Merging Characters ala Dual Builds




So I have this level 50 ice/ice blaster and this level 50 ice/cold controller. One is called Xanatos. One is called Xanatos'. I wish I could merge them into one character that let's me switch between them just like dual builds.

If this was something you could buy in the paragon market, and was only accessible at level 50, I would be completely down for this. I'd add to the replay factor too because you could keep merging new level 50 powersets to your "main".

You guys reckon it'll ever happen?



due to coding restrictions very doubtful, one of the main reasons we prolly wont get a full powerset or AT respec is because of how its coded, and switching ATs or even powersets on a dual build is along the same lines



I'd support something like this, so long as it included the option of "starting from scratch" as well.

IE, one of the alternate builds of my main character could be a BS/Shield Scrapper instead of Empathy/Dark Defender. I would happily level it up all over again. Heck, treat it as alternate builds are treated now--leave the Incarnate stuff stay the way it is, and have different powersets when you swap.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



It also puts multiple different ATs into one character slot, which defeats the purpose of making people buy character slots... unless they made it cost significantly more than a character slot.

No, I do not think this will ever happen.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
So I have this level 50 ice/ice blaster and this level 50 ice/cold controller. One is called Xanatos. One is called Xanatos'. I wish I could merge them into one character that let's me switch between them just like dual builds.

If this was something you could buy in the paragon market, and was only accessible at level 50, I would be completely down for this. I'd add to the replay factor too because you could keep merging new level 50 powersets to your "main".

You guys reckon it'll ever happen?
I've thought about this several times, but never bothered to post the idea.

I doubt it will actually happen, but I think it would be awesome. I know a few people with "duplicate" characters that are just supposed to represent a jack-of-all-trades type. It would also create tremendous replayability options for the type of player that only wants to play one character, but would like to play different powersets. People who wouldn't want to change powersets, but want to help on a team with their favorite character could have an alternate build that was more team friendly, like an MA/SR Scrapper with an SR/MA Tanker build.

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Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
You guys reckon it'll ever happen?
Nope. It sounds like a huge amount of work for something that would appeal to a very small number of people. Not good math from a development perspective.

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I seem to remember a dev post saying at one point that changing AT on one character was literally impossible, and changing primary/secondary powersets only slightly less so. Don't quote me on that, though.

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[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
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Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
It also puts multiple different ATs into one character slot, which defeats the purpose of making people buy character slots... unless they made it cost significantly more than a character slot.

No, I do not think this will ever happen.
Originally Posted by Rebel_Scum View Post
I seem to remember a dev post saying at one point that changing AT on one character was literally impossible, and changing primary/secondary powersets only slightly less so. Don't quote me on that, though.
I'm not asking to respec powers or AT. I'm asking to have multiple options on a single character. As for the expense, beyond leveling a new character up, I would happily pay extra/sacrifice character slots in the name of accounting for your "defeats the purpose of making people buy character slots..."

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



While I don't think we'll ever see it happen, I think it's a really good idea.

I have a power armor character that has multiple suits of power armor, that's represented by 3 different characters (had to put a v2 and v3 after the name respectively). The main is a Tank, another a Defender, and the other a Blaster. Each suit of power armor covers different needs.

For my namesake, I wouldn't mind a future Street Justice/Willpower build for my human side to compliment my Claws/Invul werewolf side.

Wow... I'm getting too many ideas off this. I'm gonna stop there, since I'm pretty sure we won't see it... Still think it's a neat idea though.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I'm not asking to respec powers or AT. I'm asking to have multiple options on a single character.
... in a fashion that would require a respec of powerset and/or AT on another build.



If you look at what this entails, it is really just a combination of:

A. ability to have multiple characters with the same name
B. ability to switch characters at a contact without the whole log off/on process
C. ability to switch characters without leaving the group you are in

B and C, at least, would be attractive to a much larger group of players. I'd rather see them implement the larger, more broadly useful changes than to see it only work in the one specific situation.



I'd certainly support this... I've got multiple versions of a good many of my characters and it sure would be convenient to be able to swap more on the fly like this. I'm pretty sure the tech will never be implemented though.



