Since there are hero/ vill merits... Why not..




Have rogue and vigilante merits? And have something like crucible or fort trident for only rogues and vigilante alignments to go to? And have all people you fight like the rogues you ally with and for vigilante have them them another place.
I know you get like 30 merits the first time you re enforce your rogue/ vigilante alignment and 60 merits for re enforcing your vigilante/rogue alignment afterwards. But to have a choice if you want 60 merits or rogue/vigilante merits would be kinda cool.


VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



This was discussed in another thread recently as well. Vigilantes and Rogues receive a stack of normal reward merits instead. The Hero/Villain merits are essentially a reward for remaining loyal to one side, which Vigilantes and Rogues are not. It is the trade off they make for being able to travel freely between red and blue zones. If they have an evenly comparable reward, there would be little or no reason for anyone to remain a pure hero or pure villain.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



It comes down to the trade off of having acess to running taskforces and missions with whoever you want on both sides, and locking yourself into 1 side for a better reward.

I usually choose the reward, but if I could do both, then of course I would.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
It comes down to the trade off of having acess to running taskforces and missions with whoever you want on both sides, and locking yourself into 1 side for a better reward.

I usually choose the reward, but if I could do both, then of course I would.
And this is how almost everyone would do it as well.

Why stay hero/villain if rogue/vigilante gets the same rewards AND gets the added bonus of traveling between both sides.

The rewards are perfect as is. Do Rogues/Vigilantes get to obtain Purple/PvP IO Recipes with their Reward Merits? No. But then, those also come with a high price anyways

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All of the above. The devs want there to be consequences that players must live with when we decide to switch sides. We give up one thing for something else. That's the whole point behind the morality feature.



I agree with them on the concepts of the reward balancing. Though I do wish the ease of earning each sides rewards was equivalent (but that's a dead end street atm).

Nonetheless, as I said there will be many threads like this created. No matter if the trade-offs are even or not, as long as the system stays as it is there will always be "percieved" unfairness. Be prepared to rally to the call again, and again, and again...etc. Of course there will be an especially high volume of these kind of remarks once Freedom is actually launched.



Originally Posted by Soul_System View Post
Be prepared to rally to the call again, and again, and again...etc. Of course there will be an especially high volume of these kind of remarks once Freedom is actually launched.
Have no fear we will, just like we rally to the call each time someone posts a merge the servers, power set/AT respecs, etc. We've been providing helpful explanations for 7 years despite the countless negative/hostile attitudes displayed by people that can't stand criticism or the idea that the devs simply don't want the game to work the way they are suggesting. So there's no reason we would stop being helpful now.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Have no fear we will, just like we rally to the call each time someone posts a merge the servers, power set/AT respecs, etc. We've been providing helpful explanations for 7 years despite the countless negative/hostile attitudes displayed by people that can't stand criticism or the idea that the devs simply don't want the game to work the way they are suggesting. So there's no reason we would stop being helpful now.
Just as long as you also make sure to keep in mind that all of us, definitely including me, can be wrong. I think even the devs have reversed a few decisions in the past.



Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
Have rogue and vigilante merits? And have something like crucible or fort trident for only rogues and vigilante alignments to go to? And have all people you fight like the rogues you ally with and for vigilante have them them another place.
I know you get like 30 merits the first time you re enforce your rogue/ vigilante alignment and 60 merits for re enforcing your vigilante/rogue alignment afterwards. But to have a choice if you want 60 merits or rogue/vigilante merits would be kinda cool.

Sure! I support rogue/vigilante merits! Each one you turn in gives you 60 Reward Merits!

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Soul_System View Post
Just as long as you also make sure to keep in mind that all of us, definitely including me, can be wrong. I think even the devs have reversed a few decisions in the past.
As far as I'm aware the only decisions the devs have really "reversed" on have been:
  • Unslotting enhancements
Now in I21
  • Extra enhancement trays
Now in I21
  • power-set respecs
Not planned, takes a lot of work, but no longer a flat no.
  • Fear on Burn
Took long enough.
Outside of this rather small list I'm not really aware of any other game design direction / decisions that the Devs have given a flat no to, or said they were not going to do.

For the most part pretty much every other time the devs have said "no" to something it's been a case of lack of resources, such as Power Customization



BUT if in freedom some one DOESN'T have going rogue your stuck as a hero / villain anyways it would be a minor maybe no 60 merits but like 20-30 ish? Or the choice of rogue / vigilante merit? So it would be slightly fair?

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
BUT if in freedom some one DOESN'T have going rogue your stuck as a hero / villain anyways it would be a minor maybe no 60 merits but like 20-30 ish? Or the choice of rogue / vigilante merit? So it would be slightly fair?
if someone doesn't have Going Rogue then they will not be able to participate in the alignment system.

Which makes your question kind of... well... pointless.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
As far as I'm aware the only decisions the devs have really "reversed" on have been:

Unslotting enhancements

Now in I21
The devs never said "No" to unslotting enhancements, What they said "No" to was players on their tricked out 50's using a single respec to unslot every enhancement at once. Even with the additional enhancement trays you can't strip a 50 of all it's enhancements.

