback system), the Incarnate system allows for very difficult 'raid' style content to further progress one's level 50 characters.

This will be roughly analogous to the high-end 'raids' he will know from other MMOs but unlike many of those raids he would not be shunned if he did not happen to have a top-tier build right out of the gate. Badge runs aside (which are a special case), I have rarely if ever seen people pick and choose who gets on teams for Incarnate trials or refuse a spot to anyone for any reason. You might try selling it from that vantage, unless he prefers to grind just so he can be given the honor of a spot on a raid.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



If he's focused only on end-game and raiding, and stuck in the "Level cap raise or else" mentality... well, he just may not be happy here. COH grows "wider" as opposed to "Taller," giving more content to do throughout the ranges (and makes it easy for people to team with people of other levels, up or down, to visit it.) Some people just don't "get" that.

Honestly, even if he *sees* our raids, he may not be all that convinced - we don't generally need pinpoint planning or masses of people to do them (and that also, in a way, ties in with the fact we don't need the "holy trinity" type teams... we have no "healer" AT, though we have ATs with sets that can heal it doesn't define the AT.)

(I tend to take the flip side. I hate having to replace powers and replace gear, and feel like someone going "Hey, now you can be 60-80-93000!" is just wasting my time and being frustrating - while any new people see ghost towns and neglected content.)



As others have said, this may not be the game for him. The concept here is reply value, not endgame value. Also, WoW assumes you have one character who gets stronger and stronger. CoH assumes you have multiple characters (but doesn't force it, though I've heard rumors that forcing alts was tossed around early in the development cycle).

there is a lot of endgame content, but the goal is to enjoy the ride, and to replay the game from different perspectives.

for instance, the original hero tutorial you deal with an outbreak of contaminated thugs who are more powerful than the PPD can handle. In the early villain zone Port Oaks the first mission from Radio lets you be the person who causes the outbreak in Paragon City. It was years before it was possible to experience both sides of the story on the same character and even still to do so requires both changing morality and using time travel. The assumption is that you will play through it all more than once and see different things each time.

So, may not be the right game for him. One way to get him interested would be to pitch CoH less as a MMO and more as something like Mass Effect or Fable or Fall Out where you have a branching story you can approach multiple ways. The goal isn't just to finish, the goal is to explore it all and that means doing it multiple times with different styles. Dunno if that will work for him, but it's one idea.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Well, the problem is that we played CoH in its earliest incarnations for over three years. He got tired of "seeing the same content over and over again from a different perspective" and gave up on the game for other experiences. Playing two WoW toons to the level cap, followed by expansions that kept those toons--and all his invested time in them--worth continued play led him to prefer the WoW paradigm I guess. Once he makes a character whose powers he likes and which he learns how to master in "high level play", he wants to stick with it and experience new content through that one character (or two, maybe).

He also likes PvP play, but I get the impression that there isn't a whole lot of rich PvP activity to be found in CoX; the PvP zones are sort of like ghost towns, right?

I like alts and I have little trouble with the deja vu aspect of repeating missions because it can feel fresh just from the team dynamics of each different team of strangers you do those missions with. But I don't think he gets the same satisfaction from CoX's "replay value" that I do. He's also an advanced graphics junkie, in the sense that he has tended to seek out MMOs that push the limits of graphics cards, and I get the feeling that by comparison to games like Aion or Rift (the two games he's played most recently), CoX's graphical complexity/detail/beauty is rather modest. (Even I am a little disappointed that older costume pieces haven't been revamped to the level of detail/sophistication of the newer pieces.)

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Prior to the incarnate stuff, he was a right about the lack of CoHs endgame. Or mostly so. Now, a much higher percentage of the development time is spent on endgame, but I doubt it'll ever hit his happy mark of 90%, even if he had access to the incarnate stuff.

So, as others have said, it may just not be the game for him. If you convince him to play, the only way may be via the social value of you being here. If that's not enough to convince him to try it at least occasionally on the freemium basis, than any other argument you use may be really doing him a disservice, since he probably just won't enjoy the CoH outlook.

Lastly, a minor little nitpick of mine...

