Statesman, are there not enough alternate versions of him?




The following took place on Virtue's help channel just recently. This is UNEDITED and may contain text that I should censor, as I run without profanity filter... please forgive ANY AND ALL rule violations that come from this. Also, the beginnings of the conversation hold ties to a talk about Requiem and his alternates, before going into... well, mostly spam.


[Help] Agent Glycon: Other rejected Marcus Coles: Statesbro, from Fraternal Earth, Steaksman, from Bovine Earth, Weightsman, from Gymnasium Earth.
[Help] Subject D-b: Bluh, Bovine earth
[Help] Mirror Lied: I thought ITF Requiem was /the/ Requiem.
[Help] Ironfisted: Are there more Requiems?
[Help] Subject D-b: I beleive theres only the one.
[Help] Mirror Lied: I can't find anything that alludes to there being more than one canon Requiem so far
[Help] Marigold Star: There's a Requiem on Wolf World.
[Help] Smokey MacCool: Baitsman, from pervert earth
[Help] All-American Kid: bovine earth....that must be where battle bovine came from
[Help] Mirror Lied: Battle Bovine :3
[Help] Marigold Star: He gave in entirely to his nictus powers and converted his entire dimension to warwolves.
[Help] Ironfisted: Oh wow
[Help] Mirror Lied: .... well, that's not the ITF Reqiuem >.>
[Help] Agent Glycon: Doesn't one of the Oro Letters talk about Praetorian Requiem, just by saying he "doesn't go by that name"? Or is that someone else?
[Help] Ryan Canfield: Did someone say Battle Bovine?
[Help] Marigold Star: Mostly covered in Unai Kamen's arc.
[Help] Smokey MacCool: you seal him off there in an arc
[Help] Ryan Canfield: I'm a huge fan.
[Help] Zherneboh: Im wondering if those with base characters have a lookin
[Help] All-American Kid: yes....that battle bovine
[Help] Subject D-b: Remember, but wary of the battle cattle, but don't fear the battle cattle.
[Help] Subject D-b: be*
[Help] Agent Glycon: Ooh! Cratesman, from FedEx Earth!
[Help] Mirror Lied: Craftsman, from Minecraft Earth?
[Help] Subject D-b: Fatesman, from Zodiac Earth
[Help] Mori Eriko: Datesman from
[Help] Marigold Star: I came to dig dig dig dig
[Help] Ceremonial: Ratesman from Prostitute Earth
[Help] Smokey MacCool: Atesman, from Gluttony Earth.
[Help] Agent Glycon: Matesman, from Friendly Australian Earth.
[Help] Marigold Star: Build a city it's so big big big big
[Help] Mirror Lied: Mark from Earth
[Help] Smokey MacCool: Gatesman, from Fence world
[Help] All-American Kid: latesman from Noclock earth
[Help] Mori Eriko: diggy diggy statesman
[Help] Proton Hayes: is there any other portal corp buildings anywhere else besides PI?
[Help] Mirror Lied: Don't think so.
[Help] Ceremonial: Praetoria
[Help] Shadowcreep: K.K. Slider from Animal Crossing Earth
[Help] Agent Glycon: Wait, what?
[Help] Mirror Lied: Oh, praetoria, guess that'd work.
[Help] Hades Harrower: Fatesman, from the precognitive Earth
[Help] Proton Hayes: thanks Mirror.
[Help] Mori Eriko: bateman from arrested development
[Help] Agent Glycon: BZZT! Already done!
[Help] Agent Glycon: Sorry Hades, you lose a point!
[Help] Hades Harrower: I have a lot of scroll
[Help] Marigold Star: Dangit! I knew there was a reason K.K. would only give me one radio station a week!
[Help] Cool Revival: Selling Gladiator's Armor Proc 3% Defense (All) - Lvl 10 or Lvl 50 your choice for 2.25 Billion Inf - send tell if interested, ty
[Help] Ceremonial: Yeah its odd but Praetoria's Portal Corp is based in the sewers
[Help] Mirror Lied: Waitsman, from that fine dining place down the street.
[Help] Shadowcreep: Stateswoman, from Mirror Earth?
[Help] Decaffeinator: Baitsman, from the Bass Masters DImension?
[Help] Mirror Lied: Hatesman from Emo Earth?