Extra enhancement trays

Now in I21
I have never heard any dev say "No" to extra enhancement trays. If there is a post somewhere please link it.

power-set respecs

Not planned, takes a lot of work, but no longer a flat no.
The devs have not reversed their position on power set or AT respecs. Posi told you that while powerset respecs were technically possible, they're not developing them. That's still a "No".

Fear on Burn

Took long enough.
This one I don't know about.

Outside of this rather small list I'm not really aware of any other game design direction / decisions that the Devs have given a flat no to, or said they were not going to do.

For the most part pretty much every other time the devs have said "no" to something it's been a case of lack of resources, such as Power Customization
The only "reversal" I've seen the devs make was making Stamina inherent and that wasn't a reversal because what the dev in question actually said was that he'd rather get rid of Stamina altogether rather than make it inherent.

Obviously you can't get rid of Stamina altogether without completely redsigning how powers work. So making it inherent was the easier task.



Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
BUT if in freedom some one DOESN'T have going rogue your stuck as a hero / villain anyways it would be a minor maybe no 60 merits but like 20-30 ish? Or the choice of rogue / vigilante merit? So it would be slightly fair?
In Freedom all subscribers have access to Going Rogue.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The devs never said "No" to unslotting enhancements, What they said "No" to was players on their tricked out 50's using a single respec to unslot every enhancement at once. Even with the additional enhancement trays you can't strip a 50 of all it's enhancements.

I have never heard any dev say "No" to extra enhancement trays. If there is a post somewhere please link it.
These kind of went together. The "no" to players unslotting tricked out builds typically went hand and hand with "that's why you only have 10 enhancement slots"

As to whether or not a specific developer who said they were being generous with only 10 enhancement slots, or if that was a player interpretation of what the developers said about only having 10 enhancement slots, I'll just pass on giving a specific answer and just point out how often the generous enhancement slots reasoning attributed to the developers gets trotted out.

The devs have not reversed their position on power set or AT respecs. Posi told you that while powerset respecs were technically possible, they're not developing them. That's still a "No".
It is a much different no than has been stated in the past. The previous stance was that such respecs went against the design of the game, as well as invalidated a large amount of work put into the game.

Positron's statement that it had been asked for internally really sounds to me like somebody from Korea was looking for something else to put into the store. That Positron no longer gave a flat "no we are not doing that" is cause for concern, and I think justifies this as a position reverse... albeit one that really appears to be dictated by NCSoft-Korea rather than the Paragon Studios developers.

This one I don't know about.
I forget when the +fear to burn was added. For some reason, the addition is not explicitly noted anywhere in the published patch notes on Paragon Wiki, nor is it in Red Tomax's log files.

So forgive me if I have to go from memory. The +fear effect was added to Burn, reportedly to force Fiery Aura's to team with controller / dominator types for maximum damage efficiency. The design choice was only reversed a little over a year ago:

The only "reversal" I've seen the devs make was making Stamina inherent and that wasn't a reversal because what the dev in question actually said was that he'd rather get rid of Stamina altogether rather than make it inherent.

Obviously you can't get rid of Stamina altogether without completely redesigning how powers work. So making it inherent was the easier task.
Fair enough. F.Grubb did indeed leave after this change was implemented, so this could be considered a reversal.



I just love your revisionist version of CoH history.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I just love your revisionist version of CoH history.
Which part do you claim I am revising versus how it happened?



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Which part do you claim I am revising versus how it happened?
Flat out making up a discussion between Posi and some mythical Korean devs that have hitherto never been mentioned as having any sort of role in Paragon Studios by official sources qualifies I think.

Considering when the buyout and creation of Paragon Studios happened they specifically did say they were an independent entity when it came to the content and products they developed, it's pretty easy to say you're making things up.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Flat out making up a discussion between Posi and some mythical Korean devs that have hitherto never been mentioned as having any sort of role in Paragon Studios by official sources qualifies I think.

and what did I say?

Positron's statement that it had been asked for internally really sounds to me like somebody from Korea was looking for something else to put into the store. That Positron no longer gave a flat "no we are not doing that" is cause for concern, and I think justifies this as a position reverse... albeit one that really appears to be dictated by NCSoft-Korea rather than the Paragon Studios developers.
Yep, I didn't say anything about Korean Developers. I said... let's see... "somebody from Korea" and "dictacted by NCSoft-Korea".

So you think the fact that NCSoft is a Korean company makes them mythical?

You think that NCSoft Korea which wholly owns Paragon Studios has absolutely no say what-so-ever in the running of Paragon Studios?

Considering when the buyout and creation of Paragon Studios happened they specifically did say they were an independent entity when it came to the content and products they developed, it's pretty easy to say you're making things up.
Yes, Yes you do think that.

Okay, let me pose a question to you: How does being an independent entity change the radical changes of behavior of Paragon Studios staff?

