What is the value of the VIP Server?




I've been aware of the forthcoming existence of a server exclusive to VIP players for a while now. It was my initial impression that this would be a minor perk (hey, another server to roll silly alts on), combined with a backstop against complaints from long-time subscribers that the unwashed masses have ruined the game (oh, just take yourself on over to the exclusive server and leave us alone). I have personally not planned to make much use of this feature, and I was fine with that.

However, with the announcement of the VIP headstart has come word of a number of events exclusive to the Exalted server. This may be just a headstart PR event, but it may also be the first of many such events that are intended to make Exalted access a meaningful and substantial perk. And while I'm admittedly reacting early to concerns not in evidence, I'm not sure how I would feel about that.

There are two reasons why I wouldn't want exclusive Exalted events to become a major portion of the VIP value proposition.
1. I have been rolling characters on other servers, notably Virtue, for many years now. I am more attached to those characters than I am to fresh alts, and I would prefer to play them in the new content. Moving them over would take a fair bit of time even with the monthly free server transfers.
2. I'm not sure I want to spend a lot of my time on Exalted and away from free and premium players. I can think of several people I know who either play now or have indicated interest in starting soon who would be playing as free or premium players. I don't want to have to make a choice between getting the most out of VIP status and playing with my friends.

At this point, I'm pretty sure that whether or not the developers intend to have Exalted access and Exalted-exclusive events as a significant part of the value of VIP has already long since been decided. I just wanted to say that I have reasons to hope that they have chosen not to make Exalted any more than one more server among many.

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What exclusive events are you talking about?



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
At this point, I'm pretty sure that whether or not the developers intend to have Exalted access and Exalted-exclusive events as a significant part of the value of VIP has already long since been decided. I just wanted to say that I have reasons to hope that they have chosen not to make Exalted any more than one more server among many.
I hope that the VIP server receives more and better than every non-subscriber-accessible server as a means to encourage play on the Exalted server and as a benefit to the "valued subscriber" to reward (read: encourage) their (continued) subscription.

Free Accounts are objectively inferior to a Premium Account. (Free Accounts are more limited than Premium Accounts.) Premium Accounts are objectively inferior to a VIP Account. (Premium Accounts are more limited than VIP Accounts.) Encouraging Free Accounts to become Premium Accounts and Premium Accounts to become VIP Accounts is something that they should be doing (as a corporation that desires to increase its' profits).

Making this pointedly clear by emphasizing the benefits of being VIP (over the alternatives) is something to be encouraged. Want the new shiny? Subscribe.

Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
What exclusive events are you talking about?
This, as well.



From this announcement:

Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
And for the first week ONLY, you'll be able to get:
  • 6 Character Transfers for 480 Paragon Points or $6! (one time purchase)

In Game Giveaways

Members of the Paragon Studios Community team will be giving away in game items randomly on the Exalted server during the first week! All you need to do is be on Exalted and you may be one of the lucky winners!

Play the new Sewer Trial and Underground Incarnate Trial with the Team

Throughout the day during the first week of the VIP Head Start, members of the Paragon Studios Development and Community teams will be jumping onto the Exalted server to team up with randomly selected players and play through the brand new Sewer Trial and the Underground Incarnate Trial! For the latter, make sure your Level 50 characters are up for the challenge and show us your worth!

Costume Contests

Join us on Exalted for Costume Contests judged by the Paragon Studios™ team and showcase your creativity by crafting a costume corresponding to a different theme each day!*


Exalted Low Level Invasion!

Only on September 15 and 16, create brand a new character on Exalted and join us in a low level fight for survival in Atlas Park and Mercy Island!
I restate my prior caveat that I am reacting to a hypothetical only, but it was a hypothetical that I had not even realized was possible until this announcement.

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Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
I restate my prior caveat that I am reacting to a hypothetical only, but it was a hypothetical that I had not even realized was possible until this announcement.

Sounds nice, I'll have to add those things to my calendar so I don't forget to show up. They should do stuff like that every week on the VIP server (only).



Originally Posted by Sun_Runner View Post

Sounds nice, I'll have to add those things to my calendar so I don't forget to show up. They should do stuff like that every week on the VIP server (only).
I respectfully disagree, and have elucidated my reasons why to the best of my ability. I understand that more Exalted-exclusive events increase the value of VIP, both in absolute terms and relative to Premium and Free. However, having to choose between participating in VIP-exclusive events and playing with friends reduces my personal enjoyment of the game as a whole.

I am aware that my personal preference will not influence Paragon Studios' decision one way or another. I am merely conveying my thoughts.

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Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
I am aware that my personal preference will not influence Paragon Studios' decision one way or another. I am merely conveying my thoughts.
Thats' fine. I'm doing the same thing, after all; just not in agreement with you.



Originally Posted by Sun_Runner View Post
...Making this pointedly clear by emphasizing the benefits of being VIP (over the alternatives) is something to be encouraged. Want the new shiny? Subscribe.

This, as well.
While I can't exactly say I'm concerned about this either way, there's one this about that general idea I'm not sure I fully understand. Whether I agree or not; I get what you're saying about Free vs. Premium vs. VIP and so fourth.

However what I don't fully understand about that stance is the why a VIP playing on a "standard" server should be treated differently than a VIP on Exalted. I take no issue with there being Exalted-exclusive events mind, I'm just not sure it's logically consistent that two VIPs who pay the same subscription fees might be treated rather differently just because one elected to move/reroll on Exalted.



