Preparing for Freedom Version 2
* Go to the Market and buy as many Computer Virus salvage as you can carry. Give them to new players as they enter Atlas or Mercy... convince them it's a problem that will infect their real life computer without the appropriate patch... When they are at an acceptable level of panic... give them a Daemon Program to "fix the problem"
- Garielle
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Prepare a list of "In my day..." items you can crank out in broadcast as you sit under the Atlas Statue. "In MY day City Hall only had ONE floor... guess those politicians got so fulla hot air it just inflated..."
/e canewave
Get some Vets with twisted senses of humor together to organize a Snipe Hunting Zone Event. Spread out over Atlas Park and start talking in Broadcast about the event. Say the Snipe is loose in Atlas Park... it's not a strong creature and can be defeated by just six hits regardless of the power or level of the character hitting it. The trick is that it teleports the instant it takes a hit and can reappear anywhere in Atlas. So... the naughty Vets spread out and begin yelling things like "First hit! I got first hit on it!", "I see it... at my location and headed East FAST!", "It's on top of the Atlas Statue! Hurry!" and so on. Sprinkled liberally with "The one who delivers the last blow gets a badge, reward merits and enough xp to raise a first level character to 10th!" comments. See how many Newbs you can get to "play". |

* Set up macros for local chat to spam the message "I am your first contact; please approach and speak to me for your first mission assignment!" Have a list of outrageous requests and missions ready for anyone who approaches you which you can send them in private tell. Stand within range of the tutorial drop-off point in Mercy or Atlas.
* Get some Vets with twisted senses of humor together to organize a Snipe Hunting Zone Event. Spread out over Atlas Park and start talking in Broadcast about the event. Say the Snipe is loose in Atlas Park... it's not a strong creature and can be defeated by just six hits regardless of the power or level of the character hitting it. The trick is that it teleports the instant it takes a hit and can reappear anywhere in Atlas. So... the naughty Vets spread out and begin yelling things like "First hit! I got first hit on it!", "I see it... at my location and headed East FAST!", "It's on top of the Atlas Statue! Hurry!" and so on. Sprinkled liberally with "The one who delivers the last blow gets a badge, reward merits and enough xp to raise a first level character to 10th!" comments. See how many Newbs you can get to "play".
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

* Get some Vets with twisted senses of humor together to organize a Snipe Hunting Zone Event. Spread out over Atlas Park and start talking in Broadcast about the event. Say the Snipe is loose in Atlas Park... it's not a strong creature and can be defeated by just six hits regardless of the power or level of the character hitting it. The trick is that it teleports the instant it takes a hit and can reappear anywhere in Atlas. So... the naughty Vets spread out and begin yelling things like "First hit! I got first hit on it!", "I see it... at my location and headed East FAST!", "It's on top of the Atlas Statue! Hurry!" and so on. Sprinkled liberally with "The one who delivers the last blow gets a badge, reward merits and enough xp to raise a first level character to 10th!" comments. See how many Newbs you can get to "play".

-a beach towel cape secured with a safety pin. |
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
When *I* was a new player, there was none of this unlocking Epic Archetypes at 20 horsepuckey. We had to level all the way to 50 to get our Epics. Uphill in the snow! And dadgum it, that's how we liked it!
I see your canewave and raise you /e walker.

