Paragon Market Won't Allow you to buy the same point code multiple times (Lame)




So I did some testing, and the Paragon Market will not allow you to buy the same point code multiple times. *THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SPENDING LIMIT ON YOUR ACCOUNT*

To give an example, I bought the 100 dollar point code twice. I tried to purchase a third one so I could completely fill out the inventory increases (Then I figure I could let my Vet points ride 550 a month). When I try and purchase this code, it gives an error stating that as a security measure, the NCSoft Store only allows you to purchase X amount of "codes."

I decided to test this further and tried to purchase one of the other point packages, it allowed me. I have been paying through Paypal which is not connected to my spending limit. I have even double checked my spending limit and I am currently only at 15/300 dollar limit.

Ultimately, you cannot purchase the same code more then twice. I am not sure the "cooldown" on this but I have sent in a petition and haven't received a response yet.



I'm not sure what a code is but in beta I bought $700 worth of points in about 10 minutes time.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
So I did some testing, and the Paragon Market will not allow you to buy the same point code multiple times. *THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SPENDING LIMIT ON YOUR ACCOUNT*

To give an example, I bought the 100 dollar point code twice. I tried to purchase a third one so I could completely fill out the inventory increases (Then I figure I could let my Vet points ride 550 a month). When I try and purchase this code, it gives an error stating that as a security measure, the NCSoft Store only allows you to purchase X amount of "codes."

I decided to test this further and tried to purchase one of the other point packages, it allowed me. I have been paying through Paypal which is not connected to my spending limit. I have even double checked my spending limit and I am currently only at 15/300 dollar limit.

Ultimately, you cannot purchase the same code more then twice. I am not sure the "cooldown" on this but I have sent in a petition and haven't received a response yet.
If I recall correctly Positron stated on one of the Ustreams that they "had plans in place" to prevent people from purchasing from new to Tier 9 "right away".

Congratulations, you found the security to prevent people from buying Tier 9 in a week!

On a personal note, I'm thankful for that because (1) it protects Paragon Studios from potential fraud and (2) prevents someone with more money than brains from devaluing my past subscription time.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
If I recall correctly Positron stated on one of the Ustreams that they "had plans in place" to prevent people from purchasing from new to Tier 9 "right away".

Congratulations, you found the security to prevent people from buying Tier 9 in a week!

On a personal note, I'm thankful for that because (1) it protects Paragon Studios from potential fraud and (2) prevents someone with more money than brains from devaluing my past subscription time.
Well thing is, you *CAN* do it you just have to spend a lot of money. Essentially, if you are willing to spend extra money to buy the other packages you can continue to buy them. I even tested this (Because I did need more points) and while i can buy the 50, 15, or 5 dollar packages I can no longer buy the 100 dollar packages.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
I'm not sure what a code is but in beta I bought $700 worth of points in about 10 minutes time.
Granted Beta =/= Live testing. A code is what the point system is. Basically when you buy a point package, the NCSoft Store applies a unique code to your account that grants you the points.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Well thing is, you *CAN* do it you just have to spend a lot of money. Essentially, if you are willing to spend extra money to buy the other packages you can continue to buy them. I even tested this (Because I did need more points) and while i can buy the 50, 15, or 5 dollar packages I can no longer buy the 100 dollar packages.
Then the security measures aren't good enough.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Then the security measures aren't good enough.
Well I think its a problem of this Snow Globe, imagine if the security measures were applied to all of the codes:

Lets say there is a 30 day cooldown, a person buys 3 of the 5 dollar codes -- The security measure goes in place now they cannot purchase more points for 30 days. I understand why the codes are on a individual basis I just think the security needs to be removed.

I am saying this as a Veteran myself, I have never unsubscribed to the game. In fact, I am sitting on around 22 Tokens banked because I have nothing to spend them on.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Lets say there is a 30 day cooldown, a person buys 3 of the 5 dollar codes -- The security measure goes in place now they cannot purchase more points for 30 days. I understand why the codes are on a individual basis I just think the security needs to be removed.
How do you know if there isn't a limit of 40x$5 purchases, 14x$15 purchases, 4x$50 purchases, 2x$100 purchases in a month?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
How do you know if there isn't a limit of 40x$5 purchases, 14x$15 purchases, 4x$50 purchases, 2x$100 purchases in a month?
True but I am not willing to test that. Currently I just know:

Limit of 100 Purchase is 2. I don't know the period of time "Cooldown" on this.

After buying 2 100 dollar purchases I was able to buy a 50 dollar purchase. I have not tried to purchase anything else except for another 100 dollar which is still on "cooldown."

Has anyone bought multiple codes for the same account yet?



