What would you change for CoH2?

Adeon Hawkwood



If you were in charge of design for CoH2, what fundamental changes would you make to the way the game works?

I don't particularly like the way mezzing works in this game. I believe it should be incredibly rare, but also very scary when it does happen.

In my opinion, minions shouldn't be able to wrest control away from players. It should take a big bad to lock a player down; Ghost Widow, for instance. On the other hand, no one should be immune to mezzes. I would get rid of Break Frees and mez-immunity toggles, while allowing more resilient archetypes to have some mez resistance to shake it off sooner.

I would design certain encounters wherein it is lore appropriate for an enemy to have that kind of power. There would be a unique wind-up animation to give players a few seconds to pop inspirations to try to weather the hold, or for a tank to taunt to make sure the enemy doesn't go after his squishies while he's helpless.

It's not a suggestion, since it's obviously too late to change such a fundamental thing, but it's nice to dream.

Edit: I occurred to me today that the word "mez" could be ambiguous to some. I mean holds, stuns, sleeps, fears, confusion, and to a lesser degree endurance drains and knockback. "Mez" is a term I picked up from my first MMO. It started as a specific class' ability, but was adopted as shorthand for anything that stopped a character from acting.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Our hair would move.
fingers too.

Heck I would just blatantly rip off that other game costume parts and ideas and just add in stuff they are missing.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
Heck I would just blatantly rip off that other game costume parts and ideas and just add in stuff they are missing.
Like style, class, sophistication and fashion-sense?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I wouldn't side-lock any non-Epic ATs. Villains and Heroes would be available at launch, and content would be kept within a reasonable amount. After side-switching, there would be some grey content, contacts that would only talk to those in the process of switching.

ATs would remain (freeform building needs to stay where it can be balanced by the GM saying "no"), and probably pretty similar to what we have now.

GDN and ED would be in from day one, and IOs would probably be a bit later (introed after people have racked up some decent cash).

Some of the more absurd badges would be cut (I'm looking at you, Empath).

Zones like Boomtown would be revamped to have something, and there's plenty of lore to do that with. No "zero content zones".

Asymmetric costume parts, all mirrorable.

Ability to set lefty/righty settings, with the attendant changes in powers (shields on non-dominant hand, weapons in dominant, able to set alternating or specific hand for one-hand powers).

Less zoning in hero content, wider variety of tones in both hero and villain content. Ranging from shining, selfless paragon of heroism, to more realistic heroism, to "in it for the money" villainy to very low-down dirty villainy (various of which would have warnings, on both, as they might be integrated into the morality system).

And, like GG said, animated hair.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Random blinking ad facial expressions with mouth movement.

Voice actors for all NPCs.



If I were in charge my goal would be to attempt to provide a more tightly balanced teaming and solo experiences without breaking the "bring what you want teaming" appeal of CoH1.

The general goal would be that every character should act as a force multiplier on teams but also solo well. Not all characters would provide equal levels of force multiplication but all characters would provide at least some.

Now in order to keep the ATs distinctive the general goal would be to change the ways in which they provide this. Melee ATs would have force multiplication in the form of either toggles (such as the VEATs) or added onto their regular attacks. Ranged ATs would be more like the existing Defender or Dominator ATs providing force multiplication through buffs/debuffs/control as separate powers.

The general goal would be to create a situation where the strength of a team is more easily predictable based on size and also quadratic (i.e. 2 players are more than twice as powerful as 1). I'd then change the spawn size scaling for teams, spawns would get larger as team size increased but the individual enemies would also increase in strength (higher to hit, more damage, more hp etc.).

Ideally if done right this would create a situation where, like in current CoH, team composition is very flexible while also allowing content difficulty to be more easily scaled up or down as required and avoiding the situation where some characters can solo content meant for a full team.



I'd go for more freeform character building than what we have now.

1. Make tiers 1-3 of both primary and secondary available at level 1
2. Instead of 4 pools and an epic just make it 5 power pools
2a. Epic power pool available around level 15
3. Loosen up on the requirements in picking powers from the pools maybe dividing into 2 tiers instead of 3 and allow picks from tier 2 after 1 from tier 1
4. More options in both primary and secondary choices.
5. Eliminate tieing inherents to particular powers. This was a rotten idea and is something that really needs to be fixed in the current game. Bruise should not be tied to something that is usually a poor choice, defiance shouldnt have gutted variety from blaster builds.

