What do you want from the next incarnate abilities?

Adeon Hawkwood



*My "realistic" wants:
-An impressive ST ranged attack (with weapon options)
-An impressive ST melee attack (with weapon options)
-An impressive control power of some sort, would not even need to mez bosses on 1 application
*Preferably with animation customization

*Probably unrealistic wants lol:
-The ability to summon two sets of lore pets, in other words use a future slot on another lore set
-The ability to use two sets of alpha slot abilities, essentially the same as the above



Since we have 5 slots left (as far as we can tell), here is what I would love to see:

- A strong and flashy melee power.
- A mass crowd control power (hold, sleep, stun, fear, immobilize, confusion, etc.).
- A strong single target range attack or small PBAoE attack (Marauder's nova fist).
- A slot that greatly improves health and endurance.
- Finally (probably will never happen): A toggle godmode power (Fortitude + Unstoppable + range, but immobilizes you) with a very long recharge.

E.g. A branch of this slot could make vines grow all around your body (hence the immobilization) and create carrion creepers to attack nearby targets. You could still attack if the targets were in melee range (creepers attacking with "fling thorns" would have a taunting aura) and all of your ranged damage would have a bonus to their range.

Even though I know it is just a fantasy, I am certain it could easily be implemented in the game. The immobilization and long recharge would force the player to use it wisely and only under certain circumstances.



That final idea is pretty cool actually would the other trees in that slot be entirely different abilities?



These are just ideas I have thought of:

  • More Judgement powers. Energy Judgement that doesn't look like lightning. Earth, Psychic, Magic. There are many they could do.
  • Some sort of melee attack like Statesman's Hammer of Justice or a ranged attack similar to Zeus' Lightning Bolt.
  • For ranged characters, a small melee set.
  • For melee characters, a small ranged set.
  • The ability to choose a few powers from other sets. Example: MOST ARCHVILLAINS/HEROES! Sister Psyche: Energy Blast. Ms. Liberty: Electric Melee/Blast.
  • A control power - a powerful one. That can hold a boss. But has like... a 500 second recharge attached to it.
  • An way to expand your Ancillary/Patron Power Pools. Similar to above idea.
When I think of more, which I will, I submit them.

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Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com



Well, what I WANT is for the Devs to make a balanced system that still allows us to be reasonably challenged in trail content. So instead, I'm going to look at the existing names (taken from the GR website) and try to guess =P

Also, I don't see there being a need for any more AoE attacks or buffs, so I'm assuming each of the last 5 trees is to improve the character, not just team buffs...

Hybrid: Ok, this sounds like 2 or more things being meshed together. I see this as being kind of an APP supplement, giving extra armor, control, and attack powers to ATs that normally are weak in those areas... Or, one can select a tree that plays to their strengths instead of shoring their weaknesses. Perhaps another "Self-Buff" set like alpha, but more specialized?

Genesis: This word invokes a beginning, or creation. I almost want to say it's the ability to lower your combat level so you can street-sweep in low-level zones without entering an ouro-arc first, but I'm not sure how they'd divide that up into 4 or more types or how that would help with 50+ content. Perhaps you can lower an enemy's combat level or debuff the heck out of them?

Mind: Ability to read minds. This can be achieved in-game by granting + Def (You already know where the enemy is aiming), Detecting stealthy foes. Perhaps have all glowies/objectives shown on the auto-map? Maybe some confuse and fear powers to mess with your enemies? And maybe the ability to circumvent these effects: + def, + Stealth, + mez protection... lots of possibilities.

Vitae: +HP, + Regen, + End, + Recovery, +Defense, + Resistance... anything having to do with your character's physical health and capabilities. Lots of potential here.

Omega: The last and greatest. Perhaps a compliment to Alpha, or a team-buff version where you enhance all your allies abilities instead of (just) your own. Or perhaps taking these attributes away from your foes and crippling them.

...meh, i dunno. Hope the devs come up with thins cooler than I did!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I want a repel power that affects teammate's pets only

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
*My "realistic" wants:
-An impressive ST ranged attack (with weapon options)
-An impressive ST melee attack (with weapon options)
-An impressive control power of some sort, would not even need to mez bosses on 1 application
*Preferably with animation customization

*Probably unrealistic wants lol:
-The ability to summon two sets of lore pets, in other words use a future slot on another lore set
-The ability to use two sets of alpha slot abilities, essentially the same as the above
I just want my purple triangles, after all the other incarnates in the game have them.....

