



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Okay, just learned the hard way that this is NOT the arc for PL'ing a teammate.

The split of inspie drops is absolutely detrimental to your performance.
Also, unless they're glued to your backside, they tend to die and take a bunch of ambush mobs with em, splitting your kill pool.

PL through level pact? Cool.
PL through teaming in the same arc? BAD!
Agreed. If anything, the new map makes it even worse - you end up with mobs
strewn all over that entire corridor, and it ends up being a LOT slower (and dangerous).

On the original map, I was able to do it, although the inspiration split IS bad,
but I found I could get in, get to ticket cap, and get out before it got too problematic
(unlike solo levelling where I would kill ALL of the bosses). I was able to get
the CEBR toon up to 43 and the alt up to 40 in about 10 hours, distinctly slower,
but I did want to try that aspect out (and this was on a new server, so I didn't
have any other toons there).

Unfortunately, in the new map, I can't get it to work very well at all. Both Bosses in
LoS messes up my targeting macro, and the alt on follow *really* spreads everything
out. Leaving it at the door is equally as divisive.

A bit of a pity, as I was kind of hoping to get both toons up to L50 this wkend...


Edit: Ran some on the new map and for *solo* toons, I liked it better than the original...

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by TopDoc
Hmm, I normally don't slot any Enhancements at all while leveling up, and I just did
another 5.5 hour run on Defiant. Yes running at +0 rather than +1 will make you take longer.
You still kill Minions in 2 tics of Lightning Field, and Spin still kills 10 mobs around you, you
just get less XP for them. A lot less. Going up to +1 would probably let you finish in 9 hours
if it didn't affect your death rate. I use the macros and I don't keep any Inspirations
"just in case" in my tray. The entire tray is for holding Inspirations that I'm going to use or
combine into reds. I do use the Empowerment buff, just because it's a decent buff for
very little time. I bought 10 of the Salvage needed, and I only used 4 of them this time.
I used Sands of Mu once this last run, and decided it wasn't worth the time.
I agree about the enhancements, and the math in the OP really shows that.
I have found that slotting Hasten, Energize and Power Surge is helpful as they're
available for more runs, but in-mission, no enhancements is fine (haven't tried
Procs yet, although I wouldn't expect a big benefit).

I think the two big time hitters were 0/8 (much less xp = more time) and the
macros. Damage at 675% or close is much better/faster than 250-300% or so, but
I simply couldn't get the hang of them. The "in case" inspirations are also directly
related to the same issue, but for me at least, that made things survivable albeit,
slower, but bumping the level to +1/8 offset that relative safety for me.

That said, I'm definitely not complaining - I've found the entire experience pretty
interesting and fun.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
As I mentioned in the OP, you only fight the 2 spawns around the ramp (in the old map) plus the ambushes.
I did read that, but there have been so many words [so...many...words...] since then.

Ok, so there's an old map [the one I'm on with the ramps] and now a new map [which I figure I'll find when I search for "cebr doc" once I finish this arc], anyone else have a favorite they're running? Just thinkin' variety.



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
I did read that, but there have been so many words [so...many...words...] since then.
Just read my words and ignore everyone else, and you'll do fine.

I thought I'd take a look at temp powers. For farm purposes there are worthwhile 2 attack powers, Hand Grenade and Plasmatic Taser. Worthwhile means they do decent AoE damage and they're fairly easy to get (Common recipes with 2 pieces of Common Salvage).

Hand Grenade, "Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG (Lethal/Smashing), Foe Knockback", 18 charges, 10 foot radius, 16 targets max, 1.37s Act, 16s Recharge, 10 base damage.

Plasmatic Taser, "Ranged Cone, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback", 24 charges, 40 foot cone at 45 degrees, 10 targets max, 1.07s Act, 12s Recharge, 9.6 base damage.

These powers are affected by damage buffs, so damage capped the Hand Grenade will do 77.5 damage while the Plasmatic Taser will do 74.4. Against +1 mobs, that's 69.75 and 66.96. That will easily kill Minions, almost kill Lts (one Lightning Field tic away), and do a big chunk of damage to Bosses. It will likely kill post-rez Lts, and come close on post-rez bosses.