"(hell, he feels that CoX is weak sauce for its inability to deploy a new level cap every year or two)"

It's not inability. It's lack of desire. Total lack of desire, in fact, an active desire NOT to have a new level cap. The incarnate system could have very easily been done with additional levels instead, but they specifically came up with a fairly convoluted system just to avoid having a level increase. I'm not saying if this is a good thing, or a bad thing. It's really all a matter of opinion, and I won't even colour the comment by expressing mine on the topic.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Well, the problem is that we played CoH in its earliest incarnations for over three years. He got tired of "seeing the same content over and over again from a different perspective" and gave up on the game for other experiences.
Well, some of CoH's best new content is mid level. The Admiral Sutter task force, for instance, is extremely fun. The revamp to the hollows made it one of my favorite zones.

And I'm one of the nutters who plays in Praetoria for fun and was sad to see the nerfs to many enemy groups in there with i21.

Still if he is cool playing mid-level content with his favorite characters, there's hope for him and CoH to become permanently attached. If he thinks the constantly increasing level cap is valuable, ask him how he feels about the time he spent on the last expansion, or playing that content today and getting a reward for it that is vendor trash. In City, his favorite content will always provide a reward he can use. And his favorite stuff will never become obsolete.

The only bits that have fallen away are the titan-os that are from back when the level cap was 40. All the rest will always be there. And with three builds for each character, he will need a #$%^&-load of play time to run out of rewards to work for (PvP build, level 50 build, exemplar build, or team vs solo builds etc many options).

Playing two WoW toons to the level cap, followed by expansions that kept those toons--and all his invested time in them--worth continued play led him to prefer the WoW paradigm I guess. Once he makes a character whose powers he likes and which he learns how to master in "high level play", he wants to stick with it and experience new content through that one character (or two, maybe).
Does he really think it's worth it? I was in WoW when the Outlands launched and people were seriously pissed off that greens made their tier-3 raid gear obsolete. And that's gotten worse with each release since. Now if he feels that spending 300+ hours grinding reputation to get the frost saber mount was time well spent now that he can buy and use a flying mount, good for him. But most people feel that making everything obsolete every few months is really annoying. Here, we really do get to make our characters much more powerful. But we also have the choice to call a character "done" and just goof around. And the beautiful thing is, that "done" character won't fall behind. I team with people on all SOs and they do just fine.

He also likes PvP play, but I get the impression that there isn't a whole lot of rich PvP activity to be found in CoX; the PvP zones are sort of like ghost towns, right?
Pretty much. There are organized PvP groups, but that's about the only way to experience it. And PvP uses completely different mechanics from PvE. Powers do different damage, defense and resists are different. If you get healed you become resistant to future heals for a period of time. There's movement speed caps based on attacks, etc. It's totally different. I like CoH PvP even though I totally suck at it. But there's really not much of it. Personally, I had the most fun the two Arena matches I had, the zones aren't so cool in my experience.

CoH would so benefit from turning Recluse's Victory into a PvP minigame.

He's also an advanced graphics junkie, in the sense that he has tended to seek out MMOs that push the limits of graphics cards, and I get the feeling that by comparison to games like Aion or Rift (the two games he's played most recently), CoX's graphical complexity/detail/beauty is rather modest. (Even I am a little disappointed that older costume pieces haven't been revamped to the level of detail/sophistication of the newer pieces.)
Have him play a new character in praetoria.

Show him a group taking down the Hamidon GM in First Ward.

And show him a video of the incarnate underground trial. Dear God. I don't know what they pay David Nakayama and the graphics team, but for that work, they deserve a raise. The old Eden Trial was also very pretty.

And the new signature story arc for villians has spectacular custom zones.

Like you say, they don't go back and redo old costumes and rarely old zones (hello new Atlas and Mercy). But the new stuff is wonderful.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
If you convince him to play, the only way may be via the social value of you being here. If that's not enough to convince him to try it at least occasionally on the freemium basis, than any other argument you use may be really doing him a disservice, since he probably just won't enjoy the CoH outlook.
He is planning to return at the Freemium level because it will give him something to play with his kids without having to pay for three accounts. But I am trying to find a way to arouse his interest in the CoX end-game because I want him to join me in the Incarnate experience. But I'm pretty sure I need something more than just that to convince him that CoX has a rich variety of end-game content so that he'll even consider going VIP. I just don't think Incarnates are enough, on their own, to reel him in. And exemplaring down to (the wealth of) lower-level missions will almost surely feel like a step backwards (downwards?) to him. I've never known him to be a badge hunter, for instance, so going back and doing lower level content just for the badges probably won't appeal to him.