Change the way mez works from shutting down everything to just shutting down offense. There is no reason that mez should be the equivalent of a oneshot for anyone



facial and body expressions, like a certain mmo long ago in a galaxy far far away.

open powers, yeah i know its tough, work with it till it works, kidnap arcana

lifting, throwing and weaponizing the environment around you, and with distinction for what you are weaponizing, that the less than optimal way the competitors are doing it right now, i telephone pole should be weaponized differently than an suv. and it should be useable in combat, provided you took the correct power. none of this interruptable nonsense. also, limited grappling with most enemies, a stunned enemy can be tossed.

(this idea based more on chase arcanums solution on the subject) either have mezzes be a progressive system of debuffs that eventually lead to a full shut down, but first just weaken the enemies, or make it a game in itsself, where a fully mezzed enemy is defeated.

a metric @&#$ton of costume stuff, and a full commitment to make sure more come EVERY issue. i'm ok with premium costumes for extra, more than ok, but make sure we still see some depth of costumes included with issues...like we aren't seeing now.




Physics. Meaningful physics. With powers that interrupt the physical environment and allow for problem solving innovation in meaningful ways beyond a hit points driven paradigm.

That is the future.



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
Physics. Meaningful physics. With powers that interrupt the physical environment and allow for problem solving innovation in meaningful ways beyond a hit points driven paradigm.

That is the future.
It ain't superheroes without property damage and cars being tossed around.




Have a major comic book writer create the story.

Give players access only to the game's signature characters.

Zero leveling. Zero customization.

Browser-based and free to play.

Oh wait. That game's already in the works.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
It ain't superheroes without property damage and cars being tossed around.

Gotta look even beyond that. I'm talking about ice characters being able to quickly make big blocks of ice to block falling debris. Gravity characters increasing or speeding up gravity in small localities to divert said falling debris. Fire characters creating up-drafts to change its course. Super strength characters ripping up a ribbon of tarmac to create a curtain blocking the debris. Etc etc.

Physics has been tinkered with in a number of titles in different genres. Stabs at meaningful applications have been made. Sub-genres of flash and indie games have come out that rely almost solely on integrated physics play.

Mix this with a growing subgenre of voxel based games, crowned by one particular open-world phenom, and you have the seeds for a next-next-next gen MMO.

Nothing says super villains like blowing a dam and attempting to flood the town below. And nothing says super heroes like using whatever powers bestowed you in creative ways to stop said flooding.

It may not be CoH2 that does it. But someday, some game will. Some MMO will. And that changed game will be a game changer.

But the superhero genre, IMO, seems to be the perfect stomping ground to really push this sort of gameplay. Much more-so than say a certain single player franchise from far far away. Why? Variety. In that other franchise, you need to shoehorn in the wide range of powers amongst the canon of the existing intellectual property. But in a wider, more open superhero game? The variety and wide range of powers really makes things interesting IMO. And ultimately this sort of design could lead to a wide range of replayability of many challenges within the game world.

Imagine part of the team needing to fight baddies (still a superhero combat system similar to CoH1) while others break off to deal with physics based challenges. Or using physics based powers to hem the baddies in and corner them--not just in mere terms of that overused buzzword "weaponizing"--but truly open ways. I.E. a super strength character pulling up and bending a bit of a water main to direct its forceful outflow whilst an electric character sends a constant charge through the stream. Meanwhile a magnetism character pulls a bus over behind the baddies who get washed up against said bus by the make shift shocking fire hose.

Of course, if it's truly physics based and as temperamental as current computer physics toys, things won't always go 100% as planned each time--and recovering from these potentially riotous setbacks would make the game itself feel even more alive. Combat and challenges should feel more sandboxy. Not in a traditional sandbox MMO sense, but in a loose creative sense with winning strategies being a constantly moving target surrounded by a whirlwind of mayhem as players collectively pursue victory.



