Invisible, Silent Maelstrom?

Call Me Awesome



I was running a tip mission. Had to defeat the Oberst, which I did, and then... "Find Maelstrom." Piece of cake. Turned on invis, zipped around looking for him...

...searched entire (insert your favored profanity here) base. Nowhere to be found. His dialogue did not trigger, either, as a good evildoer will always spout off when you get near to him. Nothing.

I petitioned, since Maelstrom could be inside a wall. Kept searching.

Finally, I decided to whack some guys to pass the time, and noticed a fellow called "Vampyr Commandant." Interesting; I had not seen one before to my knowledge. Well, I hit Stalagmites, Stone Cages and unleashed Tornado and Lightning Storm, and generally went to town.
Suddently, there was Maelstrom! The punk had been standing by the Vampyr, INVISIBLE AND SILENT THE WHOLE TIME. And when I say INVISIBLE, I mean at LEAST as good as the best Knife of Artemis, but I think it was actually NO TRACE WHATSOEVER. Once I attacked, there was a TON of dialoging, but not before.

Well, the Nazis hit the floor in short order, and there Maelstrom was, standing idly, visible and conning blue.

THEN he wanted to talk. Well, I did not make a deal, he went for his guns and I dropped him like a bag of dirt. Case closed.

Has anyone else had this happen? Just how invisible is that so-and-so, and does he get to do that routinely?

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



I have encountered nearly the same behavior from Maelstrom many times in the past. I've most often found him standing next to the Oberst. Occasionally, I'll defeat the boss, fail to notice him and have him start trailing me. I've even had him engage my enemies without me being aware of his presence. I do think that the level of stealth he has is a bit much, but I've learned in which tip missions he appears, and I plan on doing some looking for him whenever that tip rolls around.



Seems to be a running bug - apparently sometimes mobs turn completely invisible. Last saw it happen on a Rommy during an ITF. I'm guessing it has something to do with animations, since there's no problems with actually targeting them.



i think maelstrom has devices type powers so he uses a variation on cloaking device which is pretty much on all the time until you aggro him

this makes it incredibly difficult to locate him without a lot of +perception since he is usually stealthed a good bit



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i think maelstrom has devices type powers so he uses a variation on cloaking device which is pretty much on all the time until you aggro him
I'm not sure about that, I never had trouble seeing him before.



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
I'm not sure about that, I never had trouble seeing him before.
i havent looked into his powers that much, but im pretty sure he has some form of self stealth which makes it really hard to see him without +perception



I have had him be completely unfindable several times. I mean clear every single mob in the base and can't find him. Last time he was at the very end of a short dead end tunnel I had looked in twice, but until I finally went to the actual dead end of the tunnel he was silent and you sure couldn't see him down there, lol. Even then he was still silent, and I only realized I had finally found him from the second little green arrowhead that showed up on the mission map, following me out of the dead end. Got to spend 30 min. practicing my tunnel navigating skills.

I think from now on I am going to up my group size to 2 or 3 for that mish, IF I run it at all, as then he seems to spawn with some Malta helpers around to help you know where he is at.




Well, it is good to know that It Is Not Just Me.

I do not particularly care for the Council/Column caves; they are a pain to navigate. And I do not know if Maelstrom is Working As Intended or not, but the dude was totally invisible, and I am thinking it was not just Knives of Artemis Invisible, but No Pixels Whatsoever Invisible. In the future, I suppose taking this mission will be a function of whether I can tolerate this silliness or not.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



I'm not sure if it's bugged (if people cleared all and he didn't appear then it is) but I thought he's basically supposed to pop out while you're in the middle of a fight to help you, then you have the usual "I'm bringing you in" talk then he goes hostile.

That's what happened to me, was fighting two enemies toward the bottom of a map when he came running in and helped me kill them, then conversation and fight.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i think maelstrom has devices type powers so he uses a variation on cloaking device which is pretty much on all the time until you aggro him

this makes it incredibly difficult to locate him without a lot of +perception since he is usually stealthed a good bit
Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
I'm not sure about that, I never had trouble seeing him before.
Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i havent looked into his powers that much, but im pretty sure he has some form of self stealth which makes it really hard to see him without +perception
I think the point is that he doesn't have it on "all the time".

Unfortunately, the easiest way to find him in this case is to go around without any stealth on, so he'll agro to you and show himself. If that means getting hit by other mobs and clearing along the way, that's what has to be done. If you are using a stealth IO to cruise around the map, and he happens to have his stealth on too, he might be tricky to find.

Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
Seems to be a running bug - apparently sometimes mobs turn completely invisible. Last saw it happen on a Rommy during an ITF. I'm guessing it has something to do with animations, since there's no problems with actually targeting them.
I have never heard of random mobs disappearing. That sounds like an entirely different problem. Did the rest of your team see him turn invisible too?



As far as I can tell, it's working as intended. He always spawns with the Vampyri Comandant. That's the way I've been able to find him. He has a cloaking device that's always on until you aggro the spawn that's with him. +Perception does seem to help somewhat, but he's virtually invisible even with it thanks to the Cloaking Device making him nearly completely transparent.



I've had issues with seeing through Maelstrom's stealth on that mish and another tip for some other alignment. What I ended up doing was making a bind or macro to target Maelstrom and I think that solved my problem.



It seems like they changed something with Maelstrom. I have run into the scenario where I killed everything and went looking for him. I couldn't find him and as I contemplated sending in a bug report guess what happens... He walked up to me.

Other times he is just standing like he should.



I take that Bomb Triggers tip mission just to see what kind of Maelstrom I'll get this time. Will it be Totally Invisible Silent Maelstrom? Pacifist Trappist Blue Maelstrom, who refuses to engage in any dialogue or combat at all? How about Angry Orange Maelstrom who attacks right away without saying a word?

