Discussion: City of Heroes Freedom and Issue 21 VIP Beta starts August 9!




I am not sure if this has been asked, but I have question about purchasing from the Paragon Market in the Beta. Mainly, if we use PP to purchase the new power sets in the beta, will we get the points back to buy them when it goes live? Or once we buy it for the beta, will it be unlocked for the live servers once Issue 21 hits?

Thanks all!

Characters I am Currently Working on:
Corcra Dragan - MA/Regen Scrapper (Hero) - Virtue
Chronian Phoenix - Time/Fire Defender (Hero) - Virtue
Mindzeye - Psy/MM Blaster (Hero) - Virtue
Valence Vixen - Elec/Elec Stalker (Villain) - Virtue



Am going through the character creation screen, BIG IMPROVEMENT!! much slicker than the previous one. Only question would be is if once I select an item, could it just advance to the next page vs. me having to select <NEXT>?

Arc: 378122 "Tales of the Terran Space Marines -The Apocalypse Initiative" 5stars!
Arc: 481545 "Twilight of the Gods - The Praetorian conflict"8000+ hits!



Originally Posted by Purple_Dragon View Post
I am not sure if this has been asked, but I have question about purchasing from the Paragon Market in the Beta. Mainly, if we use PP to purchase the new power sets in the beta, will we get the points back to buy them when it goes live? Or once we buy it for the beta, will it be unlocked for the live servers once Issue 21 hits?

Thanks all!
I think they already said this is all just for the beta...I think they want to know if it can handle high traffic and get a gauge of what stuff people buy. When it goes live I doubt any of this will transfer...kinda sucks cause I just made a cool looking scrapper LOL



Originally Posted by Purple_Dragon View Post
I am not sure if this has been asked, but I have question about purchasing from the Paragon Market in the Beta. Mainly, if we use PP to purchase the new power sets in the beta, will we get the points back to buy them when it goes live? Or once we buy it for the beta, will it be unlocked for the live servers once Issue 21 hits?
The PP you have right now are counterfeit. You're not going to be given nearly that many when the game starts. All purchases are for beta only.



Originally Posted by Purple_Dragon View Post
I am not sure if this has been asked, but I have question about purchasing from the Paragon Market in the Beta. Mainly, if we use PP to purchase the new power sets in the beta, will we get the points back to buy them when it goes live? Or once we buy it for the beta, will it be unlocked for the live servers once Issue 21 hits?

Thanks all!

The 10,000 points you get in beta are purely there to let you test the store with. You won't see that many points live unless you unlimber your credit card and buy them.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Dont flame me for asking, But would there be any level bumps? i wanted to stress test the street justice powerset, and my beginner build that i made for it. Sorry if im asking in the wrong place.



I had a problem with not being a VIP when I got in and it said I had to pay to become one. Further more I went to change the email address on it so I'd get any messages and have sense been incapable of even getting to the become a VIP screen because it says I need to verify the email address through a email it won't send.
edit: Also bought character slots are showing up but not allowing me to apply them to the server.

Martian spy-lvl28-champion-energy/energy-tech/blaster
Stone Singer-lvl12-virtue-earth/sonic-magic/troller-RP
Jack Grimm-lvl17-virtue-zombie/dark-magic/MM-RP
Barbed Trap-lvl 6-virtue-spine/regen mut/Scrap-rp
((your like the park mascot and the tutorial to RP))-starlit savior about stone singer



Okay, I re activated my sub, and when I try to log on to the one server that is not greyed out to me, it is giving me an error saying That "the sever is not open for public use." I have read that similar people are having the same problem. Is this an issue, or is my account just taking a while to sync up to the beta?

Thanks all!

Characters I am Currently Working on:
Corcra Dragan - MA/Regen Scrapper (Hero) - Virtue
Chronian Phoenix - Time/Fire Defender (Hero) - Virtue
Mindzeye - Psy/MM Blaster (Hero) - Virtue
Valence Vixen - Elec/Elec Stalker (Villain) - Virtue



I know this is beta but cmon! I was just playing earlier. Logged out, then logged back and CAN"T LOG IN. I get this message:

"The specified executable is not a valid Win32 application."


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Is this the correct thread to ask for a level bump? My beta toon is named "Phoenix Cable" and a lvl bump would be super appreciated!!



63 Month Vet and I get "Public access to this server has been disabled"



Wow, four days and still cannot access the beta server. Extremely disappointed.



Mm, definitely more than 48 hours to sync access at this point. *zzzzzzzzz*

"Why do these Lost keep trying to hold me? Don't they know I don't swing that way?"



I am completely enjoying the beta. But I am not high level so I am not running in to many glitches other than my screen won't center. They need to fix that. I am gonna have to not play it much anymore cause I don't want to invest to much time on toons I can't keep. The graphics are much smoother and the travle power at level 4 is the best. I hated waiting to level 14. The rocket board is cool but it toggels off my powers and thats annoying. All in all freedom is going to be fun. Definitely if your a VIP. I just hope this kicks up the number of players cause truthfully it would be nice to be able to make a team in less than hour.



Could use a points grant. Have much testing to do, already burned through the points that were given <which wasn't much if you know how to -really- test a thing> I'd also like it if the reps were a bit more cooperative in granting such requests without resorting to "go panhandle on the forums" type responses. Don't take my presence lightly. want me to test? Fine. I'll test. Don't want me to test? fine. just say so and I'll quit wasting my time. Spare me theses insults.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I'd also love a bump (Emily Hoyt, Beam/Time Corr; otherwise @Hospy).

I got to the party late, but notched a toon to level 8 this weekend. I love everything about the new Atlas Park. I love that I am finally finding a reason to go to the Northeast corner... I don't think I've ever been there on 30+ toons since I began CoH. I love the introduction missions, and I think the Supergroup introduction is one of the best ideas for new players EVER.



Six days later and still no access.



Does anyone else love the new Brawl sounds? So much more 'comic-booky'.



Originally Posted by EarthLiberator View Post
Does anyone else love the new Brawl sounds? So much more 'comic-booky'.
oh most definitely, in fact I wish the devs would revise the majority of sound effects or at least give the option on which sound effect to use per power. I love most of what every thing I see that has been changed, the thing is, there are some high cost decisions I want to look into, and in order to do that I would need more PPoints. I don't want to get into the game, make a major financial commitment and THEN find some horrible bug that shuts me down and locks me out of said commitment. I haven't seen or heard anyone testing it all the way through and I know better than to assume that someone has. So I'm not sorry if I can't let the subject rest.

Yeah I love the new bologona slapping sounds, but I'd really like to see some type of Ppoint grant right now.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I now have access the beta, very good improvements, though it claims I'm not VIP and I have no PPoints so I can't test the new powers.



yea i still cant get into the beta can anyone help?? please???



Originally Posted by Shuyural View Post
yea i still cant get into the beta can anyone help?? please???
Go there, select tech support and tell them you cannot access the beta.



Was the open beta for a limited time only? I just tried to log in, and got a message that I no longer had access to that server...

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