Too many tankmages.

Adeon Hawkwood



I think it's inane to argue about the homogenization of CoH when the 800 pound gorilla is showing us how that is done in spades. At this point, while the power creep in CoH has gotten pretty high (and as Arcana mentions, we're still not at "Dumpster Puppy" levels), the uniqueness in builds, sets, and ATs is really approaching an all time high. There are quite a few outliers, but each AT brings something interesting and unique to the field with a few exceptions. Even the "Terrible" ATs (Stalkers/PBs) play differently to most other ATs in the game, with a few exceptions to the rule.

Likewise, I think the claim of "It's too easy" is definitely in the eye of the beholder. My main, the brute in my signature, is purpled and slotted out so hard she shines from space. This is a brute that has several thousand hours of gameplay in, has existed pretty much as long as CoV has, and I've tried to do as much as I could with her build wise and challenge wise. She's DM/Invuln and is so kitted out, she's soloed a Sutter TF, can solo +4/x8 Rikti (and did so in a god awful Dr. Q), cleaves through Carnies, has T4 incarnate stuff, and I'm more then willing to bet that my VEAT friend and I can just flat out duo Lambda. She was built to be as ungodly durable as possible and I achieved that goal in giant flaming letters...through the use of years worth of build refining, inspiration use, timer use, and skill. The game is "easy" by most people's definition with her, but I'm also willing to bet that if I passed the controls off to a friend, they wouldn't be able to pull the feats off that I have done.

By the same token, the three other 50s I've even bothered to start incarnating on are wildly different roles and are nowhere near that pimped out, but perfectly acceptable regardless. My MA/Fire scrapper always jumped into trial groups at +0 with NO enhancements slotted and walked away just fine because of insp usage (or RotP). She's soft capped and has dropped 3k crits during a BAF, but is still fully capable of pulling AVs and tanking Keyes (and regularly does both). Her build is bargain basement at best, with the KCs being the biggest cost, and she gets roflstomped in any x8 content that I can't kill with my alpha or deals fire damage (I don't even bother fighting carnies). My Sonic/Sonic corr runs a soft capped build that, to my memory, was cheap as heck and still pulls AVs and tanks them (again, momentarily with insps) because I'm sick and tired of all the scared tanks/brutes. She gets utterly stomped in anything x8, period. Finally, my freshly minted Elec/Fire dom runs x4 with bosses on, using basic enhancements, and does so with quite a bit of fun times, regardless of the challenge. She can't hit the broad side of a wall in trials (yet).

The problem isn't overpowered builds, easy content, or the like, it's complacency and the handful of people in the high end simply dragging or flexing their power to help people on the low end move up. I saw a BAF fail yesterday because of too many prisoners escaping and the league that was chock full of melee was blaming the doms/controllers, despite both north and south chokepoints patched to hell and back; it was the LTs that got through. I've seen more "Wait until 18 minute" Lambda runs fail then succeed, mostly because people work and operate under the assumption that either EVERYONE is at the same level as them, or they're being carried by one of the "Shining Stars" of the uber class. It's gotten so bad that both my sonic/sonic corr AND my MA/Fire scrapper tanked and dragged Keyes around through ridiculous insp juggling and buffs while a GRANITE TANK sat within eye range hitting some Warworks. Because that tank didn't care, someone else always did it.

Someone else's problem is a huge factor in this game, and was mentioned, it's the PEOPLE that bring difficulty (or lack thereof) to the game more then anything else. The game IS hard and CAN be challenging, but people are more than likely to shift the blame and pitch a fit if they're not immediately winning. Worse yet, because the good players are genuinely willing and able to pick up the slack (this is what makes them good players), self improvement is a trait that is near impossible to find in this game due to an absolute and complete lack of a metric to judge it on.

I for one would love to see things like damage meters introduced into the game not for an elitist desire, but so people can look at the numbers and go "Wow, I did something wrong," nevermind the volumes of information we can get as far as set performance goes. It infuriates me to see fire blasters that literally just spam flares and fire blast, then complain about how hard the game is.

Create your own difficulty and challenge, it's possible to do so regardless of your build and AT as long as you flex your creativity. It goes a long way.



