Steampunk Booster Costume Ideas




Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
I know one green queen (no not Chloe heh) that will be all over this pack. Wonder if GQ knows about it yet.
Haha, I've been waiting impatiently for it since it was shown on Ustream but I'm out of town and can't mess with costumes yet until late Monday night. It's torture! :P

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The Queen's Menagerie



I'm not entirely sure where I was going with this but this is where I ended up



Loving what I'm seeing for the new pack - one of the only packs we've had that I'm genuinely excited for (the other being the science pack, which should mesh nicely with this!).

While I understand the complaint about the limited colours, and I would love to see some of the options opened up, it hardly bothers me personally at all either way.

Echoing the opinion of how much I love that Echobat design, and I can't wait until it comes out so I can get to making a character with these bits and others...



Here is a rather Patriotic steampunk outfit



Here's Nanny Flambeau. 'Her' outfit isn't quite right as there's no option for a sleeveless jacket, so as a consequence she's got a white tank top and shirt sleeves. (None of the shirt options I found matched the sleeves )

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Not before they give some of the Male costume pieces to Female characters!
Fine, beards and mustaches for the ladies, too, but you must throw in shoulder pets as well.



I've done some playing on test, and came up with this:

This is Brass Armstrong, Super Strength/Willpower brute using his steam-powered pugilism chassis.

Not entirely satisfied - The Clockwork Chest piece doesn't quite fit in, I really wish I could do something more detailed for what he's wearing under the mechanical parts, and I am debating switching the Victorian boots for the Valkyrie boots...

Regardless, I see getting much mileage out of the costume parts introduced in this set.

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I think "purity" in this instance is kind of a silly thing to insist on. It's not just that this is a video game about superheroes and that all-encompassing genre. Steampunk as a genre is only about 20-25 years old. The name itself is derived from "cyberpunk," which is less than 30 years old itself. (It also gave rise to "splatterpunk", the horror version of the "punk rock" meme, but splatterpunk was never well-defined the way both cyber- an steampunk were, so it's faded away.)

If you look at films and TV series which are retroactively considered steampunk, you get things like 20,000 Leagues, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, The Wild Wild West (TV series) and the like. Newer examples often cited are Gilliam's work The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen and Time Bandits. Yes, there are a lot of browns and tand in those, but also plenty of color. Island at the Top of the World is another, and the main airship in that was bright red. Anyone who's read The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen knows that it's filled with just as many vibrantly-colored outfits as subdued ones.

Perusing various books on the Steampunk subculture on Amazon reveals plenty of items and devices which are red, gold, green, blue and turquoise. I just think it's a bit silly to restrict the palette to only a single interpretation of something that is not particularly well-defined and is still in flux.

Look, I'm going to make my response short to you and then bow out because my opinion of what I think defines steampunk and your opinion of how much customisation we should have in this case are points where I think it'd be best to agree to disagree.

I will only say this regarding bright colors and the origins of steampunk; steampunk as a term is recent, but the genre rightfully belongs to Jules Verne, H.G. Welles and their contemporaries for imagining clockwork time machines, steam powered submarines and the like.

Colors belong to the 20th and 21st centuries; it's part of our lexicon, part of our paradigm. Just look at movies before the advent of color and after it was introduced. And the difference between the beginning of color film and digital grading. The original works and the fashions and sensibility of Victorian England just...wasn't colorful. It was repressed, puritanical and god-fearing. That's not hyperbole on my part, either. And I'm really not trying to argue a point.

Regardless of this, I respect that you want customisation and colors. And I think that's a good point for me to bow out of this conversation (which could go back and forth for a long while only to get to this exact point anyways) and go back to seeing what people can create, rather than debate semantics.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
They managed to make martial arts, magic, cyborg, science, wedding, et al boosters that managed to convey what they were as a theme AND didn't come with baked-in bits that negated attempts to use them creatively. And, again, there's not even a good reason for the baked-in ties because we already have those same ties available as an option for every other jacket.

This booster is not a step in the right direction. Claptrap about how "special" Steampunk is doesn't really excuse that.

Edited to add: We saw this really start with the animal booster last time and a lot of people had complaints about the lack of customization options. Amusingly, no one said "But that's just how wolf heads are so you couldn't change it too much or it wouldn't be a real animal booster" as an excuse. I didn't think much of it at the time because I wasn't very interested in the booster anyway and assumed that the next more "standard" booster would go back to the tradition of very customizable pieces. Seeing that it hasn't doesn't fill me with optimism for the next booster.

I'm not saying this one is terrible, like I said I'd give it a "B", but it could certainly be done better.
I'll keep it short here; I respect you want customisation, I just tried to state an opinion and thoughts as to what I understood and still understand Steampunk to look like.