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Every time I've done the Bomb Trigger tip, Maelstrom's been invisible until you defeat the mob he spawns with, then he goes visible and you can talk to him, then he turns on you, and he ports when you beat him. Several times I've cleared the entire map before finding the Oberst, and had to backtrack to go find where he spawned, other times the Oberst is in the front of the map and Maelstrom was easier to find.

I have also noticed that he doesn't have the Maelstrom device on this version of him, which I find odd. When I ran into him in Praetoria he had it, but that was a while ago so I don't know if he still does.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Well, it is good to know that It Is Not Just Me.

I do not particularly care for the Council/Column caves; they are a pain to navigate. And I do not know if Maelstrom is Working As Intended or not, but the dude was totally invisible, and I am thinking it was not just Knives of Artemis Invisible, but No Pixels Whatsoever Invisible. In the future, I suppose taking this mission will be a function of whether I can tolerate this silliness or not.
As far as I can tell, just about any tip with maelstrom seems to have similar problems, he is just too invisible.

Normally I look for his sidekicks, to get a general idea to his location, depending if the tip is hero or villain colored you are looking for malta or his robots, then there is the vampir commander one.

I really think, Maelstrom does not need to be invisible in the first place. While some may agree with a developer that his invisibility is challenge, I tend to feel that trying to find an invisible critical mission component is annoying and highly inappropriate.

On the other hand, I am sure the dev that came up with this brilliant strategem is too proud of himself to fix this annoyance.




I suspect that it is wai. I like the Tip Missions they are different.



Pretty sure it's changed recently.

I spent pretty much all of I18 farming blue-side 40-50 tips, and ran the Maelstrom mish countless times. Never had a problem finding him on toons w/and w/o stealth, +perception, etc. Just recently, maybe in the last few weeks, he's gone from mostly stealthy (i.e. you can still find him) to completely invisible. I've started to just skip those now.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
I suspect that it is wai. I like the Tip Missions they are different.
Klaw, I agree with you that it is good to have variety, different tips and different feels when doing them.

On the other hand, making things annoying its not a positive form of differentiation. While, yeah, it is different, this tip has more BS to it than others! I would not quite be willing to say it is good.

I dislike spoon-fed missions, that essentially have you traveling back and forth on the map, like some kind of retarded animal. If you walk by a computer or mob that is obviously a target of interest, why not let you engage it right there and there? Good ole Maelstrom can not be beat-up in one tip, despite you find him first, until you have talked to Furnace. You as a Hero, you know Maelstron is a bad guy, you don't need someone else somewhere tell you go back and beat him up, that is stupid.

While I am all for challenge as well, I want real challenge not annoyance. I often find people confusing challenge with tedium, and there is a big difference. If you think of math, solving a math problem is challenge, writting the multiplication tables 50 times is tedium not challenge. Trying to find an invisible guy, is tedium, not challenge; you may look for the odd mob in the mission, and then look around the mobs to find him; he may be in the same room, but not always next to them, so eventually and brainlessly you will have to walk all over the room to stumble across him, now really, is this really needed? Is this really fun? Not in my book.




Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
Pretty sure it's changed recently.

I spent pretty much all of I18 farming blue-side 40-50 tips, and ran the Maelstrom mish countless times. Never had a problem finding him on toons w/and w/o stealth, +perception, etc. Just recently, maybe in the last few weeks, he's gone from mostly stealthy (i.e. you can still find him) to completely invisible. I've started to just skip those now.
Yep, that mission has changed. It used to be he spawned with a group of non-hostile Malta (until you finished his dialogue); now he spawns with the Vampire Commandant and you need to kill that spawn before you can click on him. He ALWAYS is in the Commandant's spawn now.

Usually the progression of that mission is a mostly straight line, first the Oberst is in one of the first rooms, then beyond that you'll find the Commandant and Maelstrom and finally in the Bass Hatchery (more often than not it seems to use this map) you'll find the glowie.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
Yep, that mission has changed. It used to be he spawned with a group of non-hostile Malta (until you finished his dialogue); now he spawns with the Vampire Commandant and you need to kill that spawn before you can click on him. He ALWAYS is in the Commandant's spawn now.

Usually the progression of that mission is a mostly straight line, first the Oberst is in one of the first rooms, then beyond that you'll find the Commandant and Maelstrom and finally in the Bass Hatchery (more often than not it seems to use this map) you'll find the glowie.
Hmm... I'll have to look for that vamp commandant next time I try this. I think I have it queued on one of my toons.

I suspect the maps are static, just dependent on which map you draw, much like the Kahn TF's 3rd mish. I know during its WST week, ppl had memorized each variation to know exactly where the EB was on the map. I don't plan on running this Tip to the point where I'm the same way.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



He was in that spawn when I recently did the mission. However, my Willpower Tanker with Heightened Senses and Focussed Accuracy had no trouble spotting him. Seeing him presented its own problems, however, as I kept accidentally targetting him and he was unaffected by all my attacks until I defeated the mob and he turned blue for conversation, and then hostile again after the conversation. So he's apparently not just invisible.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I always use the 'Q' key when looking for specific things and remap it as necessary:

/bind Q "UnSelect$$TargetCustomNear Maelstrom"
or if you want either of them to be targeted:
/bind Q "UnSelect$$TargetCustomNear Maelstrom$$TargetCustomNear Commandant"
then I just tap 'Q' with my ring finger while moving forward with the 'W' key through the map.

Truthfully though, I haven't had much problem with this mission, even after the change. Doesn't the Commandant have things to say when you get near him? Just use him as the indicator instead of Maelstrom.