In the end it sounds like there is little chance I will be able to entice him to go VIP and join me in the Incarnate stuff. Not unless I give him a 60-day game card for Christmas or something...

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Well, assuming a character wants to stay at level 50 (IE, not exemp), let's see what they have available...

Roughly 40 story arcs
Tip missions/morality missions (A couple dozen, assuming he's constantly switching alignments)
A bunch of radio missions
Giant Monster hunting
8 TFs (Statesman, Lord Recluse, Imperious, Lady Grey, Kahn, Barracuda, Apex, and Tin Mage)
Mothership raids
Hamidon Raids
4 incarnate trials, with more to come.

I don't think this game is lacking in anything to do for someone who hasn't been around for a few years. Though on the flip side, I've done all those dozens of times, if not more, so -I- wish there was more for my 50s to do, but pragmatically speaking, it's not a bad amount of content.


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Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
The revamp to the hollows made it one of my favorite zones.
How was the Hollow revamped? The Lt. Wincott missions looked exactly the same to me when I checked in there recently.

Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
The only bits that have fallen away are the titan-os that are from back when the level cap was 40.
I originally started playing CoH after Issue #1 had already been out a while and Issue #2 was just being released. I never knew the game when 40 was the level cap. What are Titan-Os?

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
I am curious to know how much content there is, on a per level basis, in the game these days. A friend of mine who started, like me, with CoH but then left many years ago to go play WoW, has been spoiled, shall we say, by a game that has made end-game content its number one priority in terms of content expansion over time. But he feels that CoX lacks this end-game committment from NCSoft. Is he right?
I wouldn't say so much "lack of end-game commitment" so much as "lack of catering only to the end-game players". NCSoft is committed to putting out content for EVERYONE, not just the "raider" types. Unlike that other MMO you mention.

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I have an older one I made. (Kept it upto date until the issue with the ITF)

Not sure it got transferred to my new PC.

Sounds like a fun project to update it.

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Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
How was the Hollow revamped? The Lt. Wincott missions looked exactly the same to me when I checked in there recently.
It wasn't drastically. It was made easier (smaller enemy groups, mostly). They made some contacts easier to find. They added a hospital and a trainer in zone. And added a repeatable mission contact.

I feel that it made the zone too easy, and removed the thrill from the zone, but it was pretty dead before the revamp, so I can't honestly say they 'killed' the zone. But I for one feel like they did put it out of it's misery by removing the thrill of danger it used to have. Obviously others disagree with me, and that's fine. However, the changes certainly didn't breath a lot of life into the zone, but there sure are many other potential causes for that then revamp.

All that said, it is different, but not a lot different. They story content isn't changed at all. Don't let my opinion stop you from checking out out, though. You may find you like it a lot more.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
In the end it sounds like there is little chance I will be able to entice him to go VIP and join me in the Incarnate stuff. Not unless I give him a 60-day game card for Christmas or something...
It does sound that way, but the game time card is a brilliant plan! Good luck if ya end up trying it.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Well, the problem is that we played CoH in its earliest incarnations for over three years. He got tired of "seeing the same content over and over again from a different perspective" and gave up on the game for other experiences. Playing two WoW toons to the level cap, followed by expansions that kept those toons--and all his invested time in them--worth continued play led him to prefer the WoW paradigm I guess. Once he makes a character whose powers he likes and which he learns how to master in "high level play", he wants to stick with it and experience new content through that one character (or two, maybe).
The to be honest this probably isn't the game for him. CoX is (imo) for people with altitis. The "real" content is not so much in the stories (although some are great) but in the various powers and AT combinations.

Having said that though, I do both! I have one favourite character I try and do everything with and then a host of other characters "just to be different".