As the old saying goes, you can't please all the people all the time, and you aren't pleased with some of the options here. I think they're okay. That's all I have left to say here.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
As the old saying goes, you can't please all the people all the time
Yes, you can. Let people pick their own colours and everyone can be happy. You can have your brown and beige, I can have my gunmetal grey and wrought iron black and other people can have their copper patina green and ruby red and so forth. It boggles my mind how you can suggest the opposite. What do you lose if we can colour these pieces, when you can colour them the same as they are now?

You like brown and beige Steampunk? Pick those colours. What does that take away from your experience? Does it bother you that I won't be using them, somehow?

The expression that you can't please all the people all the time referring to pleasing people with a SINGLE specific status quo, inferring that there is no one thing which everybody likes. The logical solution to this problem is to NOT have one single specific status quo but to let people define their own gaming experience and visuals. Don't like red electricity? Change it to any colour you want. Don't like the basic low-poly broadsword? Swap it to something you like more. You don't like playing Caucasian characters? Sure, make 'em black. Or, for that matter, make 'em blue or red or green or purple. Don't like brown metal? Tough cookies.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
I'll keep it short here
I'll keep it shorter: It's insane that you'd rather keep me from getting what I want rather than us both getting the colors/styles we want in the name of some ridiculous genre purity.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yes, you can. Let people pick their own colours and everyone can be happy. You can have your brown and beige, I can have my gunmetal grey and wrought iron black and other people can have their copper patina green and ruby red and so forth. It boggles my mind how you can suggest the opposite. What do you lose if we can colour these pieces, when you can colour them the same as they are now?

You like brown and beige Steampunk? Pick those colours. What does that take away from your experience? Does it bother you that I won't be using them, somehow?

The expression that you can't please all the people all the time referring to pleasing people with a SINGLE specific status quo, inferring that there is no one thing which everybody likes. The logical solution to this problem is to NOT have one single specific status quo but to let people define their own gaming experience and visuals. Don't like red electricity? Change it to any colour you want. Don't like the basic low-poly broadsword? Swap it to something you like more. You don't like playing Caucasian characters? Sure, make 'em black. Or, for that matter, make 'em blue or red or green or purple. Don't like brown metal? Tough cookies.
I didn't, I don't care, and I'm done with anything other than commenting on cool costume designs. You want to reply, knock yourself out.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I'll keep it shorter: It's insane that you'd rather keep me from getting what I want rather than us both getting the colors/styles we want in the name of some ridiculous genre purity.
I didn't say that. But I'm done with the attacking comments. You want to reply, feel free. I'm done after trying to be polite.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Not sure of the point of saying you're fine with it so we don't need to please others. The product is in Testing, seeking feedback. But back to the point of this thread, here's some neat things I found with this kit:

1. Spiked collar with vest produces collar studs - for that Starfleet officer look! I should have tried it with a red shirt...

2. The Vanguard belt and this vest interacts brilliantly! Great hip pouches and the front and back panels look like they were always designed with this vest in mind. Sometimes it clips a bit, but mostly it just looks awesome.

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Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
I'm done after trying to be polite.
No offence, Sir, but no matter how you phrase is, insisting that you should have what you want when we can both have what we want because you say so is not trying to be polite. It doesn't matter how polite you're trying to be when you are essentially telling me to go to hell. Instead of being "polite," you should have chosen to bring forth a meaningful argument for why customizable colours is a bad idea, instead of reaching for the old "agree to disagree" cop out.

This is not a matter of opinion. This is a matter of simple fact. You like the existing colours, so you would get to have what you want whether or not they are customizable. If they aren't, you got the colour you wanted. If they are, you can pick the colour you wanted. The only possible outcome you can be aiming for with the argument that it's better to not have customizability is to keep ME from getting the colour I want to use which is different from the colour you feel I should be using. That is not polite. That is petty, thoughtless and irresponsible, no matter how passive-aggressive you try to make it sound.

If you don't care about customization, then fine. Say so. Explain that you accept the pack for what it is. But once you start arguing against me having what I want, then you had better damn well have an argument that I can respect, or you are not being polite. You are being condescending.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by airhead View Post
1. Spiked collar with vest produces collar studs - for that Starfleet officer look! I should have tried it with a red shirt..
The spiked belt produces some nifty studs as well along the bottom although it tends to clip through during combat animations. I used it on my hooded Thief-lookin' guy earlier.
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The only possible outcome you can be aiming for with the argument that it's better to not have customizability is to keep ME from getting the colour I want to use which is different from the colour you feel I should be using. That is not polite. That is petty, thoughtless and irresponsible, no matter how passive-aggressive you try to make it sound.
But then it wouldn't be REAL steampunk if people could use other colors... gosh golly!



