If there was one thing that everyone should know about CoH...




Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
If I was to give a single piece of advice to a newbie, it would be this:

The journey is more important than the destination.

If you put all of your focus on "leveling up" then you will miss 90% of what makes this game special. There are only so many opportunities to have a "sovereign experience", meaning a first time to experience something in the game.

Treasure them. Take your time. Talk to your contacts. Read the mission text. Don't jump into 8-man groups clearing the sewers and power-leveling to level 50. There's nothing there waiting for you. Well, nowadays, there are incarnates, but even that won't actually mean anything except a whole lot of grinding if you have ignored the entire game in order to get there.

Do your missions. Follow the story arcs. Do your task forces at your level range when you are the right level to do them. The story of Paragon City is YOUR story - the story of your progress from new hero to Hero of the City. Make the most of it and learn the stories of the city. Later, you can make alts and do farming, or bank missions, or whatever. On your first character or two, savor the experience of earning your first cape; completing your first task force; defeating your first arch-villain.

You only get one chance to have a first experience. Make the most of it.
Awesome post. This has been the most important thing for me. It's why I'm here. I'm a sucker for a good story. City of Heroes has lots of good stories. Oftentimes my characters play the central roles. Sometimes I'm more in the mood to play a supporting role, letting other heroes feel like the stars. Sometimes I'm the architect of the stories. This game is full of unbelievably entertaining and engrossing experiences, but you've got to let yourself experience them. Just want to hop in and grind to 50? Okay, it's your loss. (It took me a year and a half to get to my first 50, and I know I had a heck of a lot more fun on that character than any one-week power-leveler.)

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I may be biased, on a professional level, but...

Community. The CoH Community is outstanding. Friendly, helpful, knowledgeable, and warm are a few of the words I regularly use when describing our Community to people who are new to the game. Rarely can you point to the Community of an MMO as a selling point, however in the case of CoH, it really is.

Sometimes, when I'm on my personal account, I forget that the folks I chat with on a daily basis here on the forums don't know who I am in global channels. The people you play with in CoH put you that much at ease .
Z, go get more flashy costumes, they're neat.
Also Glue Arrow more, not being glued against a TA is

If I had to sell someone on the game, I'd say it has a lot of customization for your characters, lots of flashy powers and even though gameplay gets repetitive, you can find mini-games like inventions, pvp, the market, role-play, etc.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes




As a player who is obsessed with trying out all the ATs, powers, skills, or whatever an MMO offers to characters, my experience with every other MMO is every new character has to do almost exactly the same things every character before it had to do.

Not here. I have 10 different mission paths I can start with, I can streetsweep and level just as effectively as missions at the start, I can do a sewer run and bypass the low levels entirely. The last couple years, I've had dozens of new story arcs to take my new characters through in the AE (and people can knock it all they want but the fact is there are few 5-star dev created stories in the game, so there may be only a few stories in AE whose writing may blow someone away, but there are tons of stories as good as most of what is in the game).

Not to mention the numerous activities that are not related to running missions and beating up bad guys that can be engaged in.

This is the only MMO I've played where, after 125 alts, I don't lose interest in making a new alt because it means doing the same thing I've already done 100 times before.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



That BrandX has the cutest in game avatar of all and all should be jealous!



What? It's true!

It is!

You can't say otherwise!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



The tram has both an entrance and an exit. Do not confuse the two.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
There is no "best build."

Adding to that.. there is no right or wrong way to play..

Solo or team constantly and you can still go from one level to 50

Do nothing but story arc .. fine

Do nothing but radio or newswpapers missions and safeguards or mayhems .. works very well. In fact at one point a lot of players on COV did just that.

Use task forces and trials to advance.. okay until 10 level that isn't possible but beyond that now that we have SSK ... you can eve be doing Posi 1 at level 49 and still get xp.

Farm, solo, team, whatever you enjoy and with whatever you chose to play.

Which all goes right back to Variety!

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Add my voice to the ones saying "variety".

Variety in appearance and concept, both in terms of powerset flavour and costume creator, such that there's very little you can come up with that can't be translated into a character in the game (only really one other MMO rivals CoH for this, and it's debatable which one comes out top).

Variety in builds - the huge variety of classes, powerset choices, and then power choices within whatever you choose; and the sheer volume of time that can be spent on setting up builds, the different directions you can go without even changing the powersets much less the AT.

Variety in playstyle - solo, teaming, casual, minmaxing, farming, badging, raiding, etc. All viable ways to enjoy the game.

I probably wouldn't cite "community" personally, as while we do have a better quality community than many MMOs, I've played some that are pretty much on par with this one, and outside of the obviously awful examples (usually the bigger name MMOs), pretty much *every* MMO's forums reckon theirs is the best community on the net - as a result it doesn't tell an outsider as much when you tell them how awesome your community is, because they're hearing it from the other MMOs too.

For me it's definitely the variety in all areas that CoH is leading the pack on.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I may be biased, on a professional level, but...

Community. The CoH Community is outstanding. Friendly, helpful, knowledgeable, and warm are a few of the words I regularly use when describing our Community to people who are new to the game. Rarely can you point to the Community of an MMO as a selling point, however in the case of CoH, it really is.

