Too many tankmages.

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
Welcome to CoH: City of Homogenization

The game where everyone is the same. It's been moving in that direction for the last couple years. Just look at the revamps and power changes made in that time and you'll see it plain as that zit on your nose.

You just described every MMORPG for the last 10 years. You do realize that eventually Meta gaming comes in. Hell yeah I wanna be overpowered by the time I'm level 50, collected, enough IO's and have done over 10+ raids. Don't like it?, play till level 40 and then make another toon. The only thing that makes an individual different in CoH, is the costume and the backstory. The rest is pretty standard. With that said, I've had tons of fun playing classes people ran into the ground. can play, WoW, Rift, GW, etc and find that everyone looks the same and wears the same armor for the entire game. What you posted was nothing new, nor does it really mean anything. You're acting like we start off OP out the gate....we don't, and even at level 50 you still have to do a lot of shiiit before becoming "OP".

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
we should all be at least a little overpowered in a superhero game.

it does mean that we had a justification for easy soloing when the conventional MMO wisdom was that if you make it too easy to solo you'll make the game too boring.

The same sticky situations that often force teaming in other MMOs, actually.

Possibly the most beneficial mistake the devs ever made was that they were so good at handing out game-breaking levels of power at launch (by misunderstanding, by improper judgment, and even by typo) and so bad at figuring out how to reign it in that by the time they figured it out and gotten their arms around the problem around I6ish, they had over a year and a half to observe how the City of Heroes playerbase dealt with such levels of power.
These remind of "Jack's Vision" way back when. Where '3 Minions or 1 Lt=1 Player' and you were gonna need a few inspirations for it. Wanted to fight more than that? You'd need a whole LOT of inspirations or a small team of 2-3. Wanted to fight a single Boss class? You'd need a team of at least 5, and it'd be a rough fight. An Elite Boss? You'll want a full team of 8 to take that guy on. And an AV? Well, you're going to need a specially picked full team of 8 to even have a chance!

One time years ago, a friend of mine and her team of 8 was taking on Tyrant. Couldn't even dent his HP one bit and they had a Rad/Rad Defender with them. It got to the point that people would quit the team (but not exit the mish) and more people would be invited. By the time they had almost 15 people beating on him and his HP wasn't moving, they figured on calling it quits.

Granted, yes that ONE instance was thanks to a typo in an AV's regen rate (someone moved a decimal point the wrong way) but one has to wonder if that was something Jack would have wanted to fit his 'vision'.

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



I really hate selfish posts like this

Okay, just jumping into the conversation here and really responding to the original post but, this sort of complaint is absolutely worthless.

If the devs are reading something like this sort of stuff, they must be scratching their heads. First they want the game easier. Now they want the game harder. Now they want it easier again. Now harder. Really, do these people have nothing more to do than complain?

While yes, it's quite possible with mids, a lot of money, and some careful thought to make a 'tankmage', it's not something most people are capable of. I know it's hard to believe, I mean look at who I'm stating this to, your average forum goer is quite able to opening a web browser and I'm sure able to read info about their class, studying what is the best way to build their toon. Many people just don't have the time, don't care enough to, don't want to for some reason.

While I would say most of my characters are min maxed, I play with friends every day who are just outright terrible at this game. We used to all get together on Sunday for 'noob night'.

And some of us still remember back in the old ancient days of CoH when everyone was pretty tankish, there was no ED, there was no penalty for fighting way in over your level, resistances were higher and stronger, etc etc. I can remember how over time all that got nerfed down until the whole game was at a pitiful level. Most of my toons could barely handle an even con spawn. So yeah, the devs have rescinded a lot of that and allowed us to build our toons up to very powerful levels. Levels where you FEEL LIKE A SUPERHERO.

Let's look at the current trials too:
BAF is pretty noob friendly
LAM is a little tougher, you have to know what you're doing
Keyes takes some definite teamwork and specific classes for certain tasks

To me it sounds like the devs ARE listening to those who want a tougher game and yet at the same time they're listening to Joe Shmoe who can't figure out which alpha slot to even take, or how this whole crazy incarnate system works. Mids? too much hassle, Joe just slots whatever he feels is good and can't afford anything better than common io's...

Before you post about how easy the game is, take a look at the big picture. I know you see the same confused noobs on Help that I do, who don't have a CLUE. Maybe instead of demanding a harder game you should take the time to deal with a frustration of helping them out. I'm telling you, that's the most hardcore part of this game.



I thought the OP was being over dramatic but after seeing the changes to the Brute AT with all the armor set now having taunt auras in them no matter if does not fit in the armor set and everyone that melee calling for taunt auras in all armor sets, I'm seeing it more and more.
And the worse part is the devs are giving in to those who want the changes instead of promating different play styles. I'm now seeing the beginning of the end of this game and I'm sad.



Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
I thought the OP was being over dramatic but after seeing the changes to the Brute AT with all the armor set now having taunt auras in them no matter if does not fit in the armor set and everyone that melee calling for taunt auras in all armor sets, I'm seeing it more and more.
And the worse part is the devs are giving in to those who want the changes instead of promating different play styles. I'm now seeing the beginning of the end of this game and I'm sad.
The game is ending because Energy Aura was given utility that it needed. lmao. You might as well complain about blast sets containing AoE attacks.



