Is it REALLY worth the roughly 325 million inf




Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
Every tank.. Every Brute gets them... every time..
If you have the inf, there's no such thing as too much recovery, so passing on the Numina's and the Miracle is looking a gift horse in the mouth. If you have a lot of defensive or resistive mitigation, there's also no such thing as having too much regen. About the only melee I wouldn't consider putting all three into are regen scrappers and stalkers: I might skip Regenerative Tissue. But even with stamina and quick recovery, I'm slotting Miracle and Numina's eventually. Maybe as a lower priority, but eventually.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If you have the inf, there's no such thing as too much recovery, so passing on the Numina's and the Miracle is looking a gift horse in the mouth. If you have a lot of defensive or resistive mitigation, there's also no such thing as having too much regen. About the only melee I wouldn't consider putting all three into are regen scrappers and stalkers: I might skip Regenerative Tissue. But even with stamina and quick recovery, I'm slotting Miracle and Numina's eventually. Maybe as a lower priority, but eventually.
Yep, ALL of my toons (that i play) have numi and miracle. But i do skip regen tissue every now and then, like on my MM.

But, 325mil isnt very much anyway >.<

Edit: PS+end is TOTALLY worth it as well. I slot that before miracle/numi.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




Nothing is worth influence, since prices are made up half arbitrarily by players swimming in it. However, I'd say they're worth the time spent playing for it when considering A-merits. 2 A-merits each isn't bad and this game is supposedly about beating stuff up with superpowers - doing it in tips and morality missions yielding said recipes is one way to do it. That said, I never slot the Performance shifter Chance for +Endurance unless I have a third slot in Stamina or something like Physical perfection to hold it. While it improves end recovery a great deal on average, it's not good enough for a consistent performance if you're running a lot of toggles.



Originally Posted by Evilmeister View Post
Nothing is worth influence, since prices are made up half arbitrarily by players swimming in it. However, I'd say they're worth the time spent playing for it when considering A-merits. 2 A-merits each isn't bad and this game is supposedly about beating stuff up with superpowers - doing it in tips and morality missions yielding said recipes is one way to do it. That said, I never slot the Performance shifter Chance for +Endurance unless I have a third slot in Stamina or something like Physical perfection to hold it. While it improves end recovery a great deal on average, it's not good enough for a consistent performance if you're running a lot of toggles.
You're going to average one recovery tick every 50 seconds if its slotted into a passive like Stamina. That is the equivalent to 0.2 eps (compared to 0.177 eps earned by slotting a 42.4% IO into stamina with no ED). Whether you prefer the continuous performance of enhancing Stamina directly or the stronger pulse from the proc is somewhat of a matter of personal preference, but its certainly "strong enough" to compete directly with IO slotting.

Keep in mind that recovery is not continuous either. You get one recovery tick every 4 seconds at base recovery, and recovery slotting will decrease the tick time. So lets look at the real picture between the shifter and slotting stamina.

A player with stamina gets +25% recovery, which reduces the tick time by 1.25, or from 4 seconds to 3.2 seconds per tick. In 50 seconds, you'd get about 16 recovery ticks - 15.625 to be exact.

Slot Stamina with +42.4% enhancement, and recovery increases to +35.6%, and tick time drops to 2.95 seconds. In 50 seconds you'd get just under 17 ticks of recovery - 16.95 to be exact. So that slotting will get you about one more recovery tick of 6.667% of your endurance.

The proc would instead average giving you one additional tick of 10% endurance. Of course, some windows would have less and some more, but that would be the average. So lets see: worst case scenario you lose about one recovery tick in that period of 6.7% end. Average case you lose one tick of 6.7% end but gain one tick of 10% end. Is that sort of irregularity really that bad? Ironically, if you care about time frames shorter than 50 seconds, which is the average time between shifter pulses, the difference between slotted and unslotted stamina is even less, because its going to amount to less than one actual tick of endurance recovery.

In exchange for its slightly irregular performance, you get two benefits:

1. Its stronger, by a slight amount (if its the third slot its a significant amount)

2. Its unaffected by recovery debuff. Even if your recovery is debuffed to zero, this proc can still tick away because its not technically recovery. it is, for lack of a better way of putting it, a heal for endurance, much like transfusion is also completely unaffected by recovery debuffs.

My four-slot Stamina slotting pattern for characters I'm concerned about recovery for is Shifter End, End/Acc, End/Rech, Proc. That gives me 91.78% end mod after ED, plus the 0.2 eps average from the proc, plus a 2.5% recovery set bonus. Total recovery: 2.71 eps from that slotting. By way of comparison, four common IOs would be 2.52 eps, and three IOs plus the proc would be 2.70 eps. And I get +health as another set bonus.