I have /auctionhouse, so it's fairly easy to bid on 10 of each of the recipes and Salvage, and grab them as needed when I want to craft them. A Crafting Table for a SG base costs 25k Prestige and doesn't require any Power or Energy, and I can get there when needed with my Vet power base Teleport. People without these Vet powers will have to spend time running between AE, the Market, and a crafting place. That's a fairly big time investment. You can use 4-6 charges per mission, which means you run out of Hand Grenade charges in 3-4 missions. I tried to keep them somewhat in sync by crafting both about every 5 missions.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be worth it. I'm leveling up a new Brute on Guardian, and I'm slightly behind the schedule from my run on Defiant. I'm just under level 34 at 2 hours. Granted I made a few mistakes, like not turning on SG mode till level 24 or so. Basically the temp powers added complexity without significantly speeding up the process.

One issue with using the temp powers is that your Inspiration tray fills too fast at low levels. Before level 25, I had to eat every Inspiration that came in, and I still got behind. After level 25, I had to be careful to mash macro buttons between each AoE.

Despite killing mobs faster the first time, the Knockback scattered them all over the place. Knockback attacks that defeat Minions tend to send them extra far, so they ended up rezzing all over the place. This is a place where Integration on the mobs might be worthwhile, if it's strong enough to prevent the Knockback. The scattered mobs meant it was harder to keep Lightning Field and even Spin target capped later in the mission. I'm going to continue using the temp powers till I run out of my initial 10 purchase, but I have a feeling it isn't going to improve my time.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Well, what if you add integration, and took out fast healing? that way they have the same amount of passive regen (due to integration giving regen) but they have KB protection.. I know Hand Grenade only has a chance for KB, and being able to chain Spin -> Hand grenade will up the AoE damage by quite a bit, especially if you can limit the KB. granted, you'll probably burn end just as fast, but in theory it could cut down on the timing. And Hand grenade can be used to pull Alpha/Beta closer to you, so you have less running (and more time to smash)



There is an AE arc titled "Crafter's Cafe" if I remember correctly, it has an invention crafting table in it. That could save time on the trips to recharge your temps since you just zone into the misson, craft, and zone out.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Okay, just learned the hard way that this is NOT the arc for PL'ing a teammate.

The split of inspie drops is absolutely detrimental to your performance.
Also, unless they're glued to your backside, they tend to die and take a bunch of ambush mobs with em, splitting your kill pool.

PL through level pact? Cool.
PL through teaming in the same arc? BAD!
Weird, I can pl my alt acct. at +1/x8 and not have issues but your bud has to follow ya and give you inspirations. Sometimes you die but its rare or due to you not eating a purple.



Originally Posted by masterpiece View Post
Weird, I can pl my alt acct. at +1/x8 and not have issues but your bud has to follow ya and give you inspirations. Sometimes you die but its rare or due to you not eating a purple.
Yeah. My inspie drops fell off sharply with a second person in the map.
And remember, capped defense, while nice isn't 100% protection. You're still getting occasional shots through defense (and with a horde around you occasional x aggro cap is fairly significant).

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Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
They can stay at the door and wait for you to be done. Make sure they have a full set of inspirs and that they don't use any. Now all the inspir drops go to you.

I tried having them do that. In the new warehouse map, I've seen a group turn around and charge for the door.

As for the inspies only coming to me if they're full. I don't think so. Drops are randomly assigned to a player. Not to "a player who has space". And if the person is full up on that type of drop, it just doesn't happen.

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Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
(haven't tried Procs yet, although I wouldn't expect a big benefit).
Actually you might be surprised. I know *I* was. Slotted up about 18 procs and watched my kill speed drop noticeably.

Sure, they're not DEPENDABLE damage. But they're firing off enough that I'm killing minions within a single click of Lightning Field.

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Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
Well, what if you add integration, and took out fast healing? that way they have the same amount of passive regen (due to integration giving regen) but they have KB protection.. I know Hand Grenade only has a chance for KB, and being able to chain Spin -> Hand grenade will up the AoE damage by quite a bit, especially if you can limit the KB. granted, you'll probably burn end just as fast, but in theory it could cut down on the timing. And Hand grenade can be used to pull Alpha/Beta closer to you, so you have less running (and more time to smash)
Integration is actually twice as much Regen as Fast Healing. That's not a big deal on Minions, but on Lts and Bosses it means more. Hand Grenade has an 80% chance to Knockback, which means most of the time. But yes, Integration should stop that completely. I don't want to use it for pulling as the ambushes are triggered by Alpha and Beta taking damage, 25%, 50%, and 75%. I've tried Striking the first boss on the way to the second, and ended up with several Ambush spawns heading to the first boss area and stopping.

