Steampunk Booster Costume Ideas




Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
I found the pinstripe pattern located under "bottoms" as a "pattern".

It took me a while to come up with an original character I really liked using some of the Steampunk booster. I think I'm finally satisfied.

Allow me to introduce Dawn Valentine,

Nice design.

I took Hercules' post to mean the new pinstripe pattern that comes with the Steampunk pack. That's the one I can't find.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
Beautiful costume. Very much enjoy seeing different colors used with this set. And very smart of you to pair the bustle with the pantaloons.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Nice design.

I took Hercules' post to mean the new pinstripe pattern that comes with the Steampunk pack. That's the one I can't find.
The stripes in the pic you quoted are actually limited to the Steampunk pack, and that's all the ladies get. They don't get the pants that share geometry with the Resistance tucked in pants. And those stripes are only usable on Tights, hopefully they'll expand that and make them usable for at least Tucked In pants...

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



Originally Posted by Sworn_Servant View Post
Beautiful costume. Very much enjoy seeing different colors used with this set.
Hey buddy, I was told that if it wasn't brown, brass and more brown, it's not real steampunk and thus an insult to the genre



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Hey buddy, I was told that if it wasn't brown, brass and more brown, it's not real steampunk and thus an insult to the genre

Well, find the person who said that and poke 'em in the eye, Steampunk celebrates the era that gave us Mauve, fer cry sake! The Victorians actually used a Riot of colors.

The confusion comes from the whole 'aged, sepia-toned' lens that too many artists have adopted for this sort of time-shifted art. Look at the poor Menders and their mud-colored palette. Check out the movies that portray the time period and you will see all manner of color.

Be Well!



The parts contribute to a pretty functional Commissar for Warhammer 40k fans...

Though it would be far better without the stupid boiled in always black bow tie: If I wasn't hiding it I would have used red rather then black on the cloth parts of the torso piece (often they have a some red cloth peeking out from under the chest armor piece) and would have definitely considered use of the skull bolo to add that extra piece of skull decor that the Warhammer universe thrives on. Not to mention I would have also rather had red trim on the sleeves instead of gold. But in spite of those issues he still came out pretty nifty.

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Originally Posted by Serpine View Post
The parts contribute to a pretty functional Commissar for Warhammer 40k fans...

For TANITH!!! The First and Only!!!
(Side note) He should have a Camo cape if it is Commissar Guant because the Taniths gave him one in book two if i recall right.



Originally Posted by starrball View Post
For TANITH!!! The First and Only!!!
(Side note) He should have a Camo cape if it is Commissar Guant because the Taniths gave him one in book two if i recall right.
I was aiming for a more generic commissar. I might try a Gaunt-like build later today (different cape, mantle, jacket, belt, shoulders, and sliders) just to see how it comes off...

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Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.





Playing around gave me this neat modern-JRPG look.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Xenophage View Post
That is crazy cool! I can't see it all though, how did you do it?

I may go and make and play that character. WOW!

EDIT: If that's OK of course.



Well, I found need for some Victorian attire, so I decided to go back to the Steampunk pack on Test and see if I can't come up with anything new. Here's Carmilla (temporary name):

That's a Steampunk jacket, chest detail, sleeves, belt and choker. The rest is the Magic Pack High Collar cape (obviously), matte gloves and low stilettos, cargo pants (closest I had to a fabric bottom) and the Disco top, which gets overridden by the fake arms from the Steampunk sleeves. The face is one of the "new ones" and the hair is that bun which I think came with the Wedding pack, but I don't remember.

The idea behind this one is that she's elegant, striking and also a complete evil shapeshifter monster. I'll obviously need a second costume slot for her transformation, but I intend to use her other form to fight. Just doesn't feel right to fight in that dress.

And sorry about the dark screenshot, but you try taking a pic of a black costume in the Rogue Isles at night

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Something about this outfit makes me think of Carmen Sandiego but in yellow, and without the hat. I like it though; the top is nice and gives me something to put around my char's neck other than a spiked collar. That jacket may become a staple in future character outfits of mine. Moreso if we can get it without sleeves.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Something about this outfit makes me think of Carmen Sandiego but in yellow, and without the hat.
Huh. And me with the name "Double-Dealing Diva" among my list of characters. There was even that second version of the game show where they ran out of geography questions and made her a time traveler so they could ask about history isntead...

Right when I was hurting for a fourth costume, too!

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Well, I found need for some Victorian attire, so I decided to go back to the Steampunk pack on Test and see if I can't come up with anything new. Here's Carmilla (temporary name):

And sorry about the dark screenshot, but you try taking a pic of a black costume in the Rogue Isles at night
Here's a brightened-up version to show details:

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Fantastic ideas guys!

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Originally Posted by Dromio View Post
That is crazy cool! I can't see it all though, how did you do it?

I may go and make and play that character. WOW!

EDIT: If that's OK of course.
okay yes you may of course and lets see:
Victorian steampunk face
Black color #1 and Grey #4 colors
Mask is Demise
Victorian coat2
sleeves are uniform short
chest is mesh
chest detail steampunk corset
oval buckle belt
legs praetorian police
boots steam punk (2?)
gloves are bridal -wedding pack
eyes are Alpha - GR master collection item pack
cape is half mantle two sided impervium- Origins pack

have fun



Ironik, would it be OK with you if I used your brightened up version of my image for reference in making a costume request? Let me know if you mind and I'll take it out of my post.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
That's very cool.

Also, you can get rid of the red line around the pictures by going into Snipping Tool -> Options and unchecking the box at the bottom.
Oh man, thanks, that was driving me nuts.

{}... .-



The only thing I like in this booster is the trail aura. I was trying to make it look like blood like sum people already did here. One could make pseudo gore if there was an ability to turn on aura when enemy drops to 25% HP or something lol. This is what it looks like.



Nice costumes.



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post

Playing around gave me this neat modern-JRPG look.
Gaaah, if only we could use hats with different hair, I could make my ex-Nem adjutant Kayla French style Curaiser outfit using that D=

Very cool

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.