[Help] Cyperion Stonestrike: in order to obtain a travel power at lvl 14 do i need to pick up the pre-req at lvl 6 or can i wait for another lvl?
[Help] Decaffeinator: Datesman, frm Singles EArth?
[Help] Mori Eriko: lateman from the world with no watches
[Help] Agent Glycon: BZZT!
[Help] HeatSiege: You can wait.
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: Fiesta!
[Help] Agent Glycon: Two in a row repeated! Decaf and Mori, you are OUTTA HERE!
[Help] Marigold Star: You can pick up that t1 or t2 at any level between 6 and 12
[Help] Lord Hatche: Cyperion, as long as you have one of the prereqs before 14. You can pick it up at 6, 8, 10, or 12.
[Help] Decaffeinator: Cratesman, from Moving EArth
[Help] Mirror Lied: Gyratesman from.... Gyro Earth?
[Help] Agent Glycon: BZZT!
[Help] Kinetic Arsenal: you can get the travel powers earlier than 14 now
[Help] Cyperion Stonestrike: cool
[Help] Agent Glycon: Decaf does yet another repeat!
[Help] Professor Infernus: Impersonatesman, from the dimension of cosplay. His real name is Mickey Cole, though
[Help] Cyperion Stonestrike: ol yeah? when can i get it?
[Help] Mirror Lied: Immolatesman from that one earth that is on fire.
[Help] Decaffeinator: Skatesman, from ROller EArth
[Help] Shadowcreep: Oh god lol
[Help] Mindwing: ohmygod...i'm dying
[Help] Subject D-b: Iratesman, from angry earth.
[Help] Ceremonial: Latesman from the Delayed Dimension?
[Help] Corporal Punisher: Batesman, from horror earth
[Help] Lord Hatche: Gatesman, from Doorway Earth
[Help] Ironfisted: R0x0rzm4n, from the Freakish Earth.
[Help] Marigold Star: that's the dimension Olivia Newton John comes from. I want to go there.
[Help] Mirror Lied: Bill from Accounting.
[Help] Ryan Canfield: Platesman from Food Network Earth?
[Help] Decaffeinator: Slatesman, frmo Blackboard EArth
[Help] Marigold Star: Bill, that punk! I knew it!
[Help] Agent Glycon: By the way, That One Earth That Is On Fire is its official name, as designated by Portal Corp. They don't go there.
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: Gordon Ramsey.
[Help] Hades Harrower: Iratesman, from Frustrating Earth
[Help] Shadowcreep: Statesman the Beard, from Pirate Earth.
[Help] Decaffeinator: Matesman, from Copulating Earth
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: MatesMan,
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: FFFF!
[Help] Mindwing: lmao
[Help] Ironfisted: Lol
[Help] Superborg: iratesman ROFL
[Help] Agent Glycon: No, not Statesman the Beard, STATESBEARD!
[Help] All-American Kid: hatesman from anger earth
[Help] Mirror Lied: Statesman with Beard sounds better.
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: no
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: He's from Hater Earth
[Help] Ceremonial: Platesman from the Steel Dimension
[Help] Ceremonial: Platesman from the Steel Dimension
[Help] Decaffeinator: RAtesman, frmo MOtel EArth
[Help] Hades Harrower: Slatesman from Bedrock Earth
[Help] Mirror Lied: Aggrivatesman from Annoying Earth.
[Help] Pharmageddon: Ready!
[Help] Professor Infernus: Cratesman, from the Storage Dimension
[Help] Lord Hatche: Statesdude, from Lebowski Earth!
[Help] Kinetic Arsenal: faithsman from bible earth
[Help] Jaiden Je'Liere: Datesman from
[Help] Agent Glycon: Dammit people, stop doing Cratesman, I already did that!
[Help] Decaffeinator: repeats! I did Crates and Slates!!!
[Help] Ironfisted: Lol
[Help] All-American Kid: inflatesman from blow up earth
[Help] Katsumi Li: Brownsman from the ups earth "oh what will brown do for you"
[Help] Ryan Canfield: Gratesman from Cheese Earth?
[Help] Ceremonial: Wouldn't Bible Earth be called Jesusland?
[Help] Shadowcreep: Flower Child, from Hippy Earth.