Originally Posted by Kjell_NA View Post
The game is ending because Energy Aura was given utility that it needed. lmao. You might as well complain about blast sets containing AoE attacks.
Why would I do that? Blasters were design from the start to the damage class. As for utility for Energy Aura, you have guanlet power in your attacks, taunt to pick in your attack choices, and fury which is kinda of taunt aura. What more did you need? The point of Energy Aura before I21 was sleathy brute. Something different from other armorsets but as I said in the beta thread on Energy Aura, those of us wanting to fix the crappy numbers on the resistance and defense powers of the armor set were out vote by everyone want every brute armor set to have taunt aura even if means putting it in our mez protection power. Said what you want, but instead of giving of choices on play style we are instead losing them.



To be fair...

It does seem to me that the taunt aura should NOT be the same power as mez protection, least of all for a set which has stealth.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
To be fair...

It does seem to me that the taunt aura should NOT be the same power as mez protection, least of all for a set which has stealth.
With the taunt aura with -recharge debuff power in, you do not have stealth anymore do you?



I usually leave damage auras on while I stealth out of laziness. With a def set, you'll be able to stealth just fine.

(I do agree that it would be nice if they moved it out of the mez toggle though)

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



nm others explained im a slow typer.



The mex protection toggle now has a taunt aura with -rechagre debuff in. Kinda kills the stealth toggle now. The only reason to take it is for the defense.



Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
The mex protection toggle now has a taunt aura with -rechagre debuff in. Kinda kills the stealth toggle now. The only reason to take it is for the defense.
Yeah. I would rather have the taunt aura be a distinct toggle so you can still have mez protection without taunting.



New EA has some unique strengths and it also has this one unique weakness. What happened to decrying homogenization? You should be all over this.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
New EA has some unique strengths and it also has this one unique weakness. What happened to decrying homogenization? You should be all over this.
Homogenization could be bad, but making something that defeats its own purpose doesn't seem like a good idea. It's not that it's a weakness, it's that the otherwise rather special trait of the set ("offers stealth", which most defense secondaries don't) is negated by its shiny new design.

Mez protection is something people generally really, really, want to keep on.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
Homogenization could be bad, but making something that defeats its own purpose doesn't seem like a good idea. It's not that it's a weakness, it's that the otherwise rather special trait of the set ("offers stealth", which most defense secondaries don't) is negated by its shiny new design.

Mez protection is something people generally really, really, want to keep on.
Yes, because it's not like Synapse knows what he's doing and made it so that the debuff and taunt effects do not work when stealthed due to that being a major bug reported early on in the beta.

Oh, wait.

Yeah, Synapse does know what he's doing, and while your brute is in stealth mode the debuff and taunt component of the aura should NOT be triggering. The second you attack the debuffs should become active at the same time as your stealth goes away. Any behavior other than this should be reported as a bug.



Serious Question: What is a "mage"?

No, seriously. What is this label and why is it in my City of Heroes? This label is some fantasy garbage that should go back to EverQuest or World of Warcraft.

What is a "mage"?



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
Serious Question: What is a "mage"?

No, seriously. What is this label and why is it in my City of Heroes? This label is some fantasy garbage that should go back to EverQuest or World of Warcraft.

What is a "mage"?
In general its ranged high dps. In this threads context its any high dps character.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
In general its ranged high dps. In this threads context its any high dps character.
So then it's...


I'm not seeing an issue he- oh wait. Peacebringers aren't on that list.

... Yeah they kinda suck.



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
So then it's...


I'm not seeing an issue he- oh wait. Peacebringers aren't on that list.

... Yeah they kinda suck.
may wanna take stalker off that list too



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
may wanna take stalker off that list too
and defender.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
Serious Question: What is a "mage"?

No, seriously. What is this label and why is it in my City of Heroes? This label is some fantasy garbage that should go back to EverQuest or World of Warcraft.

What is a "mage"?
Dr. Strange. Zatanna. John Constantine.

What is with this "fantasy garbage" garbage, and why is it in my City of Heroes forums? Comics have included magic and fantasy for about as long as there's been comics. Superhero comics, even.

Seriously, though. What makes you the arbiter of acceptable fun? Even ignoring the clear game design sense of the term, how on earth do you think it's sensical for you to complain about concepts in a superhero game that you don't like?

How about this. Go into the character creator. Read the five origins. When you get to "Magic", quit in a huff because this "mage" garbage is apparently in your City of Heroes, the game that was developed with the sole and exclusive purpose of meeting your superhero aesthetics.



What many of these arguments boil down to is the following:

People not liking the fact that other people do not play the game the way they do or the game not supporting the kind of play they want.

Most often there is little productivity in worrying about how someone else is playing the game. It seems when someone is not happy with how they're playing the game, they start worrying about how someone else is. It's just not worth the time.

If there are any major glaring errors such as signficant advantageous bugs, you can be certain that the community at large will address them rather than one lone outlayer or a small group of players.

The subjective view of the state of the game is hardly ever the true state.



95% of game content is won by 'defeating' things. Therefore, tankmages.

Too bad that there are not enough mishes that are mez, debuff, stealth or whatever besides defeats. Hamidon raid comes close as it requires a tanking class, mez class, and damage classes. Need more.

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