Big orange AoE numbers but not a farming build...any suggestions?




Perfect example of what I currently play (that I am looking for more of) is a Fire/Kin/Stone troller. Yes, it's generally seen as a farming build but I've had great success with it in regular content thus far (haven't really done iTrials yet). I have no interest in farming, but basically what I'm looking for is a build that can take on a spawn/alpha, and put up nice AoE numbers, but also have survivability for tougher content like iTrials, Apex and/or Tin Mage, etc. The right blend seems to be a combination of buffs/debuffs, damage, and survivability (whether it be control or a defense set). Also, I always team and never solo (except to burn through tips if needed).

I am looking for suggestions for Brute, Corruptor, Dominator (if applicable), Scrapper, and Stalker (if applicable, but I bet it won't). Also if Widow applies (it most likely does). Price is not a concern really (e.g. X build is awesome with Y purple sets)

My first instinct says:
Brute = SS/FA, but I want something tough outside a fire farm (which I will never be doing)...can it be built as such?
Scrapper = Elec/SD. Is this combo chosen simply for alternating LR and SC? Would this combo be better on a Brute? In this case I am more inclined towards damage...whichever combo yields more of it.
Corruptor = Fire/Kin or Fire/Cold, although does /Cold compare to /Kin in this sense? Not looking for a player buffing toon really (in the sense of keeping shields up and what not, you can be sure you would be FS'ed like crazy when around me though)
Dom = ??? .. definitely will want to reach permadom though

Thanks for all your suggestions


Global: @Master Templar on Freedom.
"This here's my demon face. You see I'm Satan's onion...s-scallion.. 'Minion?' no, not that."



DP/EM, DP/MM, or DP/Traps, my good man. I personally find the blaster versions to be plenty durable for charging into the fray on trials or incarnate TFs but some beg to differ most vociferously. Depending on the camp you fall into, the corruptor version is going to still do pretty darn good aoe damage while also removing the possibility of any error on your part resulting in death. Isn't it more fun to play it less safely, though?



Make a Crab Soldier.

They are AOE monsters. Great damage, great team toggle buffs, survivability, and pets.

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



My favorite toon for this kind of fun is my DP/Kin corruptor. However, since you already have a kin, you might not want that. Another combo i really enjoy is my archery/fire blaster. Yummy aoe damage that requires you jumping right in the middle of the action resulting in some hair raising close calls that get the adrenaline going. Play it on x8 or not at all.



Sonic/Mental Blaster produces all sorts of big orange numbers... Concentration/Amplify/Howl/Psychic Scream/Siren's Song, then plink away with scream and shout until the AoE's recharge, not that there is much standing at that point



Biggest AoE orange numbers I've ever been able to create were from my MFing Warshade. I'd tell you to start here.

At its height, The MFing Warshade will have 300% damage bonus, 85% resist all, well over 50% tohit bonus, three damage dealing pets in tow, a ranged AoE attack chain, and the ability to refill both bars more often than I blink. It can also perma stun ten targets, perma hold one, and even stun bosses in a single shot. It has mez protection with an 80% hitpoints bonus on demand. It can even shrug off defeat twice every five minutes.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



If you're looking as Electric Melee and Shield Defense, I'd suggest taking a Shield/Electric tank rather than the scrapper. I know that the scrapper will be putting out more damage, but the defensive capability of the tank cannot be overlooked. It is by far the most enjoyable and indestructible of all my 50s (granted, not a whole lot, just a Stone/Energy/Fire tank, Fire/Fire/Fire tankFire/Kin/Stone controller, and Broadsword/Shield scrapper).



Originally Posted by Ocularis View Post
Make a Crab Soldier.

They are AOE monsters. Great damage, great team toggle buffs, survivability, and pets.
Already have one, agreed!

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Biggest AoE orange numbers I've ever been able to create were from my MFing Warshade. I'd tell you to start here.
Have one of these too. Read your guide regularly Dechs, thanks for publishing it!

