Jump Kick?




Ok, I keep hearing that Jump Kick is pure crap and has a long animation and thus never picked it with any of my toons. Yet, Mid's shows that both Jump Kick and Air Sup have the same animation time (1,5s) the same damage and Jump Kick recharges at 2,6s instead of 4. Is this a mistake?



City of Data does too, (although it's lited at 2.8 not 2.6 recharge).

They may be correct, I only picked the power once in like 2007 so I don't remember.

Problem is, the animation is very ugly and it has a 20% knockup chance compared to the -fly and 100% knockdown from AS.

The long animation thing may come from the fact (I'm guessing here folks) that Jump Kick only delivers its blow at the very end of the animation while AS hits the enemy mid-animation, so the 1.5 cast time must account for the time in AS that you go all the way down with your hands after hitting the enemy.



It's 2,8s in Mids, too. My mistake.

I guess you're right about how long it takes for the attack to deliver the damage. It gives the impression of a longer animation, which was the case with KM, too, spreading the rumour of a slow animating set.



Jump Kick's animation is actually substantially longer than 1.5 seconds, but it can be canceled after that point. Several of KM's powers work that way as well. This was not always the case, however, and originally you had to wait out the entire pointless post-kick double-flip before you could do anything else, which contributes to the lasting stigma.

But in any case, yes, Air Superiority is seen as good not because it's a stellar attack, but because it's an excellent mitigation and utility tool that is also a not-entirely-terrible attack.



Jump Kick is not terrible these days, as it once was. Indeed, the recharge time is very attractive as filler for a low price, low recharge build that doesn't want to take six+ attack powers.

With the "FREEDOM" upgrade incoming, I expect a lot of powers to get more attention, and some conventional wisdom to be re-looked. SO-only builds are gonna get a lot more work, while our billions-o-bling cadillacs get rarer.

I look forward to the "HOLY CROW, is that what VIP is like?!" tells in PUG's.



Thnx for the reply. The reason I'm considering Jump Kick for my Bot/Trap MM is to slot a FF +rech proc in it since after throwing my traps I have enough free time for a kick or two and more importantly because it fits thematically (he is a cyborg rabbit).



Originally Posted by xhris View Post
Thnx for the reply. The reason I'm considering Jump Kick for my Bot/Trap MM is to slot a FF +rech proc in it since after throwing my traps I have enough free time for a kick or two and more importantly because it fits thematically (he is a cyborg rabbit).

Dude, theme ALWAYS comes first. For a rabbit toon? Heck yeah, I'd take Jump Kick!

Shucks, I'd think hard about slotting it up with some procs, it's ALWAYS gonna be up for another click of the button, it practically recharges while you're blinking.



I agree. I've used Jump Kick on two character, both of whom were acrobatic types.
If you're looking for someone who fights like Spiderman or the Beast, its not a bad power. As has been said, it has improved a lot since the early days of the game. Do expect to receive a few "You took Jump Kick?" private messages, and this was on Virtue!

I'd definitely take it over Air Superiority on a rabbit character, despite the lower damage mitigation provided.



You should definitely take it for a cybunny. Doubt i would slot the +recharge in it though. I save that proc for high recharge aoe's. In a single target attack, it will feel like it never fires.



In fact Jump Kick seems to be good enough.
Animation is aweful though.

Is there any chance we can get animation customizable for Jump Kick or changed to something else? ( ie choose between this and "Fighting" kick animation? )





Despite having a substantially lower chance to knockup, Jump Kick takes Knockback enhancements and sets whereas Air Superiority does not. This has made it the preferable choice for me once or twice.

And I personally like the animation for some characters, though it's not what I pictured when I first read the words "Jump Kick".

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Situationally, jump kick is quite nice. It's not great, but if you're not a melee alt, and you can only get 1 or 2 melee attacks, it's just fine. If it also fits great theme-wise, and can allow you to slot a IO or a Set that helps your build, for sure go for it!

All that said, I'd also probably not put the +recharge proc in it as it will seem like it never fires, as someone else has said.



It's a fun and thematic power for many character types. I took it on my nin/storm MM because, well, she's a ninja. It has such a bad reputation because that nice long animation you see used to be the full activation time of the power itself, and that made it a truly horendous power to use.



Take it for theme, but don't slot the FF proc in it. The chance of it going off in that power is so low that you'll start to wonder if it isn't broken. I'd go for a damage proc instead.

It'll help you get to Spring Attack as well, which also seems thematically appropriate (assuming you weren't taking Combat Jumping, if you are it doesn't matter).



Jump Kick is the goto power for all Monkey and Rabbit themed characters. Just saying. :P

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If for no other reason, taking JK is fun because chances are, no one else on the team will have it. I'M A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE! and all that.



Originally Posted by xhris View Post
Thnx for the reply. The reason I'm considering Jump Kick for my Bot/Trap MM is to slot a FF +rech proc in it since after throwing my traps I have enough free time for a kick or two and more importantly because it fits thematically (he is a cyborg rabbit).
If you're taking the power because you want a thematically appropriate power for your cyborg bunny, then by all means go for it.

If you're taking it because it's an attack that sounds like it will be particularly powerful, you're likely to be disappointed.

My wife has Jump Kick on one (and only one) of her characters, which is an MA/Regen human/velociraptor hybrid. Since velociraptors attack with their feet, it's entirely appropriate for her character.

I concur with an above poster though: Don't slot the Force Feedback proc in it.

Forgot to add: It's a bad choice for melee characters, since you will have many much better choices in your melee powerset. It's a not-horrible choice for non-melee looking for a melee filler attack though.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



A Rabbit? TAKE IT. Skip the proc, though. (my guess is that you won't get much value from it)