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Well, first we have to look at what we already have:

Alpha: Global passive enhancement
Judgement: Clicky nukes
Interface: Passive always-on debuffs that piggyback on attacks
Lore: Limited-uptime combat pets
Destiny: Self- and team-buffs that can become always-on

The connection between slot names and effects are pretty tenuous, so guessing what the remaining Incarnate slots will do based on their labels is probably pointless. They're not going to duplicate any of the existing effects with the other slots, so what does that leave?

- Single-target attacks that can complement or punctuate an attack chain. Think Total Focus or Statesman's ground punch. High damage with powerful secondary effects (status/splash/etc), recharge in the 30-second unenhanceable range (often enough to be readily available but not enough to change core attack rotations). Possibly mirrors Judgement by having both melee and ranged options.

- Placeable aoe effects. Beneficial pseudopet auras (similar to CoT crystals and DE emanators), Tar Patch-like debuff spots, pulsing damage, etc. This would be hell on graphics lag but it seems an obvious choice.

- Always-on defensive or utility boosts. A lot of this ground has already been covered by Alpha and Destiny, but there might be enough design space left for other effects. Passive auras maybe?

- Clicky godmodes, the mirror to Judgement's crashless nuke.

- Triggered effects on player defeat, a "last gasp" type power. A supernuke that only goes off when you eat pavement, or a team buff like Nemesis Lt. Vengeance, etc. Can't imagine this for anything but Omega.



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
I just want my purple triangles, after all the other incarnates in the game have them.....
Agreed! Even though the existing incarnate powers are great, I still don't feel all that godly. Fact remains that my dominator still can get 1 or 2 shot by Statesman... Somehow, I don't feel like I have his level of power. This is why I think we need a godmode. :P



I think one will be a hold on a long recharge that can hold everything up to AVs and GMs, a second will be a targeted AoE debuff, maybe a melee or ranged ST attack, a self buff/heal (Unlike Destiny it would ONLY effect you) and Omega would be a God Mode. Maybe akin to Unstoppable with Psi added in for a longer period but a very long (10 to 30 minutes) recharge and crashless.


But we won't know until they're all out.



(Underline added by me.)

Originally Posted by Rapthorn View Post
These are just ideas I have thought of:
  • More Judgement powers. Energy Judgement that doesn't look like lightning. Earth, Psychic, Magic. There are many they could do.
A small quibble... Aren't ALL of the Incarnate abilities of a magic origin? I mean they are granted by the Well, right? Unrelatedly, I guess I also have an issue with folks complaining that Natural characters aren't covered by the Incarnate powers. There is a good reason why that is: as soon as they start to become an Incarnate... they cease to BE natural anymore.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
(Underline added by me.)
A small quibble... Aren't ALL of the Incarnate abilities of a magic origin? I mean they are granted by the Well, right? Unrelatedly, I guess I also have an issue with folks complaining that Natural characters aren't covered by the Incarnate powers. There is a good reason why that is: as soon as they start to become an Incarnate... they cease to BE natural anymore.
See, that's the issue, right there, is that most players don't like the stories the game's writers shove in their face.

They like their powers and their origins, and they want to continue to participate in the game without their character being hijacked, which is why every single time the writers try to take control of an origin or powerset's storyline, the players have protested, resisted, and rebelled.

And it's really kind of sad/telling that so many people are refusing to take part in the Incarnate storyline simply because it's not even remotely appropriate to their character and they dislike feeling railroaded

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



Let me be clear: I am not saying I totally agree with the stance that the Dev's seem to have re: Incarnate-hood. But, for now, it is what it is... and it makes good sense with regard to the storyline. So, I don't really have TOO much of an issue with it, but honestly, I don't generally make characters that don't fit into the game the way it is currently designed. I tend to look at what is available, and make my concept fit those options, and not the other way around. Which, is honestly the best way to NOT be dissappointed by a lack of options that we have.



First, I'd like the last 5 to work even when you exemplar down. They can say you've reach advance levels of your incarnatedom and are able to retain some abilities regardless of levels.


1) Hybrids your powers - 1: converts part of your damage into another type of damage, 2: converts part of your healing into adding a buff, etc.

2) Hybrids your secondary. Tired of that annoying knockback? Now your powers do knockdown instead. Or -recharge. Or something else that would benefit your crazy combinations of abilities that is far different than old school primary/secondary/APP worked out.


Not a power, but an unlock that lets you change your character in certain ways.