Just looking for this type of build in the ATs listed because I pretty much have everything else.


Global: @Master Templar on Freedom.
"This here's my demon face. You see I'm Satan's onion...s-scallion.. 'Minion?' no, not that."



For the dominator, go Fire/Fire/Fire. It's basically a fire blaster with controls and pets. So much fun when permaed. Survivability comes from being able to stun groups of bosses in a single shot with Flashfire under domination.



Big aoe damage while being very survivable?

Go with Soldier/Bane or Crab then. There's a lot of aoe option and with set bonuses, they can definitely survive well enough.

If you want a dom, go with Control / Fiery / Ice. If you are used to farming, you might like Plant/Fire/Ice although I really enjoy my Gravity/Fiery/Ice.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Here would be my choices.

Brute - SS/Fire
Scrapper - Elec/SD or Fire/SD (If you want good ST damage too)
Corruptor - Both Fire/Kin and Fire/Cold are awesome, either would be good
Dom - Fire/Fire or Fire/Psi




Yes, SS/fa can be built to be tough outside of fire farming...I did a solo MoITF (actually got the badge doing that) on mine, duo'd lambda and have played the main tank (sucessfully) in every high level TF and iTrial in game...its not cheap though.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




Originally Posted by Cainus View Post
If you're looking as Electric Melee and Shield Defense, I'd suggest taking a Shield/Electric tank rather than the scrapper. I know that the scrapper will be putting out more damage, but the defensive capability of the tank cannot be overlooked. It is by far the most enjoyable and indestructible of all my 50s (granted, not a whole lot, just a Stone/Energy/Fire tank, Fire/Fire/Fire tankFire/Kin/Stone controller, and Broadsword/Shield scrapper).
the flaw in this logic is this:
there is the same def cap for all melee toons, only resistance is capped for the different AT's. Now hitting the soft cap for def is easier (cheaper) on a tank, it's still achievable on scrappers/brutes, and therefore just as effective (well, outside of the extra hp's you get as a tank). you will do more damage with a scrapper, and close to that with a brute, then you can ever do with a tank. this is not to say that tanks, specifically this build, are not great, i love tanks, but for the orange AoE numbers, go scrapper.

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



If I may humbly suggest:

Elec/elec scrapper.

So much aoe that I recommend you take air superiority just to get a little more single target in your attacks.

Buildup,lightning rod, thunder strike, combined with a good damage aura, and the switch-hitting power of chain lightning, will saturate your aoe cravings.

The biggest downside of a scrapper is the lack of taunt, but in teams this is null and void.

And trust me: With a good build, every 25-odd seconds you will drop like the hammer of the Gods. Lightning rod is just THAT awesome on a scrapper.



Originally Posted by Master_Templar View Post
My first instinct says:
Brute = SS/FA, but I want something tough outside a fire farm (which I will never be doing)...can it be built as such?
Scrapper = Elec/SD. Is this combo chosen simply for alternating LR and SC? Would this combo be better on a Brute? In this case I am more inclined towards damage...whichever combo yields more of it.
Corruptor = Fire/Kin or Fire/Cold, although does /Cold compare to /Kin in this sense? Not looking for a player buffing toon really (in the sense of keeping shields up and what not, you can be sure you would be FS'ed like crazy when around me though)
Dom = ??? .. definitely will want to reach permadom though
Brute: SS/fa can be made durable. SS/elec will be a nice alternate choice.
Scrapper: Elec, or Fire/sd. I would also toss out Spines with /fire, /dark, or elec.
Corrupter: Fire/kin, or Fire/traps.
Dom: I'll go slightly off path and say Plant/fire/ice. Since you already have a Fire controller, I figured going with the second best AoE primary would work.



The problem with most of the builds suggested is that they ARE farming builds...Fire/Kin, SS/Fire....Give me a break! I think some people in this thread are in denial. You are naming quintessential farming builds. That you want a tough farming build means apparently you just want to farm more difficult content, but don't kid yourselves.

