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Originally Posted by Zenyth View Post
Positron - Has recently been getting some much needed characterization. Chances of death? Slim...Numitron (Ugh, I cant believe I just used that...) breaking would send certain elements of the fanbase into a frothing rage.
Wouldn't Numitron work just as well if they were both dead?



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Well the obvious choice for who to kill off first should be any sig character with an ally rez. Otherwise attempts to kill off anyone else will just result in them being resurrected by their comrades.
You know, like what Lady Grey did in the comics for most of the Freedom Phalanx? (or was it the Dark Watcher... I'm sure it's Lady Grey though since Manticore's said DW is actually a dark/regen scrapper)
It was Dark Watcher who rezzed the Phalanx in the comics. In-game Lady Grey is a dark/dark defender so she could have a rez, but she's never to my knowledge had/used Howling Twilight in any media (which makes her a noob).

Then of course the Phalanx has their own pocket heelzor in Numina.

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So, can Blue Steel have Manticore's stuff? If not... can the Cursed Sorcerer have his stuff?

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



I dunno. I wouldn't really call Manticore that great of a Defender.

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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Arcs have shown that Protean is still out there, so it's a safe bet he'll be involved in this somehow.

The Going Rogue trailer about switching sides showed Manticore and Ghost Widow prominently, as well as States and Recluse.

Mender Silos, at least at one point, thought Manticore was important to the Coming Storm.

Manticore "died" already in the comic.

I think the broken bow is obvious misdirection.


That always struck me as weird, btw. Scirocco? Sure, he'd jump ship, but GW is arguably the most loyal of the lieutenants. (if to Arachnos, and not Lord Recluse)

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Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
That always struck me as weird, btw. Scirocco? Sure, he'd jump ship, but GW is arguably the most loyal of the lieutenants. (if to Arachnos, and not Lord Recluse)
I think Ghost Widow is more loyal to herself and whatever falls in line with what she wants.

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Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
That always struck me as weird, btw. Scirocco? Sure, he'd jump ship, but GW is arguably the most loyal of the lieutenants. (if to Arachnos, and not Lord Recluse)
Right. She's bound to Arachnos, not Recluse.

So if, say, the majority of the organization broke away from Recluse OR someone ousted Recluse from his position as Arachnos leader and took the organization in another direction...

But who could weave a scheme like that?




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Right. She's bound to Arachnos, not Recluse.

So if, say, the majority of the organization broke away from Recluse OR someone ousted Recluse from his position as Arachnos leader and took the organization in another direction...

But who could weave a scheme like that?

Arachnos as a whole jumping ship? that would be... Interesting.

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om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
Arachnos as a whole jumping ship? that would be... Interesting.
Since when has Arachnos ever been "whole"?

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Eh. If Manti dies Sister Psyche will just kidnap Chimera and mind-control him into THINKING he's Manti ...
That would be sick actually.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Manticore is going to die so Sister Psyche can move on!
Manticore is the first to go in LRSF anyway, dang arrows are a PITA.

While I like the idea of the signature arcs, how are they different from someone creating an arc in AE with the signature heroes...will they have "real" impact on the gameworld? If Manticore "dies" does he disappear as a Task Force contact in Brickstown?

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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
While I like the idea of the signature arcs, how are they different from someone creating an arc in AE with the signature heroes...will they have "real" impact on the gameworld? If Manticore "dies" does he disappear as a Task Force contact in Brickstown?
One possible angle they might be looking at is extending the disappearing contact tech from the 1-20 GR content - signature arcs might give players the chance to make choices that will allow them to "customize" their game world in a limited way.
For example, while Heroes and Villains currently all have identical game worlds, some Praetorians have a game world where Cleopatra is dead, while others have one where Washington is dead.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Who will die? It is obvious...

Our characters will die, hostages in the missions will die. None of the signature heroes will die!

But I bet Manticore is cheesed off about that broken bow I broke as I fell, I'll tell ya!



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
Arachnos as a whole jumping ship? that would be... Interesting.
Like, if someone took over the organization and wanted to give them a veneer of legitimacy to the international community, perhaps to capitalize on an impending disaster like the Coming Storm.


Recluse is pretty heavy handed. He's not making much progress taking over the world because, duh, his actions look obviously evil to the world at large. But someone looking to make gains in power with a more subtle touch would try something like this. First they'd have to get Recluse out of power, though.

It would be deliciously ironic how villains, by way of Ouroboros, are responsible for putting Recluse in power, could well be the ones helping to take him out of power in the signature arcs.




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
One possible angle they might be looking at is extending the disappearing contact tech from the 1-20 GR content - signature arcs might give players the chance to make choices that will allow them to "customize" their game world in a limited way.
For example, while Heroes and Villains currently all have identical game worlds, some Praetorians have a game world where Cleopatra is dead, while others have one where Washington is dead.
It would make sense to leverage this technology in other parts of the game, and signature arcs seem like a good opportunity.