Your experience is contrary to mine.

It could be due to some of security/fraud prevention mechanisms, such as:

1) The dollar value of purchases you can make in a certain time period. ("You can only make up to $X purchases per day before the security system kicks in")

2) The transaction limit for a given time period. ("You can only make Y # of transactions per day before the security system kicks in.")

Odds are you're tripping one of the two. In both cases, you should try waiting a couple days to see what happens.



Originally Posted by vorpal View Post
Your experience is contrary to mine.

It could be due to some of security/fraud prevention mechanisms, such as:

1) The dollar value of purchases you can make in a certain time period. ("You can only make up to $X purchases per day before the security system kicks in")

2) The transaction limit for a given time period. ("You can only make Y # of transactions per day before the security system kicks in.")

Odds are you're tripping one of the two. In both cases, you should try waiting a couple days to see what happens.
What is your experience? Please share.



Has anyone figured out the cooldown time? I bought $100 twice friday at 10pm or so and got blocked for the third purchase. I tried again at 930 am the next morning but was blocked. Tried again sunday mid-afternoon. No luck. I have my card set to the $400 limit so at thos point its just a timer. Should I wait until tuesday? Wednesday? Anyone know? I think failing resets the timer so I want to play it safe.

Also, does my credit card paragon points limit interact with my billing? I also bought $50 twice so I have used $300 of $400 but I buy access in blocks and one of my accounts comes due for the year this month. So that will push past my $400 if subscription amount is not counted separately.

So I am worried if I can pay, simply because they may not let me.

If I put a different card in, do I get a new pool of $400 for a limit on that card, or do multiple cards share the same dollar limit? Is there a forum or official rep for billing and game interaction stuff?



Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
I'm not sure what a code is but in beta I bought $700 worth of points in about 10 minutes time.
My wife would kill me...

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Changing cards or the spending limit won't help you - there's some other limit in the system that is borking this up.

The one thing that works is to call NCSoft billing support and get them to reset your limit. (Yes, this is the very thing that they tell you on the website that they cannot do.)



All I know is that if the $400 limit counts against my ability to pay my actual bill, I am sorta jacked. Let me pay!


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Paragon didn't need that extra $100, Ultimus. You can send it to me instead. I take checks!


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



I'm not going to say that you're spending too much, because I want to encourage people to send money to Paragon Studios. Also, a few hundred bucks is beans to drop on a hobby when I compare it to what some of my friends spend on, for example, golf or woodworking.

Still, I just have to say... Wow. Oh, and I'd be remiss if I didn't include a "shocked" smilie.

Now, that having been said, thanks for your investment in the game. Now I don't feel so weird for paying a lot of money for our Titan Network/Paragon Wiki web server.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



These are the random spendings of people BEFORE freemiums join in?

OMG Paragon studios is printing money!



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Changing cards or the spending limit won't help you - there's some other limit in the system that is borking this up.

The one thing that works is to call NCSoft billing support and get them to reset your limit. (Yes, this is the very thing that they tell you on the website that they cannot do.)
Yeah. They can, they will, and I've never once had the limit reset without them doing it once I hit it, even if I waited a couple of weeks.



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
Has anyone figured out the cooldown time? I bought $100 twice friday at 10pm or so and got blocked for the third purchase. I tried again at 930 am the next morning but was blocked. Tried again sunday mid-afternoon. No luck. I have my card set to the $400 limit so at thos point its just a timer. Should I wait until tuesday? Wednesday? Anyone know? I think failing resets the timer so I want to play it safe.

Also, does my credit card paragon points limit interact with my billing? I also bought $50 twice so I have used $300 of $400 but I buy access in blocks and one of my accounts comes due for the year this month. So that will push past my $400 if subscription amount is not counted separately.

So I am worried if I can pay, simply because they may not let me.

If I put a different card in, do I get a new pool of $400 for a limit on that card, or do multiple cards share the same dollar limit? Is there a forum or official rep for billing and game interaction stuff?


Been about a week for me and its still not undone.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Changing cards or the spending limit won't help you - there's some other limit in the system that is borking this up.

The one thing that works is to call NCSoft billing support and get them to reset your limit. (Yes, this is the very thing that they tell you on the website that they cannot do.)
Actually I talked to support and billing and they are not allowed to reset this. They told me they have no control over it.



*have to say this.......LOL*
Is that how you got your wife, Tony?????

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



You all have too much money

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
You all have too much money
Someone has to keep the economy going.

Tell your elected representatives to vote for the CoH Stimulus Package today!



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Actually I talked to support and billing and they are not allowed to reset this. They told me they have no control over it.
Works for other people. I guess they don't like you.