Can we get a bit more of a wrap up to First Ward?




I completed First Ward last night. My very first point is that I loved it. The writing, the zone, the enemies, all were fantastic. There's only one problem. The ending left me feeling really hollow. On a normal arc, you get a definite "Nice job, call me again some other time" thing, usually after stopping a major event from going down. In Praetoria, not only did each arc wrap up with you stopping a major event, but you also left getting to see how you'd affected everyone's life.

First Ward didn't really have that. Everything's still broken and messed up. You seem to just leave everything in the lurch at the end of the final arc, with a fairly bland "Fate says we're going apart now". You haven't undone all the bad stuff you had to do to get there. You never really get much closure on what happened to the mastermind behind all of it after the final mission. You've never really helped the survivors after stopping the assassination attempt. Apparitions seem to still be everywhere, as is Diabolique.

It's doubly unsatisfying because all of the previous arcs made you feel like you were a real force of change in the area. It felt like, because of your actions, the survivor compound was turned around, the Carnies were growing back together, and you were finally getting to the bottom of the Apparitions. Even the lengthy Apparition bit made you feel like a badass. (The Seers bits and the Asylum were quite chilling as well). But after the last few parts, everything seems to suddenly get worse again and then you're just sort of pushed away. No, we'll deal with it now. By ourselves. Because you'll be back on Primal.

Did anyone else get this feeling or is it just me?



I would, ideally, prefer if it could be wrapped up within its own level bracket, with possible references to the First Ward stuff. As it is now it feels like you're leaving the place with a lot of unfinished business, I'd prefer if I didn't have to wait another 25 levels for closure.



The biggest problem I have with the new arc is that there aren’t any badges for finishing the long new story arcs. They are cool and all, really love doing them. But why no badge?

And I’m feeling the same way as the OP. It was over so sudden and no real ending. Though very cool zone and there are some of the best missions in the game in this zone.



I think the reason you don't get any closure is because the First Ward isn't that kind of zone.
It's not a zone where you get closure, much less a happy ending. The First Ward is the first missions a Native Primal would be able to take in Praetoria canonically, and for Praetorians, this is either your chance to return or find yourself casted out from the wonder of Praetoria proper and into where anything that's considered a rising threat to Cole goes.
You're at a level range where you're becoming a heavy hitter, one of the big boys, but the First Ward is meant to remind you that in the end, at this stage, you are still but a leaf on the wind, helpless and unable to help against forces much greater than yourself, and with how even Diabolique and Mother Mayhem's Seers seem to only have minimal effect, it shows that even level fifties are simply trying to stop only to get rolled under the wheel of inevitability.

In summary, I tend to look at the First Ward as sort of a warning to characters who might not think Praetoria is half-bad as a: "Behold the inevitable fate of this world and despair."

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City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
There are two more Incarnate Trials coming. I wouldn't be surprised if they wrapped up First Ward and the whole Praetorian Invasion arc.
Well, we're certainly running out of loyalists to fight - there are only 2 Praetors left, plus Tyrant.

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Quinzel View Post
...very cool zone and there are some of the best missions in the game in this zone.
They must came later in the arc cuz so far it's been a lot of boring delivery missions and a story I haven't been the least bit invested in.

I did like the shadow path mechanic & look of the zone, however.

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Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



I was told that no matter which choices you made, you couldn't ever be a Loyalist properly and side with Cole or Mother Mayhem, even if you are a villain.

This turned me off right form the start, so I never did the arcs. It sounded like just working with the good guy carnies and never having the moral choice to change sides and help Tilman or the Seers, so I didn't see any point.

My character is on Diabolique's side, so fighting her is out of the question

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Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
I was told that no matter which choices you made, you couldn't ever be a Loyalist properly and side with Cole or Mother Mayhem, even if you are a villain.

This turned me off right form the start, so I never did the arcs. It sounded like just working with the good guy carnies and never having the moral choice to change sides and help Tilman or the Seers, so I didn't see any point.

My character is on Diabolique's side, so fighting her is out of the question
Believe me, just keep playing. The story has enough twists from the start.

Spoiler warning!
Because Cole and Mother arent the biggest problem you will face in these arcs.



