Atlas Park Monster Rampage
Thanks so much. It was a very sad day, but that made it a bit better. And i feel bad for the devs and their families at Paragon Studios. I keep my fingers crossed they soon get good jobs again and maybe can bring us the next awesome game.
See you there!
Jaro a.k.a. Speed
Veteran player back after a looooong break and happy to see that CoH got much better then it was when I left.
Meet me on Freedom, if you like some Speed.
Global: @JAR0
Awesome. Sorry I missed that.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
a bunch of us staged a protest on the steps of City Hall. It was late at night and lasted a couple of hours.
Info was shared on broadcast for petitions and letter writing...

Today two devs decided to shock things up in Atlas Park before they head for bed. Hit Streak and Black Scorpion decided to spawn some monsters and let the people that were still online to have some fun with them. Even a new giant monster from the Nemesis decided to show up.
I decided to record this whole rampage, mainly because I want to keep some memories of this game. You can watch it on YouTube at the link below.
There is no music, I searched for some but I couldnt find anything. And to be honest, I think the video is so much better now without music. It shows the true game. Hope you guys like it.
And here is the speech that Freitag gave when he also jumped in.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: I know it's not much, but I wanted to come here and tell you how amazing it has been working with you guys. You are the best community we could have asked for, and you have made the experience for all of us who worked at Paragon Studios truly special.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: Your creativity, your passion, your drive to make us achieve more, and your love for this game is inspiring to all of us.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: I speak for everyone at Paragon Studios when I say:
[Admin] Black Scorpion: LITTLE MOIST PIECES
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: This game would never have become what it was without YOU.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: None of us wanted this to happen this way, and we're really sorry it did.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: I hope you all will remember the amazing things that have happened over the last 10 years. The fantastic people who you have met, the great experiences you have had, the leaps and strides this game has made.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: This game has touched everyone who has played it in some way, big or small. You guys made this game what it is. We just gave you the tools. You made it. For that, we will forever be grateful.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: You guys are the best community we've ever worked with, and we want to make sure you know we love you.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: I'm sorry I can't answer all the questions you have. It's my hope that things will become clearer in the near future.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: Thank you for listening, and thank you for your time. I'd like to visit a few other servers.
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: Thank you all so much.
[Admin] Black Scorpion: I want to thank you again for today and this evening, and for the years besides.
[Admin] Black Scorpion: It is easy to get the badges when you have the dev command. It doesn't mean I earned them like you all.
[Admin] Black Scorpion: Still here for a bit, just have to remember to clean up the Nem. Monster before I fall asleep (been up since 5am local)
[Admin] Black Scorpion: Ok. It is well beyond my bedtime and I am being dragged off the machine. There are still some days left, and I will hope to be back here and on other servers. All of the former devs appreciate your support very much.
[Admin] Black Scorpion: Enjoy what remains and as you have looked after Paragon all these years, I believe in some way Paragon will look after you after you leave. This has been an emotional time, and it's difficult to dry my eyes with this claw and arm cannon... so...
[Admin] Black Scorpion: Goodnight Freedom. Signed, Your Bud In The High Powered Armor.