What are you buying first?




Fisrt thing I bought was Beam Rifle. Then IIRC it was the backpack and the Barbarian set. I immediately made a Beam Rifle/Traps character with the backpack; it seemed appropriate for a guy who carries around so many gadgets.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth




At level 1.




Beam Rifle.

And it seems the Barbarian set, it meshed surprisingly well with a costume I was working on.

Let's Dance!



Hehe... That's what happened to me. I had no intention of getting the Cyborg costume set, I'd looked over the booster long ago and just really didn't have a desire for it. Even though quite a few of my favorite toons end up being robotic.

I was looking through the costume sets while making my newest controller and noticed the Android. Having never seen it before I was blown away.

The legs and arms. I had to have those legs! They ended up being the perfect addition to Prototype Protector's level 20 costume!

Chalk a sale up to being able to 'see' the items beforehand.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



I am really learning a lot about how different people value different things. I have seen both in-forum and in-game that the costume slots are very popular, while to me they are the biggest waste of money this side of Shadowy Presence. Meanwhile I get told I am a loon because I bought a whole bunch of storage upgrades It must be very hard for the devs to set pricing when for any given item there are people who won't buy it at any price and people who will buy it no matter the cost.



For me, it's all about the costumes and the characters. I don't really get that heavy into playing the actual game for badges, salvage, or unusual power sets. I immediately spent all my points and then some on costume pieces and costume slots. It is VITAL that all my characters have the maximum number of wardrobe changes and hair styles. Now my main has an outfit for every season, a secret identity, and multiple mission specific looks. It's so great!!!




What did I buy...

- Beam Rifle power set (looks decent at the moment, love the giant energy rifle)
- School backpack (haha, it works for military-themed characters!)
- Barbarian costume pack (finally thigh high boots without giant toes! And fur option!)

Decided I wanted to buy some more stuff, so brought 4000 points, which just happened to raise me to Tier 9 VIP... so I got the three Celestial sets from there...

- 5 more character slots (because I pretty much only play on Union)
- 10 extra enhancement slot storage accountwide (each character can now hold 20 enhancements at a time!)

Originally Posted by Evanescah View Post
For me, it's all about the costumes and the characters.
Oh man, I knew I forgot something. Next on the list is costume slots. XD

Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller



The first thing I bought was the Celestial set with veteran rewards. I don't actually like much from it, but who knows what I'll think a year from now? More importantly, I like the wings and the floating halos should come in handy at some point.

After that, I somehow spent exactly 400 points on:

The Barbarian set
The Aura unlock
The Cape unlock
The School Backpack item

I haven't bought the Rocket Board as it's kind of expensive and I don't need it at the moment. I haven't bought Beam Rife, and I WILL NOT buy Beam Rifle until and unless I have confirmation that I can use its weapons for my Robotics Masterminds. If I can use the custom weapons, I'm sold. If I can't, I have no use for the set.

I don't intend to buy any inventory increases. Ever. $20 for a single expander is highway robbery and I've been playing just fine without them for seven years. Maybe if I tripped over a solid gold bullion on the way home from work, but until then...

And no costume slots. I don't discount their value, but I can barely come up with five costumes that don't constitute a whole different character or don't require stupid excuses. I'd rather focus on more characters than more costumes for fewer characters. I'll be buying more character slots when the four I had banked run out.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I was looking through the costume sets while making my newest controller and noticed the Android. Having never seen it before I was blown away.

The legs and arms. I had to have those legs! They ended up being the perfect addition to Prototype Protector's level 20 costume!

Chalk a sale up to being able to 'see' the items beforehand.
I'm happy to confirm that I was right all along: One major stumbling block keeping people from caring about unlockable costumes is their inability to plan for them before they use them. Letting people see how cool their character would look with a new costume piece (in this case a purchasable one) is a much better way to get people to care and decide to commit.

This was a very, very, VERY clever move.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm happy to confirm that I was right all along: One major stumbling block keeping people from caring about unlockable costumes is their inability to plan for them before they use them. Letting people see how cool their character would look with a new costume piece (in this case a purchasable one) is a much better way to get people to care and decide to commit.

This was a very, very, VERY clever move.
Yep. Much as I hate bits of the new Market Interface (it looks like Windows XP and isn't particularly friendly to search) I love the interaction of the Cossie Creator with it.

Was making a Female Steampunk-ish Ice/Time Corruptor yesterday and flicking through the jackets and the Female Tuxedo worked perfectly, so a few quick clicks and it was mine!



My first purchases were:

Beam Rifle
Enhancement slot expansions (both)
the Barbarian costume set
the Cape/Wings unlock
the Aura unlock

Kid Lazarus, 50 empath Defender
Freek, 50 mind/psi Dominator
Black Khopesh, 43 db/wp Scrapper
Circuit-Boy, 40 elec Brute
Graf von Eisenfaust, 38 db/wp Brute
Blue Banshee, 35 sonic Blaster
Blood Countess, 33 mind/storm Controller
Dr. Radon, 32 rad Corruptor
Phantom Pirate, 32 db/wp Stalker



Had 1350 Paragon Points. Bought:

  • School Backpack (80 pts)
  • Costume Slot #6 (800 pts)
  • Permanent Cape Unlock (160 pts)
  • Permanent Aura Unlock (160 pts)

Spent: 1200 pts
Remaining: 150 pts

I may buy more points later when I can play the game more, but between school, work, baby, sleep, baby waking me up from sleep, etc., time is something I don't have a lot of for at least the next few months. Heck, it took me over an hour to do one respec because the baby woke up

At least I filled up my Wish List



Okay, the dust's mostly settled.

barbarian kit
both enhancement trays
3-pack of character renames
5 auction slots
5 recipe slots
10 salvage slots
aura/cape unlocks
costume slot #6
rocket board

Rationales, since people might care:
The transfers/renames are just because they're SO cheap right now, and I do sometimes want to rename characters. This should be enough buffer to get over the fact that I get a rename every two months.

Aura/cape unlocks: Sick of doing those missions.

Rocket board: Frees up the travel power slot on any character whose travel power isn't either character-necessary (a couple of flyers) or mechanically useful (super speed for stealth and outrunning tanks on a traps/ defender). I like it a lot more than ninja run.

Barbarian costume bits, backpack: They're just that awesome. I may yet get around to rolling Fanservice Lass.

Costume slot #6: The big reason here is that I often want a spare costume slot right away for concept reasons. Now I don't have to make level 20 to start working on my secret identity.

auction/recipe/salvage: Really pretty obvious.

Enhancement: I'm a sucker. Well. That, and I really do end up stuck with all my enhancement slots full sometimes when marketing or respeccing or whatever. Also lets me pull in an extra 10M inf or so from a respec (because I can start it with 30 level 50 crafted IOs from sniper and sleep sets, which are then sold for 490,400 each).



Beam Rifle set
Barbarian costume pack
Back to School Backpack
One enhancement tray increase

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8