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
I was told that no matter which choices you made, you couldn't ever be a Loyalist properly and side with Cole or Mother Mayhem, even if you are a villain.
That's because FW is 20-29, so it's closer to the Incarnate content than the 1-20 GR stuff was, which means that the zone storyline needs to move everyone closer to fighting Tyrant and the loyalists - the closer to level 50 the contnet is, the more it has to invovle helping the Resistance, as they're the ones the players are meant to side with.

This turned me off right form the start, so I never did the arcs. It sounded like just working with the good guy carnies and never having the moral choice to change sides and help Tilman or the Seers, so I didn't see any point.
There are still some repeatable contacts in the zone - Villains/loyalists share 2, and Heroes/Resistance share 2, and there's a 5th one that any side can access.

My character is on Diabolique's side, so fighting her is out of the question
Without giving too many major spoilers, you do something to help Diabolique during the story arcs - but it's also something that goes against Tyrant. You also do something that kinda helps Dominatrix, but at the same time it kinda weakens Marauder's position in the dictatorship.

@Golden Girl

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So the repeatable contacts give aligned missions? Villains can act like villains?

I haven't found these yet, do you need to fight through the 8-part arc to unlock thew repeatable contacts?

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Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
So the repeatable contacts give aligned missions? Villains can act like villains?

I haven't found these yet, do you need to fight through the 8-part arc to unlock thew repeatable contacts?
The repeatables aren't unlocked, but they also don't pop up as new contacts when you enter the zone - you need to go look for them first.

Heroes can get Trina Furst (Hero), plus Roadflare (Resistance) and Vickers ("neutral")

Resistance can get Roadflare (Resistance), plus Trina Furst (Hero) and Vickers ("neutral")

Villains can get Mr. Caldoun (Villain), plus Angela Hu (loyalist) and Vickers ("neutral")

Loyalists can get Angela Hu (loyalist), plus Mr. Calduon (Villain) and Vickers ("neutral")

They're all hanging out in the compound in Eltentown.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




Guess I'll go see what Angela has for me to do.

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
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I'd like some more closure as well, particularly for a certain character that I've become attached too. Leaving the fate of that character uncertain, without any other choice, leaves me wanting more.

I hope it's not resolved in a trial. As fun as the trials can be, and as interesting as their stories are, some of these plot threads I would prefer to be resolved in a setting similar to First Ward - that is, a zone rather than a trial.



I just took my first character through First Ward, and, while I thoroughly enjoyed playing through the arcs, also was left with a "Huh? That's it?" feeling at the end. I'm hoping for some level 30-39 content in the future to continue on with the story.



That's because FW is 20-29, so it's closer to the Incarnate content than the 1-20 GR stuff was, which means that the zone storyline needs to move everyone closer to fighting Tyrant and the loyalists - the closer to level 50 the contnet is, the more it has to invovle helping the Resistance, as they're the ones the players are meant to side with.
I know this is going to be like talking to a wall...but the Loyalist Responsibility arcs are all about being loyal to the people, and not exactly to Cole.

Also, you did pay attention to the UG story right????

I think FW is meant to be a bit more open ended, and well.. sad. I remember running it in beta, and I felt like crap by the time I was done. This was a GOOD thing IMO because it made me actually feel.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I know this is going to be like talking to a wall...but the Loyalist Responsibility arcs are all about being loyal to the people, and not exactly to Cole.
And then they side with the Resistance for the Incarnate content

Also, you did pay attention to the UG story right????

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



And then they side with the Resistance for the Incarnate content
For you maybe, but for me it is still about protecting the people. Which is why I choose to NOT do things like blow up hospitals, or poison a water supply in the first place. I just can't find where that would be considered good...


The UG makes it clear that the actions of the Resistance Crusaders AND the Loyalist Powers prove Hammidon correct. Humanity does not deserve to survive.

Cole had the right idea, he just carried it out wrong. As they say about the road to hell...

End Spoiler.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
For you maybe, but for me it is still about protecting the people. Which is why I choose to NOT do things like blow up hospitals, or poison a water supply in the first place. I just can't find where that would be considered good...
Praetorian meta-story = Resistance good, loyalists bad

If you've tried the repeatable First Ward contacts, you'll find that loyalists can only access their own one, plus the Villain one, while Resistance can access their own one, plus the Hero one. You might also have noticed that the FW story arcs also kinda assume you're cool with helping the Resistance and their allies - there's not even the option to ring Provost Marchand to try and turn the situation towards the loyalists, even when situations like in-fighting amongst the Carnival of Light would be a perfect chance for loyalists to weaken them, intead of helping them resolve their problems.

