Are You A Trialist Or A TF'er?

Adeon Hawkwood



When you play something more that your average mission, do you prefer single instanced trials with multiple goals or taskforces with chained together instances and mission objectives?

Or do you not see a difference between either?



I love the single instances with multiple objectives. It greatly reduces loading times, it keeps the players from scattering as they all take different paths to the next mission - and it virtually eliminates all the zone to zone running around that was so popular in early TF's.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

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I really am liking the single instance style of the new trials (and old: eden and sewer). It would be nice to see the same mechanics throughout the range of levels. I do still enjoy TFs but more trials (outside of the Incarnates) would be nice.

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I like both, but I have to say that with my computer/game install acting up, it kind of decides to crash after an hour or so of intense play, I was worried about running the new trials due to the reported lag, but actually I get through them better than through one of the old TFs and that's because I'm only loading one map. I can certainly see how that would be an even bigger advantage for others.

Anyway, I do like the new trials. ^_^ That's a good format for developing future content I think.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I prefer Task/Strikeforces, where people are more relaxed and having fun there, rather than being on a Lambda/BAF trials where everyone is screaming around who got the last acid to shut down the portal or why Siege is back to 5% when Nightstar was beaten down though everyone shouted 'STOP!'.



I prefer the single mission map style trials. I'll admit it would be nice to have some trials that aren't timed but overall I find the single map setup to be more appealing.



I'm good for both, to be honest.

Right now, I'm focusing on trials more because I'm trying to play catch-up on about a month of lost playtime.

That said, after today's patch, I have good reason to run the WST every week.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Lately, I've been enjoying a good mix of both. I've been teaming a ton more than I ever used to, both with the trials, the weekly TFs, and even occasionally random TFs to get a chunk of incarnate salvage. They both have their place and it depends on if I'm in a mood to run a lower level TF, a longer TF, or a quicker trial.



I'm a kinda anxious person who gets uneasy about grouping up for things sometimes, so that obviously effects this.

But I like trials because I can jump on them when I'm in the mood and know I don't have to dedicate more than twenty minutes to get my reward and then say goodbye to my leaguey weagies. If I feel uncomfortable once we start, it'll be over soon enough. So I'm happy to jump on these with absolute strangers.

I like TFs when I know I've got a couple hours where I don't have to do anything, and have a cuppa sitting by. I'm highly unlikely to join a TF unless it has a couple people in it that I know fairly well, which these days is pretty much whatever TF is forming on Union Chat.

I'd happily spend the night with a trial, but if I were to go on a weekend away with one of them, I'd have to pick the TF.



I like the Sewer and Treespec Trials, because they're different. Eden is pretty straightforward but the map is awesome. I like Lambda when done with a single team. I don't like BAF much. I dislike the Cavern of Transcendance because it's stupid, and Terra Volta because it's boring.

I like TFs along the lines of Ernesto Hess, Katie Hannon and the ITF, that aren't too long, and don't have a lot of pointless zoning and defeat-alls. I'm not a speed runner but I hate having to run all over a huge Council base looking for that last guy. So I guess I'd have to pick Trials > TFs, but only because so many of the TFs just aren't that good.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'll play anything that's fun

enough said

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Originally Posted by Paradox Fate View Post
I prefer Task/Strikeforces, where people are more relaxed and having fun there, rather than being on a Lambda/BAF trials where everyone is screaming around who got the last acid to shut down the portal or why Siege is back to 5% when Nightstar was beaten down though everyone shouted 'STOP!'.
So, I take it you don't like Cuda either .

In terms of concept, I perfer one-zone multiple objectives.

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Despite taking longer, I prefer Task/Strike forces.

I prefer a more relaxed environment, rather than the hectic nature of the Trials. I like the idea that I'm dealing with a whole story, rather than a single chapter... if that makes sense to anyone else.

(I also think that the trial rewards are still messed up... but that's a mechanics issue, and we can expect several tweaks to be made over the issues.)

There's also the issue that there are only the two trials right now, leading to my current inability to play either, despite not having unlocked the incarnate slots yet. (For the record, I dislike Farming and Power Leveling too. I guess I'm not an end-game player...)

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
There's also the issue that there are only the two trials right now, leading to my current inability to play either, despite not having unlocked the incarnate slots yet. (For the record, I dislike Farming and Power Leveling too. I guess I'm not an end-game player...)
Just so you know, you can run the two trials without having even unlocked your Alpha slot; doing so will start building iXP so that it WILL unlock. Furthermore, you don't need to have any of the other slots unlocked to take part in the trials. They aren't some sort of uber-elite events designed only for the top 1% of players with twinked-out builds. And they're nothing like farming or power-leveling, either. They're basically just timed, multi-objective missions that a bunch of teams can all participate in at the same time.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
When you play something more that your average mission, do you prefer single instanced trials with multiple goals or taskforces with chained together instances and mission objectives?