Partial Character List:
LENINA 198-DELTA - 50+3 DP/Kin Corruptor (Main) / Captiosus - 50+3 Energy/Energy Blaster
Highlands.Hellraiser - 50+1 DS/Fire Tanker / SpazRat - 50 Claw/SR Stalker
Col. Gregor Aktaybr - 45 Robots/Time MM
Back in my day you used to farm by jumping in a dumpster with a full map of enemies and set it on fire!
Exaulted -
Willow the Wisp - kinetic meleeSR brute
Aurablade - DBRegen Scrapper
Nichole Tesla - ElecKin controller
*... all F2P characters will now have a beach towel cape secured with a safety pin. |
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
* Get some Vets with twisted senses of humor together to organize a Snipe Hunting Zone Event. Spread out over Atlas Park and start talking in Broadcast about the event. Say the Snipe is loose in Atlas Park... it's not a strong creature and can be defeated by just six hits regardless of the power or level of the character hitting it. The trick is that it teleports the instant it takes a hit and can reappear anywhere in Atlas. So... the naughty Vets spread out and begin yelling things like "First hit! I got first hit on it!", "I see it... at my location and headed East FAST!", "It's on top of the Atlas Statue! Hurry!" and so on. Sprinkled liberally with "The one who delivers the last blow gets a badge, reward merits and enough xp to raise a first level character to 10th!" comments. See how many Newbs you can get to "play".
Where do I sign up?
Make a warshade, has innate teleport.
Might as well make it a Hide and Seek game no? First newbie
to find it and open a trade window gets some stuff. Next teleport, and clue.
Remember to put search hide on.
As for me, I think I'm going to farm some influence, make a BOTLER-like toon and distribute it to the newbies.
Assuming that we even have an influx of new players...
"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato
Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50
Make a warshade, has innate teleport.
Might as well make it a Hide and Seek game no? First newbie to find it and open a trade window gets some stuff. Next teleport, and clue. Remember to put search hide on. As for me, I think I'm going to farm some influence, make a BOTLER-like toon and distribute it to the newbies. Assuming that we even have an influx of new players... |
Sorta reminds me of what I did to someone who was being particularly nagging in Atlas Park once. He kept asking in Broadcast how he could fly. Me, and some others, kept telling him. He kept asking. So, I figured, "Okay, this guy obviously doesn't want the correct answer, so I will just make one up."
I told him it was badge, and what he had to do was to ask someone to teleport him to the top of Atlas and when it says "BADGE EARNED" he had to make the leap of faith and jump off within 3 seconds.
He did, and when he landed with a splat with 1 HP left, he sent me a tell saying it didn't work. I told him he must not have jumped off fast enough so he would need to earn Flight the hard way... and proceeded to give him the CORRECT instructions. He thanked me and we both went our merry ways.
- Garielle
Well I was a vet until my ex wife decided to destroy my account by changing all the contact info and passwords. SO i had to start a new account but oh well I will still be a VIP. Anyhow "When I was a new player you couldn't choose were to go on the tram you had to take the right color line" and I'm still mad the Devs stole my perma Unstoppable.
* An identification program that will transform any Free-to-Play player's costume just slightly so you can tell who is one and who isn't... all F2P characters will now have a beach towel cape secured with a safety pin.
* Get some Vets with twisted senses of humor together to organize a Snipe Hunting Zone Event. Spread out over Atlas Park and start talking in Broadcast about the event. Say the Snipe is loose in Atlas Park... it's not a strong creature and can be defeated by just six hits regardless of the power or level of the character hitting it. The trick is that it teleports the instant it takes a hit and can reappear anywhere in Atlas. So... the naughty Vets spread out and begin yelling things like "First hit! I got first hit on it!", "I see it... at my location and headed East FAST!", "It's on top of the Atlas Statue! Hurry!" and so on. Sprinkled liberally with "The one who delivers the last blow gets a badge, reward merits and enough xp to raise a first level character to 10th!" comments. See how many Newbs you can get to "play". |
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
"When I was a new player you couldn't choose were to go on the tram you had to take the right color line"
Oh, and no one told you that you had to run to another door, you got off the tram and clicked the doors you were at and wondered why they wouldn't open.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
OMG I remember having to get off of each stop that was so freaking annoying i had purged it out of my mind Hell i Remember When 40 was the original level cap.
Ummm.... you did catch the fact that the whole point was to have them running around looking for something that doesn't actually exist, right?
But why make fun of newbies, when you can have fun with newbies?