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
If you look at what this entails, it is really just a combination of:

A. ability to have multiple characters with the same name (Sam's note: within the same account)
B. ability to switch characters at a contact without the whole log off/on process
C. ability to switch characters without leaving the group you are in

B and C, at least, would be attractive to a much larger group of players. I'd rather see them implement the larger, more broadly useful changes than to see it only work in the one specific situation.
That's pretty much as I see it, as well. I've seen this posted before and I've suggested it, myself. I agree with this idea and would support its implementation. It hurts no-one, takes nothing away from anyone and it gives an added functionality.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
... in a fashion that would require a respec of powerset and/or AT on another build.
But I don't want to respec anything.

FWIW, I think we understand each other and are just using different words.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Funny, I recently suggested a similar idea in someone else's thread about 'what would you pay for' and only got a minor blip of a response.

Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I'd support something like this, so long as it included the option of "starting from scratch" as well.

IE, one of the alternate builds of my main character could be a BS/Shield Scrapper instead of Empathy/Dark Defender. I would happily level it up all over again. Heck, treat it as alternate builds are treated now--leave the Incarnate stuff stay the way it is, and have different powersets when you swap.
I wouldn't even mind if the impelemted solution were simply 'tricking' me to believe it was the same character. Basically, let me pick a couple of alts, link them with some kind of option and simply allow me to switch between any of them without needing to quit or log. You'd technically be swapping to a whole new character but never logging out or dropping to do so.

Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
It also puts multiple different ATs into one character slot, which defeats the purpose of making people buy character slots... unless they made it cost significantly more than a character slot.

No, I do not think this will ever happen.
Make it cost the same as a character slot but with the disadvantages of no extra costume slots, no extra inventory of salvage/enhancements/inf, but getting to share the same name and badges.

Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
While I don't think we'll ever see it happen, I think it's a really good idea.

I have a power armor character that has multiple suits of power armor, that's represented by 3 different characters (had to put a v2 and v3 after the name respectively). The main is a Tank, another a Defender, and the other a Blaster. Each suit of power armor covers different needs.

For my namesake, I wouldn't mind a future Street Justice/Willpower build for my human side to compliment my Claws/Invul werewolf side.

Wow... I'm getting too many ideas off this. I'm gonna stop there, since I'm pretty sure we won't see it... Still think it's a neat idea though.
Same here.

I have a character also who uses different armors because she's field testing her inventions before creating any type or model for government/law enforcement purposes. But I put an mk1, mk2 and mk3.

I started thinking of expanding my more used characters as well. My main is a Kat/SR but he's also a practiced martial artist so building him up as a MA/SR by the same name...maybe not all the way to 50 just to emphasize he's better with a sword...then he also transforms into a were-tiger that likes to use swords. Right now I just have an alternate costume but I'd eventually like to separate that off into a whole nother character as Titan Weapon/SR...



I keep hoping for one day!

I don't mind the idea of having to level each different build up on it's own. In fact I think that's how it should be. But it would be handy in so many ways!

Names! Oh look! I can use this one character to get different ATs combo's.

Concept! MA/Regen, Sword/Regen, DP/Time, Staff/Regen...Weapon/Combat Master concept! Just need to switch builds to use the different weapons!

Put a timer between builds. I'd also likely say if in a TF/Trial you can't switch builds.

You'd still have to level and slot up each build individually, but this wouldn't be any different than how FFXI allowed people to have one character who could learn all the classes.

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I know it wasn't exactly the original topic of the post, but I think the ability to switch characters instantly at a trainer would be great. You could be prompted (when applicable) whether or not you want the character to log in at your present location, or at their last logout position. (Obviously a pure villain shouldn't be allowed into Paragon, or someone without access to the Midnigher Club in Cim, but I see no reason why a character logged out in, say, Perez Park should be forced to travel to another city zone to regroup with a team that needed a tank instead of a blaster.) Players who want multiple (AT/set) builds on "one" character can treat it like that, too, since builds have to be changed at a trainer anyways, and it side-steps the issue of (not) having to use more character slots and whether or not leveling up the new build should be required.

I'm almost certain this would be absurdly difficult to implement and thus unlikely to actually happen, but it would be nice. One can dream. Don't wake me up.



I run a few alts who are level pacted with this theme. Shield/Eng tank <==> Eng/Eng blaster. Defense and offense mode if you will.