Originally Posted by Kenteko View Post
Create your own difficulty and challenge, it's possible to do so regardless of your build and AT as long as you flex your creativity. It goes a long way.
Creativity? What's that?

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Kenteko View Post
Create your own difficulty and challenge, it's possible to do so regardless of your build and AT as long as you flex your creativity. It goes a long way.
I can see your point regarding the differences between a good player and a bad player , so will not debate the vast majority of what you said.

Essentially, good player > bad player .

But.... You spent alot of time mentioning some of your choices and I would bet any amount of money that a DM/Inv with hundreds of hours and billions of Influence spent will outperform my Emp/Electric with hundreds of hours and billions of Influence spent as far as what they can do solo. Even being played by the same player with the same level of build and solo-competance. Money, Time and Skill matter, but there ARE things that fall into the realm of the game's inherent constraints.

I am not trying to start a fight, just that my observations have shown me that folks who mainly play "self-sufficient" ATs like Scrappers, Tankers and Brutes fail to realize that what they can do is not the same as other ATs. And its not ONLY about skill.




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
I am not trying to start a fight, just that my observations have shown me that folks who mainly play "self-sufficient" ATs like Scrappers, Tankers and Brutes fail to realize that what they can do is not the same as other ATs. And its not ONLY about skill.
I remember when the best giant monster solo killers were defenders. The only archetype that hasn't been talked about as being on the high end of the performance curve for a very long time is blasters. Last time "blaster" and "top performance" were used in the same sentence was from the time smoke grenade was still bugged, to the day in the distant past when Fire/Energy blasters discovered this place called "Dark Astoria."

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
=The only archetype that hasn't been talked about as being on the high end of the performance curve for a very long time is blasters.

Peacebringers? Stalkers?



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Peacebringers? Stalkers?
When CoV released, I rolled a character in head start and decided to race the pack to the level cap, something I rarely do (try to level as fast as possible). I am pretty sure I was within the first seven people or so to the level cap of 40 on my server: there were not many people in that first group of fast levelers and we all hit 40 within a day or so of each other.

MA/Nin stalker. Keeping up with the brutes and bots.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
When CoV released, I rolled a character in head start and decided to race the pack to the level cap, something I rarely do (try to level as fast as possible). I am pretty sure I was within the first seven people or so to the level cap of 40 on my server: there were not many people in that first group of fast levelers and we all hit 40 within a day or so of each other.

MA/Nin stalker. Keeping up with the brutes and bots.

If racing to the level cap was the best way to gauge performance, /FA anything would be the most powerful set in the game.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
In fairness, everyone acts that way because in over thirty years of video gaming, no one has been able to create a free form system that actually works.

To give you an idea of the scope of the problem, a balanced free-form system not only has to be balanced when the game first opens, but every single power added to the game over its lifetime has to be carefully crafted to avoid crippling the system. If you put all of your powers in one fish tank, the sharks eat the guppies.
Yet most of the war games I have played have managed it, same for trading games and that goes way back to when we played them on teletypes, and glass ttys.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Last time "blaster" and "top performance" were used in the same sentence was from the time smoke grenade was still bugged, to the day in the distant past when Fire/Energy blasters discovered this place called "Dark Astoria."
Remember the good old days of RoF + Caltrops?

Ah, to return to innocence.



But.... You spent alot of time mentioning some of your choices and I would bet any amount of money that a DM/Inv with hundreds of hours and billions of Influence spent will outperform my Emp/Electric with hundreds of hours and billions of Influence spent as far as what they can do solo. Even being played by the same player with the same level of build and solo-competance. Money, Time and Skill matter, but there ARE things that fall into the realm of the game's inherent constraints.

I am not trying to start a fight, just that my observations have shown me that folks who mainly play "self-sufficient" ATs like Scrappers, Tankers and Brutes fail to realize that what they can do is not the same as other ATs. And its not ONLY about skill.[/QUOTE]

In the hope of a fun conversation, I will agree about the discrepancy of self sufficient ATs vs non. The thing is, the EMP/Electric with an equal amount of tweaking or build may likely end up being a much better force multiplier to the team: Forting the entire group, potentially keeping two ABs up (or one AB permanent) on top of both auras and whatever other build/options they want. It's extremely hard to qualify the contribution that a fully forted group gives, on top of AB, but odds are in a team setting that it's as much/more as my brute.