[Help] Hades Harrower: Flagellatesman, from the amoeba Earth
[Help] Mirror Lied: Intimidatesman from Bully World.
[Help] Agent Glycon: No Decaf, Crates and Slates were both done before you.
[Help] Littlewing: Depilitatesman from bald earth?
[Help] Zero 420: Craftman Sears earth
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: Aggrigatesman?
[Help] Thermal-Matrix: Latesman from the clockless earth
[Help] Subject D-b: Rebatesman, from savings earth
[Help] Decaffeinator: DEfecatesman, from **** EArth
[Help] Mori Eriko: Ratesman from Insurance Earth
[Help] Shadowcreep: Decapitatesman, from the Spanish Inquisitorial Earth.
[Help] El Nebuloso: Depilitatesman from Manscape Earth?
[Help] Ryan Canfield: Bladesman from Sword Earth
[Help] Decaffeinator: Shadesman, from Cool Earth
[Help] Astraea V: Bill Gatesman from money earth
[Help] Ironfisted: Palesman from the Dark Earth
[Help] Mori Eriko: Haterman from Putting everyone playing this game on ignore list earth
[Help] Superborg: Defibrilatesman, from Cardiac Arrest Earth
[Help] Mirror Lied: Decapitatesman from That Earth With The Low Hanging Blades In The Sky.
[Help] Belmathuin: Constipatesman from the low fibre earth
[Help] Ryan Canfield: Batesman from... uh... I'll get back to you guys on that one...
[Help] Decaffeinator: psycho earth?
[Help] Cat Lightning: The Lonely Earth?
[Help] Kinetic Arsenal: shakesman for turrets earth
[Help] Mirror Lied: Inflatesman from Balloon Earth
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf:
[Help] Shadowcreep: Man of the States the Third from England.
[Help] Mirror Lied: Crepesman from France.
[Help] Decaffeinator: Beratesman, from Abusive EArth
[Help] Rock Wrecker: matesman
[Help] Thermal-Matrix: Fornicatesman from horny earth
[Help] Mega Fused: Rapesman, the guy in your neighborhood.
[Help] Decaffeinator: Abatesman, frm Helping EArth
[Help] Mirror Lied: BillGatesman, from Micro$oft.
[Help] Kinetic Arsenal: stanksman from garbage earth
[Help] HeatSiege: Snapesman from Hogwarts.
[Help] Decaffeinator: drapesman from curtain earth
[Help] Agent Glycon: Statescan, from Sealed-For-Freshness Earth.
[Help] Mirror Lied: Caffinatesman from Starbucks.
[Help] Superborg: some of these are so good. im crying with laughter
[Help] Mega Fused: I know I contributed this necessary? LOL
[Help] Cat Lightning: You guys know there's some poor intern scribbling all these ideas down, so he can present them at the next dev meeting, right?
[Help] El Nebuloso: eStatesman from I came to the internet late Earth
[Help] Agent Glycon: I wish!
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: Pfft.
[Help] Mirror Lied: iStatesman, from Apple.
[Help] Hades Harrower: *dies*
[Help] Shadowcreep: Dude, I would totally write all of these names down for the next meeting
[Help] Kinetic Arsenal: shanksman from cutlery earth
[Help] Thermal-Matrix: No, Shanksman is from Prison Earth
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: Cole Marcus...From Hipster EArth? Ever heard of that one?
[Help] Mori Eriko: now that "statesman" works for another company, he will prolly be the one who dies
[Help] Shadowcreep: Flanksman from Bovine Earth
[Help] Superborg: Enemy at the Gatesman, from Jude Law Earth
[Help] Subject D-b: Or possibly, he's just Estatesman, from lawyer earth
[Help] Mirror Lied: Kuwaitsman from... you guess.
[Help] Cat Lightning: Yeah, although I'd leave off Masturbatesman.
[Help] Ryan Canfield: Batesman from Lonely Earth has that comedic ring to it.
[Help] Agent Glycon: Statesflan from Dessert Earth.
[Help] Mirror Lied: Statesband from Pop Music Earth
[Help] Shadowcreep: I still like the Idea of Stateswoman from Reverse Earth
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: StatesWoman from Drag Queen Earth?