"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato
Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50
1) Grab a high level character with Fly and a ranged attack, preferably AoE.
2) Fly around Atlas Park, wiping out spawns that have civilian hostages. Because the hostages cannot reach you to say thanks, they will trail after you.
3) Flashmob Ms. Liberty.
Avatar by Toxic_Shia
Why MA ratings should be changed from stars to "like" or "dislike"
A better algorithm for ordering MA arcs
1) Grab a high level character with Fly and a ranged attack, preferably AoE.
2) Fly around Atlas Park, wiping out spawns that have civilian hostages. Because the hostages cannot reach you to say thanks, they will trail after you. 3) Flashmob Ms. Liberty. |

- Garielle
* Get some Vets with twisted senses of humor together to organize a Snipe Hunting Zone Event. Spread out over Atlas Park and start talking in Broadcast about the event. Say the Snipe is loose in Atlas Park... it's not a strong creature and can be defeated by just six hits regardless of the power or level of the character hitting it. The trick is that it teleports the instant it takes a hit and can reappear anywhere in Atlas. So... the naughty Vets spread out and begin yelling things like "First hit! I got first hit on it!", "I see it... at my location and headed East FAST!", "It's on top of the Atlas Statue! Hurry!" and so on. Sprinkled liberally with "The one who delivers the last blow gets a badge, reward merits and enough xp to raise a first level character to 10th!" comments. See how many Newbs you can get to "play".
You let me know when the Snipe Hunt takes place. I am SO there.

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.
Freedom, Virtue, Exalted
You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame
So we, the illustrious blessed beings known as VIPs, will be getting access to Freedom (v 1.0) before it is opened to everyone and anyone who has a computer and an internet connection (v 2.0).
It occurs to me that perhaps we should prepare ourselves for the sudden wave of unwashed heath... er... new free-to-play players. Follows is a list of things you may want to consider getting done in preparation for the f2p invasion.
* Get a finely crafted, supple leather saddle with custom engravings and sized-to-your-hiney dimensions... just in case the Devs take our advice on the "Ride-a-Freebie" Travel Power.
* Pester the Devs for a new base item... an animatronic old man in a rocking chair to put just outside your base entrance with motion sensors and an audio track that broadcasts "Get the hell off my lawn!" at high volume.
* An identification program that will transform any Free-to-Play player's costume just slightly so you can tell who is one and who isn't... all F2P characters will now have a beach towel cape secured with a safety pin.
* Go to the Market and buy as many Computer Virus salvage as you can carry. Give them to new players as they enter Atlas or Mercy... convince them it's a problem that will infect their real life computer without the appropriate patch... When they are at an acceptable level of panic... give them a Daemon Program to "fix the problem"
* Set up macros for local chat to spam the message "I am your first contact; please approach and speak to me for your first mission assignment!" Have a list of outrageous requests and missions ready for anyone who approaches you which you can send them in private tell. Stand within range of the tutorial drop-off point in Mercy or Atlas.
* Prepare a list of "In my day..." items you can crank out in broadcast as you sit under the Atlas Statue. "In MY day City Hall only had ONE floor... guess those politicians got so fulla hot air it just inflated..."
* Get some Vets with twisted senses of humor together to organize a Snipe Hunting Zone Event. Spread out over Atlas Park and start talking in Broadcast about the event. Say the Snipe is loose in Atlas Park... it's not a strong creature and can be defeated by just six hits regardless of the power or level of the character hitting it. The trick is that it teleports the instant it takes a hit and can reappear anywhere in Atlas. So... the naughty Vets spread out and begin yelling things like "First hit! I got first hit on it!", "I see it... at my location and headed East FAST!", "It's on top of the Atlas Statue! Hurry!" and so on. Sprinkled liberally with "The one who delivers the last blow gets a badge, reward merits and enough xp to raise a first level character to 10th!" comments. See how many Newbs you can get to "play".
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw