
Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post

In any case...

Dang these ads are pretty



"I assure you, my good man. Lord Nemesis is 'down with the street'. 'Word up, my homey', as it were."

This has to be one of the most memorable pieces of NPC dialog ever written, not the least because it sums up the entire Nemesis story in a couple of sentences.

If Nemesis had remained this mad, Prussian would-be world conqueror who was mentally stuck in the 19th century and so his behavior was explainable from that standpoint, then I think that he would have remained an interesting character.

Instead, he's depicted as this mad genius who just happens to have a steam fixation, unless that's also just a cover for his true plans. Which would still be alright if his plans weren't all some sort of saturday morning cartoon villainy. "I'm going to upload my mind into the Rikti Overmind and then I will RULE THE WORLD! If I kill half of the world's population in the process, well, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs."



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
I think a major reason people start taking things like the Council, the Column, and Nemesis less seriously is just over exposure to them. Especially ones like the Council and Column who, to a higher level player, have been faced and defeated more times than they can count. They can't seem to do anything without someone showing up and beating the tar out of a company of their guys. This is acerbated by in-game mechanics. A high level, IO'd out character, especially scrappers, brutes, and tanks, can just tear through vast numbers of Council without much problem. When an entire battalion of super-soldiers, science vampires, werewolves, warbots and space luchadores can't stop one five foot three girl... they start seeming like Team Redshirt. Especially as those super-soldiers are described in the fluff as almost needing anti-tank weapons to seriously hurt, but your unpowered kung fu master goes through them like a chainsaw.

But I think a lot of it is just the inherent limitations of the game, and having to tone down things to make them more palatable. Since no matter how many times you defeat Council Plot #4873 you'll still be facing more of them, they can't be ultra-competent and have limitless numbers. Or the Freakshow attacking entire office buildings full of people. Or just how many people did the Vahzilok need to grab to make that many zombies. Or, heck, Dark Astoria, where apparently, according to the lore, the heroes allowed an entire section of the city full of tens of thousands of people to be walled off undefended and did nothing to help them even as the zombie armies of the Banished Pantheon closed in. When you start having carnage on a level that exceeds events usually described as "history-changing national tragedies" on multiple occasions, or even regular events, it starts becoming... somewhat difficult to swallow.
Another thing is that a lot of this happened off-screen. Black Monday, the Rikti War, the fall of Astoria, you find out about all that through missions and badges. In-game, Nemesis has minions milling about aimlessly in Peregrine Isle while the main man himself is 'down with the street' and telling Lady Grey not to worry her pretty head. There's no 'holy crap this guy really is dangerous' factor with, well, just about any of our main villains. You kind of got a taste of it in Recluse's Victory and the alternate worlds, but even then there's not much of an 'oh crap' factor.

At least, not until you see Kings Row, Skyway City, and (eventually) Galaxy City in ruins and then you start wondering if now its getting real...

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Personally, I like the Nemesis exactly because he ISN'T hijacking TV stations and proclaiming himself ruler and storming City Hall for no reason. That, more than anything else, would make him into a cartoon villain. What I like about the man is that he's more sinister than anything else. He's far more scary when he ISN'T doing something overt, simply for the fact that it just means he's still doing something but I just don't know what it is. I also don't really want to see him proclaim himself emperor of the world of king of America or whatever, because as I understand his mentality, Nemesis really isn't after "rule." He does genuinely feel that everyone is better off under his "benign" rule. Or dead, either way work.

To be honest, easily explainable motivations like "he's just insane" or "he hats humanity" or "his mother didn't hug him enough" just... Bother me. People aren't this easy to sum up in a sentence. In a lot of ways, I actually prefer a villain whose actions can somewhat be justified, someone you can't just point to and say "Everything this guy says is wrong by default." The villain who's ultimately right is ultimately the coolest, at least in my eyes.


The Freakshow, on the other hand, have become a joke because someone on the development team MADE them into a joke. They went from being your typical post-apocalyptic anime monsters to silly goofballs that we make fun of because they don't have hands, they speak in "l33t" even though they didn't use to and because it's funny to see jacker-up cybernetic thugs trying to do homework or run pawn shops. Because it's funny, and not because it makes for compelling storytelling.

And I'm sick and tired of jokes that make a mockery out of what is an otherwise compelling narrative. Enough with the Hellion Girlfriends, please. They're not funny any more.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Even given how ludicrous I happen to find the whole business with Nemesis and the original Rikti Invasion (deliberately being vague to avoid spoilers) I'd feel better if I thought he had at least learned something from the experience and changed in some fashion because of it.

Instead, it seems that he just took the Thomas Edison view - "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." And, hey, he discovered a NEW way to try and take over a different world in the process! Boy, howdy!

Nemesis and his antics literally put me off of the game for a significant amount of time (which probably says I was approaching a burn-out phase, anyway, but still...).

Just to swing this back around to being halfway on-topic:

I'm looking forward to the signature arcs, but I want a reason to care about the death of whoever it is, and if I so much as hear a character mention Nemesis plots behind any of it I'm going seriously consider turning into a Premium level player.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
I'm looking forward to the signature arcs, but I want a reason to care about the death of whoever it is, and if I so much as hear a character mention Nemesis plots behind any of it I'm going seriously consider turning into a Premium level player.
It might be a good idea to start seriously considering

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I agree with most of what you're saying, but I have to call attention to this.

He's more like Dr. Doom if Doom kept his ego in check and never took credit for anything he's done. And, he shouldn't be.

Allow me to explain.

Nemesis is supposed to have this grand self-importance, like all good megalomaniac super villains.

Despite the fact he's probably the individual that has had the most impact on the affairs of the CoH world, he makes little impact with the player.

We don't get to see him hijack television broadcasts and proclaim his superiority and make his "rule you all" speech. The most 'face time' we get of him is in the RWZ arc where he's talking down to Lady G. He spends so much time in the shadows pulling the strings that we forget about him. And that should be intolerable to him.

He's now a joke, a meme. He comes off less active than other villains of his stature like Recluse, when in fact he obviously isn't.

Yes, from a logical perspective he can do way more damage if he keeps operating like he has been, mostly in quiet and by proxy. But, I don't think that fits his character. As you said, he's Dr. Doom, not Loki. He should be so confident that he is making public displays and telling everyone what he's going to do because you cannot possibly stop him.
So your solution to make Nemesis less "cartoonish" is to make him even MORE cartoonish? How does that work?



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
The problem with Nemesis is over-exposure. When nearly every major event in the game up to and including the Rikti War turns out to be a Nemesis plot for some inane super-villain motivation that boils down to "Soon I will be Invincible!", he goes from Doctor Doom to Doctor Evil.

It certainly didn't help that Ouroboros is run by yet another Nemesis alt or maybe he's even our Lord Nemesis who finally did become Invincible only to discover that it meant that HE had to turn around and save the world now. Then there's our Super DeeJay...

Instead of making him really subtle and maybe even admirable in some fashion, he's just this pumped up would-be dictator with silly super-villain motives. Worse, we hardly ever see any evidence of his "brilliance". We're just told over and over that he's the most devious and brilliant mind of the last two centuries, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Anyway... I wouldn't be surprised if Shiva turned out to be a Nemesis plot of some kind.
Dude, I really enjoy reading your posts, very smart, always informed. I'm not saying this to be a jerk, but I have to say it. You just ruined and spoiled part of the game for me. Not everyone here is a six-year vet or whatever. I started playing in March of 2009, but I have 23 characters and only one of them is level 50 (no incarnates yet). The in-game stories are a massive reason for my subscribing. I haven't seen everything yet. I'm not normally given to impulses or extremes (not including booster pack purchases heh), but I'm seriously considering limiting my forum reading to the News and Announcements section from now on.

Again, not saying this to be a jerk. And if I thought you were a jerk, I wouldn't bother either. You seem like a cool guy. I hope you'll reconsider next time you want to non-nonchalantly drop a major spoiler in a general forum thread.

Alternately, maybe I'm the one at fault here, and I should expect to see content spoilers on the forums. Maybe the community is OK with spoiling the game content for newer players. Okay. I can accept that. No sarcasm, just let me know what you guys think. I can still enjoy the game without using these forums.

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Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
So your solution to make Nemesis less "cartoonish" is to make him even MORE cartoonish? How does that work?
Oh, it's not "realistic" for villains in hiding to make broadcasts and release videos about the attacks they've made and threaten to make? Where have you been the past 10 years, or do I have to be more explicit?




No, you're right and that was my bad, if you're talking about the Rikti thing. It's old news for many but not for everyone. I assume you didn't mean Mender Silos - If you did, then Positron himself let the cat out of the bag when he hinted rather broadly within the first few days of Ouroboros' existence that Mender Silos is an anagram. That's one I'd consider to be open knowledge.

You're correct, though and I even caught onto that myself in another thread where I was a bit more careful about potential spoilers. I apologize for any spoilage here.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Oh, it's not "realistic" for villains in hiding to make broadcasts and release videos about the attacks they've made and threaten to make? Where have you been the past 10 years, or do I have to be more explicit?

Hm, last I checked those last ten years saw pretty much nothing come out from the guy you're talking about (because he was "in hiding!") aside from remix tapes and I keep up with that stuff quite regularly.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
No, you're right and that was my bad, if you're talking about the Rikti thing. It's old news for many but not for everyone. I assume you didn't mean Mender Silos - If you did, then Positron himself let the cat out of the bag when he hinted rather broadly within the first few days of Ouroboros' existence that Mender Silos is an anagram. That's one I'd consider to be open knowledge.

You're correct, though and I even caught onto that myself in another thread where I was a bit more careful about potential spoilers. I apologize for any spoilage here.
Thank you. Apology accepted. It's not like I've never spoiled a book or movie ending for someone, I'm sure most people have. But this was definitetly a big spoiler for me and I'm a two year vet. So when the newbie floodgates open, I hope people will be mindful of this. Btw, it was the Rikti and Ouroboros both, because I wasn't around when Ouroboros came into existence. I've also been putting the Ouroboros arcs off until just recently. Also I spend more time in-game than here on the forums, so I don't read everything there is to read.

Edit: Also, most of my friends in-game came into CoH around the same time I did, give or take. Out of almost all of them, only a couple of us seem to visit the website or forums regularly (judging by how often I have to tell people about updates and stuff). So if you're wondering how something that's considered open knowledge to some might not be open knowledge to all, there it is.

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So word on the street is that these aren't the only posters like this floating around. Anyone see any other ones?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
I assume you didn't mean Mender Silos - If you did, then Positron himself let the cat out of the bag when he hinted rather broadly within the first few days of Ouroboros' existence that Mender Silos is an anagram. That's one I'd consider to be open knowledge.
That one is definitely not a spoiler anymore, considering that Ramiel will flat out tell you if you ask him.



I agree that we should be careful about giving away spoilers and plots that seem old to us but new players will want to play throu and find out on their own. I've read the 2 books and all the comics and most of the in-game lore so I need to make sure and not reveal things as well, so stop reading if u have never been to or played the Rikti War Zone stuff.


I'm going to guess that Hero 1 will be back and healthy soon with Vanguard hopefully with these new arcs. And I hope Statesman or Manticore dont get killed off as these 3 are my favorites signature heroes.



Originally Posted by Jot View Post


I'm going to guess that Hero 1 will be back and healthy soon with Vanguard hopefully with these new arcs. And I hope Statesman or Manticore dont get killed off as these 3 are my favorites signature heroes.
On that note, I'd love to find out what Hero 1's Praetorian counterpart is like.



And no one has posted this yet?

Mods, please advise if this is against the TOS/offensive. :/

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
And no one has posted this yet?

Mods, please advise if this is against the TOS/offensive. :/
Hey, if it's up on GameInformer, it's "fair game." I'm busy trying to find pics for the other five members of the FP...


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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Hey, if it's up on GameInformer, it's "fair game." I'm busy trying to find pics for the other five members of the FP...

I thought I had heard that they were all out already, and just hadn't been tracked down yet--but I'm thinking now that they're hiding them more or less one a day right now. Kind of like the dwarves from the Hobbit.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I don't want to see any of the Freedom Phalanx die.

I even started to understand Statesman's attitude, while reading the comics. There's a reason why a few of the Phalanx members sometimes display petty attitudes and behavior (especially in Statesman's case), they are kind of like the Greek pantheon of Primal Earth, and Paragon City is like their Olympus. It's not an exact analogy, but it's not far from the mark either.

On a side note, see how I wrote that without spoiling any details, maybe just hinting? And I figure EVERYONE should know "THAT" by now. But I'm practicing keeping my lips sealed for all the innocent new arrivals who are soon to come! Come to think of it, I didn't know much about Statesman's origin for the first six months I played. I kind of saw him as a Captain America/Superman amalgam, but boy was I wrong. Anyway, I read about it in Top Cow's first City of Heroes issue, as opposed to reading a spoiler on the forum. Made it much cooler.

More on topic, sometimes heroes in the comics have to die. It reminds us that they have really been putting their lives on the line all this time. It also reminds us that their enemies are serious about getting rid of them. All good fiction builds tension. Comics are no different. You can't have tension without conflict, sometimes dangerous conflict.

When heroes and villains are brought back from the dead, people traditionally grumble and moan, but those have been some of the most interesting and entertaining stories in comics history. You might say, "well, comics AREN'T good for building tension, because they always bring the characters back." This is a popular meme. But it's not true for those of us who've been emotionally gripped by a story arc that was well-written, one that threatened a super hero's life, or the lives of civilians they're protecting.

A good story makes you forget about Fourth Wall concepts like comics traditions, and places you right in the context of the story. This is the pinnacle of "pretend". Good stories encourage us to turn all of our real world biases off at the door, like you would your cell phone at a movie. There will always be people who can't seem to do either of these things. But most of us can sympathize with a hero in danger, who wouldn't be aware they'd just be conveniently written back into existence some day if they die.

When a character dies, you don't know when they'll return, or how they'll have changed. Sometimes, a character might not come back for years. The possibility that one of your favorite characters might not be around for years can build tension. And sometimes, they don't return.

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Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
On that note, I'd love to find out what Hero 1's Praetorian counterpart is like.
Yep, thats one I've been waiting on too.



Originally Posted by Surgepoint View Post
Let's not forget: if Galaxy City's 'present' version goes all kablooey, then BABs will be vacated from his primary NPC responsibility. Of course he'll still be present in the past version 'Echo of Galaxy City', but otherwise there is no reason for him to be alive, story-wise.
Yup. Besides if this story arc follows horror movie logic, the token black guy is always the first to be killed so it has to be him. ;p
I would try and defend the poor guy but he didn't really get anything to do until GR launched and that isn't him, that's his alternate self.
If they aren't going to bump him off, I would like to see him (or another ethnically diverse male character) take a larger role in what happens going forward.

O ye that love cake! Ye that love to lick and nibble, stand forth! Freedom to taste and savor hath been hunted round the boards. If I am to be denied my cake ere long, let it be said that I went to my fate with a face full of creamy frosting and a smile on my face.
Go. Nibble. Lick Cake!