I think some of the blaster suggestions in this thread might be fun, as they are atypical and there is a little risk even if you are relatively IOd out. Another thing might be a /sonic defender of some sort. Or you could choose a typical farming AT like tank, but choose an atypical one like Ice/Ice/Ice, which does have lots of AOEs.

Best of luck and I hope you find something you enjoy.

"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator



Originally Posted by _Ail_ View Post
The problem with most of the builds suggested is that they ARE farming builds...Fire/Kin, SS/Fire....Give me a break! I think some people in this thread are in denial. You are naming quintessential farming builds. That you want a tough farming build means apparently you just want to farm more difficult content, but don't kid yourselves.

i think i have a spare point finder that you can use, you seemed to have missed the above point.

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Dom: I'll go slightly off path and say Plant/fire/ice. Since you already have a Fire controller, I figured going with the second best AoE primary would work.
I will second Amy's suggestion of a plant/fire dom but will suggest going plant/fire/fire instead - the damage boost from embrace of fire will boost the attacks in fire mastery and its a BIG boost - which is up pretty often on a high recharge dominator. My plant/fire/fire dom has it down to a 50 second recharge - with a 30 second duration thats better than 60% uptime on an 85% damage boost. Seeds + roots (to lock things in place) + RoF + Fireball will produce impressively huge numbers and carrion creepers is just icing on the cake. While ice mastery will be better for groups, since the debuff in sleet helps all damage, solo you are probably better off with fire mastery.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by _Ail_ View Post
The problem with most of the builds suggested is that they ARE farming builds...Fire/Kin, SS/Fire....Give me a break! I think some people in this thread are in denial. You are naming quintessential farming builds. That you want a tough farming build means apparently you just want to farm more difficult content, but don't kid yourselves.

I think some of the blaster suggestions in this thread might be fun, as they are atypical and there is a little risk even if you are relatively IOd out. Another thing might be a /sonic defender of some sort. Or you could choose a typical farming AT like tank, but choose an atypical one like Ice/Ice/Ice, which does have lots of AOEs.

Best of luck and I hope you find something you enjoy.
Uh, well a farming build is a farming build because it creates lots of big orange AoE yeah

As i understand it the OP wants an build with tons of AoE but doesnt intend to just farm the same damn mission over and over. A fire/kin or SS/fire both do exactly was the OP asked for. They creats lots of AoE and both of those builds are GREAT in normal content. confused by your post. Whats the problem exactly?

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




Originally Posted by _Ail_ View Post
The problem with most of the builds suggested is that they ARE farming builds...Fire/Kin, SS/Fire....Give me a break! I think some people in this thread are in denial. You are naming quintessential farming builds. That you want a tough farming build means apparently you just want to farm more difficult content, but don't kid yourselves.
Dude, just because it is possible to farm with a build, does not make it a farmer. Much like the toon the OP gave in his post of a fire/kin troller.

You can farm with just about anything. even an Ice/storm troller I read recently.

As for the topic. Bot/traps or a bots/storm provides a decent amount of orange floaties. My favorite toon I run on these days, a fire/traps Corr is unreal in what it can do, and how many different ways to do it.

An elec/dark brute or scrapper can throw out some decent numbers although things start to break down for me at +3/8 or so. Elec doesnt suit me well. The animations are too long and sometimes dark regen needs to fire NOW.

*A Fire/SD scrapper throws out crazy damage.



Isn't it implicit from the original post that MT is looking for something a little more interesting than "the usual?" It seemed that way to me. Something tells me he has possibly considered SS/FA before! Rather than suggesting the most glaringly obvious combination, why not suggest something fun and different that you have experience with and think might suit him?



Well, from the OP comments, he wasn't opposed to a SS/FA, he was just worried that it might be too frail in normal content. I can say that you can build a very durable /FA Brute, and my SS/FA Brute is my main incarnate and does just fine. I got the impression that the OP didn't have some intrinsic opposition to farm builds, he simple didn't want a build that was only good for farming. The key to a durable SS/FA Brute is S/L Defense, which is gained by slotting Kinetic Combats and Obliteration sets. It's not cheap, but it's not purple expensive either.

