Stormwatcher Badge- tell us about the Comming Storm?




Most people don't go to The Shadow Shard, I was told by a friend that this badge has something too do with the coming Storm, I won't say much about it, I let you guys decide.

Stormwatcher Badge linky

I even found this badge and it conform what my guess is and what the Coming Storm is going too be.


The Stormwatcher badge is located 133 yards SW of the Tempest Sector marker, at the base of the ramp leading into the base.
Its coordinates are (4872.0, 865.3, 992.2)

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Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



hmm interesting wording. good find. It has been suggested that the cs may be a few things. the shivans are strongly hinted at being part of it, thanks to mender lazarus' meet up mission, the battalion(the aliens who modified the rikti) have also been suggested. but hey, more use of the shard would be fine by me.



Most folks think this is a red herring.

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2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



That badge doesnt make sense.... Lorewise isnt the shadowshard a pocket dimension created in the 60's when rularuu invaded primal earth as a way to contain rularuu?

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
hmm interesting wording. good find. It has been suggested that the cs may be a few things. the shivans are strongly hinted at being part of it, thanks to mender lazarus' meet up mission, the battalion(the aliens who modified the rikti) have also been suggested. but hey, more use of the shard would be fine by me.
The Battalion were not involved in the Rikti becoming the Rikti. To the contrary, the Battalion showed up quite some time after the unnamed aliens had transformed them into the Rikti, which is probably why the Rikti were able to repel the Battalion of their home dimension.

Honestly, the Rikti are actually more likely to become allies in repelling the Battalion all things considered.

From the wiki: "The Hro'Dtohz file This dossier has been put together using mostly Rikti sources. The first few are all about the rise and fall of the Rikti homeworld's military caste, called the Lineage of War. After the initial wars to unify the planet thousands of years ago, the Lineage of War was very small, only rising to prominence during a very few infrequent civil wars and insurrections. Their last big operation was against an alien force called the Battalion about 100 years ago. Since then, their power had been tapering off to its normal ceremonial levels until the start of the war with Earth."

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
The Battalion were not involved in the Rikti becoming the Rikti. To the contrary, the Battalion showed up quite some time after the unnamed aliens had transformed them into the Rikti, which is probably why the Rikti were able to repel the Battalion of their home dimension.

Honestly, the Rikti are actually more likely to become allies in repelling the Battalion all things considered.

From the wiki: "The Hro'Dtohz file This dossier has been put together using mostly Rikti sources. The first few are all about the rise and fall of the Rikti homeworld's military caste, called the Lineage of War. After the initial wars to unify the planet thousands of years ago, the Lineage of War was very small, only rising to prominence during a very few infrequent civil wars and insurrections. Their last big operation was against an alien force called the Battalion about 100 years ago. Since then, their power had been tapering off to its normal ceremonial levels until the start of the war with Earth."
Well, this implies, at least for me, that the Battalion is certainly not the Coming Storm; the Storm e/affects all universes and time lines; if the Rikti could "easily" (read as: individually) fight off the Battalion, then their threat is minimal compared to whatever the Menders are trying to change.

Simply put, the Battalion is small fish.

Edit: Schismatrix, is there any evidence of why the Rikti began to genetically modify themselves? That is, is there some act in our dimension that didn't happen which prevented us from becoming them? (At least, anything in the Lore?)



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
Well, this implies, at least for me, that the Battalion is certainly not the Coming Storm; the Storm e/affects all universes and time lines; if the Rikti could "easily" (read as: individually) fight off the Battalion, then their threat is minimal compared to whatever the Menders are trying to change.

Simply put, the Battalion is small fish.
Keep in mind that the Rikti are most emphatically not small fish themselves. After centuries of peace they were able to throw together a reprisal force that included multiple dimension jumping motherships the size of city blocks in a few years. In fact, all the Omega Team and other Earth forces managed to do was disrupt the Rikti dimensional portals and throw up a magical barrier that took advantage of the fact that the Rikti were unfamiliar with magic at the cost of hundreds of superpowered lives including some of the most powerful superhumans on Primal Earth. The main accomplishment of Primal Earth in the war was to make it harder for the Rikti to reach us.

The Coming Storm is apparently multiple things all coming to a head. Shiva, The Battalion, and others are apparently all part of the Coming Storm. It's possible that The Battalion will coming to all known Earths, or maybe only Primal Earth, but the total effect will probably be a threat to all Earths.

Edit: Schismatrix, is there any evidence of why the Rikti began to genetically modify themselves? That is, is there some act in our dimension that didn't happen which prevented us from becoming them? (At least, anything in the Lore?)
Well, Primal and Praetorian Earths were not "contacted by an advanced alien species of unknown origin that converted the humans of the Rikti dimension into what they are now. The Rikti are born as what we consider ordinary, but around adolescence changes begin and they begin to morph into full Rikti aliens." Also The Battalion hasn't shown up in Primal Earth either. The various known Earths have diverged at various points in their respective histories, and maybe the divergence point for the Rikti from Praetorian and Primal Earths was the unknown aliens what Riktified the Rikti a few thousand years ago...