[Help] Ironfisted: No, please
[Help] Hades Harrower: Stateshand from body parts earth
[Help] HeatSiege: Hatesman from Rage!Earth.
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: GAHFFFF!
[Help] Agent Glycon: Statesqueen from Fabulous Earth.
[Help] Mirror Lied: Statesmandibles, from Insect Earth
[Help] Shadowcreep: Tengen Toppa Gurren Man
[Help] Tainted Tiger: Berateman, he has his wife for a sidekick
[Help] HeatSiege: FUUUUUUU!
[Help] Kinetic Arsenal: brailsman from hidden earth
[Help] Superborg: Little Man Tatesman, from Prodigy Earth
[Help] Decaffeinator: CHelatesman, from MeicalProcedure EArth
[Help] Snap-Jaw: Namsetats from the backwards Earth?
[Help] Mirror Lied: Combo Break, from me.
[Help] Shadowcreep: Alcoholicsman
[Help] Astraea V: master batesman from perv earth
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: StatesMerhn...From Derp planet!
[Help] Astraea V: oh god
[Help] Mirror Lied: Baitsman from Fisherman Earth
[Help] Decaffeinator: Estatesman, from Inheritance EArth
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: BateMan, From Doubles Get planet.
[Help] Agent Glycon: Grrrrrreatsman, from Frosted Earth.
[Help] Decaffeinator: Deliberatesman, from Judicial Earth
[Help] HeatSiege: Opiatesman from Turkey.
[Help] Immoral Authority: Insurance Ratesman, from Geico Earth
[Help] Thermal-Matrix: Correlatesman from Secretary Earth
[Help] Hades Harrower: Complicatesman, from Entropic Earth
[Help] Tainted Tiger: Crateman, he's a manger of the local Crate&Barrel
[Help] Widow Kassandra: Designatesman, from That Earth Over There.
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: Gauzeitron....From Fake mummy planet.
[Help] Mirror Lied: It's Complicatedman from Dumped Your *** Earth
[Help] Ryan Canfield: Glazeman from Donut Earth
[Help] Lord Hatche: Staatenmensch, from German Earth
[Help] HeatSiege: MY LIFE!!
[Help] Shadowcreep: German earth is Reichsman
[Help] Hades Harrower: That's Nazi Earth
[Help] Mirror Lied: System of Weights man from Metric Earth
[Help] Shadowcreep: Same thing
[Help] Agent Glycon: German Earth =/= Nazi Earth
[Help] Hades Harrower: ...that's censored too?
[Help] HeatSiege: NOPE.
[Help] Agent Glycon: Just turn off the censoring.
[Help] Shadowcreep: Yeap, same thing, deal with it.
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: YES!man From Bison Planet.
[Help] HeatSiege: BISON!
[Help] Mirror Lied: Updatesman from Programming Earth
[Help] Decaffeinator: Gapesman, frmo Surprised Earth
[Help] Lord Hatche: Actually, "reich" actually means "rich". :P
[Help] Tainted Tiger: Plateman, he'll be your waiter for tonight
[Help] Shadowcreep: MapServerman from Lag Earth.
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: OKAY! Old mem is old nao
[Help] Mirror Lied: Okay, done
[Help] Mirror Lied: :3
[Help] All-American Kid: grapesman from vinyaed earth
[Help] Decaffeinator: Patesman, frmo bald EArth
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: How about the Pittsburgh Pirates?
[Help] Mirror Lied: I made.... 30? new statesman names
[Help] Ryan Canfield: Waitsman from severely late earth.
[Help] Mega Fused: Flooded help channel is flooded.
[Help] Agent Glycon: Wow, old meme is old within 15 minutes? It's a record!
[Help] Mirror Lied: ^
[Help] Lord Hatche: Not for Help Channel, Glycon. :>
[Help] Cat Lightning: Spamsman, from Help Channel Dimension!
[Help] Hades Harrower: New meme time: Lord Re______
[Help] Selrith Ironwolf: Are the pittsburgh Pirates all Blasters?
[Help] Lord Hatche: Lord Reduce, from the Recycling Dimension?
[Help] Agent Glycon: Lord Reuse from Recyclable Earth!
[Help] Ironfisted: Lol
[Help] All-American Kid: no...they are all tnakers.....cuz they a\ways tank

