Will we ever have solo RP incarnate content?




I'm not complaining about the current content, the trials are cool and the raid-like content was something that the end game was much in need of. I am also not complaining about how sparse the incarnate component drops are for the solo player. The slots thus far have been developed with the intent that players would team, and team often, to attain the rewards.

What I am hoping to hear, however, is that this is not the only plan for the remaining incarnate slots. Please tell me that some of the remaining incarnate slots will have progression based on new, interesting, incarnate only content that is solo-play friendly. It would be amazing the Vitae and/or Genesis slots would have this style of play as the foundation for their incarnate experience.

It's great that we have exciting end game content for large teams (and many kudos for that), but lets not leave out the solo play out of the end game, please.



I think the dev response in regards to solo Incarnate content is that they are aware that people are interested in a solo system in Incarnate content.

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Will people ever stop asking about solo incarnate content?



Originally Posted by Darej View Post
Will people ever stop asking about solo incarnate content?
Maybe, if and when they get some. Lots of people don't like or outright hate raid style content.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Darej View Post
Will people ever stop asking about solo incarnate content?
Yep. When the game gets it or the Dev's outright tell us it aint happening.
Until then though, expect quite a few more of these posts as the OP apparently wasn't aware that it's a uproar right now.

We have a vocal minority here on the forums. It may seem like everyone posts here but quite a few players have never even bothered to come here. Thus when they run the 800th trial in a row and feel like taking a breather from them they look around and scratch heads.

Then they come here to inquire about it. Not knowing it's the current forum battle de jour.

So yeah, I expect people will stop asking when one of the two above happens.

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Originally Posted by Darej View Post
Will people ever stop asking about solo incarnate content?
Yes. When it happens, or when people quit. Because you're not going to get people to stop from wanting what they want no matter how hard you try.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Darej View Post
Will people ever stop asking about solo incarnate content?
Yes, when we get some - and, initially, it doesn't even need to be complicated content. I'd settle for the creation of an Incarnate level TIP-like system until they get full blown Incarnate arcs and storylines created.

Unlike others who despise the current Incarnate system, I'm keeping my account active by playing lower level characters while awaiting the solo content (which will eventually come).



So the next question is: If all the solo people quit, will anyone notice?

Cause ya know, they're always solo and all



Originally Posted by Darej View Post
So the next question is: If all the solo people quit, will anyone notice?

Cause ya know, they're always solo and all
I'm pretty sure the accountants will.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by Darej View Post
So the next question is: If all the solo people quit, will anyone notice?

Cause ya know, they're always solo and all
Think so. People seem to notice every time I take a break.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Yep. When the game gets it or the Dev's outright tell us it aint happening.
Until then though, expect quite a few more of these posts as the OP apparently wasn't aware that it's a uproar right now.

We have a vocal minority here on the forums. It may seem like everyone posts here but quite a few players have never even bothered to come here. Thus when they run the 800th trial in a row and feel like taking a breather from them they look around and scratch heads.

Then they come here to inquire about it. Not knowing it's the current forum battle de jour.

So yeah, I expect people will stop asking when one of the two above happens.
I'm usually the one pointing out the minority status of the forumites and all, but I must be grumpy today. I'm old, it's been a long day at work, and I was almost force fed the world's largest junebug at 60mph on the ride in this morning. So (obligatory friendly "hi" to any new forumites aside) my gripe:

1) This was answered a MONTH ago in the April producer's letter which is not JUST announced via the forums- its provided on the site's main page AND the launcher. If you're ever interested in the direction the game's planning to take, that ain't a bad place to start reading.

The relevant part is listed below:
We know that there are players who are looking for alternative ways to experience the Incarnate System, especially options that are more accessible to solo players and small groups. We are looking into this for a future issue, and we want it to be added in a meaningful way that augments the epic Incarnate storyline and still remains accessible to our more casual players. Group-oriented play remains an important part of the CoH experience but we understand that not everyone likes to play in a group, and we will endeavor to take this into consideration in future development decisions
Now, I really can't reasonably expect a every player to to go reading all that crap anytime they have a question, they should be able to ask something so common and hope that people more.... fixated... on the game's future could help them... so my grouse there is mild.

No, my grumpiness is at the community represented here. Rather that clearly pointing out WHERE an AUTHORITY has acknowledged the concern and clearly stated effort is being put into it for a future issue, putting the issue of "will it happen" at rest (we can debate "will it be soon enough" all we want, I guess) we got... what? a new vehicle to field complaints on the existing system? ambiguous answers that make the issue still seem uncertain and discouraging? posts as grouchy as mine?

Dammit, guys, just because we have an endgame now doesn't mean we have to behave like every other MMO's boards.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
No, my grumpiness is at the community represented here. Rather that clearly pointing out WHERE an AUTHORITY has acknowledged the concern and clearly stated effort is being put into it for a future issue, putting the issue of "will it happen" at rest.

Actually, I don't consider it to have been "put to rest". Acknowledged, yes, but not put to rest. Here is the reason why...

>>>We are looking into this for a future issue

>>>we will endeavor to take this into consideration in future development decisions

Note the lack of "It is in development" or "It is going to happen (eventually)". Instead of definitive, we get "looking into" and "endeavor to take into consideration".

That's does not, to me, fit the "clearly stated effort is being put into it for a future issue, putting the issue of "will it happen" at rest" that you feel it does.

I do agree they have acknowledged it, though, as I said above.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Think so. People seem to notice every time I take a break.
You may solo the game, but you raid the boards constantly.



Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post
Actually, I don't consider it to have been "put to rest". Acknowledged, yes, but not put to rest. Here is the reason why...

