Player inventory was NERFED




Last night several people in our Global reported their salvage and recipe inventories filling up at an alarming speed, despite the Paragon Rewards granted increases. It was most prominent at x6-x8 (my husband filled up his 105 Salvage slots within three x6 Tips, which had never happened before).

This is clearly a sneaky, underhanded move by Paragon Studios to force us into spending large amounts of cash in their store to buy Recipe and Salvage inventory increases. I am shocked and appalled at this attempt to bleed more money out of your most faithful customers.

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Is this sarcasm?
If you are getting more salvage and recipes, that is a good thing is it not? If you don't want more salvage and recipes just let your storage cap out and not bother emptying it...



Yeah not sure if serious. You're complaining about getting more drops?




C'mon you two. Are you seriously not picking up the joke?



Sounds like someone used the XP booster, which also slightly increases drop rates.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Or a windfall temp power..



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
Is this sarcasm?
If you are getting more salvage and recipes, that is a good thing is it not? If you don't want more salvage and recipes just let your storage cap out and not bother emptying it...
Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
Yeah not sure if serious. You're complaining about getting more drops?
And here come the Dev fanbois to try to defend the evil money-grubbing Paragon. Wake up sheeple! Who are also fanbois! Fanbeeple!

But seriously. Has anyone noticed a sudden surge in drops, unrelated to anyone using XP boosters or Windfall?

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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Last night several people in our Global reported their salvage and recipe inventories filling up at an alarming speed, despite the Paragon Rewards granted increases. It was most prominent at x6-x8 (my husband filled up his 105 Salvage slots within three x6 Tips, which had never happened before).

This is clearly a sneaky, underhanded move by Paragon Studios to force us into spending large amounts of cash in their store to buy Recipe and Salvage inventory increases. I am shocked and appalled at this attempt to bleed more money out of your most faithful customers.

Sorry. I get the joke, but I had to do this.
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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
But seriously. Has anyone noticed a sudden surge in drops, unrelated to anyone using XP boosters or Windfall?
My new level 10 got 4 rare drops last night while I got them to 10 so something different about the drop rates. I was not using any boosting items.

This is a service-oriented business, and it's all
about keeping the player happy over the long term.
So you have to listen and pay attention. If a large
portion of your playerbase is screaming about
some change, you be wise to listen. - Raph Koster



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Sounds like someone used the XP booster, which also slightly increases drop rates.
As the husband in question: Nope. Neither the XP Booster nor the Windfall temp active. One Council Paper, One Nemesis tip, half a Devouring Earth tip, and I was full. 105 salvage (five rares). +1x8, solo, bosses off (although tip DE are bugged and do not downgrade their bosses at the moment).

This suggested to me that something weird was going on. Not prepared to say it isn't just streaky RNG luck yet, but it seems odd. After that, I started paying more attention. Have been attempting to get corroboration from other sources, but I'm one of the few in my playgroup who actually have a character capable of running solo at +1x8. Doesn't strictly need to be that, since if the drop rates are up it'll show up everywhere. But it'll be easier to compare.

Also ran: Some Nut On Talk Radio. Longbow, +1x8, no bosses. Sixteen spawns. That got me 50 salvage (3 rares), 9 recipes.
Save the People of the Isles. Arachnos, +1x8, no bosses. Forgot to keep track of spawn number. 47 Salvage (1 rare), 10 recipes.

Seems high. I used to run a day's tips and go sell afterwards.

"The gaping maw of your mind is filled with layered circles upon circles of bloody razors, I am finding."
- Twoflower



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Sounds like someone used the XP booster, which also slightly increases drop rates.
No it's the umm new Paragon Reward starting with a Winfall. That one increases drop rates I think.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Maybe it's MARTy rewarding us for proper play? You need a carrot to go along with your stick.

This is a service-oriented business, and it's all
about keeping the player happy over the long term.
So you have to listen and pay attention. If a large
portion of your playerbase is screaming about
some change, you be wise to listen. - Raph Koster



Actually, I did seem to be getting drops faster last night, but I just figured I was lucky



I'm in the same SG as Gale and Pyro, and yeah, we've been noticing increased drop rates without any booster or windfall activated.

The question now is: Bug, or Working As Intended?

If it's a bug, man, cash in while you can, because the salvage market is gonna FEED on this. If it's working as intended... your inventory may get cluttered but it could mean an end of charging 100k+ for a common bit of salvage, which I'm all for.

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
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Don't I know you???



Originally Posted by clawsandeffect View Post
sounds like someone used the xp booster, which also slightly increases drop rates.
brb purple farming





Increased drops might be an attempt at making AE ticket farming less attractive. Also, new players on free accounts are more likely to buy market and invention licenses if they can actually afford the stuff on the market.



This is srs