More movement in combat. Better (and more complete) job of power customization.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



In no particular order:

1) Animated hair
2) Fingers
3) Bare feet that look like feet, not boots with toes painted on
4) Multiple powers to choose from at each tier, so that you can have 2 chars with the same power sets but different individual powers.
5) More customisation for powers, allowing the player to choose how the character uses the power (I.E. Firing blasts from eyes, hands, etc)
6) Character movement based on abilities (I.E. a super-reflexes character twisting and dodging attacks in a manner visibly different from on with invulnerability).
7) The ability to interact with the environment based on powersets (using flight to rescue kittens from trees, using super strength to move obstacles blocking one's path, grabbing a phone pole to swat someone, etc)

Est sularis oth Mithas



I would remove the blue bar.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I would remove the blue bar.
Ah yes, good one.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
Have a major comic book writer create the story.

Give players access only to the game's signature characters.

Zero leveling. Zero customization.

Browser-based and free to play.

Oh wait. That game's already in the works.

We have a great comic book writer with us in Troy Hickman, thankyouverymuch.

I'd have to back up what others are saying, though. Any new iteration of this game has to look and feel the part. Looking in terms of better textured and articulated limbs, fingers and toes (they don't have to be particularly functional, just do what's necessary for holding objects and emotes) better textured and animated faces (and possibly hair?) just to give a sense of expression and dare I say it, animation to characters, and lastly, physics.

If we're getting anything from the generation of superhero movies we're currently seeing, it's that interaction with the environment and movement are visually appealing. Superheroes don't stand there, they move and use the environment around them and the environment reacts to what they do. I'm not saying a CoH2 has to have a fully destructable and interactive environment, but the lessons learned from Safeguard and Mayhem missions should be taken on board here. Have some objects be interactable, from temporary weapons like lightpoles and garbage cans (which I've suggested before could work here as just that, temp powers) to cars (some of which we see now with gangs trying to smash cars and trucks). Expanding events like the sole burning building in Steel Canyon to react to powers and then having zone events like we've seen in Praetoria would bring zones alive.

I'd personally love to go to the regular city zones and have a zone alert come up that the Skulls or the Hellions or some other group were up to some act of some kind (maybe attacking a University or even a Wentworths?) and it'd require a group to stop them. The Giant Monster events are rare events these days, and combining those with a zone event-based Clockwork assault would be fantastic. This can be done now, I feel. But it should become standard for a CoH2.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
Have a major comic book writer create the story.

Give players access only to the game's signature characters.

Zero leveling. Zero customization.

Browser-based and free to play.

Oh wait. That game's already in the works.


"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Oh by the way DYNAMIC CONTENT(tm)! Also destructible environments in instanced missions.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Varied sound effects for powers, particularly melee powers. Slicing a spectral demon with a sword/claws/katana etc. would sound much different than slicing an arachnobot. Even striking the same kind of target would not make the exact same sound every single time.



Originally Posted by Victoria_BC View Post
Varied sound effects for powers, particularly melee powers. Slicing a spectral demon with a sword/claws/katana etc. would sound much different than slicing an arachnobot. Even striking the same kind of target would not make the exact same sound every single time.
I like this one.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Better "skins", animations and sound effects for magical powers.

Mmmm... wait !

Real Magical Powers.

So far, only Soul Storm from GW's PPP and maybe Demon summoning looks magical.



I would develop the game in DirectX instead of OpenGL like it is currently. It would make the game perform a lot faster, and make better opportunity for more realistic looking character models. It would also cut down on the ridiculousness for whats needed for ultra mode!



The one thing that sinks City of Heroes more than any other game is the graphics infrastructure and engine. This game looks worse and runs worse than almost any contemporary game that I can think of, and not just Unreal engine and Source engine games. The in-house Crytpic engine was old even back in 2004 when the game launched, some two years after it was originally intended, and it has fallen progressively behind despite all the graphics tweaks.

If we're looking at a City of Heroes 2, this would need to be remade from scratch in something far more solid, possibly the amazingly stable and smooth Unreal 3 engine, while simultaneously carrying over all costume items and at least the majority of locations, if not at Launch, then soon thereafter.

I have a headache, so I'll cut my post short and avoid stepping into controversial territory.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.