>>>We are looking into this for a future issue

>>>we will endeavor to take this into consideration in future development decisions

Note the lack of "It is in development" or "It is going to happen (eventually)". Instead of definitive, we get "looking into" and "endeavor to take into consideration".

That's does not, to me, fit the "clearly stated effort is being put into it for a future issue, putting the issue of "will it happen" at rest" that you feel it does.

I do agree they have acknowledged it, though, as I said above.
Don't forget the "we want it to be added in a meaningful way that augments the epic Incarnate storyline and still remains accessible to our more casual players."

That's verbage for 'we're still in the early stages of figuring out how to deliver this right, but we want to do it"

No, that's not a guarantee of "we will do it" but it's pretty strong once you acknowledge that this IS a bit of a challenge.

The incarnate rewards is supposed to be something that can be built up well over time. Even after I get the tier-4 "musculature" alpha slot that I expect to be using most of the time, I can make my character better prepared for possible future content by having the +acc or +rech or +end ones available.

Its a reward system that is SUPPOSED TO take a long time to fully complete, and you just can't make enough solo content to cover all that without repeating it... and if its going to be repeat-content, it should be done in a way to mitigate the repetitiveness (and possibly justify it).

THAT is going to take some time to plan, and THAT is why they're ambiguous. They've stated their broad objectives, though, so we can know what to measure them against as we go forward. Now, we just have to give them time to deliver.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
You may solo the game, but you raid the boards constantly.
Woot! I'm a social butterfly!

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Woot! I'm a social butterfly!
You're the most demonic butterfly I've ever seen.

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Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
THAT is going to take some time to plan, and THAT is why they're ambiguous. They've stated their broad objectives, though, so we can know what to measure them against as we go forward. Now, we just have to give them time to deliver.
They have already delivered on that quote in I20.5:

Alpha Slot Vouchers are a boon if you prefer to play alone. Once one of your characters completes an Incarnate Trial, you can purchase and use an Alpha Slot Voucher.
That counts as: '...alternative ways to experience the Incarnate System, especially options that are more accessible to solo players and small groups...'

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
That counts as: '...alternative ways to experience the Incarnate System, especially options that are more accessible to solo players and small groups...'

My sarcacm-ometer is not functioning, so I can't tell. But, I hope that was sacrascm......



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Don't forget the "we want it to be added in a meaningful way that augments the epic Incarnate storyline and still remains accessible to our more casual players."

That's verbage for 'we're still in the early stages of figuring out how to deliver this right, but we want to do it"
Absolutely, they have acknowledged we want it and that they want to do it.

We know how long the development cycle is, though. It's in excess of a year long.

So, the "we want to do it" means it's not in the cycle yet. "We will endeavor to consider" confirms it's not in the cycle, yet.

So, 1 to 1.5 years away, maybe. That's my take.

That's an eternity away, and that's if they actually turn "want to" into "are doing" in an immediate fashion.

Hoping for it sooner is wishful thinking. Expecting it sooner is like planning on winning a mega-million dollar lottery. Good luck with that.

edit: "and if its going to be repeat-content, it should be done in a way to mitigate the repetitiveness"

Why? The Trials are massively repetitive. (Not that I want repetitive, mind you. But, they've already went there.)



Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post
We know how long the development cycle is, though. It's in excess of a year long.

So, the "we want to do it" means it's not in the cycle yet. "We will endeavor to consider" confirms it's not in the cycle, yet.

So, 1 to 1.5 years away, maybe. That's my take.
Not necessarily.

When talking of entirely new game mechanics that need conceptualized, broken down, tasked, tested, revised, rewritten, and assembled... absolutely, but the devs have also shown how the process for doing things as single story arcs (Issue 13, Bruce Harlick's diary comes to mind). He was learning the creation system when he did the two arcs, but his whole process was measured in under a couple months.

If you keep the new mechanics low, keep the story tied to the various trials in different ways (to reuse the overarching backstory and art assets) and use tech like the moral choices and the optional sidequests in Vincent Ross's arcs to keep repeat performances fresh longer... you could probably offer a somewhat reasonable initial experience at a reasonably brisk pace.


y'know... they could just give us solo'ers and small team'ers the Trial experience by filling the rest of their team with members of the Freedom Phalanx and Vindicators as pets. What could be better than partnering with 7-12 instances of the AI that powers Fusionette and Lady Jane?

(no... I'm not serious)



Thanks for the note from the April update. That does give some hope. I would prefer to see acknowledgement that at least one (possibly two) of the remaining slots will be tied to solo content, but that statement is a start.

One thing I will probably never understand is why so many forum posters seem to think in black and white. We can have both group end game content, and solo end game content. I don't want solo incarnate content because I hate grouping. I like grouping. CoH has one of the best team experiences out there. But I also like solo content.

The solo content gives a lot richer story flavor, and there are times when I don't have time for a raid, but I have just enough time for a mission or two. However, I would be unhappy if they did not have end game group content, and I am glad that's where they started. It is because I think this content successful and enjoyable that I would also like to see it applied to another aspect of the game that I enjoy.



I can't help but draw some parallels to this from past concerns from another sub community so....

You will get solo incarnate stuff around the time they take a look at PvP again.

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



I wouldn't mind having one of the incarnate slots tied to incarnate pvp content. Again, why ignore any aspect of the game at the end game level, although some would argue that the ship on PvP has long ago sailed, and there is probably no hope of bringing it back in a meaningful way. If they were to try incarnate pvp, I would like to see it with a real purpose and with a pvp "mission" style, not just free for all pvp, but that's a topic in itself.

I would even like to see a way to integrate the Architect system into end game content, being extra mindful of the balance between fun, reward, and non-exploitable content. The architect system is an amazing addition to the game that has tons of unrealized potential on so many levels.

And, while we are wishing, how about more supergroup mission content, whether incarnate related or not.