The UG makes it clear that the actions of the Resistance Crusaders AND the Loyalist Powers prove Hammidon correct. Humanity does not deserve to survive.
Does it? Shouldn't we side with the Hamidon then to help it do the right thing and wipe out humanity?

Cole had the right idea
No he didn't

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I know this is going to be like talking to a wall...but the Loyalist Responsibility arcs are all about being loyal to the people, and not exactly to Cole.
Which is a very important thing to remember when you consider a Loyalist doing the Incarnate Trials. During the incarnate trials, the shades of gray have dropped largely. Tyrant needs to be stopped to protect Praetoria.

Also, the Resistance that the Primals are working with isn't necessarily the Crusaders. To be honest, given how much nothing the Resistance is doing during the iTrials I would have a hard time believing that the Crusaders were the ones taking part.

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Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Which is a very important thing to remember when you consider a Loyalist doing the Incarnate Trials. During the incarnate trials, the shades of gray have dropped largely. Tyrant needs to be stopped to protect Praetoria.

Also, the Resistance that the Primals are working with isn't necessarily the Crusaders. To be honest, given how much nothing the Resistance is doing during the iTrials I would have a hard time believing that the Crusaders were the ones taking part.
Calvin Scott might still have to be dealt with - now that Vanessa's gone, he colud do something stupid, and risk everything, just as we're so close to a final victory over the loyalists - like trying to stop us killing Mother Mayhem, even if that was the only way to get rid of her - because he mightn't be able to bring himself to do that and lose Aurora at the same time - and some of his fighters could also side with him, so we'd have to fight them too.

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Calvin Scott might still have to be dealt with - now that Vanessa's gone, he colud do something stupid, and risk everything, just as we're so close to a final victory over the loyalists - like trying to stop us killing Mother Mayhem, even if that was the only way to get rid of her - because he mightn't be able to bring himself to do that and lose Aurora at the same time - and some of his fighters could also side with him, so we'd have to fight them too.
OR maybe he should be stopped because he is just like Cole and is willing to wipe out those who will not toe his line. We really are seeing two different things here, and you have continued to ignore the evil actions of the Resistance, while pointing out the evil actions of the loyalist. You have blinders on.

Tyrant needs to be stopped to protect Praetoria.
I did not disagree with this at all. All I am saying is that GG's view that Resistance is good, and Loyalist is evil, is very flawed. I am not the only one who has stated that over the last year, I am just the one stating it now.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post

Does it? Shouldn't we side with the Hamidon then to help it do the right thing and wipe out humanity?




Just to give one big example of what I mean...

Spoilers incoming.

Let's give it a bit more space

That should do.

Mistress Nadia can apparently restore Makara's spirit sight. But, not right now, because Talons are attacking. After that you go back to Vanessa and she's off to the next bit, and eventually you stop Serene (kill? I'm not sure, that wasn't clear either) and then are sent off. Did Makara ever get help?

Or Noble Savage and the Forlorn. We know they took heavy losses. Is Noble okay? We know he's alive, sure, but we don't even get to go back and give a "thanks!" or "how's it going?". We just kind of have to abandon the Forlorn and Noble Savage presumeably with crippling injuries and losses. We don't even get a "Thank you, <name>, but I'm alright. We will manage without you." I just have to go because destiny said so. What gives?

This totally discounts what happens with Katie or Diabolique, anyway, and if anything First Ward's problems are even worse now the Apparitions are just free. There just seem to be a lot of loose ends that not only do you not clear up but you are explicitly told you're not wanted to help clear up. It just feels a bit weird after all you've been through with that fledgling community.



I agree that the ending of First Ward did not feel cathartic or final in any way. I kept thinking there was something more . . . a new contact . . . maybe something unlockable that I hadn't discovered . . . but no, there was nothing else.

At a minimum, I think that Vanessa should introduce players to one of the zone's repeatable missions contacts. It took me a while but I found at least 3 of them, I think there may be one more villain contact that I haven't found.

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