Convo then went onto alternate Recluses >_> I didn't copy that bit.

Also, there may be bits in there I failed to copy at all, as it WAS a lot to copy over, and I did it all at the end, if I missed any and you have what I forgot, let me know



Ow! Dangit, why does it hurt to laugh so much?! Sad, yet too punny not to watch. Some of these are *hilarious* and I will be waiting to see them in person soon.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Originally Posted by Etoile View Post
[Help] Agent Glycon: By the way, That One Earth That Is On Fire is its official name, as designated by Portal Corp. They don't go there.
The names; they were amusing. But THIS, I laughed out loud.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



I died from Brailsman



I can't believe they missed "Hatesmen" from Amazonian Earth.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".






Gatesman from Microsoft World

Plateman from Kitchen World.

Skateman from Eternal Youth World.

Satiateman from Blissful World

Kateman from Men with Girly name's World.

Wheatman from that weird agriculturally overloaded world...

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Apesman from monkey Earth?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Prostatesman from....The Bowels of the Earth

Deflatesman from Flat Earth

Thats all I gots



What about Lord [Redacted] from the Censored World?



Litigatesman from Lawyer Earth

Atesman from Cannibal Earth




Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
What server was this?
Virtue server, yesterday... at... what was it, roughly 8PM US Central time?


Originally Posted by Johnstone View Post
The names; they were amusing. But THIS, I laughed out loud.
That was probably my favorite part too.



Defenestratesman from the world of broken windows.



Someone needs to make a theme Super Group with appropriate costumes and descriptions in their character's bios! It would be hilarious seeing a super group in various odd derivations of the statesman costume, with those names ... hahaha.

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



I'm fairly sure Iratesman comes from Forum Earth. Or possibly Customer Service Help Line Earth.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Stateswoman, from Reverse Gender Earth.

Fights crime with Brother Psyche.

Global name: @k26dp



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Wheatman from that weird agriculturally overloaded world...
Nono. That's the one from the WESLEY CRUSHER MUST DIE! universe.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Galtsman from I'm Sick Of You All Earth

LORD STATESman from Endless Oratory Earth (he talks his enemies to death!)

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Mallerick View Post
Someone needs to make a theme Super Group with appropriate costumes and descriptions in their character's bios! It would be hilarious seeing a super group in various odd derivations of the statesman costume, with those names ... hahaha.
To be called, of course, the United Statesmen.

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



I'm in on the Super Group, which server?

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Steaksman didn't come from Bovine Earth, there is no cow level.

Sorry if someone else said it.

Maybe Stakesman from Twilight earth?