Discussion: The Intrepid Informer: Issue #2




Looks cool! I can't wait to explore it and see what the supporting story is.

That said, purely from an art/physics standpoint, I'm wondering why the "wall" ships aren't listing due to the weight of those heavy metal walls bolted to one side of the ships with no visible counterweights on the opposite side of the ship. I'd also expect them to be riding somewhat lower in the water...

Not meaning to be overly picky, but that's the first thing I noticed* when I saw those screenshots. So there's my 2 INF to the discussion.


* Truth be told, it's the second thing I noticed. The first was that the floating fortress wasn't floating in the sky. =)

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



So does this mean we are getting Under Water Zones as well.

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Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
New zone? New zone?

Pleasebeavillainzonepleasebeavillainzonepleasebeav illainzone...


I'm guessing probably not but cool.

But I really really want a new villain zone anyway.
Well, from the description, it seems like we'll doing heroic things there - so there will be some vaillainous types controlling the place - but it's way mroe likely to be a co-op rtaher than a single faction zone

Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
So does this mean we are getting Under Water Zones as well.
Well, we're making progress - we're now able to go out over the deep sea - we just need to work our way downwards

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
If it's in Praetoria, I think it might be a Resistance base, as a loyalist one probably wouldn't look so "thrown togther" - but if it's on Primal Earth, it could be a loyalist one that they made in secret off the coast.

And whatever it is, I'm pretty sure it's connected to the warship in Independence Port and Admiral Sutter.

The Facebook picture looks like it shows a floating platform of some kind, but its shape doesn't seem to match anything on the Floating Fortress diagram:

Those ships in the left look like Aegis cruisers, which are definitely not Praetorian in design.


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Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
Those ships in the left look like Aegis cruisers, which are definitely not Praetorian in design.
I know - but they might be the way we get to the Floating Fortress

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
That just looks damn cool... a floating fortress of stolen ships? For I-20? I'm thinking someone's decided Praetoria is not the place to be, and Hami may not like water, so hi ho, hi ho, it's off to sea we go!

But if I see Kevin Costner, I'm shooting him on sight.

EDIT: NVM, I need coffee

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The Nav window has...an awful lot of text on it. Is this an actual new zone, or is it an event/mission map?



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
The Nav window has...an awful lot of text on it. Is this an actual new zone, or is it an event/mission map?
It could be both - especially if they plan to use it as a raid setting.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I must admit this was pretty much the very first thing I thought of when I saw this.
But I have faith in the Devs that whatever this turns out to be it'll lack any of the more extreme Costnerian influences.

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Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
The Nav window has...an awful lot of text on it. Is this an actual new zone, or is it an event/mission map?

Good catch. It looks like it's a new mission. Which would make sense. I would be disappointed if this was a new zone.

Why? It looks too small for a new zone and there appears to be no new art. It looks like indepedance port ships put together.

Great for a new mission, very meh for a new zone.

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Originally Posted by Nebulhym View Post
Good catch. It looks like it's a new mission. Which would make sense. I would be disappointed if this was a new zone.

Why? It looks too small for a new zone and there appears to be no new art. It looks like indepedance port ships put together.
That's what I thought too, I think the use of the word "zone" in the preview is misleading. I do think it has something to do with Praetoria since everything else lately seems to, and the "rift portals" seem to heavily imply that.

It does look like the kind of map that would contain a lot of "maps within a map," which should be neat.

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Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
That's what I thought too, I think the use of the word "zone" in the preview is misleading. I do think it has something to do with Praetoria since everything else lately seems to, and the "rift portals" seem to heavily imply that.

It does look like the kind of map that would contain a lot of "maps within a map," which should be neat.
I wonder if the wall ships are linked below decks, so you could go almost the whole way around the fortress?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



My current bet is that it's Emperor Cole's forces building the fortress, and trying to get a solid foothold on Primal Earth. They didn't expect their initial invasion to be repelled (they expected to just steamroll everyone), so their followup plan would likely be rushed... hence using a bunch of stolen ships and building a fortress based off of them. The fact that some of the buildings are noted to be factories seems to support this, as far as I'm concerned.

Just a guess, though.



So, did the devs pull another bad move and give Heroes even more exclusive stuff? Really!? I hate you!



Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
My current bet is that it's Emperor Cole's forces building the fortress, and trying to get a solid foothold on Primal Earth. They didn't expect their initial invasion to be repelled (they expected to just steamroll everyone), so their followup plan would likely be rushed... hence using a bunch of stolen ships and building a fortress based off of them.

Just a guess, though.
The aircraft carrier area seems to suggest something military and mor5e sophisticated than a normal criminal operation, and the factories could be for producing Clockwork.

Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
So, did the devs pull another bad move and give Heroes even more exclusive stuff? Really!? I hate you!
If this is the setting for another Incanrate Trial, then it's likely to be co-op - Villains have to help Heroes defend the world from Tyrant and the loyalists.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



While I'm all for new zones, and this one is surprising, and pretty cool looking, it probably wouldn't have made my list of top five new zones on a survey.

We still need a mall, an amusement park, and a sports stadium(s).

Hoping it's a new Redside zone.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



*Crosses fingers and toes and prays hard to his gods that this new zone has absolutely nothing to do with Praetoria for a change.*

Yes, I know I'm going to be disappointed, but I can hope can't I?

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
A thought: maybe it's a Primal Earth forward base in Praetoria.
The mention of our "heroic arrival" makes it sound more like it's going to be a Praetorian place we go and smash up - either on Primal Earth or Praetorian Earth.

Originally Posted by Dante View Post
*Crosses fingers and toes and prays hard to his gods that this new zone has absolutely nothing to do with Praetoria for a change.*

Yes, I know I'm going to be disappointed, but I can hope can't I?
There's a rift portal marked on the sketch map

Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Hoping it's a new Redside zone.
Again, see the mention of the "heroic arrival" of players

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
There's a rift portal marked on the sketch map
Praetoria's not the only alternate dimension.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Suppose it is interesting if you like this sort of thing. Well done to the art department for pulling it off.

Like others have said though, where is the much asked Space Station, Moon zone, Undewater zone and my personal favourite, Jungle zone? Unless this isn't a whole new zone, but rather an instance for some new trial? The "exterior environment art for a feature" bit leads me to believe it is the latter.

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Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Praetoria's not the only alternate dimension.
Right now, it is

Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Unless this isn't a whole new zone, but rather an instance for some new trial? The "exterior environment art for a feature" bit leads me to believe it is the latter.
I think it's the setting for an Incarnate Trial.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Praetoria's not the only alternate dimension.

It could be another Cimerora-sized zone that's accessible through Ouroborus. The original intent for Ouro was to be a hub to various places. I'd bet this is what they're thinking.

There's enough ships in that area that there could easily be enough for a TF just in that spot, plus some repeatables and maybe a contact per side.

The idea of this flotilla intrigues me, and I wish to subscribe to its newsletter.

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