1) Ability to respec primary/secondary (though probably unwarranted. A lot of people seem to have insane numbers of 50s already that cover the spectrum of ATs and P/S/APP)

2) Unlocks an amount of slots you can attach to powers . Slot starved or what that APP/PPP power to have more slots?


Hmm not sure with this one. As far as mind abilities go, no thanks, got plenty of ATs and APP for that. As far as expansion of the mind/knowledge. Would suggest some kind of extra umpf to your abilities. Or heck, maybe just unlocks the abilities to have incarnate abilities working sub 50 as I suggested earlier. Or if it's just a new name for the stance idea then:

I'd hope for something Shadowbane style: These would be no cost toggles that are non-interruptible/dispellable.

They'd change amount of damage, healing, protection, control, acc and the durations based on stance.


1: Tank type - % chance or % damage done to you reflects on attacker
2: Heal type - % chance or % healing done adds a second DD heal or small HoT
3: Range - % chance or % damage done you heals you
4: Melee - % chance or % damage taken heals you

That or some way for people to heals themselves better than med PP


It's ultimate power... or ending

1) Aspect of a God - would work as a transform giving extra abilities akin to Kheldians but not change your form and allowing the use of all your normal abilities.

1: Aphrodite - Gives a select of mez/control powers
2: Artemis - Selection of range ST, aoes and a build up type for it
3: Athena - Selection of melee attacks and personal def buffs
4: Poseidon - A selection of debuff powers

Or change names of gods and type of abilites you get. The overall premise for the last 5 is you come into your complete powers. Solo you are a 1 man army able to cover all your teams needs yourself.

New TFs and missons would be so intensive that people would need to fill multiple roles either because the boss is so strong a huge portion of the team would need to stack buff/debuff, healing, or swap tanking etc or because they are more involved where people need to split up to cover many areas, so need to be able to fill multiple roles without having to have a specific AT with them.



I rather like the idea of a single-target attack, perhaps with trade-offs between up-front damage versus DoT with utility/mez (a-la Ghost Widow's hold) - probably not outright holding AVs and GMs, but perhaps enough to control an AV while purple triangles are down.

Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell

Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation



I have no idea what to expect. I'm trying not to think to much about it because i dont want to get my hopes up. And I'm just not really sure how this is all gonna pan out. Will iPowers make us insanely OP that literally any toon, with just SOs, could solo multiple AVs at once. With the new content they release being infinitely more difficult than even baf and lambda. Or are we just going to be getting a moderate, yet still epic, increase in power like we have so far, future trials only being slightly harder than baf/lambda for just the first day or 2. Let’s face it none of the new iSlots are on their own more powerful than an equal tier alpha. (In the normal content this is even more apparent) And none of the new incarnate content is really that hard.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
(Underline added by me.)
A small quibble... Aren't ALL of the Incarnate abilities of a magic origin? I mean they are granted by the Well, right? Unrelatedly, I guess I also have an issue with folks complaining that Natural characters aren't covered by the Incarnate powers. There is a good reason why that is: as soon as they start to become an Incarnate... they cease to BE natural anymore.
Incarnate abilities aren't magic origin. Incarnate is the original origin before it split up and became Science, Technology, Natural, Magic, and Mutant. Kind of like the theory where gravity, electromagnetism, weak, and strong forces were originally one force at the beginning of the universe.

I suppose Natural could be explained through either they had some latent alien DNA that wakened up or through extensive training and meditation, they were able to pass some impossible barrier and achieve enlightenment.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
(Underline added by me.)
A small quibble... Aren't ALL of the Incarnate abilities of a magic origin? I mean they are granted by the Well, right? Unrelatedly, I guess I also have an issue with folks complaining that Natural characters aren't covered by the Incarnate powers. There is a good reason why that is: as soon as they start to become an Incarnate... they cease to BE natural anymore.
Different topic run, but, pretty much the premise is that the Well is 'beyond' magic. Although the argument that which we don't understand is effectively magic may be applicable to perception, it doesn't necessarily make it truth in an environment where you have magic as a defined force.

The well is simply the source of [almost] all supernatural force in the setting. And given that we're talking about supernatural force anyway, it's pretty easy to see it as magic .

Different topic though .

I do wonder about Genesis potentially being a rez power of some sort, which would be interesting, but at the same time, has to be cautious to have avoid devaluing Barrier's rez too much [or getting devalued by Barrier's rez for that matter]. It'll be interesting to see how it pans out. Also, I'm not personally positive that we'll necessarily see the various incarnate abilities actually being 'unique'.