Now that you mention it, I think a better start might be to Spin the first boss, then use the Vet power Blackwand to pull the second boss to the first. In the current map the ambushes spawn near the entrance, so fighting them closer to that means they waste less time running to you. You don't need to sit around the first boss waiting for Lightning Field to tic on him, that Spin will immediately trigger 3 ambushes. And you don't need to run to the second boss at all. Blackwand will do under 25% of the bosses HP, so the second boss ambushes won't trigger till he gets near you and you attack him. The Nemesis Staff would do Knockback (assuming no Integration) which would delay things. I'll play around with that and see if it works. If so I'll add Integration to Alpha and Beta, just in case people have already chosen the Nemesis Staff as their vet power.

You're a bit off on END though. One issue I forgot to mention earlier is the significant END usage of these things; they both cost about 15 END. You will DEFINITELY need to pop blues if you're using these things, and that means fewer Inspirations to combine into reds. Fortunately the increased kill speed probably makes up for it.

Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
There is an AE arc titled "Crafter's Cafe" if I remember correctly, it has an invention crafting table in it. That could save time on the trips to recharge your temps since you just zone into the misson, craft, and zone out.
At high level I can run through a complete 5 mission arc in a little over 10 minutes. That's just farming for 7500 tickets, so I leave as early as possible. It probably takes 2 minutes to select the Crafter's Cafe mission, talk to contact, zone in, click computer to complete mission, run to the back for the Invention table, craft, add powers to trays, zone out, and finish the mission. But I don't think the extra damage will shave 2 minutes off my time. I think I only spend about 60-80 seconds fighting per mission when ticket farming, and I don't think the temp powers could shave off more than 25 seconds. I may be wrong, so I'll probably give it a try on my very well slotted Brute.

Also, doing this requires that you keep Recipes and Salvage on you, or you have access to /auctionhouse or /vault. Using an SG for crafting means you can grab Salvage from storage there, but you still need to keep a stock of Recipes. The SG method is moderately faster, but still probably takes a minute or so. The damage is significant enough that it probably could shave at least a minute off. But is it worth the added complexity when it saves maybe 5 seconds per mission?

All that said, I think the temp powers are useful for runs where Hasten is down. In those cases you run the risk of killing too slowly to keep up the Inspirations necessary to keep the farm going. These will definitely provide a boost, and you should have enough time to manage Inspirations between AoEs. The temp powers are probably VERY useful on the very first run where you don't even have Spin, unfortunately you need a pre-existing SG base for that. Even after that, an extra couple AoEs now and then when you're running low on Inspirations may be just the thing to keep people alive. And if you only use a couple charges every other mission or so, they'll last for several arcs. Maybe that's how I'll use them when I finish leveling up my Brute on Guardian.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I tried having them do that. In the new warehouse map, I've seen a group turn around and charge for the door.

As for the inspies only coming to me if they're full. I don't think so. Drops are randomly assigned to a player. Not to "a player who has space". And if the person is full up on that type of drop, it just doesn't happen.
If we're talking about PLing another actual person that is present at their keyboard, then just have them run in and die where you will be fighting and then combine and hand off their insps to you.




In regards to PL'ing another player/account. If it isn't working, you're doing it wrong. I kid, I kid. That's the fun way for me to put that). I took someone into the original CEBR map to demonstrate the process for them (as they too made a Claws/Fire for this). Within the first two missions we were able to evaluate the most secure what to use this map as a Farm for other toons, and it has worked rather flawlessly since. I can run the map solo and PL two others (at least, haven't bothered working with more than a few friends on this) while being the only one working. On average it takes about 80 seconds each run and I've used the same process each time.

Slam F1-F2-F3 while mass purchasing Reds. Continue slamming while clicking to Oranges, purchase at random for two seconds, switch to Purples, purchase for two seconds. Once this is done, while still clicked on Purples, purchase four, click Red, fill tray (while doing this, hit '5, 6', and then '7' if its up (Hasten, Energize, and Power Surge, respectively)). Run into the mission of which any and all of your PL goons should have run into the center "Death Zone" of the map (which, we've been using the Warehouse rendition as its a bit easier on the collection of enemies). Snag the two bosses and proceed Auto-Spin in center of mobs. Shortly around the time the third ambush waves collect on me I pop the rest of my tray and munch down any oranges that drop (as often at least two or three do, or I can combine what I don't get). Within the next ~50 seconds wipe out as much of the room as possible (mostly with just Spin), click the glowie and leave about five seconds before the inspirations would drop.