The Rikti have been using advanced technology far a very long time, and are genetically augmented as a species above the human baseline.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
To the contrary, the Battalion showed up quite some time after the unnamed aliens had transformed them into the Rikti, which is probably why the Rikti were able to repel the Battalion of their home dimension.

Their last big operation was against an alien force called the Battalion about 100 years ago.
Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
Simply put, the Battalion is small fish.
This makes me think that the Battalion is simply the Rikti Dimension counterpart to the Nemesis Army. The difference is, the Warrior Caste Rikti not only defeated "their" Lord Nemesis, but also managed to kill him (it sounds like) ... meaning that the Battalion has not been a problem since (unlike the situation on Primal Earth).

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
This makes me think that the Battalion is simply the Rikti Dimension counterpart to the Nemesis Army. The difference is, the Warrior Caste Rikti not only defeated "their" Lord Nemesis, but also managed to kill him (it sounds like) ... meaning that the Battalion has not been a problem since (unlike the situation on Primal Earth).
So Nemesis is actually an alien?
Or the Rikti Nemesis is a native of, no, wait, that doesn't make sense, nevermind. The Rikti Earth is divergent enough that Rikti Nemesis is effectively a nonsense term if you're referring to a direct Rikti mirror of the Primal Nemesis since the worlds and cultures are so radically divergent, thus the various Nemesii would have to actually be aliens to be equivalent in both worlds.

My earlier point is that the Rikti being able to fight off the Battalion does not in any way imply they're small fish. "Oh, the Battalion was driven back by a civilization that can send motherships the size of a city block between dimensions. Motherships so powerful that the strongest superhuman known to Primal Earth could only damage one enough to force it to crashland, where it remains as a base and rallying point. What wimps!"

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Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
That badge doesnt make sense.... Lorewise isnt the shadowshard a pocket dimension created in the 60's when rularuu invaded primal earth as a way to contain rularuu?
IIRC, the dimension itself already existed as yet another "alternate Earth"... The Midnighters just used that reality to trap Rularuu, they didn't create a whole new one for that purpose. (Something they did it without any particular consideration to what would happen TO that universe, it should be noted. It sounds like it never occurred to them that that dimension would have people of its own, or that tossing an angry, fractured god in there might just turn out to be a Very Bad Thing for them.)

Primal Midnighters: "Yay! We saved the world!"

Shard Humans: "Heh. Yeah... By shirking these monsters off on us. Thanks a lot guys. We're going to have Such Fun with all these floating eyeballs. <_<"

Primal Midnighters: " ... Crap."

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
This makes me think that the Battalion is simply the Rikti Dimension counterpart to the Nemesis Army. The difference is, the Warrior Caste Rikti not only defeated "their" Lord Nemesis, but also managed to kill him (it sounds like) ... meaning that the Battalion has not been a problem since (unlike the situation on Primal Earth).
The bataliion were originally envisioned as a enemy group that would require temp powers to fight, as per an old issue of PC gamer.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
IIRC, the dimension itself already existed as yet another "alternate Earth"... The Midnighters just used that reality to trap Rularuu, they didn't create a whole new one for that purpose. (Something they did it without any particular consideration to what would happen TO that universe, it should be noted. It sounds like it never occurred to them that that dimension would have people of its own, or that tossing an angry, fractured god in there might just turn out to be a Very Bad Thing for them.)

Primal Midnighters: "Yay! We saved the world!"

Shard Humans: "Heh. Yeah... By shirking these monsters off on us. Thanks a lot guys. We're going to have Such Fun with all these floating eyeballs. <_<"

Primal Midnighters: " ... Crap."
I thought it was something like a bubble dimension created from primal earth to trick rularuu into thinking it was the dimension he came to destroy. It might have been a post by staatesman back in the day I am remembering because I cont find any info on the shadow shards origins that are that definitive.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
I thought it was something like a bubble dimension created from primal earth to trick rularuu into thinking it was the dimension he came to destroy. It might have been a post by staatesman back in the day I am remembering because I cont find any info on the shadow shards origins that are that definitive.
Actually, isn't the Shard a dimension Rularuu pretty much nom-nom'd, and, seeing the threat, the Midnighters trapped him there?

Also: stupid Dream Doctor and his making him. >:\



I am trying to dig up the material from a while back so forgive the lack of evidence at this point.

It was always my impression that the Midnight Squad, when they learned of Rularuus approach (Thanks to the Dream Doctor), created a pocket dimension as an exact replica of Paragon City and the surrounding area. They then populated this dimension with people from our world (or possible reflections of the people, it was never actually stated however the older people in the shard can remember the original Paragon City) and tricked Rularuu into devouring this dimension and becoming trapped.

Trapped in this prison Rularuu went mad. The Shadow Shard we see now is a mix of that dimension and the mad mind of Rularuu that had been shattered by the various aspects of him.



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
I am trying to dig up the material from a while back so forgive the lack of evidence at this point.

It was always my impression that the Midnight Squad, when they learned of Rularuus approach (Thanks to the Dream Doctor), created a pocket dimension as an exact replica of Paragon City and the surrounding area. They then populated this dimension with people from our world (or possible reflections of the people, it was never actually stated however the older people in the shard can remember the original Paragon City) and tricked Rularuu into devouring this dimension and becoming trapped.