The real problem comes with the second half of that mix: Electric Blast. Let's be honest, it's pretty terrible all around. Melee groups have equally bad stinkers: Broad Sword, Pre fix Energy Aura, and a few other arguable ones depending on your goal or intent. The game as a whole is balanced around "Ability to solo" but doesn't generally care about balance beyond that. It's only when massive, world splitting differences show up (Willpower completely invalidated Invuln, Invuln was buffed. VEATs completely invalidated Stalker, Stalker was buffed, etc) that devs tend to bother to even bring stuff down from on high. Even then, it's more likely that they buff the terrible stuff then ever consider nerfing the overpowered stuff, which in turn creates power creep.

This is why blasters feel like they're falling behind the curve, why some sets seem to be comically outperforming everything else, and why some people just feel like there's an oversaturation of tank magi: A power arms race. Why bother playing SR or EA when SD is likely gonna be better in every way? Why bother with Sonic Resonance or Force Field when Cold blows both out of the water? Concept and whatnot notwithstanding, it gets really, really aggravating when you play powerset X and someone else plays powerset X+Y.

You want to fix tank magi and power creep, strive to fix the power sets. This has to include nerfs as well as buffs to bring things down to a good middle ground where everyone can contribute equally. It also requires tools such as DPS meters and whatnot to get true tests by people who enjoy doing so to create benchmarks for everyone, BEYOND pylon tests. Stuff like cold has no business dropping more -res then sonic, a set that specializes -res and nothing else, on top of the massive debuffs and buffs it provides. Scrappers fought tooth and nail to get brute damage and fury tweaked down slightly because at the high end, brutes were more survivable and did as much or more damage then scrappers. I find it hard to believe that blasters or stalkers (Being less survivable then scrappers) are going to cause scrappers to get the same treatment, or even buffed upwards.

Most sets and ATs can and do excel beyond belief at their job with an equally tuned and insanely expensive build as a DM/Inv Brute. Those that can't (PBs, I'm looking at you as the poster child) need to get brought into line with the other sets and those at the top of the totem pole need to get brought down. My sonic/sonic runs something like 8 toggles at 2.25 end consumption (with a cardiac) or something insane along those lines while maintaining a seamless attack chain and keeping everyone buffed, entirely due to sets.

Balance needs to be achieved. Until then, incarnate slots are only going to show the ridiculous discrepancy between powerful sets and the PBs and equivalent sets get left in the dust.



Add a new Incarnate level of difficulty above +4. Add un-mezzable runners that pull in other spawns ect.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
If racing to the level cap was the best way to gauge performance, /FA anything would be the most powerful set in the game.
If you were following along the conversation, which goes back three whole posts, the topic was centered around which archetypes have been involved in the general conversation of top performance in any particular area. Since I managed to beat an awful lot of players actually making serious attempts to reach the level cap fast, I legitimately (at the time) could make the claim that stalkers, contrary to some reports, were completely able to solo quickly, and when driven by a maniac could actually blast through missions very quickly.

Times and circumstances have changed, but back then leveling quickly through running standard content - since there was no AE and no real sense of what good farming missions would be on the red side, and difficulty sliders and exemplar worked differently than they do now - was non-trivial.

Stalkers have their issues, and have had then since the beginning, but on the other hand they have never been as bad as some have claimed, and I've played stalkers since day negative forty two.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Vermain View Post
Remember the good old days of RoF + Caltrops?

Ah, to return to innocence.
Ah yes, back when there was no movement floor.

Dark Astoria, for those that haven't been here since launch, refers to the fact that at some point, someone realized that the devs, in a conceptual nod with unforeseen balance consequences, made the zombies in DA vulnerable to fire. And these same people realized that Fire/Energy blasters got an awful lot of fire damage and early build up, and could obliterate whole groups of DA before they could shoot back. And the groups in DA were really really big.