About 95% of the time this is pretty straight forward and nets 1,500 tickets for the Farmer. We did confirm that those additional in the map with you will get a ridiculously poor amount of tickets (as they should!), but attempting to contribute a single death before they die increases their ticket-pull by about 10%ish.

I've also done this with two CEBR's PL'ing two additional bodies on the map and we averaged about 60 seconds a map from load to completion using only the inspirations we go in with. We also tried this with the other sheep on the map feeding us a pre-assorted stack of inspirations. Usually a couple purples, a couple oranges, and as many reds as they could stomach to carry. This would allow extension of the map to 90/s-120/s if needed.

Quick Build Spec:
Spin: Dam/Rech, Three Procs, Acc/Dam
Lightning Field: Dam, Acc/Dam, Dam/End
Hasten: 6-Slot Rech
Power Surge: 6-Slot Rech
Energize: 4-Rech, 2-Heal

Fortunata 5-Of Purple Set in Salt Crystals and I use the Base Recharge Empowerment Buff. Most of the time I have Hasten up every other run, Power Surge up every skip of three or so. I don't use it that often depending on how lazy I'm being on a run. I considered the Gladiator's Net set as well, but the extra 120million Inf didn't seem worth it considering how stream lined I felt already.

Edit Note: Hasten six slotted for recharge with the otherwise 30-50% (depending in or out of mission) global recharge gives Hasten a total downtime of approx. 40/s (20 second short while running, double that once hasten drops into 40/s. Really is something like 50, but there's also period between where you've got an additional 20% from Lightning Reflexes to easily say at least 40 total downtime which turns into "up every other mission.")

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



Finished my 50 Brute on Guardian tonight. That makes 7 total, I just need 4 more to get a level 50 character on every server. I went from 36 to 50 in about 3 hours, and a total of about 5:40 for the whole run of 1-50. I was a bit slow at lower levels, trying temp powers, but I did find a good use for them. Plus I didn't die at all tonight. I had a sidekick for 2 missions, a level 4 Claws/Elec Brute who had read about this and was trying it for the first time.

Here's my new way to run. Load up on Inspirations as usual, saving 1 yellow, 4 Lucks, and 4 or so oranges. Eat lots of reds and run into the mission. Once inside, use all those saved Inspirations as you run to the first boss Alpha. Spin on auto to take him out and start the 3 ambushes. You'll get pushed around a bit, but try to stay around that spot for the rest of the mission. Target the yellow minion just to the right of the far boss Beta and toss a Hand Grenade. That generally agros the entire second spawn so they'll come to attack you. If you damage the boss in the second spawn that will trigger 2 more ambushes, and they will come to your current location near Alpha. Target Beta and finish him off when he arrives to finish triggering the ambushes. Then slaughter mobs for a while. If you don't have the Hand Grenade temp power (maybe because you just started on a new server and don't have a base with crafting table), attack Beta directly with a ranged Vet power. If you don't have one of those (newb!), use your starting Origin power. Those tend to be short range, so run close, use, then run back.

This method is better for two reasons. You start triggering the ambushes as soon as you reach the first boss, rather than waiting for the second boss. And you stay closer to the ambush spawn point (near the start of the mission), so it takes less time for the ambushes to reach you. Those two things combined means you're target capped sooner, and thus earning inspirations earlier than before. You're more likely to earn the Inspirations you need to survive earlier. Safer means less debt which means faster leveling.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304




Doing a CEBR on Freedom right now while level-pacted to a friend's kid's account. It's taking appreciably longer than my solo did.
But in inf and prestige output per-level is phenomenal. I actually started my own SG my secondary account is lapsed pending Freedom) and was to 15 before one of the people in my regular SG showed up. Now, 30 levels later, I'm spitting distance of 1 million prestige and almost completely proc'ed out now.

The hard one is turning out to be the last Eradication proc (there's literally NONE on the market right now). I even have BRAWL proc'ed up.

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Back when my CEBR was 30 or so, I tried some of the higher level maps that were supposedly for brutes with EA. The mobs in theses maps used electric attacks that drained my END way too quickly. I haven't tried in my 40s yet, but thought before I do I might as well ask...