Just three slots of IOs would be 2.50 eps. Adding 0.21 eps is more than adding the very first +42.4% common IO, so unless you are running out of slots for critical powers I think the extra slot and slotting with four shifter IOs is worth it.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If you have the inf, there's no such thing as too much recovery
I have too much recovery. It turns blue in my combat monitor. :(

I was quite disappointed when I realized I couldn't get everything Mids suggested I could.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
I have too much recovery. It turns blue in my combat monitor.

I was quite disappointed when I realized I couldn't get everything Mids suggested I could.
The recovery cap is 500%, or 8.33%/sec. That's not too much recovery, that is just enough recovery.

Although if you manage to slot three shifters, you could have 8.93%/sec recovery. Dark Melee could slot theft of essence and panacea and build for the recharge cap (don't know, not my problem) and end up with an additional 17.5% endurance every 20 seconds on average, 0.875%/sec. You could also slot procs in Dark Regen.

Then of course there is recharge capped Transference. Theoretical maximum 12.1%/sec, or the equivalent of 726% recovery. You might find it difficult to burn that much endurance.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The recovery cap is 500%, or 8.33%/sec. That's not too much recovery, that is just enough recovery.

Although if you manage to slot three shifters, you could have 8.93%/sec recovery. Dark Melee could slot theft of essence and panacea and build for the recharge cap (don't know, not my problem) and end up with an additional 17.5% endurance every 20 seconds on average, 0.875%/sec. You could also slot procs in Dark Regen.

Then of course there is recharge capped Transference. Theoretical maximum 12.1%/sec, or the equivalent of 726% recovery. You might find it difficult to burn that much endurance.
There is never enuff dakka.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
You're going to average one recovery tick every 50 seconds if its slotted into a passive like Stamina. That is the equivalent to 0.2 eps (compared to 0.177 eps earned by slotting a 42.4% IO into stamina with no ED). Whether you prefer the continuous performance of enhancing Stamina directly or the stronger pulse from the proc is somewhat of a matter of personal preference, but its certainly "strong enough" to compete directly with IO slotting.

Keep in mind that recovery is not continuous either. You get one recovery tick every 4 seconds at base recovery, and recovery slotting will decrease the tick time. So lets look at the real picture between the shifter and slotting stamina.

A player with stamina gets +25% recovery, which reduces the tick time by 1.25, or from 4 seconds to 3.2 seconds per tick. In 50 seconds, you'd get about 16 recovery ticks - 15.625 to be exact.

Slot Stamina with +42.4% enhancement, and recovery increases to +35.6%, and tick time drops to 2.95 seconds. In 50 seconds you'd get just under 17 ticks of recovery - 16.95 to be exact. So that slotting will get you about one more recovery tick of 6.667% of your endurance.

The proc would instead average giving you one additional tick of 10% endurance. Of course, some windows would have less and some more, but that would be the average. So lets see: worst case scenario you lose about one recovery tick in that period of 6.7% end. Average case you lose one tick of 6.7% end but gain one tick of 10% end. Is that sort of irregularity really that bad? Ironically, if you care about time frames shorter than 50 seconds, which is the average time between shifter pulses, the difference between slotted and unslotted stamina is even less, because its going to amount to less than one actual tick of endurance recovery.

In exchange for its slightly irregular performance, you get two benefits:

1. Its stronger, by a slight amount (if its the third slot its a significant amount)

2. Its unaffected by recovery debuff. Even if your recovery is debuffed to zero, this proc can still tick away because its not technically recovery. it is, for lack of a better way of putting it, a heal for endurance, much like transfusion is also completely unaffected by recovery debuffs.

My four-slot Stamina slotting pattern for characters I'm concerned about recovery for is Shifter End, End/Acc, End/Rech, Proc. That gives me 91.78% end mod after ED, plus the 0.2 eps average from the proc, plus a 2.5% recovery set bonus. Total recovery: 2.71 eps from that slotting. By way of comparison, four common IOs would be 2.52 eps, and three IOs plus the proc would be 2.70 eps. And I get +health as another set bonus.

Just three slots of IOs would be 2.50 eps. Adding 0.21 eps is more than adding the very first +42.4% common IO, so unless you are running out of slots for critical powers I think the extra slot and slotting with four shifter IOs is worth it.
It's fun to be quoted by Arcanaville. Having said that - average return isn't an absolute measurement and that's the problem. Starting the zero timer at your last +endurance tick, you'll see at least another instant buff to endurance only about two thirds of the time (0,67232 probability for five ticks) by 50 seconds and every minute only three quarter of the time (0,737856 probability at six ticks) with no telling how far apart the ticks that do hit are, meaning you can get a buff even when you have an (almost) full endurance bar rendering it nearly useless.