At one point you could rip through DA at speeds that would be respectable farming rates today, even given the fact the leveling curve was far worse then than now. You could walk into DA a 21 and walk out a 28 in an afternoon.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Gee, it's sooooo bad you guys should just give me yer stuff and cancel your accounts.

The more people I meet, the more I'm beginning to root for the zombies.



Originally Posted by Kenteko View Post
In the hope of a fun conversation, I will agree about the discrepancy of self sufficient ATs vs non. The thing is, the EMP/Electric with an equal amount of tweaking or build may likely end up being a much better force multiplier to the team: Forting the entire group, potentially keeping two ABs up (or one AB permanent) on top of both auras and whatever other build/options they want. It's extremely hard to qualify the contribution that a fully forted group gives, on top of AB, but odds are in a team setting that it's as much/more as my brute..
Correct. I have never felt any lack in my ability to team except that I spend a large percentage of my time using my primary powers and less of my time blasting. If you know me, you will understand that one of my big gripes is about solo balance. I am in the minority of players that would take a hit on my buff/heal/debuff potential in order to solo better. Being a side kick is less and less my desire in this game.

Originally Posted by Kenteko View Post
The real problem comes with the second half of that mix: Electric Blast. Let's be honest, it's pretty terrible all around. Melee groups have equally bad stinkers: Broad Sword, Pre fix Energy Aura, and a few other arguable ones depending on your goal or intent. The game as a whole is balanced around "Ability to solo" but doesn't generally care about balance beyond that. It's only when massive, world splitting differences show up (Willpower completely invalidated Invuln, Invuln was buffed. VEATs completely invalidated Stalker, Stalker was buffed, etc) that devs tend to bother to even bring stuff down from on high. Even then, it's more likely that they buff the terrible stuff then ever consider nerfing the overpowered stuff, which in turn creates power creep..
I dont think the devs balance around "solo-potential". If they did, my support set of choice (Empathy) would have gotten some attention long ago. Electric blast, as a set, seems average to me, but that is probably due to the fact that I just LOVE the GFX. Awesome crackling goodness combined with writhing villains =

Originally Posted by Kenteko View Post
This is why blasters feel like they're falling behind the curve, why some sets seem to be comically outperforming everything else, and why some people just feel like there's an oversaturation of tank magi: A power arms race. Why bother playing SR or EA when SD is likely gonna be better in every way? Why bother with Sonic Resonance or Force Field when Cold blows both out of the water? Concept and whatnot notwithstanding, it gets really, really aggravating when you play powerset X and someone else plays powerset X+Y..
I still like Blasters. They are like the Kid brother to scrappers, but packing more devastation in every fight. What should be a concern to Blasters are defender sets that allow Defenders and Corruptors to destroy nearly as fast and in greater safety. Why play a blaster when you can go almost as fast with less deaths. Blasters should be unquestionable AoE powerhouses IMHO.

Originally Posted by Kenteko View Post
You want to fix tank magi and power creep, strive to fix the power sets. This has to include nerfs as well as buffs to bring things down to a good middle ground where everyone can contribute equally. It also requires tools such as DPS meters and whatnot to get true tests by people who enjoy doing so to create benchmarks for everyone, BEYOND pylon tests. Stuff like cold has no business dropping more -res then sonic, a set that specializes -res and nothing else, on top of the massive debuffs and buffs it provides. Scrappers fought tooth and nail to get brute damage and fury tweaked down slightly because at the high end, brutes were more survivable and did as much or more damage then scrappers. I find it hard to believe that blasters or stalkers (Being less survivable then scrappers) are going to cause scrappers to get the same treatment, or even buffed upwards..
I agree with the fix powersets. Although, as I have said many times, the devs should boost up the underperformers until they reach a more stable average performance, and then make enemies harder to defeat. Thus "nerfing" everyone, without actually changing the top performers.