Or do you not see a difference between either?
"And" not "or" for me.

There are differences, but they're not relevant to my enjoyment.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I like both kinds of design. Regardless of whether it's one map or many, though, I do think that task forces and trials should feel "special," offering some kind of experience that you can't normally get elsewhere in the game.

I also think that things like the STF and LRSF, the ITF, the Incarnate Task Forces, and the i20 Task Forces are fairly good compromises between the two design styles, even if there's an occasional stumble here and there.

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Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
Just so you know, you can run the two trials without having even unlocked your Alpha slot; doing so will start building iXP so that it WILL unlock. Furthermore, you don't need to have any of the other slots unlocked to take part in the trials. They aren't some sort of uber-elite events designed only for the top 1% of players with twinked-out builds. And they're nothing like farming or power-leveling, either. They're basically just timed, multi-objective missions that a bunch of teams can all participate in at the same time.
Er sorry, I didn't make my point clear.

I've run both the trials multiple times. I'm already sick of them, despite having only unlocked Judgement.

My point is I don't like running the same thing over and over again. The majority of the game, blue side and red, has enough options that I don't usually get too bored. But the 'End Game,' at least right now, consists of two task forces (that no one is running) and two trials that... I'm bored with.

If I'm not enjoying myself, I'm not going to push to continue advancement. So until there are more options, I think my level 50 is stalled, again.

(The point of Power-leveling and farming is in the whole 'running the same thing ad nauseam' aspect. I don't enjoy them at all, so why would I enjoy running two missions over and over again, no matter how many objectives there are in them?)

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



I prefer TFs. Multiple missions offer variety and mental breaks between mission.

That said, I feel that the new Incarnate TFs are too short. Just as I get warmed up and into the groove, it's over.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



I enjoy both. Now let me clarify that.. Some of the older TFs that, as mentioned, run a team all over the city and require a lot of zoning can be a pain but the higher level ones like the STF, Kahn, LGFT and the ITF where you seldom if ever have to leave the zone the contact is one are great. Sure you finish one mission and then pop out and start over but .. the STF has one mission that requires you to travel to PI and aside from that all but the final mission are accessed through the sub.. and the final mission entrance is WAY over on the ship NEXT to the sub. people frequently get lost on that epic journey (LOL)

Kahn .. all but one mission can be accessed through the train which is what like 100 YDs away from where Doc Kahn is standing?

the ITF.. 2 of 4 missons are accessed through the ships tied to the docks .. one is in a cave someplace IN ZONE and the final has you access mission by clicking on the gates of Romulus' fortess.

LGFT. you never leave the zone and its just a matter of getting from one spot to another in the RWZ to complete.

None of these is extremely long and they all offer some special challenge..

I lose track but in the STF I believe in all you battle 16 or 17 AVs total including all 5 of the major signature villains (including Recluse himself).

Kahn .. 5 different Avs in the final mission all in the same room and Reichmann summons them individually to assist as you weaken him.

The ITF lets you battle Requim and Romulus in the third mission and then youo have to defeat Romulus mutliple times in the final to win the day.

Lady Grey .. You battle the Riders several times, take on a couple Rikti Avs and then take on Hamidon who is no push over even weakened before battling Hero one to end the TF.

The trials are a blast as well. I do enjoy the multi taskings and the format for Master of is great.. beats the heck out of the old one.

Oh lets not forget the two REALLY new TFS. Apex and Tin Mage.. I enjoy them as well and they are both short and you never leave the RWZ to complete them.

Now lets add more trials cause I am tired of watching Mother Mayhem show off her "assets"

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�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



within reason, both. trials definitly have the concise aspect down for fun, served as they are in half hour increments of densely packed beat downs, i like that, but tfs have appreciable variety and some nice unique maps.

actually kind of prefer small group/soloing, but im pretty much down for whatever, trails and tf's just give me less time to mess around with my music player.



Eh, I go both ways.


Really, I enjoy the trials and I enjoy the TFs.

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Yeah, I like both.

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om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Neither. I'm not good with teaming stuff, especially long (TF) or hard (trial) teaming stuff. TFs and trials just aren't fun for me. In fact, they're a major pain.

I suppose you could say that I favor the TFs. I've done two of those (years ago). I haven't done any trials.