For other nice builds with good AE, as was suggested, a Plant/Fire dom is just great, big damage numbers, with perma-dom, moderately durable, If you go Plant/Fire/Ice, you can pick up Frozen Armor, and get good S/L defense numbers as well. Though that gets to be a tight build.

Also nice is a Fire/Traps Corrupter. You can build for softcap defense, you get status protection, and a nice combo of debuffs and damage. Only question is if you can enjoy the way traps works. Fire/Cold is becoming very popular, but IMO is a bit more lacking solo/self buffed but better in groups. I tend to solo a lot, so have had a hard time convincing myself to do a /cold. Once Fire is ported to Defenders, I might be able to convince myself to do a Cold/Fire Defender, not having to wait til 35 to get sleet would be nice.

You can do some nice stuff with a Fire/SD Scrapper. I have an Elec/SD scrapper who is nice, but I decided I like my SS/FA brute better. I basically found that a /SD scrapper is nice, but felt a bit too one dimensional to me. /FA has less purely defensive abilities then /SD, however the area where it's lacking, defense, is the easiest to cover with pool powers and IOs, IMO. So I just found it easier to build up my /FA brute, then my /SD scrapper.

There are some of my opinions, ranking the builds in the order I find the most fun, I would say SS/FA brute, then Plant/Fire Dom, then a tie for a /SD Scrapper and a Corrupter of some sort.



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Dude, just because it is possible to farm with a build, does not make it a farmer. Much like the toon the OP gave in his post of a fire/kin troller.
I am sorry if I was too grouchy. As far as I can tell the OP was asking for one of:

(1) A way to make traditional farming builds more durable. This seems to be the most likely possibility because he wants something "that can take on a spawn/alpha, and put up nice AoE numbers, but also have survivability for tougher content". He also then proceeds to name a veritable laundry list of popular farming builds that he is thinking of. If this is the case, I think he probably should have just asked for ways to make farming builds more durable since that is what he seemingly wants rather than something that is "not a farming build".

(2) He genuinely thinks the AT combinations he is listing are not farming builds and that his desire for "Big orange AoE numbers" and "take on a spawn/alpha, and put up nice AoE numbers" are not something that virtually every farming build goes for. In this case, I was merely pointing out that he was misguided and that the builds he was mentioning wanting were apparently just durable farming builds. I then tried to point out a couple of interesting non-farming builds (or ideas for them) if he actually wanted to take that step.

I hope he has success finding whatever sort of build he wants and would be happy to offer more opinions about fun builds along with everyone else.

"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Dude, just because it is possible to farm with a build, does not make it a farmer. Much like the toon the OP gave in his post of a fire/kin troller.
This, and yes, I play a 50 Bots/Traps already and it puts out the AoE hurt.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Isn't it implicit from the original post that MT is looking for something a little more interesting than "the usual?" It seemed that way to me. Something tells me he has possibly considered SS/FA before! Rather than suggesting the most glaringly obvious combination, why not suggest something fun and different that you have experience with and think might suit him?
Yeah! I mean, I know the general farm builds, just wondering if you all had any other sleeper suggestions I'd be willing to hear them for sure

Originally Posted by Vysires View Post
Well, from the OP comments, he wasn't opposed to a SS/FA, he was just worried that it might be too frail in normal content. I can say that you can build a very durable /FA Brute, and my SS/FA Brute is my main incarnate and does just fine. I got the impression that the OP didn't have some intrinsic opposition to farm builds, he simple didn't want a build that was only good for farming.
Exactly, sorry if I was unclear earlier.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions so far, great stuff to think about!


Global: @Master Templar on Freedom.
"This here's my demon face. You see I'm Satan's onion...s-scallion.. 'Minion?' no, not that."