Originally Posted by Kenteko View Post
Most sets and ATs can and do excel beyond belief at their job with an equally tuned and insanely expensive build as a DM/Inv Brute. Those that can't (PBs, I'm looking at you as the poster child) need to get brought into line with the other sets and those at the top of the totem pole need to get brought down. My sonic/sonic runs something like 8 toggles at 2.25 end consumption (with a cardiac) or something insane along those lines while maintaining a seamless attack chain and keeping everyone buffed, entirely due to sets.

Balance needs to be achieved. Until then, incarnate slots are only going to show the ridiculous discrepancy between powerful sets and the PBs and equivalent sets get left in the dust.
I agree, sorta. As before, we should not be preaching to "nerf" anything, just fix the low-lying sets. As for Incarnates, I am (and always have been) very disappointed with this addition to the game. Now that I have seen its effects, my opinion has gone from anger to bitterness. Each character concept should be unique and each AT should be a playstyle unto itself. Now, my empath has a Nuke that is better than any Blaster nuke, a Pet that is better than any Controller pet and perma-mezz protection like every Scrapper/Tanker in the game. I am not sure how that makes my character unique and more powerful, OR... simply covers up the balance concerns pre-incarnate.

I say ; FIX the powersets to be more balanced.




The problem, IMHO, is as much as some hate things becoming homogenous, most people (yes I know you aren't one of them), like things to be the same. Ask any advertising person, and see how quickly the powers that be are quick to emulate (hell out and out copy) a success. Do I want a Defender that can support a team, blast, oh and now has mez protection and a blaster level nuke? Hell, yes I do. And to be honest so would almost everyone else. A lot of people like coke-cola, a lot of people like pepsi-cola. I dislike the way the path CoH has chosen, but I will still be playing it until they turn the lights out.

Why? The game does promote, being the same. FOTM builds and how many SS/FA brute farmer threads are out there, bear this out. However and this is the why I will always be a paying and playing customer is, I don't have to be this way. I don't play the incarnate system and politely tell people that ask, no thank you. If I want to try and solo a force fielding/electric blaster, I can. I have a SS/FA brutes, and lots of other FOTM builds, because I wanted one. I may someday try the incarnate system, hell I might tomorrow, (I drink an awful lot of coke and pepsi). I don't have to, and until they force a path down my throat for the majority of the content in this outstanding addiction I call a game, then I will always be bleating member of the flock, that just happens to stray a lot. And to be honest deep down wouldn't it be fun to have a tankmage?

"...well I have wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor and I am happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P Dowd (from the movie Harvey)



I liked it better when I was the only one who was overpowered.

Agahnim- Elec/Ice Blaster

"Elec/Ice. Nice. Holy <@*&$@#!> =) You're like the CoH equivalent of those bdsm people who hang from the ceiling on hooks!"

Agahnim Dragmire- Warshade

"(You spin space webs. =D)"



Originally Posted by DreamsRazor View Post
The problem, IMHO, is as much as some hate things becoming homogenous, most people (yes I know you aren't one of them), like things to be the same. Ask any advertising person, and see how quickly the powers that be are quick to emulate (hell out and out copy) a success. Do I want a Defender that can support a team, blast, oh and now has mez protection and a blaster level nuke? Hell, yes I do. And to be honest so would almost everyone else. A lot of people like coke-cola, a lot of people like pepsi-cola. I dislike the way the path CoH has chosen, but I will still be playing it until they turn the lights out.

Why? The game does promote, being the same. FOTM builds and how many SS/FA brute farmer threads are out there, bear this out. However and this is the why I will always be a paying and playing customer is, I don't have to be this way. I don't play the incarnate system and politely tell people that ask, no thank you. If I want to try and solo a force fielding/electric blaster, I can. I have a SS/FA brutes, and lots of other FOTM builds, because I wanted one. I may someday try the incarnate system, hell I might tomorrow, (I drink an awful lot of coke and pepsi). I don't have to, and until they force a path down my throat for the majority of the content in this outstanding addiction I call a game, then I will always be bleating member of the flock, that just happens to stray a lot. And to be honest deep down wouldn't it be fun to have a tankmage?
SS/FA is probably gonna be flavor of the decade.

I think this game has always been easy. Before ED your could just 6slot resistance and tank +8-10 level mobs.
Healing doesnt aggro.
Inspirations are op.
Incarnate powers are op.
Games adding more incarnate powers.

