42 -
Weeks has passed now, I really controlled my anger and disappointment after the first three days of the news.
But with every news and with every content and lore question answered I was getting angrier at NCsoft. And now this the last drop in a bucket that was already full.
But anger isnt the solution. Thanks for sharing this wonderful new zone, I truly hope we can visited it one day. But Im not holding my breath for it. -
Like N3cro said.
Quote:http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/1...n_sell_out.phpNewell: Valve would 'disintegrate' before selling out -
I put mine up, but now its gone. Ah well, going to try it again.
My last one was Aug 14, 2012, so we will see when September 14th is going to hit.
So I’m wondering, people around the forum are saying that the VIP status are about to drop. Though when I head over to the NCsoft Game Account Details there is no date when your VIP status is going to expire.
Quote:This is all there is on your Game Account Details from CoH.Account
City of Heroes Freedom™
Created On: Jun 20, 2005
Account Type: VIP
Account Status: Playable
Total Paid Time: 5 Years, 5 Months
So I’m wondering. Is NCsoft going to keep up VIP on all accounts that already have VIP? Because there is also no option of payment and the type of payment you have is also gone. Are they not going to charge us any more fees till the end? -
Little shy to add people to stuff, but would love some new people on steam and other stuff.
STEAM: Lavena
XBOX: Quinntet
PSN: Quinntet
Twitter: Quinntet
MSN: live@martinholleman.nl
DeviantArt: whileawake
Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my nickname,
So add me, maybe? -
Im doing fine, though I regularly have some found memorys or when I try to read some of you guys comments out loud to my partner and then it starts again.
You can find all the music files on Paragon Wiki.
451 music files... so take your pick. -
Today two devs decided to shock things up in Atlas Park before they head for bed. Hit Streak and Black Scorpion decided to spawn some monsters and let the people that were still online to have some fun with them. Even a new giant monster from the Nemesis decided to show up.
I decided to record this whole rampage, mainly because I want to keep some memories of this game. You can watch it on YouTube at the link below.
There is no music, I searched for some but I couldnt find anything. And to be honest, I think the video is so much better now without music. It shows the true game. Hope you guys like it.
And here is the speech that Freitag gave when he also jumped in.
Quote:And here is what BS said before he left for the night.[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: Hello Freedom, I'd like to ask you for a few minutes of your time.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: I know it's not much, but I wanted to come here and tell you how amazing it has been working with you guys. You are the best community we could have asked for, and you have made the experience for all of us who worked at Paragon Studios truly special.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: Your creativity, your passion, your drive to make us achieve more, and your love for this game is inspiring to all of us.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: I speak for everyone at Paragon Studios when I say:
[Admin] Black Scorpion: LITTLE MOIST PIECES
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: This game would never have become what it was without YOU.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: None of us wanted this to happen this way, and we're really sorry it did.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: I hope you all will remember the amazing things that have happened over the last 10 years. The fantastic people who you have met, the great experiences you have had, the leaps and strides this game has made.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: This game has touched everyone who has played it in some way, big or small. You guys made this game what it is. We just gave you the tools. You made it. For that, we will forever be grateful.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: You guys are the best community we've ever worked with, and we want to make sure you know we love you.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: I'm sorry I can't answer all the questions you have. It's my hope that things will become clearer in the near future.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: Thank you for listening, and thank you for your time. I'd like to visit a few other servers.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: Thank you all so much.
Quote:[Admin] Black Scorpion: Good Evening Freedom. Black Scorpion here.
[Admin] Black Scorpion: I want to thank you again for today and this evening, and for the years besides.
[Admin] Black Scorpion: It is easy to get the badges when you have the dev command. It doesn't mean I earned them like you all.
[Admin] Black Scorpion: Still here for a bit, just have to remember to clean up the Nem. Monster before I fall asleep (been up since 5am local)
[Admin] Black Scorpion: Ok. It is well beyond my bedtime and I am being dragged off the machine. There are still some days left, and I will hope to be back here and on other servers. All of the former devs appreciate your support very much.