I just loved Bass Ackward's elvin character on the first page. Looks like I'll be playing a fun game of mix-and-match with these steampunk parts and the martial arts booster, which a lot of my characters like to use.
I see a lot of mix and match potential for some of these pieces.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
No offence, Sir, but no matter how you phrase is, insisting that you should have what you want when we can both have what we want because you say so is not trying to be polite. It doesn't matter how polite you're trying to be when you are essentially telling me to go to hell. Instead of being "polite," you should have chosen to bring forth a meaningful argument for why customizable colours is a bad idea, instead of reaching for the old "agree to disagree" cop out.

This is not a matter of opinion. This is a matter of simple fact. You like the existing colours, so you would get to have what you want whether or not they are customizable. If they aren't, you got the colour you wanted. If they are, you can pick the colour you wanted. The only possible outcome you can be aiming for with the argument that it's better to not have customizability is to keep ME from getting the colour I want to use which is different from the colour you feel I should be using. That is not polite. That is petty, thoughtless and irresponsible, no matter how passive-aggressive you try to make it sound.

If you don't care about customization, then fine. Say so. Explain that you accept the pack for what it is. But once you start arguing against me having what I want, then you had better damn well have an argument that I can respect, or you are not being polite. You are being condescending.
Well said Sam.

Anything that limits or stifles creative options is a bad thing, and using some excuse about fictional purity is just asinine. When the options are "Have it one way and one way only" or "Have it all ways, including that one way", the choice is clear unless you are too selfish and self absorbed to consider the value of others choices.

What amazes me is when they produce packs like this with some fantastic art and options but then give a seemingly half hearted effort in implementation. Much like not adding certain items/patterns to obvious part selections, or making an effort at color/texture matching. Hopefully by being critical of these decisions during the test phase, instead of just accepting it or blowing smoke and claiming everything is sunshine and roses, things will be changed so that they expand the appeal instead of limiting it.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



Originally Posted by Fomsie View Post

What amazes me is when they produce packs like this with some fantastic art and options but then give a seemingly half hearted effort in implementation. Much like not adding certain items/patterns to obvious part selections, or making an effort at color/texture matching. Hopefully by being critical of these decisions during the test phase, instead of just accepting it or blowing smoke and claiming everything is sunshine and roses, things will be changed so that they expand the appeal instead of limiting it.
With all due respect to those responsible, you worded my thoughts and feelings about it perfectly, thanks!
I do just wonder how/why such awesome work gets implemented within such limited selections. Fine, the gender models have obvious amounts of work attached to spreading the wealth across them... But it is the Standard/Masks w/ Hair/Full Mask options that baffle me when they only pick one... and so on.

I am honestly curious what the reasons are (we simply don't know).
And, yeah, when I express criticism, it's not just about changing this specific case, it's about trying to convey that overall stance for all other future (and past) elements.

Unfortunately... based on the amount of feedback in the past that touched on so many of these same criticisms on this pack... It doesn't appear to be changing anything.

Anyway... not doom and gloom from me in the slightest.
I'll make up for all this stuff from me by providing some other costumes tomorrow... first I'll have to make some!!

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Pirate costume is awesome.

Also, from the Test Server forum's thread...

Thanks for all of the compliments and kind words.

We've made a compilation of the feedback you have all provided and are in the process of reviewing it with the art production team. While any changes or updates we make won't be present at launch, we will implement them as soon as it's possible to do so, much like we did with the Animal Pack.

- Z
So go ahead and post suggestions there to weigh the scales if you're so inclined.



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
As the old saying goes, you can't please all the people all the time, and you aren't pleased with some of the options here. I think they're okay. That's all I have left to say here.
They could totally please everyone all the time by making the set customizable. That way you can use it for your version of steampunk and someone else can use it for their version of Carnival Clockwork. Right now you can only do the former and not the latter. What's wrong with allowing that, other than wanting to force people to comply to a specific vision?

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
I've done some playing on test, and came up with this:

This is Brass Armstrong, Super Strength/Willpower brute using his steam-powered pugilism chassis.

Not entirely satisfied - The Clockwork Chest piece doesn't quite fit in, I really wish I could do something more detailed for what he's wearing under the mechanical parts, and I am debating switching the Victorian boots for the Valkyrie boots...

Regardless, I see getting much mileage out of the costume parts introduced in this set.
Love the name. I used the Clockwork chest piece, too, and I think it works great overall. Primarily because of the hoses, which seem to be very steampunk indeed.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



how about goin country with it?