I just farm and do trials with friends. Not really a challenge in this game and its getting a whole lot easier every patch.



Great discussion everyone!

I think my dissatisfaction with homogenization stems not from everyone becoming powerful, but instead the lessening of weaknesses that ATs initially were designed to have. A blaster could be super powerful at damage and I wouldn't mind because I know that the blaster's outrageous damage is balanced with less survivability in the face of incoming damage. It's the elimination of these inherent weaknesses using methods such as boosting defense to SR levels (looking at blasters with S/L/R capped). I can appreciate players who use skill (jousting, etc) to survive on blasters because such means are within the scope and boundaries inherent in the AT design. But allowing blasters to shore up and indeed circumvent their weaknesses simply by buying magical items that give them the same defensive prowess as other traditionally sturdier ATs is ridiculous in my opinion.

At that point, homogenization rears its ugly head because it's not that the game is too easy, its that no one has any interesting and unique weaknesses to contrast with their unique strengths. Dealing with an AT's weaknesses is just as fun as maximizing the AT's strength. Consider only the differences in strength and you're only enjoying half the AT. That's what inspirations were designed to do. Enhance strengths or eliminate weaknesses. But those are designed to be temporary. IOs are like permanent inspirations.

Another point unrelated to homogenization is that all of these critical points do not mean that I think this game is completely homogenized and terrible. It's just the trend that I'm speaking of.



So this is just a nerf that guy cause he is better than me thread. ok, carry on.

"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner



Originally Posted by DreamsRazor View Post
The game does promote, being the same. FOTM builds and how many SS/FA brute farmer threads are out there, bear this out.
The fact that FOTM builds exist doesn't prove this game promotes them. Those are basically unavoidable, and they aren't always even rationally based decisions.

This game does a decent job of promoting diversity, although it does not do it as effectively or as consistently as it could. Min/maxers tend to gravitate to certain kinds of builds for certain kinds of situations, but I think it says something when not even the min/maxers fully agree on the best builds for the best situations in all cases. Sure, if you're trying to optimize farming, then its basically maximize AoE damage, and that comes down to just a couple of factors: high damage AoEs with high target counts, high ability to self damage buff in some way, and enough damage mitigation to survive being attacked by the aggro cap.

But ask min/maxers in this game "what's the strongest build" period, and you'll have a fight on your hands. And among the min/maxers with any real brains you'll get a healthy fight, with the full awareness that "strongest build" is a vague target to begin with, and encompasses lots of things that can be done well by lots of things. In this game, if you ask "what's the best" the reply will be "best at what" and even if you answer that, there will probably still be questions.

The "perfect" character in City of Heroes would have very high damage mitigation to all types of attacks, have strong stealth, have the ability to taunt and placate, have high AoE, have high single target damage, have the ability to buff and heal themselves and their team, have strong foe debuffs, have strong mez, have mez protection, and have the ability to rez themselves and their team. Anyone missing any of those things is not perfect, and no one has all those things.

In some games, its possible to become the best at everything, or at least the best of everything that matters. That's still not possible in City of Heroes, which is why for all the talk that this or that is redundant or obsolete, most of the time most characters can make themselves useful on most teams. That is not to say that some characters aren't stronger than others in some way, or more versatile than others. But while I've been on teams that have not needed me in the literal sense, I have never in seven years been on a team that couldn't *use* me. Because chances are no one on the team can do exactly what I can do, and even when that happens no one can do it so well that they can do more of it than the team can make use of in all areas.

My longest running characters are also still the characters I play the most, going back to the very beginning. They are my Energy/Energy blaster, my MA/SR scrapper, and my Ill/Rad controller. All three play totally different, all three are totally different. Just those three characters alone provide a wider set of gameplay possibilities than both superhero MMO alternatives combined. And this game encourages me to make more. I'm leveling a mind/psi right now, here and there. She plays totally different. My Kat/invuln plays totally different than my MA/SR. My TA/A plays differently than any of my other characters, as does my MA/Nin stalkers, my Necro/Dark mastermind, by Energy/Dark brute, my Sonic/Energy blaster, my Ice/Cold corruptor, my Stone/Stone tanker. They are all different, and none of them are gimped for being different.