That's the reason why I prefer to buff the more frequent endurance ticks before adding the Chance for +Endurance; the average return may be higher but it can end up being too far between to be helpful when running toggles and attacking. Also; having four slots in Stamina means two slots I could've used on damage procs that have 20% chance to affect multiple targets for each activation. More damage on average means less attacks used which is also endurance not spent. It boils down to personal preference, but as I said earlier - I save the proc for Stamina slot #3 or higher, or when applicable in Physical perfection where it's a whole lot better than buffing the power itself.



Something is worth what someone else is willing to pay for it. If people are buying stuff for that price, your answer is yes.



Originally Posted by Evilmeister View Post
It's fun to be quoted by Arcanaville. Having said that - average return isn't an absolute measurement and that's the problem.
I specifically went out of my way to state the case for the proc completely separate from averages.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I specifically went out of my way to state the case for the proc completely separate from averages.
Lead a horse to water..

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I specifically went out of my way to state the case for the proc completely separate from averages.
What can I say, there was a lot of irish in the coffee and this got stuck in my head:

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The proc would instead average giving you one additional tick of 10% endurance. Of course, some windows would have less and some more, but that would be the average. So lets see: worst case scenario you lose about one recovery tick in that period of 6.7% end. Average case you lose one tick of 6.7% end but gain one tick of 10% end. Is that sort of irregularity really that bad? Ironically, if you care about time frames shorter than 50 seconds, which is the average time between shifter pulses, the difference between slotted and unslotted stamina is even less, because its going to amount to less than one actual tick of endurance recovery.
While you do point out that it really is very benificial in the third slot or later and illustrate this with examples of your own slotting, I just wanted to illuminate how irregular that 20% chance for... can be if someone was considering running with it alone or with it and an endurance modification IO in two slots while hoping for a smooth, reliable build performance in the recovery department.



Arcana, since the Performance Shifter Proc gives +10% End, and not +10 points, how do +Max End bonuses affect it?

For example, assume I have Set bonuses, Accolades, and [Superior Conditioning] bringing me to exactly 120 Max End. Does the difference between the Proc and the SO scale evenly (that is, do both improve in effectiveness proportionately), or does one become more or less efficient than the other as Max End changes?

Geez, I retyped that a half dozen times trying to get what I was asking to come out right. Does that even make sense?




Depends on how much money you have. For me, yes, it's worth it. Then again, I've spent close to a billion inf. on nearly every character I have. I've got 3 who cost much more than that.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
If you work for alignment merits, each of those recipes are 4 days of tip missions, tops. That's how I've gotten them on my characters I want them on--tip missions are a nice way to level up anyway, and getting good recipes out of it is just gravy. I wouldn't call them all worth having in every build, either. My /Elec Brute has no need for more recovery, and most squishies won't get that much from +25% regen (it would be a whopping 1.3 hp/sec for my level 50 Dominator.)
This. Also note that with the same amount of work over the following 4 days you can sell the exact same thing you just slotted and have 325 million influence to spend on other IOs

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Some builds don't need them, certainly.

For the builds that do, is it worth shelling out a few a-merits to play the character the way I want to play it?

Yeah, it usually is.

@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Arcana, since the Performance Shifter Proc gives +10% End, and not +10 points, how do +Max End bonuses affect it?

For example, assume I have Set bonuses, Accolades, and [Superior Conditioning] bringing me to exactly 120 Max End. Does the difference between the Proc and the SO scale evenly (that is, do both improve in effectiveness proportionately), or does one become more or less efficient than the other as Max End changes?

Geez, I retyped that a half dozen times trying to get what I was asking to come out right. Does that even make sense?
10% of 120 is 12. You will get 12 endurance per proc. I think I got a little confused by some of what you said there, but yeah, it's 10%. My Tanker and Blaster that both (oddly enough) have 111.8 endurance each get 11.2 endurance each time the perf shifter procs. And all recovery will be based on your max end, so there will be no changes in effectiveness to either no matter what your max end is. Perf shifter proc (when averaged) will always outperform throwing End Mod IO/SOs in Stamina.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If you have the inf, there's no such thing as too much recovery, so passing on the Numina's and the Miracle is looking a gift horse in the mouth. If you have a lot of defensive or resistive mitigation, there's also no such thing as having too much regen. About the only melee I wouldn't consider putting all three into are regen scrappers and stalkers: I might skip Regenerative Tissue. But even with stamina and quick recovery, I'm slotting Miracle and Numina's eventually. Maybe as a lower priority, but eventually.
This is my philosophy as well.