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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
If Manticore "dies" does he disappear as a Task Force contact in Brickstown?
It's about time that TF was updated, you know... I mean, Hopkins? Really?!



This isn't aimed at anyone in particular in this thread. There's a sentiment I've noticed across a lot of threads. To be honest, I kind of think people are overreacting when they worry about Arachnos (and Lord Recluse in particular) being "displaced" by other, shinier villains. For a long time, Statesman and Recluse have enjoyed a classic Saturday morning cartoon tug-of-war that dwarfed the legitimacy of other threats, and made Primal Earth less complicated on its face. But this is an area where it's better to be more complicated.

Most of us are adults here, many of us read comics where Doctor Doom isn't the only villain to worry about. Dark Reign is a perfect example, look at how Norman Osborn literally stole the show. Meanwhile, heroes like Spider-Man, the X-Men and the Fantastic Four have their own signature villains to contend with. The Joker is as much a concern for Batman as Magneto is to the X-Men. Magneto could smash the Joker, but that makes the Joker no less threatening to the citizens that Batman has sworn to protect. Similarly, the Hellions and the Skulls are no less a threat to my "street-level" character Time's Arrow, than Lord Recluse is to Captain-Electric. Because of the game's built-in graduation to higher levels of villains, I had no way of expressing this reality for Time's Arrow until Mission Architect came along.

The point I'm making is-- well, to put it a better way, the hope I'm expressing is that the signature story arcs will give Paragon Studios an opportunity to flesh out ALL KINDS of underdeveloped villains, and give them much-deserved attention.

Some enemies (like the Trolls) may not need to be unnecessarily overcomplicated. But on the same token, many people I've teamed with in-game seem to view the Council and the 5th Column as uncoordinated goons who pose no substantial threat to Paragon City. This is absolutely not the case according to the fiction, so I'm hoping the signature story arcs will allow these villain groups to teach our characters a valuable lesson about the consequences of complacency.

Don't even get me started on Nemesis. He's jokingly been reduced to an in-game meme (though perhaps this is by his design LOL). But go read this bit of history on the official website, and you'll see why I think this villain is capable of doing more harm to Paragon City than Lord Recluse.

On top of all this, I'm hoping that the signature story arcs will introduce us occasionally to smaller threats, "villains of the week", the kind you see in comics in-between standard arcs, or who sometimes serve to kick-start bigger plots (think of Tracer). And as I said previously in this thread, I think the signature arcs pose an opportunity for well-known comic authors to do guest work for Paragon Studios. It would be neat. Maybe an IP cross-over could even happen. Hey, I can dream. Certainly not between CoH and "the big two" publishers, but maybe other franchises like Top Cow, who have a positive history with Paragon Studios.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Don't even get me started on Nemesis. He's jokingly been reduced to an in-game meme (though perhaps this is by his design LOL). But go read this bit of history on the official website, and you'll see why I think this villain is capable of doing more harm to Paragon City than Lord Recluse.
Yeah, I really agree. Nemesis is a personal favorite of mine.



I sometimes think that what they really need is to go back to their roots and reinstate Rick Dakan or else get a real comic book writer to go along with their real comic book artist.

Someone needs to show the world and its signature villains some real TLC. Of course, I say that without having seen anything of the revamped newbie experience or any of the signature story arcs. It may be that they're just waiting to unveil some new content that will make us all sit up and say "Wow!"

I may have gotten jaded but I feel like I really haven't had that wow moment since Croatoa and Faultline. At least one of the red-names seems to be really excited about the signature arcs, so we can hope that it really is that exciting.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Don't even get me started on Nemesis. He's jokingly been reduced to an in-game meme (though perhaps this is by his design LOL). But go read this bit of history on the official website, and you'll see why I think this villain is capable of doing more harm to Paragon City than Lord Recluse.
I agree. Once you consider everything Nemesis is capable of and has done, he goes from Snidely Whiplash with a steampunk fetish to a transdimensional mass murdering tyrant with over a century and a half of experience behind him. Nemesis has been around since the 1860s. He once toppled, however briefly, the American government and declared himself Emperor. He has destroyed multiple worlds, ravaged the Rikti homeworld, and started one of the greatest cataclysms in Primal Earth's human history. He has nearly unassailable outposts and staging grounds throughout the Shadow Shard, and commands thousands of soldiers. He is directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people and countless heroes. He's like Dr. Doom if Doom wasn't constrained by his obsession with Reed Richards or his pretenses of honor or nobility.

And to top it off, he can't be killed. Thanks to his brain being as artificial as the rest of his body, every time you destroy his frame, he just gets a new body. While this probably hasn't helped his sanity at all, it makes him very difficult to stop or contain permanently. He's one of the game's major big bads.

Though I admit, I always kind of wanted Nemesis to actually be Joshua Norton rather than that Gerhardt Eisenstadt. "We don't have kings here." "That, my dear, is where you are wrong. I am America's first, last, only and eternal Emperor."

