Ugh-NCSoft and Nexon want to buy out Valve?!

Father Xmas



Jeez, and here we were sending Gabe emails at Valve asking him to buy CoH! Someone should warn him about NCSoft's terrible support for the west if he's even remotely thinking about actually doing this.

Let's hope this horrid thought stays a rumor only!



Gabe has stated multiple times that the company would breakup rather then sell out. The rumors, which NCsoft denied, said they were going to buy out Valve for 893 million. HA, Valve has been estimated to be worth 1 billion to 4 billion. Not to mention Valve already turned down EA and they offered them 1 billion. So to ease your mind, Valve is not and will not sell out to Nexon.



Yay! Whew!

I'm not saying Valve is even remotely going to buy CoH, but they're a fine company and I'd hate to see anything bad happen to them regardless.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
And people wonder why NCSoft's stock is up and down like a yo-yo.
Because rumors start flying around and people tend to act on just rumor and not fact?

((Although to be fair, from what I can gather in the stock market, you can miss out big (or lose big) if you don't act on a rumor))



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
And people wonder why NCSoft's stock is up and down like a yo-yo.
Indeed - kinda makes you wonder who might be starting these rumours doesn't it?



This would be like North Korea buying out Disneyland.




Originally Posted by Kyuuen View Post
This would be like North Korea buying out Disneyland.
Somehow, I just can't see legions of kids wearing "Great Leader" hats...

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