Originally Posted by ultrawatt View Post
Will iPowers make us insanely OP that literally any toon, with just SOs, could solo multiple AVs at once.
Ramiel says yes it will . Time will tell if his version of the future was accurate or not .

Let's Dance!



I don't care what the further Incarnate abilities do, as long as they're passive.

Not only are the power trays grossly over-filled with way too many active, click-type powers, but managing all that while fighting is getting to be a challenge. Keeping track of recharges and when to use what, with long-, medium-, and short-recharge powers -- sometimes with Hasten on, sometimes with teammate buffs changing the recharge rates -- is getting complex.

If they're not going to automate more functions in the game, they ought to regard power tray space and (for want of a better word) the player's mindspace as critical territory and carefully consider each proposal to crowd another thing into. The players need to be able to assess the battlefield and opponents' abilities and actions, the mission objectives, teammates' actions and capabilities, and the storyline as well, and all of that has to be done very, very quickly.

Please make as many new powers as possible passive -- even if that means somewhat weaker. A power that crowds another, pre-existing power out of your tray or your regular rotation isn't as strong as it first looks, is it? And a power you don't remember to use is the weakest of all.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



I think one of the new slots will prolly grant some sort of damage aura
an possibly a extreme damage mele attack like the nova fist and that thing
states does when he punches the ground an the lightning comes down.
and possibly a heavy damage single target attack that does more boss/ AV damage



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
I don't care what the further Incarnate abilities do, as long as they're passive.

Not only are the power trays grossly over-filled with way too many active, click-type powers, but managing all that while fighting is getting to be a challenge. Keeping track of recharges and when to use what, with long-, medium-, and short-recharge powers -- sometimes with Hasten on, sometimes with teammate buffs changing the recharge rates -- is getting complex.

If they're not going to automate more functions in the game, they ought to regard power tray space and (for want of a better word) the player's mindspace as critical territory and carefully consider each proposal to crowd another thing into. The players need to be able to assess the battlefield and opponents' abilities and actions, the mission objectives, teammates' actions and capabilities, and the storyline as well, and all of that has to be done very, very quickly.

Please make as many new powers as possible passive -- even if that means somewhat weaker. A power that crowds another, pre-existing power out of your tray or your regular rotation isn't as strong as it first looks, is it? And a power you don't remember to use is the weakest of all.
I disagree completely. I haven't had any problem with this. If a person doesn't have the mental capacity to remember when to use a few powers (at most an toon will have likely something like 20 clickies tops they actually use regularly, something like 5 tops will only actually be used all the time) it's their problem. This is in fact one of my favorite parts about the game. The UI is freakishly simple.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




Getting to respec your secondary would be nice. I have hated my mains secondary for years. The second the released /mm for blasters my theme instantly seemed stale in comparison seeing as how he is a pyrokinetic. I would LOVE to be Fire/MM instead of Fire/Fire.

Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk



Originally Posted by ultrawatt View Post
And none of the new incarnate content is really that hard.
The incarnate content WAS hard the first few times you had ran them. Even with a fully IOed toon, it still took the few teams I ran with a long while to the trials. Plus, there were FAR more deaths than what there are now.

I don't see why some people are complaining about the "hardness" of it. The trials are designed around the powers you unlock.
Destiny/Interface to survive in Lambda and debuff Marauder.
Lore/Judgement to kill the excess amount of foes in BAF.

We are gaining powers that are beneficial for the scenario we are placed in. Who cares if it is hard all. the. time?
Seeing as we are forced to run the trial a multitude of times to unlock everything, would you prefer it be so hard you can barely manage one run?

Next trials will probably be the same - hard at first, but when we know what to do it will be easier.


For the next powers, I would like something that will help me out in the trials.
Seeing as how we are fighting Praetorian Hamidon and journeying to Reactor , maybe the new powers will be a combination of special-resists? Like possibly being connected to the well, we have gained [Essence of the Earth] and [Radiation Shield] effects? That would be pretty cool, and not at all game-changing. But it would be fun.

Or hmm.. Praetorian Hamidon might even have Mitos .. so a ST Hold / Melee / Range power could be pretty cool AND helpful there.

But, I'm not getting my hopes up.

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
CoH players are stupid and incompetent compared to WoW players.
As was said in Gran Torino, "Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind", let CoH be one of those things. Don't forget, forgive.



Im hoping for more global enhancements, and a little less click dependent stuff.