Have Positron, Second Measure, War Witch, and Ghost Falcon ever struck you as the type of people to suddenly change development practices and priorities?

Have any of the Paragon Studios staff ever struck you as the type of people who would willingly force players to utilize a software package that is often associated with successful malicious intrusions?

Does the past history of Paragon Studios indicate that they would go out of their way to screw players over with prices?

Oh yeah, there's a whole frigging thread about the change of direction on Paragon Studios part, maybe you should read it:

Let me quote something I already said there:

I've been asked by the devs on the beta server to PM devs here on the forums to try and get updates on the OSX / Linux compatibility issues with Transgaming's compatibility layer. So far I've received absolutely zero, zilch, and nada in the way of responses.

It reminds me so much of the "bad old days" that I really question whose running Paragon Studios right now. I know that none of the leadership we've had, be it Ghost Falcon, Positron, War Witch, and Second Measure, are foolish enough to repeat the errors that Cryptic managed so many years ago.

The only logical conclusion I can come up with is that somebody is over-riding the Developers managing of the game. Whether or not that over-ride is coming from marketing or from NCSoft's Korean branch is immaterial. It's a direction I do not like our developers taking.

It's also a direction that the only way I can respond to is by taking my money elsewhere.
Let me be clear here Lemur Lad since I think what I said probably went over your head:

I am saying that the game and it's direction is now being controlled by NCSoft Korea.

It is my opinion that NCSoft Korea is directing the radical change in the behavior of Paragon Studio developers to change internal policies in order to create more content that could be considered sellable through the in-game market.

It is my opinion that at some point Paragon Studios went from an independent entity to one that is being controlled by NCSoft-Korea.

Can I prove that? No, I don't have microphones in NCSoft's Korean offices?

Can you prove that Paragon Studios is not being directed by NCSoft Korea to change the positioning of City of Heroes?

I think you'll have a bloody hard time proving that to everybody who looked at the beta price list and went What the bleeding hell?



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Can you prove that Paragon Studios is not being directed by NCSoft Korea to change the positioning of City of Heroes?
This is an argument from ignorance, one of the classic logical fallacies. Demanding proof that something whose existence you can't prove doesn't exist is a transparent weasel strategy. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, as cosmologists say.

Interestingly, it's also a common refuge of conspiracy theorists.



Personally I think that stating the devs have never ever reversed a decision, outside of a few things you basically then laid out as not really reversing, is kind of a silly thing to say in the long time frame of goodness knows how many changes. Besides even in the highly dismissive way of acknowledging it, one which essentially categorized everything as something else, you still acknowledge it. Saying that it's rare and saying that it doesn't happen are two different things, so original point stand right?

Though honestly I'd bet money that we missed some reversal decisions and that we never even knew about many more.

Really though, isn't it kinda silly to take a hard definitive stance on right/wrong on this to start with? As if we are even informed enough to say definitively in the first place. I seem to remember some devs being highly surprised and confused when testing a new TF when the team wiped, tp'd their dead to one spot, threw out an oil slick arrow, and then used howling twilight on it to rez everyone at once. If dev's can be surprised and missing knowledge of the game, with a much higher threshold than us, then what makes us think we are so right anyhow?

Plus, I'm not even touching the cottage rule lol.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

and what did I say?

Yep, I didn't say anything about Korean Developers. I said... let's see... "somebody from Korea" and "dictacted by NCSoft-Korea".

So you think the fact that NCSoft is a Korean company makes them mythical?

You think that NCSoft Korea which wholly owns Paragon Studios has absolutely no say what-so-ever in the running of Paragon Studios?


Yes, Yes you do think that.

Okay, let me pose a question to you: How does being an independent entity change the radical changes of behavior of Paragon Studios staff?

Have Positron, Second Measure, War Witch, and Ghost Falcon ever struck you as the type of people to suddenly change development practices and priorities?

Have any of the Paragon Studios staff ever struck you as the type of people who would willingly force players to utilize a software package that is often associated with successful malicious intrusions?

Does the past history of Paragon Studios indicate that they would go out of their way to screw players over with prices?

Oh yeah, there's a whole frigging thread about the change of direction on Paragon Studios part, maybe you should read it:

Let me quote something I already said there:

Let me be clear here Lemur Lad since I think what I said probably went over your head:

I am saying that the game and it's direction is now being controlled by NCSoft Korea.

It is my opinion that NCSoft Korea is directing the radical change in the behavior of Paragon Studio developers to change internal policies in order to create more content that could be considered sellable through the in-game market.

It is my opinion that at some point Paragon Studios went from an independent entity to one that is being controlled by NCSoft-Korea.

Can I prove that? No, I don't have microphones in NCSoft's Korean offices?

Can you prove that Paragon Studios is not being directed by NCSoft Korea to change the positioning of City of Heroes?

I think you'll have a bloody hard time proving that to everybody who looked at the beta price list and went What the bleeding hell?
u mad?