Am I just doing it wrong?

BTW, the CEBR trip has been a fun one. Not so much that I would endeavor a 50 on each server as TopDoc is attempting, but definitely worth at least one through to 50. Not the way I would always want to play the game, but a really great and interesting change of pace!



I had a slightly frustrating night on a new Brute on Union. My /netgraph had a fair amount of red, like I was bleeding. I was rubber banding all over the place, and the mobs were rubber banding even worse. The mobs didn't even appear in 2 missions till I was standing in the middle of them. My power tray sometimes displayed powers as constantly being activated, even when they were recharging. My inspiration tray was acting weirder than normal. I was getting holes in it, meaning there were Inspirations sitting above the holes. There were Inspirations in my tray that I couldn't use. I found that if I moved them, they went away.

Despite all that, I hit level 23.6 at 1 hour, 32.5 at 2 hours, and 38.5 at 3 hours. I only died once. The Inspiration combining macros appeared to be working, which is good because I would have gone mad trying to manage them by hand. I should hit 50 tomorrow, this will be #8. That is assuming I21 doesn't go live. Hey, you never know.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Originally Posted by Longshot View Post
Back when my CEBR was 30 or so, I tried some of the higher level maps that were supposedly for brutes with EA. The mobs in theses maps used electric attacks that drained my END way too quickly.
Static Shield gives 103.8% End and Recovery debuff resistance, Grounded gives 69.2% just on End, and Power Surge gives 138.4 on both, all according to Mids. You'll generally have just the first two for 173% End Drain resistance and 103.8% Recovery debuff resistance. Those are the values for level 50. Logging in one of my many Claws/Elec Brutes, Static Shield indeed shows 103.8% in the Combat Attributes under Recovery Resistance, but the total value is 95% and it's blue, meaning that's the cap. At level 50, Recovery debuffs are only 1/20 effective. Checking on my level 38 Electric Brute, Static Shield shows 89.4% Recovery Debuff Resistance, with a capped total of 80.68%. Recovery debuffs work about 1/5 as well, and that's definitely enough to be felt when enough mobs are doing it. At level 30, things are probably even worse. Were you and the mobs still 30, or were you bumped up to 50 in the farm? If 50, you should have gotten the level 50 better resistance.

END Drain resistance isn't in the combat attributes, so I can't tell how it works. If it is similar, then enough little attacks will add up at lower levels. It's something I'll be testing when I work on a level 50 PL oriented farm for Claws/Electric Brutes. But I have a few more to level up first.

But in general, you want capped Defense so they rarely hit you with those attacks.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Why Claws/Elec and not Claws/Fire? Just based on the Energy Res. in Charged Armor as opposed to Fire Res.?

@Fail (Used to be @Tux) and @Tuxedo Infinitus Defiant/Freedom/Champion
Favourite Toons: Prosper [Ill/Rad] Controller :: Infinitus [Fire/Elec] Blaster :: Pocket Dynamo [Fire/Shield] Scr :: Fast [Cold/Sonic] Def ::
Inspire [Plant/Storm] Controller :: Quality - SS/Fire Brute :: Double Down [DP/Kin] Corr :: Pwnz [Fire/Cold] Corr :: Fail [Fire/Son] Corr



Originally Posted by _Tux__EU View Post
Why Claws/Elec and not Claws/Fire? Just based on the Energy Res. in Charged Armor as opposed to Fire Res.?
energize and power surge.



Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
I didn't post the number, because the name is easier to remember. I assumed CEBR would be uncommon if not unique. Unfortunately it's right in the middle of the word Peacebringer, so you have to look through a list if you search for CEBR. It'll be easier to find if people rate it well, since it'll be around the top of the list.
Put a space at the end of CEBR, your arc is on top. Mrs. TD's test arc is right below it.

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
energize and power surge.
Neither of which are used in the arc in question. I think it's just to be different. I am using a Claws/dark for it.



Originally Posted by Demonic_Gerbil View Post
You use them (and Hasten) before going IN the mission.
I'm a somewhat amazed at how many people are posting in this thread who haven't bothered to read the OP.



I thought about doing this but then i was like wait i have enough 50's. Friends that power level me and a SS/Fire.

And doing incarnate trials all over for characters sucks. I guess this is good for solo people but then why play an mmo?