Trapped in this prison Rularuu went mad. The Shadow Shard we see now is a mix of that dimension and the mad mind of Rularuu that had been shattered by the various aspects of him.
That sounds pretty cool. I'd play that game!

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When I was first tinkering with the idea of my Rularuu bird-thing characters, I pretty much went through and dug up every mention and detail I could find in-game about the Shard and what happened there... I really wish I'd kept a bibliography of some sort, because the information is scattered all over the place. I know people love having sources to refer to, and I really wish I could could point them out...

Anyway, the Shard reality probably didn't start out looking like it does now. If you read the text from Faathim's TF it sounds like Lanaruu shattered it in an attempt to prevent Rularuu from reforming and pulling all of the fragmented personalities back under his influence.

I've always read the natives' statements about Paragon City and remembering heroes and all that not as references to Primal Earth, but as memories of their own world's versions of those things.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



A friend and I have read over a lot of the lore of the Shadow Shard and the Coming Storm. We believe that it has something to do with ouroboros and the shadow shard.

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Due to hints from Darrin Wade, and others (ouro, Midnighter's etc) the coming storm seems like a mass of different 'Big Bads' coming together. The shard, and everything evil about that (remember, they did invade us once.. we just kinda forget about it on most days of the week) the Rikti, and/or Battilion, and Shiva. All of those coming together, for one big massive invasion would be devastating, especially when you consider Praetoria and Cole adding his kool-aid into the mix.



Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
That badge doesnt make sense.... Lorewise isnt the shadowshard a pocket dimension created in the 60's when rularuu invaded primal earth as a way to contain rularuu?
See this badge was Confusing for me as well, there also other Aspect of Rularuu we did not Encounter yet that might be able too create these Shivan and open a hole in Space and time into Primal Earth Dimension and send these Shivans too invade us. Also Nemesis, Circle of Thorns, Crey and Rikti are also in the Shadow Shard, any of them could work for the Rularuu or try to seek control over them.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
I am trying to dig up the material from a while back so forgive the lack of evidence at this point.

It was always my impression that the Midnight Squad, when they learned of Rularuus approach (Thanks to the Dream Doctor), created a pocket dimension as an exact replica of Paragon City and the surrounding area. They then populated this dimension with people from our world (or possible reflections of the people, it was never actually stated however the older people in the shard can remember the original Paragon City) and tricked Rularuu into devouring this dimension and becoming trapped.

Trapped in this prison Rularuu went mad. The Shadow Shard we see now is a mix of that dimension and the mad mind of Rularuu that had been shattered by the various aspects of him.
It always said the Dream Doctor had an Connection to Rularuu himself, he new how too stop him and how too trap him and Disappear right after the stop of Rularuu.

He said this- Why I Left and Why You Must Stay
Hopefully, when you read this, my name is not forgotten. I don't know why that's so important to me. I guess after all I've seen, a part of me is still human. I wonder if the same can be said for my counterpart, Rularuu.
As I used the blade, I shaved off a piece of myself. I am not the same man anymore. I still work among you - looking for answers. But I've also begun searching in the dreamspace for a way to protect you, and the rest of the world, from a fate that grows closer with each passing day. Something is coming and I must find out what it is before it's too late.
I have never been afraid to ask for help. If you remember anything about me, please remember that. But this...this is something I must do on my own. I'm going to try and save the world... again. But by all means, don't let that stop you from trying to save it first.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



I don't understand. How is it a red herring? The badge specifically states "Some see their discovery of Primal Earth's dimension as inevitable; a "coming storm" which could rival the Rikti Invasion in destructive potential." Some people do think the coming storm is Rularuu, so it's more of a meta reference than anything. It's also a case of Did Not Do The Research since the Rularuu have already discovered Primal Earth. I will add it to The List.

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Yeah, I don't think that badge is related to the Coming Storm. Just about the only thing we know for sure about those guys is that they use Kheldians as power sources for their 'ships' (we don't even get told what sort of ships; could be space, time, world-hopping, etc.), so considering Rularuu didn't need anything like that to invade Primal Earth in the past (the original Shadow Shard debut), I'd say it's unlikely that the Coming Storm has anything to do with Rularuu.

There's also that echo of an Aspect of Rularuu you encounter in the first mission of the alpha incarnate arc. Granted, all this could mean that Rularuu somehow created/brought forth the Coming Storm, then got overpowered/subsumed by them, but the connection is tenuous at best.

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I highly doubt Rularuu is the "coming storm" since there's already been a Rularuu invasion. Two, to be exact. One was in the lore, and one was in game. I don't see much Rularuu walking around.

Most of the signs are pointing to the Shivan being part of the Coming Storm.

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Originally Posted by DeviousMe View Post
Just about the only thing we know for sure about those guys is that they use Kheldians as power sources for their 'ships' (we don't even get told what sort of ships; could be space, time, world-hopping, etc.),
If it looks like a large blue box, we are so screwed.

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