I'm not going to blow sunshine up anyone's skirt and say there are no balance problems in the game, and there aren't some powerset combinations that are obviously stronger than others in certain ways. There are, and there are. But this game's combination of enforced archetypes and powerset distinctions creates a game environment that comes the closest in my mind of all the MMOs I've played to encapsulating the Perl motto: "there's more than one way to do it." There's more than one way to make a really good, really strong character. And if you pick a random archetype, a random primary, and a random secondary, the chances are pretty good that is one of those ways.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Pureshadow2 View Post
SS/FA is probably gonna be flavor of the decade.

I think this game has always been easy. Before ED your could just 6slot resistance and tank +8-10 level mobs.
Healing doesnt aggro.
Inspirations are op.
Incarnate powers are op.
Games adding more incarnate powers.

I just farm and do trials with friends. Not really a challenge in this game and its getting a whole lot easier every patch.
There's no challenge when you farm your way to the top, cherry picking what you fight, and then fight only with maximum power builds. If that's what you enjoy doing, great. If you don't enjoy doing it but you do it anyway, that's insane.

Actually playing through the regular content without twinked builds is still interesting, even though I know this game so well that I could actually tell you exactly what the data looks like for every critter in my gunsights. If I wanted to, I could play this game like Neo plays the Matrix. If I wanted to, I could shift my perspective so all I see is entity, entity, attribmod, attribmod.

I don't do that because that would be idiotic to do to something I want to enjoy playing.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Yet most of the war games I have played have managed it, same for trading games and that goes way back to when we played them on teletypes, and glass ttys.

I don't follow you. Are you saying that all the developers of a single-character centered RPG need to do is copy the open power selection system used in "most" war games? If so, then no, it won't work, or someone would have done it with success. I also don't know what "most" of these war games you are referring to are.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
There's no challenge when you farm your way to the top, cherry picking what you fight, and then fight only with maximum power builds. If that's what you enjoy doing, great. If you don't enjoy doing it but you do it anyway, that's insane.

Actually playing through the regular content without twinked builds is still interesting, even though I know this game so well that I could actually tell you exactly what the data looks like for every critter in my gunsights. If I wanted to, I could play this game like Neo plays the Matrix. If I wanted to, I could shift my perspective so all I see is entity, entity, attribmod, attribmod.

I don't do that because that would be idiotic to do to something I want to enjoy playing.
I leveled up half my characters before ae doing newspaper missions, frostfire runs, freakshow missions, taskforces.

Its easy to do with 8 man groups. Buff and heals make this game easy to play. I used to heal for people when the enemies were 10 levels higher than me. One hit could kill me, but theres no heal aggro in this game. So just stay ranged.

Soloed a few brutes doing newspaper missions. Duod masterminds to 50. Ran taskforces to level with supergroups. I used to run story arcs but there was never any good reward.

You want me to play a gimp characters and it will be fun? Pretty sure its called city of heroes, not city of humans.

Why did you even quote me? You didnt retort anything. Inspirations make soloing easy. Any group with a healer is easy. Incarnate powers make end game content easy. The game was decent when there was just SO's, but there was no reason for money. People would just give it away.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I don't follow you. Are you saying that all the developers of a single-character centered RPG need to do is copy the open power selection system used in "most" war games? If so, then no, it won't work, or someone would have done it with success. I also don't know what "most" of these war games you are referring to are.
Most war games do not have open powers system in the same sense we're discussing here. Actually, none of them to my knowledge have such systems that are required to be overseen my computerized systems.

The canonical example often brought up as a good open powers system is the HERO system, aka Champions. But that system only works because human being can constantly adjust to is imbalances, and more importantly because human GM can constantly toss challenges at the players that they are not optimized for and have no real ability to simply avoid. HERO would be a computerized disaster.

If you have human players willing to play the meta game "how can we make this work" almost anything is possible. After all, people played Traveller. But the requirements of computer MMOs are such that all of these examples are worth less than nothing.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)