Sometimes, when I'm on my personal account, I forget that the folks I chat with on a daily basis here on the forums don't know who I am in global channels. The people you play with in CoH put you that much at ease .

I'm not so sure Zwill. I have seen quite a few idiots in the forums as well as in game. The know alls, those who don't read posts before they reply to them - notwithstanding those who do read them yet don't understand them and still reply just to get a post count.

To me the game is the best I have ever played in 30 years + of gaming. That is an official and authoritative recommendation.



The community. I've been here for...how long has this game been around? I was there for the Mothership event in Beta. I was there when Burn Tankers were the rage.

I remember finding my first SG, my first band of friends and getting my first level 50, an Illusion/Kinetics. I remember Dumpster diving with them, farming hundreds of freaks and Fulcrum Shift buff bubbles scaling off the screen.

I remember coming back after City of Villains released and moving servers, finding new friends and old friends at the same time. I remember starting a global channel when it was introduced and funneling all my friends into there, and making so many more.

I've known people in this game longer than people I've known in real life. I've met my Fiance in this game, and we still play together.

I remember CuppaJo. I remember Lighthouse. I remember Ex Libris. I've never once been to any other MMO, any other game, and felt as home as I do in City of Heroes.

I remember the PvP leagues, and still can commiserate with old PvPers from the test ladders about the changes.

I remember a memorial we had after we found that a celebrated Server personality had passed away, everyone talking about how much fun we had playing with him, and the time everyone took to play together.

One day this MMO will probably shutdown. But I know that the community will be here til the day they unplug the last server.

That's what everyone should know about this game.



Originally Posted by Nova Knight View Post
For comic book fans, it's the closest you can get to being a hero or villain without actual superpowers.

As a kid, I spent far too many hours reading comics and fantasizing about being a superhero myself. As an adult, I've reluctantly accepted the fact that I'm not from Krypton, will never gain powers after being bitten by a radioactive spider, will never have a dying alien bequeath me his power ring, will never be exposed to DNA-altering gamma radiation, etc.

When I play CoH, however, I'm a kid again. And all the characters that have been simmering in my subconscious for decades come to life. How cool is that?
That's a great way of putting it and is the reason I give to people who ask why I'm still playing. Short of having a superhero movie made with me in it, this is the best I'm ever going to get.

Another vote for community too, especially given how... well.... hostile some MMO forums can be, CoX is an oasis in a sea of intolerance and lolcats.

But if I was to select one, it would be that each experience is new. Every time I play a new AT or choose a new combo of powers, it's a new game. Sure, the 'go to mission, beat up mobs' is the same but every character creates a new game for me to play be it jumping into a massive spawn with my SS/Fire Brute or dominating the battlefield with my Plant/Storm, or levelling the place with my Fire/Fire Blaster... even the slightest change in AT and powers means new tactics, new experiences. Even though I've played years with my D3 Defender as my main, my new Fire/Dark Corruptor plays quite differently. And it's that that keeps me coming back again and again and again.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



"It's instance-tastic!" <-- that's a major selling feature for me or something about how you feel like you're the star of the game because of how the arcs are written.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Aside from the fact that its THE super hero game, that its possible to log on, do a couple of quick missions and log off in under an hour is a big big factor for me.

This game is very casual friendly, if it wasn't I don't think I would be here.

I also think that when you are describing this game to people its important to tell them that the "real" content is in the different powerset combinations available to a player.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
City of Heroes is "the one with the really incredible character creator."
Indeed. As already said, "THE superhero MMO" is also nice.

Regarding the other answers, do you truly think you could describe CoH as an unique game to non-gamers with vague stuff like "community", "fun game", "journey is more important than destination", "variety"? All of that could apply to hundreds of games and doesn't say much about CoH specifically to a person that isn't familiar with video games.

I mean, if I had to say what is the one thing I like personally about CoH, it'd be the hack&slash-like gameplay in a persistant world along with the relative freedom in character building, but if I were to say that to a random person who pictures video games as "that call of duty thing that leads people to shoot other people", his most likely reaction would be "buh?!".



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Indeed. As already said, "THE superhero MMO" is also nice.

Regarding the other answers, do you truly think you could describe CoH as an unique game to non-gamers with vague stuff like "community", "fun game", "journey is more important than destination", "variety"? All of that could apply to hundreds of games and doesn't say much about CoH specifically to a person that isn't familiar with video games.

I mean, if I had to say what is the one thing I like personally about CoH, it'd be the hack&slash-like gameplay in a persistant world along with the relative freedom in character building, but if I were to say that to a random person who pictures video games as "that call of duty thing that leads people to shoot other people", his most likely reaction would be "buh?!".
For someone who isn't into videogame culture, aside from telling them it's about superheroes and you can be very creative, the one thing I'd tell them about this game is that it's very forgiving. You don't have to worry about aiming or about targeting or about twitch reflexes (except possibly in PvP?) or about losing your progress or even about your character's death slowing you down much. By the same token, while there's a fair amount of depth to the game, you don't need to know anything about the market or badges or PvP or AE or even enhancements in order to play. The game allows you to pick up those kinds of things gradually.