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



I've played both WoW and CoH for quite a few years (i'll pay WoW when a new expansion comes out, hit the highest gear tier i can, then quit because i get bored that i can't raid) And i always come back to Coh.

Ways you can pitch things to him:

CoH literally throws mobs are you in droves. You can fight upwards of 15 mobs at at time, and with proper inspiration usage, or buffs/debuffs you can always come out ahead. WoW, your lucky if you can take on 4 even level mobs without them taking you out pretty quick like.

The stories in WoW you literally have to dig for. Hunting the undead of their legs doesn't really stop the lich king from killing everything in its path. The stories in city are thrown at you left and right. All you have to do is read a little bit, and your suddenly knee deep in rich story content.

Incarnate content is not just rich in story, but actually provides a way to increase your level to above the cap. level 53 players aren't all too uncommon anymore. And the next time he complains about the level cap, just point out that you don't have to replace your gear every time blizzard sneezes. Gear is static, and things like HOs and SOs don't scale very well. Makes things easier instead of constantly wasting your time getting new gear, just to have a new patch make it all useless again.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
How was the Hollow revamped? The Lt. Wincott missions looked exactly the same to me when I checked in there recently.

I originally started playing CoH after Issue #1 had already been out a while and Issue #2 was just being released. I never knew the game when 40 was the level cap. What are Titan-Os?
Titan-Os are the enhancements you get dropped from defeating the Crystal Titan in the Eden Trial.

They were superseded by Hami-Os (from defeating Hamidon) which rather fell out of favour when the Invention system came in until the ability to gain them from completing the Statesman/Lord Recluse Task Forces bought them back into play again as they have some "creative" uses due to their multi-attribute enhancing.

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I have to throw in my 2cp here and say this may not be the game for your friend. This is not a game that starts when you hit the level cap. That's one of the things that I love about it. If they ever start raising the level cap every 6 months and only creating content for that then I will find another game.



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
CoH literally throws mobs are you in droves. You can fight upwards of 15 mobs at at time, and with proper inspiration usage, or buffs/debuffs you can always come out ahead. WoW, your lucky if you can take on 4 even level mobs without them taking you out pretty quick like.
Very true! This used to be something he really loved about CoH when he first started playing. The feeling that you are a super-powered hero pretty much from the start made CoH a unique MMO experience. Unfortunately, the Issue 4 nerfs and ED left him bitter. His beloved regen scrapper became a toon he hated to play anymore thanks to the changes to Instant Healing. Say what you will about how "overpowered" it used to be, he liked it that way, just like he (well, most of us) liked tankers that could tank an entire room's worth of mobs without needing a healer on hand to keep them alive. We always felt that the way to make the game challenging was not to nerf the powers, but to make the mob A.I. better. But, of course, nerfing is just much easier to implement.

In the end it may turn out he's a bit of a lost cause. He may play a little bit as a Freemium player, mostly just to have something to do with his two boys, but I'm probably never going to be able to convince him to subscribe again. Maybe if the "cone of content" was mostly out in front of L50, rather than behind, I might have had a chance, but I think it is a hard sell when he is mentally comparing the amount of post-L50 WoW content with the amount of L50 CoX content that has come out in the same amount of (calendar) time. I think the unfortunate, sad truth is that WoW has poisoned him into believing that MMOs are only worth playing at the level cap, and that all the other game content is merely stuff to begrudgingly slog through to reach the "real" game.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Actually, they did try making the mob AI better and the result was that anyone who had a less-than-stellar build was utterly gimped. The ensuing backlash from the players over that is likely still coloring the direction the Devs take, and given the inclusive angle they have opted to take, designing the game so that players can advance in power but not to the point that players without the time or inclination to grind heavily are obsolete, it is unlikely they would undertake another upgrade on the enemies since this could easily leave SO players in the dust, something they have promised specifically on numerous occasions wouldn't happen.

It is more likely that as the Incarnate system matures that higher-tier Incarnate content will begin to assume the presence of lower-tier Incarnate content and the enemies will therefore ramp up in difficulty and AI but only within that system, leaving the rest of the game balanced around SOs. Personally I like that approach.