In fact, these IOs are some of the only set IOs I give my characters as they level up. For me, full set bonus builds are something I worry about late in a character's career. Early on, however, I make a point of obtaining a Miracle and a Numina's unique specifically for the +recovery. While "expensive" (I am wealthy in just about every in-game resource so for me that's not an issue), they do a lot for boosting how fast you can chug along without having to stop and catch your breath. (The +regen pieces do that for your health bar, so they aren't to be overlooked. I just prioritize the recovery.) I could do the same thing with frankenslotting, and possibly better, but I can get just a few (admittedly expensive) IOs and leave the rest of my build SOs or common IOs until I am ready for a larger overhaul. I prefer that simplicity, so for me it's worth it.

Late game, I like to have characters who can do things that, well, they just otherwise wouldn't be able to do. Making your character very hard to run out of end enables a whole category of sustained burn activities, ranging from running more toggles to sustaining a high DPS attack chain for longer. No one needs to do stuff like that, but a lot of us get kicks out of it.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I always throw a Numina in Health. But I rarely see the need to devote another slot to regen or recovery unless it's something specific or I have tons of slots to spare. I added an extra Miracle for my widow since she runs a ton of toggles. And used a Regen Tissue for my Brute's PP. But that's the extent of it.

Better places to put slots, IMO. Especially RE: Miracle. If you don't need more endurance you don't need more recovery. I tend to build in excess for recovery so I don't have to worry about it. But I value slots more than adding in things like Miracles for no reason.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



don't forget with the weekly strike force,you can get double merits. this week i got 100 for SisterP. i use the merits to buy the recipe and craft from merit vendor,even at 240 per,that is not that much. and yes for the A-merits less than a week of work, It may not do much for real numbers ,but the warm fuzzy you get knowing it is there makes it more fun.

also while not allowed in the game,RMT is now about 9.00 per billion.

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



Originally Posted by Johnstone View Post
Perf shifter proc (when averaged) will always outperform throwing End Mod IO/SOs in Stamina.
That was what I was looking for - when Max End scales up, is that going to change. Since it's not, I'll keep slotting the way I have been.




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If you have the inf, there's no such thing as too much recovery, so passing on the Numina's and the Miracle is looking a gift horse in the mouth. If you have a lot of defensive or resistive mitigation, there's also no such thing as having too much regen. About the only melee I wouldn't consider putting all three into are regen scrappers and stalkers: I might skip Regenerative Tissue. But even with stamina and quick recovery, I'm slotting Miracle and Numina's eventually. Maybe as a lower priority, but eventually.
I can see slotting one if you have the inf, but both means adding another slot to Health... if you have enough recovery without a unique that your blue bar never moves even running all toggles then that slot could probably be put to better use elsewhere. On most melees I'd agree that both recovery uniques and even the Regenerative Tissue are usually worth slotting, but on characters that run very few toggles and have good endurance slotting (my archery Blaster runs only Hover, for instance) you can recover more endurance than you are capable of spending without any uniques at all... if my archer gets sapped his endurance bar actually builds back up even while attacking with everything he has. Likewise, Regenerative Tissue is pretty pointless on squishies without high defense because even an extra 100-200% regen isn't going to make a noticeable difference in combat on a character that dies in seconds if he gets excess aggro, and Aid Self works far better to reduce downtime.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
That was what I was looking for - when Max End scales up, is that going to change. Since it's not, I'll keep slotting the way I have been.
Performance shifters were modified a couple of issues back, with no patch note, to grant 10% endurance and not just 10 endurance.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
The regen ones aren't particularly worth it in any shape or form though IMO, 25% regen isn't that much in the scheme of things.
Especially in a slot in Health where an L50 Common is 17% Regen.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by BeornAgain View Post
to have in each of your builds:

Inherent Fitness
Heath- Numina's Convalescence: +Regen/+Recovery, Miracle: +Recovery, Regenerative Tissue: +Regeneration
Stamina- Performance Shifter: Chance for + Endurance, Performance Shifter: Endurance Modification
As of last night (2/24/2011), Numina's +R/+R recipe was going for 80 mil, Miracle for 150 mil, and Regenerative for 50 mil and change.
If you don't mind not having a lvl 50/40/30 recipe, the recipes at other levels can be cheaper. I got a lvl 46 Numina's +R recipe for 26 mil.

Other folks have made suggestions:
- tips
- join TFs and convert R-merits to A-merits
- AE

If you don't want to pay 325 mil, feel free to earn it yourself.

FYI, my kin doesn't have any of these, but my brute does. Both have several "Master of" badges and are Alpha T4. I guess it depends on your toon.