want to make a scrapper ae farmer.




I know ss/fire brute is the main farmer atm but dont like brutes.

So scapper fits nicely to what my goals are.Spine/ with ether /fire /elec or /dark seems like good fits.

1) is thare a beter primary or is spine a solid pic.
2) witch 2ndary is best for this.
3) any tips on how to lvl him atm figers cebr tell 30s then start on my goal farm.
4) more of a I cant remeber thing. Umm what type off IOs dont go dead with lvls



Are you missing keys on your keyboard?!?



Originally Posted by humulass View Post
dont injoy playin
figet scraper
witch combo
He well
thow plaj,on
vr latr
combo(am,open yo defrent
was think
tell 30s
2ndary fitin
Stay in school, kids.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



I farm 2B infz day on mah duelies\green scrap stomper I purped em out to gils and git ****** madd roi and KKT a run but I smack all bad ***** so you prol kant do et I tayke hXcore man runs on AV ambush farm lots of crops their!!! *** lolz I haz 6B inf builde **** on mah scarp stompr that taykes nams lik nobadies buzns!

4reelz m8!!1

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Using busted up cell to post ill retype.

I fixed it up should be alot beter now.. Hopfully I can still get some help.



Originally Posted by humulass View Post
Using busted up cell to post ill retype.

I fixed it up should be alot beter now.. Hopfully I can still get some help.
As our report cards used to say: Shows Improvement; Needs More Work.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Spines/fire is a fine scrapper build for farming. However, you may have to create your own AE environment, since you may have mobs running all over the place.



Spines/Fire is probably the best option for Scrappers. Good AOEs, dual damage auras, a self-heal and a recovery power. There are other options, but that's likely to be the most efficient.



Originally Posted by humulass View Post
I know ss/fire brute is the main farmer atm but dont like brutes.

So scapper fits nicely to what my goals are.Spine/ with ether /fire /elec or /dark seems like good fits.

1) is thare a beter primary or is spine a solid pic.
2) witch 2ndary is best for this.
3) any tips on how to lvl him atm figers cebr tell 30s then start on my goal farm.
4) more of a I cant remeber thing. Umm what type off IOs dont go dead with lvls
Originally Posted by humulass View Post
Using busted up cell to post ill retype.

I fixed it up should be alot beter now.. Hopfully I can still get some help.
That's better?!

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Originally Posted by Neutrino_Siphon View Post
That's better?!
Doin my best typin with a smashed screen on my iphone...

As for /fire I know the scater is something I need to take into account. Would elec or darl cause it less.



Originally Posted by humulass View Post
Doin my best typin with a smashed screen on my iphone...

As for /fire I know the scater is something I need to take into account. Would elec or darl cause it less.
No scrapper has a damage aura with a taunt in it. Closest you get is /shield.

A fire/shield is not a terrible farmer, if you get more aoe from epic pools. Mu is best, for my money.



Originally Posted by humulass View Post
Doin my best typin with a smashed screen on my iphone...

As for /fire I know the scater is something I need to take into account. Would elec or darl cause it less.
No, they wont. The scrapper will pump out so much damage, so fast, that the mobs will immediately run. If it is an ambush farm, they will come back eventually, but there is still some chasing involved. If you want to have a scrapper with a taunt aura, a fire/shield does pretty well, after it has some investment in IOes, a spines/invuln wouldnt be so bad either. Neither will touch a ss/fire brute though.

A lot of folks will make fun of your grammar. I link this because it amuses me, not to poke fun.



never thought of /shield .elec/shield looks nice also. But to get enof recharge would cost alot



While damage aura scrappers don't have taunt, I haven't really found the need to do much chasing. Granted I chose maps with small rooms I can easily break line of sight with. Yes, mobs run away, at which point I switch targets until they come back. I only need to chase the last 5-10% of the mobs, but I rarely do. Faster just to end the mission and re-set.

I've impressed a few folks farming with my DM/DA. While I can chew threw farms faster on my scrappers, it requires more concentration. With Brutes, it takes a bit longer, but it's considerably easier. Having 90% resistance to Fire or Energy really simplifies things.

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I wouldn't farm on a scrapper without a taunt aura.

That leaves /Shield, /Invuln, and /WP.

Shield provides the only secondary with additional AoE support, but with an AoE primary Invuln and WP are fine as well.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



So after readin some guides spine/wp I thinks a good route to take. Stuck on takin spine because always wanted one but pre skill changin options didnt like look of old set. wp I have never played but was thinkin of making a wp tank one day so a chance to learn it in a controled area.



Originally Posted by humulass View Post
So after readin some guides spine/wp I thinks a good route to take. Stuck on takin spine because always wanted one but pre skill changin options didnt like look of old set. wp I have never played but was thinkin of making a wp tank one day so a chance to learn it in a controled area.
Rise to the Challenge needs a little help to become a good taunt aura, if you want that.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



He is goin to be a farmin toon so he will get some inf put into his build. Not a worry. Startin to think I may lvl him outside ae to learn the proper way to use him. Sence I may make him a main-alt.



Originally Posted by humulass View Post
He is goin to be a darmin toon so he will get some inf put into his build. Not a worry. Startin to think I may lvl him outside ae to learn the proper way to use him. Sence I may make him a main-alt.
Willpower/Super Strength is a good Tanker combination for general use.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



has come to mind to use tank to farm. But have come to like idea of spine.



Originally Posted by humulass View Post
He is goin to be a darmin toon so he will get some inf put into his build. Not a worry. Startin to think I may lvl him outside ae to learn the proper way to use him. Sence I may make him a main-alt.
Since they removed all rewards from rezzers in AE you might as well level him outside to get a feel for him and unlock the farm of choice for you.

Elec/SD works well on the council empire farm among many other maps.

You can still of course farm in AE just a bit slower now with the change to rez and rewards.

Global: @Kelig



I use my kat/SR in a s/l farm. So far it didn't have that many running away mobs for a few reasons.

I played with both 0x8 and +4x8. Although admitedly latter one is harder it didn't give me that much headache with all insps dropping but I still prefer 0x8 for ticket farming.

My character has t4 muscularate, t4 reactive, t4 ion(though pyro or void maybe better in farm) and t4 barrier (lore doesnt matter really i rarely use it in farm)

I use LD-FS-GD-FS combo.

I have a bind that lets me combine not used insps (expcet blue, orange and green since my character still squishy without green and orange) to reds while moving forward and another bind that uses reds (thanks to auto powers in SR giving resistance I can use others in emergencies without a bind)

I still don't slotted my DB/WP with IO sets yet but admitedly she has better chance to be a farm build than my kat/sr (sweep and vital comboes one after another is good)

Having a smaller AoE area gave my character ability to kill mobs even if they try to run becuase they are surrounded by other mobs. Lack of good DoT (other than reactive) and mostly being a burst damage set giv me better chance to kill most mobs in first attack chain and their places will be filled by other mobs fast.

I don't know about other sets but my suggestion is if scattering mobs present a problem than burst damage sets are better for the job, at least for scrappers.



I think Fire Melee/Shield Defense/Blaze would be the best.

Build up, Fire breath, Shield Charge, Greater Fire Sword, Fire Ball

Should be everyone is dead very quickly.

Draw back: your defenses have no heal... but as an AE farmer you can rely on inspirations I suppose.