As for the GDN and ED, if your friend is still upset about those changes then it is highly unlikely that he will be able to be open to what is good about this game. I happen to think that those changes were good and necessary changes to be made (others disagree, naturally), but the implementation of those changes was quite frankly very poor and left many people understandably upset.

However, that was years ago and the game today barely resembles the game then. The Devs have managed to give us an avenue towards becoming almost ridiculously powerful without trivializing all content or making certain ATs head-and-shoulders above the rest as was the case back in Issue 4. I know many people who declared their characters 'unplayable' because they couldn't herd entire maps or solo Archvillains or whatever. If that's your friend, then I wish him luck and happiness grinding for raids in WoW.

It really is a different paradigm. It is apples and oranges, and if you compare WoW-style endgames then naturally WoW will have the better WoW-style endgame. CoX isn't trying to compete with that, it is doing something else entirely, but if he doesn't or won't see that then no argument you can make is likely to be terribly persuasive. Or, if he does see that and just decides he prefers the raid-centric model, you are likewise up a creek.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
CoH literally throws mobs are you in droves. You can fight upwards of 15 mobs at at time, and with proper inspiration usage, or buffs/debuffs you can always come out ahead. WoW, your lucky if you can take on 4 even level mobs without them taking you out pretty quick like.
The flip side of this is what keeps me out of most games. I actually liked Aion in general - I thought it did all right with the PVPVE model (but then again, fewer classes, bit easier to balance like that) until (a) you *needed* to PVP to finish quests, (b) it got to be "raid to get the gear to raid to get the gear, and don't bother if you're not near top level," (c) the grind to pay for skills (which drives me up the wall,) and (d) I got tired of "If you're lucky, you can take down TWO enemies. After time. Unless one runs back and is immune while healing up to full health. And don't look sideways at an Elite, he'll kill you with a sneeze."

COH... yeah. Get in, get piled on, come out, dust yourself off and find another spawn. You actually feel *powerful.*

Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Very true! This used to be something he really loved about CoH when he first started playing. The feeling that you are a super-powered hero pretty much from the start made CoH a unique MMO experience. Unfortunately, the Issue 4 nerfs and ED left him bitter. His beloved regen scrapper became a toon he hated to play anymore thanks to the changes to Instant Healing. Say what you will about how "overpowered" it used to be, he liked it that way, just like he (well, most of us) liked tankers that could tank an entire room's worth of mobs without needing a healer on hand to keep them alive. We always felt that the way to make the game challenging was not to nerf the powers, but to make the mob A.I. better. But, of course, nerfing is just much easier to implement.
Not really going to get into this argument... but without ED, we wouldn't have the invention system. We *were* overpowered (and IMHO we're sliding up that way again, really,) and that would have been bad for the game at that point. Now, yeah, we can be overpowered - but it takes a bit of effort to get there with getting a build together.

And yet, you can still do all the content with SOs. (Example - latest Alpha unlock for me = Sonic/Sonic Defender. On SOs.)

Still, if he can't see past the "big number" (level cap) and is only going to use that as a yardstick, instead of approaching the game for its own merits... *shrug8 yeah, might be a lost cause. Still, have him keep the free (or actually, as an ex subscriber, premium) going. Can't hurt to nudge him back from time to time. And there may be something else (a powerset, the market, etc.) that brings him all the way back.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
But he feels that CoX lacks this end-game committment from NCSoft. Is he right?

Who cares? I have way more toons in the the level 1-45 range than I do at 50. I'm happily playing the new First Ward arcs and the new Signature Stories, which are (gasp!) level 20-30 content! Oh noes!

And I'm having fun.

So I don't play WoW, and I can't say whether their design is "better" or not. I'll just say that I'm satisfied with the content that is being presented for me. If you friend doesn't like it... *shrug*, I don't think all games must appeal to all people. That's just the way it goes. Some like chess, some like checkers.



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
It wasn't drastically. It was made easier (smaller enemy groups, mostly). They made some contacts easier to find. They added a hospital and a trainer in zone. And added a repeatable mission contact.

I feel that it made the zone too easy, and removed the thrill from the zone
One man's "thrill" is another man's "tedium and/or frustration". Neither man's wrong, just sayin'...

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