Originally Posted by ShadowWhisper View Post
While I can't exactly say I'm concerned about this either way, there's one this about that general idea I'm not sure I fully understand. Whether I agree or not; I get what you're saying about Free vs. Premium vs. VIP and so fourth.

However what I don't fully understand about that stance is the why a VIP playing on a "standard" server should be treated differently than a VIP on Exalted. I take no issue with there being Exalted-exclusive events mind, I'm just not sure it's logically consistent that two VIPs who pay the same subscription fees might be treated rather differently just because one elected to move/reroll on Exalted.
Because, outside of putting in "no free or premium allowed" mechanics that block the free and premium accounts from even seeing the events let alone interacting with them, the only place to give the VIP VIP-only events is the VIP server.

I don't believe we have the tech to effectively remove entire swathes of players and do the "you're not special enough" blocking. Maybe if they made VIP-only instances of every world zone in the game along with a no-recharge-required VIP-only power used to switch between VIP-only and Accessible-to-all instances?



Well; provided that the Exalted events to some degree award global/account tied things when they do have rewards, that would probably be reasonable enough to a lot of people.

Still as far as separation mechanics go, access to First Ward content is something that isn't entirely accessible without being a VIP or having bought into it. Not sure that's really functionally useful in regards to an event, but it may not be that far off the map either.



Originally Posted by ShadowWhisper View Post
Well; provided that the Exalted events to some degree award global/account tied things when they do have rewards, that would probably be reasonable enough to a lot of people.

Still as far as separation mechanics go, access to First Ward content is something that isn't entirely accessible without being a VIP or having bought into it. Not sure that's really functionally useful in regards to an event, but it may not be that far off the map either.
Replace 'event' with 'zombie invasion' or 'rikti invasion', and note that the non-VIP shouldn't even be able to see the event happening let alone participate in or benefit from it. I suppose they could use the phasing tech involved in the new starter zones as a base to build on, but I don't know how scalable that is.



It is probably just an early incentive for people to move there.



Originally Posted by Sun_Runner View Post
Replace 'event' with 'zombie invasion' or 'rikti invasion', and note that the non-VIP shouldn't even be able to see the event happening let alone participate in or benefit from it. I suppose they could use the phasing tech involved in the new starter zones as a base to build on, but I don't know how scalable that is.
Which is a valid point, I'm not trying to posit that there is an easy solution. What I'm getting at though, is that even if there is no easy solution, even if there is some logic to it given possible technical limitations, the concept of "As events are concerned you'll have to either be on Exalted or be treated as Free/Premium players in terms of this matter." Probably isn't going to go over very well.

Unless the intent of the designers and so on is to have most or all of the VIPs move to Exalted and leave the other servers to the free/premiums entirely. Then it is what it is. *shrug* Still, I imagine what focus there is/will be on Exalted in the beginning will probably be more common/'heavy' as it launches and then be more 'here and there' thus making all of this largely moot.



I agree, there are plenty of visible incentives to get players to go VIP.



The value of the VIP server is the voluntary self-segregation of players who are too good to play with just anyone, and their replacement with scads of new players who have yet to develop such personality defects.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
I respectfully disagree, and have elucidated my reasons why to the best of my ability. I understand that more Exalted-exclusive events increase the value of VIP, both in absolute terms and relative to Premium and Free. However, having to choose between participating in VIP-exclusive events and playing with friends reduces my personal enjoyment of the game as a whole.
I'm glad that the "raid with the devs" thing doesn't affect me so I won't be faced with moving a character I want to continue playing. And it's easy enough to make a lowbie throwaway character for the other things (as long as the ingame stuff is account wide or mailable). So, for the listed things it seems an unobjectional as any server specific content could possibly be.

But it is a bit worrying.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
The value of the VIP server is the voluntary self-segregation of players who are too good to play with just anyone, and their replacement with scads of new players who have yet to develop such personality defects.
Well, at least they also get special, exclusive content confirming those defects.



No offense to the devs but you've attended dev events before, yes? If you've beaten up a hundred giant monsters in an hour once, you've beaten up a hundred giant monsters in an hour enough times.



I think the Devs are (understandably) concerned that Exalted is going to be a ghost server and want to encourage people to move there.
I mean seriously does anyone even know someone that is planning on playing there full time?

On the other hand, I am going to make an alt to play there to pick up one of those prizes. I figure considering there wil only be one or two other people there (including the Devs hosting the events) I have a pretty good chance of picking something up.



Exalted is one of only three things I dislike about Freedom. However, I'm fully confident it will be a ghost town server several months from now as this is an MMO and people want to play where the people are, and when Freedom opens to everyone, the people will be on the full-featured servers we all know and love.

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Actually, Exalted server probably will feature a lot of teaming opportunities 50+. But on the other servers 1-50 will be lively, so I am inclined to stay on the other servers. But I will give the Exalted server a shot.



This is a low level event, with rewards that are basically global.

So, you switch to Exalted for the event, and then go back to your regular server for regular game play.

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Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
... I figure considering there wil only be one or two other people there (including the Devs hosting the events) ...
Don't bet on it. This playerbase has shown time and time again that if a redname is present, there will be mobs.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
This is a low level event, with rewards that are basically global.

So, you switch to Exalted for the event, and then go back to your regular server for regular game play.
Where did they announce the rewards and what are they?