[Admin] Black Scorpion: Enjoy what remains and as you have looked after Paragon all these years, I believe in some way Paragon will look after you after you leave. This has been an emotional time, and it's difficult to dry my eyes with this claw and arm cannon... so...
[Admin] Black Scorpion: Goodnight Freedom. Signed, Your Bud In The High Powered Armor. -
I solved it by not using the first power that defeats a lot of enemies at once. Just take it slow and a couple at the time. Before I did this I also got like 4 map servers.
More close up screenshots of her.
Now I hope they are going to add some new faces like these. Damn that would rock so much. And that hair! -
Thanks all for the great comments.
Quote:I know, but its also a problem with the characters of ours.
Even though I know it's not supposed to be the group shot by Cric makes me think they are all in miniature... like they got hit with a shrink ray.
As you can see, we got three really big persons at the begin. They are that big, the other toons are really that small. Because i almost make all my female toon around the 5 feet mark. And posi is just as big as Saint Ice. So that means my girls are just as big compared to saint ice as they do to posi. I know it gives a strange effect in the drawing.
Edit: Saint Ice, Spirit Surge, Joey Yung, Kay Tse and Promise are not my toons. They are my friends toons. -
It’s been a while since I last posted new drawings of my toons. Well the drawings have come to a halt a little because my financial situation didn’t let me continue. Anyway, that’s in the past and all. I do have a couple of new drawings though, some are a little bit older and one is brand new. Here they are.
Link to DeviantArt full drawing: http://fav.me/d3iiwmh
Drawing by taclobanon
Link to DeviantArt full drawing: http://fav.me/d3iw859
Drawing by suppa-rider
Link to DeviantArt full drawing: http://fav.me/d3je6lj
Drawing by RedG
Link to DeviantArt full drawing: http://fav.me/d3iw7y3
Drawing by suppa-rider
Link to DeviantArt full drawing: http://fav.me/d4e3xcl
Drawing by windriderx23
Group shot of Justice League of Holland
Link to DeviantArt full drawing: http://fav.me/d4e3wlu
Drawing by Cric
The toons used in the drawings: Click here for an image -
So Street Justice is in the store now. But:
This site is temporarily unavailable due to scheduled maintenance.
Please check back again soon
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo -
And the Negotiator Badge is also still bugged.
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=272822 -
Quote:Nope, the error happens when you try to start the mission. So you cant even accept the mission. Well just need to wait till they fix it and point it to the right contact again I guess.Were you trying to teleport to the contact? If you had the mission and it wouldn't let you teleport, you could try just going to AP in City Hall and talking to him there. All the contacts from Galaxy were moved there, and anyone with missions for them were supposed to be directed to their new locations. Looked like they missed the Ouro stuff though.
Hey devs,
I was trying to get some old accomplishment badges through ouro and caught a problem. The first badge called Negotiator Badge is linked to a contact in Galaxy City. Well as you might know thats the city you guys destroyed. Though the link to that contact is still in Ouro. Im talking about the old contact Maurice Feldon.
The mission in the lvl 1 to 15 list:
Tony Kord and Paula Dempsey in Atlas park also had the mission in their mission list. Though to be honest with you, I dont know if they are still around. But higher players also cant contact through ouro.
The error I get when I try to select the mission:
I also send in a bug report. And Im sure more people did so. But still wanted you devs to know it through this channel. Thanks. -
Quote:Believe me, just keep playing. The story has enough twists from the start.I was told that no matter which choices you made, you couldn't ever be a Loyalist properly and side with Cole or Mother Mayhem, even if you are a villain.
This turned me off right form the start, so I never did the arcs. It sounded like just working with the good guy carnies and never having the moral choice to change sides and help Tilman or the Seers, so I didn't see any point.
My character is on Diabolique's side, so fighting her is out of the question
Spoiler warning!
Because Cole and Mother arent the biggest problem you will face in these arcs.