If I had to mention community, I'd explain it in the sense that players tend to be very forgiving of inexperience and fairly forgiving of mistakes. About the only thing that will draw player hostility is rudeness (though this may change once we get an influx of players with only a minimal investment in the game community).

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



I have to echo the 'variety' theme but I would also say do not discount the power of the Forums.
I have often commented to people that of all the MMO's and games around, these forums are the most active, the most informative and the most visited and contributed to by the red names.
If I am having a break from the game I still visit here every day and I can guarantee after only a short time I will see/read something that will inspire me to get back ingame and join in again.



It has evil steam-powered brass ponies in it. And they're evil.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



This gal and her friends are here to help when things get too tough to handle:

City of Heroes is the only MMO I am aware of that has an actual "difficulty slider".



Originally Posted by Nova Knight View Post
For comic book fans, it's the closest you can get to being a hero or villain without actual superpowers.

As a kid, I spent far too many hours reading comics and fantasizing about being a superhero myself. As an adult, I've reluctantly accepted the fact that I'm not from Krypton, will never gain powers after being bitten by a radioactive spider, will never have a dying alien bequeath me his power ring, will never be exposed to DNA-altering gamma radiation, etc.

When I play CoH, however, I'm a kid again. And all the characters that have been simmering in my subconscious for decades come to life. How cool is that?
I was going to post something then found this gem, which sums it up rather neatly.

I still want super powers, although as I get older they get more jaded and specific: i.e. Telekinesis to force people out of my way, or Flight to just get home after work. On bleak days the ability to make people's heads explode a la 'Scanners' appeals.



The one thing people should know:

That when it comes to video games, I have the attention span of an ADHD kid hopped up on sugar and stuck in an elementary classroom on a bright and sunny day - and yet I have stayed with this game for 7+ years.

I am not playing CoX because of the theme... I read my first superhero comic book 7+ years ago.. which would be the comic book that came from my subscription to CoH.

I am playing CoX because it's fun, engaging, and surprising.

It's fun in the way I want it to be fun - which changes from play session to play session depending on my mood. It's solo fun, team fun, or league fun on any given day - including Sundays and Holidays. It's street sweeping, badge hunting, arc completion, or farming fun.

It's engaging because the writing is just that good. The stories are fantastic and they just keep getting better. Going Rogue - to me - has some of the most intriguing stories in the game. Each new release just builds on the world and the writing. I amvery excited to see what's next.

It's suprising because you just don't know what the developers are going to release next. From awesome new costumes to QoL thing we never thought we would get. The devs listen to our feedback and give us what they can when they can as well as stuff we didn't ask for!

Power customization? Yup... Reflections? Not only on windows, but costume pieces reflect as well.. how freakin' cool is that!? How many remember the story behind the Kill Skuls badge or the plaque at the substation next to the KR tram stop? Coyote?

All in all, City of Heroes is where the people playing the game are just as passionate about its future as the developers who create the game.

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Hahaha I think it's great that no one can keep to just that one thing. But if it had to be summed up to that 'one thing' than it definitely would be the community.

It's what has had me stay in the game mostly for long time now.

I also wanna say that the community aspect of the game was taken into affect at great success by the development team since day one in Coh. Which after trying out a few other games makes me love the game that much more.

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Indeed. As already said, "THE superhero MMO" is also nice.

Regarding the other answers, do you truly think you could describe CoH as an unique game to non-gamers with vague stuff like "community", "fun game", "journey is more important than destination", "variety"? All of that could apply to hundreds of games and doesn't say much about CoH specifically to a person that isn't familiar with video games.

I mean, if I had to say what is the one thing I like personally about CoH, it'd be the hack&slash-like gameplay in a persistant world along with the relative freedom in character building, but if I were to say that to a random person who pictures video games as "that call of duty thing that leads people to shoot other people", his most likely reaction would be "buh?!".
To be honest, I glossed over the "non-gamer" part of the original post, because in my experience it doesn't matter how you describe any video game to a non-gamer, they're not going to turn into a gamer (even for just that one game) as a result. You *might* get them by actually showing them the game (and/or letting them play), but just telling them about it, however well you nail the description and selling points, won't get more than idle curiosity. "THE superhero MMO" isn't going to entice them any more than community, variety, or whatever else because even if they love superheroes, they're just not that interested in MMOs/games and have no desire to take that first step.



i dunno, saying that its a fun community to integrate into might work for some non-gamers, how many non gamer friends of mine are addicted to farmville? thats mostly community(sending stuff to friends looking at each other's farm). dunno. As for me, id say to a gamer or non gamer(and have) that the game lives on its customization. you can make a wide variety of looks and enjoy yourself.



Oh! Then tell them it's like Farmville with superpowers or Angry Birds that you can dress and color anyway you like!

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
That BrandX has the cutest in game avatar of all and all should be jealous!



What? It's true!

It is!

You can't say otherwise!

*puts on bib, picks up knife and fork* So cute I could just eat her up! Num num num.