I think a major reason people start taking things like the Council, the Column, and Nemesis less seriously is just over exposure to them. Especially ones like the Council and Column who, to a higher level player, have been faced and defeated more times than they can count. They can't seem to do anything without someone showing up and beating the tar out of a company of their guys. This is acerbated by in-game mechanics. A high level, IO'd out character, especially scrappers, brutes, and tanks, can just tear through vast numbers of Council without much problem. When an entire battalion of super-soldiers, science vampires, werewolves, warbots and space luchadores can't stop one five foot three girl... they start seeming like Team Redshirt. Especially as those super-soldiers are described in the fluff as almost needing anti-tank weapons to seriously hurt, but your unpowered kung fu master goes through them like a chainsaw.

But I think a lot of it is just the inherent limitations of the game, and having to tone down things to make them more palatable. Since no matter how many times you defeat Council Plot #4873 you'll still be facing more of them, they can't be ultra-competent and have limitless numbers. Or the Freakshow attacking entire office buildings full of people. Or just how many people did the Vahzilok need to grab to make that many zombies. Or, heck, Dark Astoria, where apparently, according to the lore, the heroes allowed an entire section of the city full of tens of thousands of people to be walled off undefended and did nothing to help them even as the zombie armies of the Banished Pantheon closed in. When you start having carnage on a level that exceeds events usually described as "history-changing national tragedies" on multiple occasions, or even regular events, it starts becoming... somewhat difficult to swallow.

So you tone it down a bit in your head, make Paragon City less of a war zone that makes Mogadishu look boring and placid. Even if it becomes the in-game equivalent of like how in GI Joe there'd always be parachutes after a plane got shot down.

In any case...

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The problem with Nemesis is over-exposure. When nearly every major event in the game up to and including the Rikti War turns out to be a Nemesis plot for some inane super-villain motivation that boils down to "Soon I will be Invincible!", he goes from Doctor Doom to Doctor Evil.

It certainly didn't help that Ouroboros is run by yet another Nemesis alt or maybe he's even our Lord Nemesis who finally did become Invincible only to discover that it meant that HE had to turn around and save the world now. Then there's our Super DeeJay...

Instead of making him really subtle and maybe even admirable in some fashion, he's just this pumped up would-be dictator with silly super-villain motives. Worse, we hardly ever see any evidence of his "brilliance". We're just told over and over that he's the most devious and brilliant mind of the last two centuries, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Anyway... I wouldn't be surprised if Shiva turned out to be a Nemesis plot of some kind.



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
He's like Dr. Doom if Doom wasn't constrained by his obsession with Reed Richards or his pretenses of honor or nobility.
I agree with most of what you're saying, but I have to call attention to this.

He's more like Dr. Doom if Doom kept his ego in check and never took credit for anything he's done. And, he shouldn't be.

Allow me to explain.

Nemesis is supposed to have this grand self-importance, like all good megalomaniac super villains.

Despite the fact he's probably the individual that has had the most impact on the affairs of the CoH world, he makes little impact with the player.

We don't get to see him hijack television broadcasts and proclaim his superiority and make his "rule you all" speech. The most 'face time' we get of him is in the RWZ arc where he's talking down to Lady G. He spends so much time in the shadows pulling the strings that we forget about him. And that should be intolerable to him.

He's now a joke, a meme. He comes off less active than other villains of his stature like Recluse, when in fact he obviously isn't.

Yes, from a logical perspective he can do way more damage if he keeps operating like he has been, mostly in quiet and by proxy. But, I don't think that fits his character. As you said, he's Dr. Doom, not Loki. He should be so confident that he is making public displays and telling everyone what he's going to do because you cannot possibly stop him.

To me, what it comes down to is he's got a Dr. Doom/Golden Age Lex Luthor mentality, but he's using David Xanatos/Loki's modus operandi, and that's never tracked with me.




Good point. I think that might be part of the problem. They never seem to decide if he sticks to the shadows or likes to ham it up. I mean, in every appearance he comes across as really wanting to break into a full villainous monologue. Which I'd be fine with. We need more evil monologues.

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Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
Good point. I think that might be part of the problem. They never seem to decide if he sticks to the shadows or likes to ham it up. I mean, in every appearance he comes across as really wanting to break into a full villainous monologue. Which I'd be fine with. We need more evil monologues.
I had an idea a while ago. It went with a series of suggestions I was going to make directed at revitalizing zone content/events/street sweeping. Basically to give people a reason to 'go on patrol'.

The one relevant to this was the Nemesis Propaganda Booth.
Basically, in a random populated area in any zone, a Nemesis Drill tank pops up and deploys a device that shows an automated video/projection of Nemesis delivering a hammy propaganda speech over the loud speakers and leveless 'invasion code' troops to defend it. The booth itself would have a good hunk of HP and periodically use a Personal Force Field like the Fake Neme do, only more often. Once the propaganda device and drill tank were destroyed, a Tip would drop to an instanced mission to destroy a nearby Nemesis hideout or some such.
